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The compound U0126 (1,4-diamino-2,3-dicyano-1, 4-bis[2-aminophenylthio]butadiene) was identified as an inhibitor of AP-1 transactivation in a cell-based reporter assay. U0126 was also shown to inhibit endogenous promoters containing AP-1 response elements but did not affect genes lacking an AP-1 response element in their promoters. These effects of U0126 result from direct inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase family members, MEK-1 and MEK-2. Inhibition is selective for MEK-1 and -2, as U0126 shows little, if any, effect on the kinase activities of protein kinase C, Abl, Raf, MEKK, ERK, JNK, MKK-3, MKK-4/SEK, MKK-6, Cdk2, or Cdk4. Comparative kinetic analysis of U0126 and the MEK inhibitor PD098059 (Dudley, D. T., Pang, L., Decker, S. J., Bridges, A. J., and Saltiel, A. R. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci U. S. A. 92, 7686-7689) demonstrates that U0126 and PD098059 are noncompetitive inhibitors with respect to both MEK substrates, ATP and ERK. We further demonstrate that the two compounds bind to deltaN3-S218E/S222D MEK in a mutually exclusive fashion, suggesting that they may share a common or overlapping binding site(s). Quantitative evaluation of the steady state kinetics of MEK inhibition by these compounds reveals that U0126 has approximately 100-fold higher affinity for deltaN3-S218E/S222D MEK than does PD098059. We further tested the effects of these compounds on the activity of wild type MEK isolated after activation from stimulated cells. Surprisingly, we observe a significant diminution in affinity of both compounds for wild type MEK as compared with the deltaN3-S218E/S222D mutant enzyme. These results suggest that the affinity of both compounds is mediated by subtle conformational differences between the two activated MEK forms. The MEK affinity of U0126, its selectivity for MEK over other kinases, and its cellular efficacy suggest that this compound will serve as a powerful tool for in vitro and cellular investigations of mitogen-activated protein kinase-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

The activation of human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MKK1) is achieved by phosphorylation at Ser218 and Ser222 within a regulatory loop. Partial activation was achieved by replacing these residues with aspartic/glutamic acid. Higher activity was obtained by introducing four acidic residue substitutions in the regulatory loop, indicating that acidic residues in the loop stabilize an active configuration by the introduction of negative charge. Activation of MKK1 is also achieved by deleting residues 44-51, N-terminal to the consensus catalytic core. Although substitution of residues within this segment by alanine does not affect activity, introduction of proline residues elevates kinase activity, indicating that activation results from perturbation of secondary structure within residues 44-51. Pseudosubstrate inhibition, a commonly observed mechanism of kinase regulation, is not operative in this process. Both the acidic substitutions and the N-terminal deletion increase Vmax, V/K(m),ERK2, and V/K(m),ATP, as is also observed following phosphorylation of wild-type MKK1. A synergistic enhancement of these steady-state rate parameters occurs upon combining the mutations, suggesting that conformational changes induced by mutagenesis together mimic those seen upon phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have shown that the binding of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) to Jurkat T cells expressing CD4 receptor strongly induces mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase (MEK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and only weakly induces p38 MAP kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Similarly, T-tropic NL4-3 virus, which uses both CD4 and CXCR4 receptors for entry, stimulated in these cells the MEK/ERK MAP kinase (MAPK) pathway in a CD4 receptor-dependent manner (Popik and Pitha, 1998). In contrast, both macrophage-tropic SIVmac316 and T cell-tropic SIVmac239, which in addition to CD4 require CCR5 coreceptor for entry, significantly enhanced early MEK/ERK, p38 MAPK, and JNK signaling in Jurkat cells expressing constitutively or transiently the CCR5 receptor. Together, this study provides the evidence that viruses using CXCR4 or CCR5 receptors for entry may differentially use signaling properties of their specific coreceptors to stimulate MAP kinase cascades. In addition, although SIVmac239 and SIVmac316 use different structural domains of the CCR5 receptor for entry, both viruses stimulate early phosphorylation of MEK, ERK, p38, and JNK independently of their tropism and replication.  相似文献   

