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Fe78Si13B9/铁氧体复合材料磁粉芯制备及其软磁性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Mn-Zn铁氧体溶胶对非晶Fe78Si13B9粉体包覆,模压成型制备了复合磁粉芯,并研究了复合材料磁粉芯的软磁性能.实验结果表明,铁氧体粉体在500℃×2h的热处理条件下逐渐生成,并在非晶Fe78Si13B9颗粒表面较好包覆;铁氧体溶胶的加入,大大提高了非晶Fe78Si13B9磁粉芯的品质因数Q值.当铁氧体溶胶量为7%、30℃的测试温度时,Fe78Si13B9/铁氧体复合材料磁粉芯的磁导率在1MHz时达到最大值32,Q值高达23.  相似文献   

采用熔炼-铸锭-球磨的方法制备了Fe-Si-Ni粉末,经过预退火热处理、绝缘包覆后将粉末压制成磁粉芯,并对成型后的磁粉芯进行去应力退火处理。对Fe-Si-Ni粉末及磁粉芯的性能系统地进行了检测分析。结果显示:经过预退火处理后的Fe-Si-Ni粉末具有较高的饱和磁化强度(Ms)。Fe-Si-Ni磁粉芯的有效磁导率(μe)在10~1000kHz的频率范围内变化很小,且随着Ni含量和退火温度的升高而增大。Fe-Si-Ni磁粉芯有着良好的直流叠加特性(dc-bias),当Ni≥5wt.%时,尽管磁导率百分比随着退火温度的升高逐渐减小,然而在外加直流磁场强度为50Oe时,磁粉芯的磁导率百分比均在70%以上。品质因数(Q)随着Ni含量和退火温度的升高逐渐增大,磁芯损耗随着Ni含量和退火温度的升高而减小。当Ni=8wt.%,退火温度为750℃时,磁粉芯在50kHz,50mT下的磁芯损耗有最小值312mW/cm3。  相似文献   

Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9纳米晶磁粉芯磁性能研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9纳米晶粉体,加入一定量的塑化剂,通过模压成型方法制备磁粉芯.实验结果表明,在一定粒度范围内,磁导率μ随粉体粒度增大而增大,品质因数Q,随着粒度的增大而减小,且在一定频率范围内,μ呈现良好的频率稳定性;塑化剂质量百分含量α越大,μ越小.当α=6.5%时,μ达到最大值31.8.0~300kHz范围内,α与Q成反比;300~1000kHz范围内,α与Q成正比例关系;磁导率μ随着成型压力的增加而提高,相反,压力越大,Q值越小;磁导率随着磁粉芯测试温度的提高逐渐减小,0≤f≤700kHz范围内,温度升高,Q降低,700kHz≤f≤1000kHz范围内时,温度升高,Q值升高;随退火温度的增加,μ和Q均呈现先增大后减小的趋势.  相似文献   

Fe/FeSiB磁粉芯软磁性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用模压成型制备FeSiB非晶磁粉芯。并讨论了退火温度和时间、非晶粉体的粒径、不同粒径混合及Fe粉复合量等对磁粉芯磁性能的影响。结果表明,在200~500℃范围内退火,随着退火温度的升高,磁粉芯的μe先增大后减小,375℃时达到最佳,其最佳退火时间为2h。在100kHz~1MHz内,频率稳定性良好,其中心频率在500kHz附近;非晶粉体的粒径越大,磁粉芯的磁性能越好;粉体粒径为60~100目时,其μe达到最大;当粒径为60~100目与100~200目复合时,60~100目的FeSiB非晶粉体含量为60%时最佳。当复合Fe粉后,发现其软磁性能得到了明显改善,Fe粉量为30%时,μe达到32,Q值达到33。  相似文献   

铁硅铝磁粉芯的磁特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用球磨制粉和模压成型方法制备了铁硅铝磁粉芯,并研究了其频率特性和直流叠加特性。结果表明,在测量的频率范围内(1~500kHz),铁硅铝磁粉芯有效磁导率基本保持不变,而品质因数随频率的增加而增大,达到峰值后缓慢下降。在相同频率下,随着粉料粒度的减小,磁粉芯的有效磁导率降低,品质因数增加。铁硅铝磁粉芯具有良好的直流叠加特性,当直流偏磁场强度为1000e时,其有效磁导率变化率小于50%,且减小磁粉粒度可改善磁粉芯的直流叠加特性。  相似文献   

采用模压成型成功制备了Fe-Ni基纳米晶磁粉芯。并研究了热处理温度和时间、纳米晶粉体的粒度、成型压力等对其磁性能的影响和其温度稳定性和频率稳定性。结果表明,当100~900℃内退火,随着温度升高,μe和Q值都呈先增后减,600℃时μe达到最大值31.5,其最佳退火时间为2h。成型压力和纳米晶粉体粒度越大,μe越大,Q值越小。在100~1000kHz内,磁粉芯具有较好的频率稳定性。在25~100℃内,随着温度的升高,μe逐渐下降,其中25~40℃内,μe变化敏感,温度系数αμ为-1.95×10-3℃-1,而高于40℃时,其温度系数αμ仅为-2.48×10-4℃-1。  相似文献   