Cell interaction with adhesive proteins or growth factors in the extracellular matrix initiates Ras/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling. Evidence is provided that MAP kinase (ERK1 and ERK2) influences the cells' motility machinery by phosphorylating and, thereby, enhancing myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) activity leading to phosphorylation of myosin light chains (MLC). Inhibition of MAP kinase activity causes decreased MLCK function, MLC phosphorylation, and cell migration on extracellular matrix proteins. In contrast, expression of mutationally active MAP kinase kinase causes activation of MAP kinase leading to phosphorylation of MLCK and MLC and enhanced cell migration. In vitro results support these findings since ERK-phosphorylated MLCK has an increased capacity to phosphorylate MLC and shows increased sensitivity to calmodulin. Thus, we define a signaling pathway directly downstream of MAP kinase, influencing cell migration on the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Previous work on the responses of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade components in a Xenopus oocyte extract system demonstrated that p42 MAP kinase (MAPK) exhibits a sharp, sigmoidal stimulus/response curve, rather than a more typical hyperbolic curve. One plausible explanation for this behavior requires the assumption that MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) carries out its dual phosphorylation of p42 MAPK by a distributive mechanism, where MAPKK dissociates from MAPK between the first and second phosphorylations, rather than a processive mechanism, where MAPKK carries out both phosphorylations before dissociating. Here we have investigated the mechanism through which a constitutively active form of human MAPKK-1 (denoted MAPKK-1 R4F or MAPKK-1*) phosphorylates Xenopus p42 MAPK in vitro. We found that the amount of monophosphorylated MAPK formed during the phosphorylation reaction exceeded the amount of MAPKK-1* present, which would not be possible if the phosphorylation occurred exclusively by a processive mechanism. The monophosphorylated MAPK was phosphorylated predominantly on tyrosine, but a small proportion was phosphorylated on threonine, indicating that the first phosphorylation is usually, but not invariably, the tyrosine phosphorylation. We also found that the rate at which pulse-labeled monophosphorylated MAPK became bisphosphorylated depended on the MAPKK-1* concentration, behavior that is predicted by the distributive model but incompatible with the processive model. These findings indicate that MAPKK-1* phosphorylates p42 MAPK by a two-collision, distributive mechanism rather than a single-collision, processive mechanism, and provide a mechanistic basis for understanding how MAP kinase can convert graded inputs into switch-like outputs.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone response pathway is organized on the Ste5 protein, which binds each of the kinases of the cascade prior to signaling. In this study, a structure-function analysis of Ste5 deletion mutants uncovered new functional domains of the Ste5 protein and revealed that Ste5 dimerizes during the course of normal signal transduction. Dimerization, mediated by two regions in the N-terminal half of Ste5, was first suggested by intragenic complementation between pairs of nonfunctional Ste5 mutants and was confirmed by using the two-hybrid system. Coimmunoprecipitation of differently tagged forms of Ste5 from cells in which the pathway has been activated by Ste5 overexpression further confirmed dimerization. A precise correlation between the biological activity of various Ste5 fragments and dimerization suggests that dimerization is essential for Ste5 function.  相似文献   

A possible regulatory mechanism of protein kinase C (PKC) in the chondrogenesis of chick limb bud mesenchymes has been investigated. Inhibition or down-regulation of PKC resulted in the activation of a mitogen-activated protein kinase subtype Erk-1 and the inhibition of chondrogenesis. On the other hand, inhibition of Erk-1 with PD98059 enhanced chondrogenesis and relieved PKC-induced blockage of chondrogenesis. Erk-1 inhibition, however, did not affect expression and subcellular distribution of PKC isoforms expressed in mesenchymes nor cell proliferation. The results suggest that PKC regulates chondrogenesis by modulating Erk-1 activity. Inhibition or depletion of PKC inhibited proliferation of chondrogenic competent cells, and Erk-1 inhibition did not affect PKC modulation of cell proliferation. However, PKC-induced modulation of expression of cell adhesion molecules involved in precartilage condensation was reversed by the inhibition of Erk-1. Expression of N-cadherin was detected at the early period of chondrogenesis. Inhibition or depletion of PKC induced sustained expression of N-cadherin, and Erk-1 inhibition blocked the effects of PKC modulation. The expression of integrin alpha5 beta1 and fibronectin was found to be increased transiently during chondrogenesis. Depletion or inhibition of PKC caused a continuous increase of the expression of these molecules throughout the culture period, and Erk-1 inhibition abolished the modulating effects of PKC. Because reduction of the examined cell adhesion molecule expression is a prerequisite for the progression of chondrogenesis after cell condensation, our results indicate that PKC regulates chondrogenesis by modulating expression of these molecules via Erk-1 signaling.  相似文献   

Biological effects related to cell growth, as well as a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease, have been ascribed to the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP). Little is known, however, about the intracellular cascades that mediate these effects. We report that the secreted form of beta-APP potently stimulates mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). Brief exposure of PC-12 pheochromocytoma cells to beta-APP secreted by transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells stimulated the 43-kDa form of MAPK by > 10-fold. Induction of a dominant inhibitory form of ras in a PC12-derived cell line prevented the stimulation of MAPK by secreted beta-APP, demonstrating the dependence of the effect upon p21ras. Because the microtubule-associated protein tau is hyperphosphorylated in Alzheimer disease, we sought and found a 2-fold enhancement in tau phosphorylation associated with the beta-APP-induced MAPK stimulation. In the ras dominant inhibitory cell line, beta-APP failed to enhance phosphorylation of tau. The data presented here provide a link between secreted beta-APP and the phosphorylation state of tau.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO) is the major regulator of both growth and differentiation of megakaryocytes. We previously showed that both functions can be generated by TPO in the megakaryoblastic cell line UT7, in which murine Mpl was introduced, and are independently controlled by distinct regions of the cytoplasmic domain of Mpl. Particularly, residues 71 to 94 of this domain (deleted in the mutant mpl delta3) were found to be required for megakaryocytic maturation but dispensable for proliferation. We show here that TPO-induced differentiation in UT7 cells is tightly dependent on a strong, long-lasting activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Indeed, (i) in UT7-mpl cells, TPO induced a strong activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) which was persistent until at least 4 days in TPO-containing medium; (ii) a specific MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibitor inhibited TPO-induced megakaryocytic gene expression; (iii) the Mpl mutant mpl delta3, which displayed no maturation activity, transduced only a weak and transient ERK activation in UT7 cells; and (iv) TPO-induced megakaryocytic differentiation in UT7-mpl delta3 cells was partially restored by expression of a constitutively activated mutant of MEK. The capacity of TPO to trigger a strong and prolonged MAPK signal depended on the cell in which Mpl was introduced. In BAF3-mpl cells, TPO triggered a weak and transient ERK activation, similar to that induced in UT7-mpl delta3 cells. In these cells, no difference in MAPK activation was found between normal Mpl and mpl delta3. Thus, depending on the cellular context, several distinct regions of the cytoplasmic domain of Mpl and signaling pathways may contribute to generate quantitative variations in MAPK activation.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications of synapsin I, a major phosphoprotein in synaptic terminals, were studied by mass spectrometry. In addition to a well known phosphorylation site by calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II), a hitherto unrecognized site (Ser553) was found phosphorylated in vivo. The phosphorylation site is immediately followed by a proline, suggesting that the protein is an in vivo substrate of so-called proline-directed protein kinase(s). To identify the kinase involved, three proline-directed protein kinases expressed highly in the brain, i.e. mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, Cdk5-p23, and glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, were tested for the in vitro phosphorylation of synapsin I. Only MAP kinase and Cdk5-p23 phosphorylated synapsin I stoichiometrically. The phosphorylation sites were determined to be Ser551 and Ser553 with Cdk5-p23, and Ser62, Ser67, and Ser551 with MAP kinase. Upon phosphorylation with MAP kinase, synapsin I showed reduced F-actin bundling activity, while no significant effect on the interaction was observed with the protein phosphorylated with Cdk5-p23. These results raise the possibility that the so-called proline-directed protein kinases together with CaM kinase II and cAMP-dependent protein kinase play an important role in the regulation of synapsin I function.  相似文献   

Physical exercise can cause marked alterations in the structure and function of human skeletal muscle. However, little is known about the specific signaling molecules and pathways that enable exercise to modulate cellular processes in skeletal muscle. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a major signaling system by which cells transduce extracellular signals into intracellular responses. We tested the hypothesis that a single bout of exercise activates the MAPK signaling pathway. Needle biopsies of vastus lateralis muscle were taken from nine subjects at rest and after 60 min of cycle ergometer exercise. In all subjects, exercise increased MAPK phosphorylation, and the activity of its downstream substrate, the p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 2. Furthermore, exercise increased the activities of the upstream regulators of MAPK, MAP kinase kinase, and Raf-1. When two additional subjects were studied using a one-legged exercise protocol, MAPK phosphorylation and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 2, MAP kinase kinase 1, and Raf-1 activities were increased only in the exercising leg. These studies demonstrate that exercise activates the MAPK cascade in human skeletal muscle and that this stimulation is primarily a local, tissue-specific phenomenon, rather than a systemic response to exercise. These findings suggest that the MAPK pathway may modulate cellular processes that occur in skeletal muscle in response to exercise.  相似文献   

Both the Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinases (protein kinases C, PKCs) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been implicated as participants in the secretory response of bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. To investigate a possible role for these kinases in exocytosis and the relationship of these kinases to one another, intact chromaffin cells were treated with agents that inhibited each of the kinases and analyzed for catecholamine release and MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)/MAPK activation after stimulation with secretagogues of differential efficacy. Of the three secretagogues tested, inactivation of PKCs by long-term phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment or incubation with GF109203X had the greatest inhibitory effect on nicotine-induced catecholamine release and MEK/MAPK activation, a moderate effect on KCl-induced events, and little, if any, effect on Ca2+ ionophore-elicited exocytosis and MEK/MAPK activation. These results indicate that PKC plays a significant role in events induced by the optimal secretagogue nicotine and a lesser role in exocytosis elicited by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore. Treatment of cells with the MEK-activation inhibitor PD098059 completely inhibited MEK/MAPK activation (IC50 1-5 microM) and partially inhibited catecholamine release induced by all secretagogues. However, PD098059 was more effective at inhibiting exocytosis induced by suboptimal secretagogues (IC50 approximately 10 microM) than that induced by nicotine (IC50 approximately 30 microM). These results suggest a more prominent role for MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by suboptimal secretagogues than in those activated by the optimal secretagogue nicotine. However, PD098059 also partially blocked secretion potentiated by short-term PMA treatment, suggesting that PKC can function in part by signaling through MEK/MAPK to enhance secretion. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the preferential involvement of MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore and the participation of both PKC and MEK/MAPK in optimal, secretion induced by nicotine.  相似文献   

Contraction of smooth muscle cells is generally assumed to require Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of the 20-kDa myosin light chains. However, we report here that in the absence of extracellular calcium, phenylephrine induces a contraction of freshly isolated ferret aorta cells in the absence of increases in intracellular ionized calcium or light chain phosphorylation levels but in the presence of activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. A protein at 36 kDa co-immunoprecipitated with the mitogen-activated protein kinase and was identified as the actin-binding protein, calponin, by immunoblot. An overlay assay further confirmed an interaction between the kinase and calponin, even though the kinase did not phosphorylate calponin in vitro. Calponin also co-immunoprecipitated from smooth muscle cells with protein kinase C-epsilon. High resolution digital confocal studies indicated that calponin redistributes to the cell membrane during phenylephrine stimulation at a time when mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase C-epsilon are targeted to the plasmalemma. These results suggest a role for calponin as a signaling molecule, possibly an adapter protein, linking the targeting of mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase C-epsilon to the surface membrane.  相似文献   

The p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase defines a subgroup of the mammalian MAP kinases that are induced in response to lipopolysaccharide, hyperosmolarity, and interleukin 1. p38 MAP kinase appears to play a role in regulating inflammatory responses, including cytokine secretion and apoptosis. Here we show that diverse classes of DNA-damaging agents such as cisplatinum, 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine, UV light, ionizing radiation, and methyl methanesulfonate activate p38 MAP kinase. We also demonstrate that cells deficient in c-Abl fail to activate p38 MAP kinase after treatment with cisplatinum and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine but not after exposure to UV and methyl methanesulfonate. Reconstitution of c-Abl in the Abl-/- cells restores that response. Similar results were obtained for induction of the Jun-NH2-kinase/stress-activated protein kinase. These findings indicate that p38 MAP and Jun-NH2-kinase/stress-activated protein kinases are differentially regulated in response to different classes of DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

The ability of a peptide hormone to affect many different intracellular targets is thought to be possible because of the modular organization of signal transducing molecules in the cell. Evidence for the presence of signaling modules in metazoan cells, however, is incomplete. Herein we show, with morphology and cell fractionation, that all the components of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway are concentrated in caveolae of unstimulated human fibroblasts. Addition of platelet-derived growth factor to either the intact cell or caveolae isolated from these cells stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation and activates mitogen-activated protein kinases in caveolae. The molecular machinery for kinase activation, therefore, is preorganized at the cell surface of quiescent cells.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that both salicylic acid and fungal elicitors activate a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase termed salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) in tobacco suspension cells. Here, we show that infiltration of these agents into tobacco leaves also activates SIPK. Of particular interest, infiltration of water alone activated a kinase of the same size, possibly because of wounding and/or osmotic stresses. The kinetics of kinase activation, however, differ for these different treatments. Various mechanical stresses, including cutting and wounding by abrasion, also activated a 48-kDa kinase. By using an immune-complex kinase assay with antibodies specific for SIPK or wounding-induced protein kinase, we demonstrate that this wounding-activated 48-kDa kinase is SIPK, rather than wounding-induced protein kinase, as reported [Seo, S., Okamoto, M., Seto, H., Ishizuka, K., Sano, H. & Ohashi, Y. (1995) Science 270, 1988-1992]. Activation of SIPK after wounding was associated with tyrosine phosphorylation but not with increases in SIPK mRNA or protein levels. Thus, the same mitogen-activated protein kinase, SIPK, appears to facilitate signaling for two distinct pathways that lead to disease resistance responses and wounding responses.  相似文献   

Striatal dopamine transporter function and dopamine D2 receptor status were evaluated in 15 patients with early untreated Parkinson's disease using single photon emission tomography (SPECT) with 123I-Iodo-2beta-carboxymethoxy-3beta-(4-idiophenyl)tropane (beta-CIT) and 123I-Iodobenzamide (IBZM) as pre- and postsynaptic ligands. Symptoms were unilateral in five patients and bilateral but asymmetric in 10 patients. Patients with bilateral symptoms had significantly lower 18-hour striatal/cerebellar beta-CIT binding ratios (3.59 +/- 0.79) than hemiparkinsonian patients (5.76 +/- 1.48, p < 0.05) reflecting more advanced disease in this subgroup. Patients with bilateral parkinsonism were also found to have a significant side-to-side difference in striatal beta-CIT binding with more marked reduction contralateral to the presenting limb (18-hour striatal/cerebellar ratio: 4.13 +/- 0.78 [ipsilateral] versus 3.59 +/- 0.79 [contralateral], p < 0.05). Dopamine D2 receptor binding as measured by IBZM was significantly elevated contralateral to the affected side in hemiparkinsonian patients (striatal/cerebellar ratio: 2.42 +/- 0.90 [contralateral] versus 2.19 +/- 0.80 [ipsilateral], p < 0.05). This asymmetric upregulation was absent in the patients with bilateral parkinsonism (striatal/cerebellar ratio: 1.85 +/- 0.43 [contralateral to more severely affected side] versus 1.83 +/- 0.34 [ipsilateral], p > 0.05). Our data suggest that postsynaptic dopamine receptor upregulation contralateral to the presenting side occurs in untreated unilateral PD and disappears in untreated bilateral (asymmetric) PD despite a greater loss of dopamine transporter function. Combined beta-CIT and IBZM SPECT studies may be helpful to monitor the progression of nigrostriatal dysfunction in early PD.  相似文献   

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