纳米晶Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9磁粉芯的磁性能研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
利用球磨纳米晶Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9合金得到的粉末压制成磁粉芯,研究其磁性。结果表明,在测量的频率范围内(1kHz-100kHz),该粉芯的磁导率几乎不随频率变化的而变化;粉芯的品质因数Q随的增加而增加,在较高频率时有着比坡莫合金粉芯还要高的值,具有应用价值。推导出磁粉芯的静态磁导率的表达式发现分芯的磁导率与磁粉芯的密度有着密切的密度愈大,磁粉芯的静态磁导率愈高。  相似文献   

通过对比实验研究了改进的制备工艺下FINEMET纳米晶磁粉芯的磁性能,并探讨了其相应的物理机制。采用扫描电镜、透射电镜和X射线衍射仪检测磁粉的表面形貌、内部结构和晶格畸变,采用B-H分析仪检测磁粉芯的动态磁性能。结果表明,改进的制备工艺能够有效降低磁粉芯的损耗,提高磁导率和频率应用范围。延长非晶粉末的球磨时间能够降低磁粉芯的磁滞损耗和涡流损耗,最佳的球磨时间为8h。通过对比磁粉的晶格畸变,发现通过改进工艺制备的磁粉的晶格畸变相对较小,该工艺提高磁性能的原因在于磁粉残余内应力的有效释放。  相似文献   

纳米晶软磁复合磁粉芯在中高频段性能研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
邱田  丁燕红  龙毅  叶荣昌  常永勤 《功能材料》2006,37(7):1127-1129
介绍了利用球磨后的FeCuNbSiB合金粉末冷压制作纳米晶复合磁粉芯的工艺.探讨了粉末粒度为80~200目,绝缘剂量为1%~8%时纳米晶复合磁粉芯的频率特性,直流叠加特性及品质因数Q.制备出的平均粒度为80目的磁粉芯有效磁导率μe在1MHz范围内恒为85,在100kHz时其峰值Q为65,在f=50kHz,Bm=50mT测试条件下其损耗为102mW/cm3.其功率损耗比传统铁粉芯,Fe-Ni粉芯小.  相似文献   

Fe-Si-Al复合磁粉芯制备工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模压成型制备Fe-Si-Al复合磁粉芯,研究了热处理条件及绝缘包覆处理对复合磁粉芯磁性能的影响.实验结果表明:压制后的退火处理能够有效地提高Fe-Si-Al磁粉芯的磁性能;增加退火温度能够提高样品的有效磁导率,减少磁滞损耗;过高的退火温度(>660℃) 能够恶化粒子间的绝缘层,降低磁特性;Fe-Si-Al磁粉芯的最佳退...  相似文献   

Here, the influence of zinc stearate on the microstructure and soft magnetic properties of the Finemet nanocrystalline soft magnetic composites (NSMCs) was systematically investigated. The results demonstrate that the core loss (Pcv) decreases and the effective permeability (μe) increases of the NSMCs with increasing zinc stearate from 0 wt% to 2.0 wt%, which can be attributed to the reduction of residual stress during compaction. Further increasing zinc stearate up to 3.0 wt%, the Pcv increases sharply, while the μe shows a decreasing trend. It can be considered that the addition of excess lubricant decomposes to CO2 during annealing, which deteriorates the magnetic properties. After annealing at 560 °C, a thin hybrid layer of only about 53.6 nm containing iron phosphate, ZnO, and SiO2 is formed in the NSMCs with 2.0 wt% zinc stearate, which exhibits excellent soft magnetic properties such as low Pcv of 174 kW/m3 and high μe of 66.7 at Bm = 0.1 T for 50 kHz. In addition, loss separation has been carried out and suggests that the addition of lubricant mainly affects hysteresis loss in the total energy loss of NSMCs.  相似文献   

In this work, transverse magnetic field annealing (TA) was performed to FeSiBNbCu nanocrystalline powder cores (NPCs), and the magnetic properties, microstructure, and magnetic domain structure were in detail studied comparing with those after normal annealing (NA), and the mechanism of the improvement of soft magnetic properties by TA was elucidated. The experimental results show that the core loss of the sample is reduced by 14 % and the coercivity is reduced by 38 % after TA at 450 °C compared to the NA sample. The direct current bias performance of the TA sample is maintained at 67 % under a 100 Oe bias field. TA optimizes the soft magnetic properties of NPCs by optimizing the domain structure, reducing the formation of micro-vortex dots and broadening the size of the domain. These results can provide a good guide for optimizing the performance of NPCs with low core loss at high frequency.  相似文献   

The insulation coating plays a crucial role in minimizing core loss (Pcv) in soft magnetic powder cores (SMPCs). In this work, we prepared ZrO2 coating layer on FeSiBNbCu spherical powder by the hydrolysis-precipitation method and investigated the magnetic properties of the FeSiBNbCu@ZrO2 nanocrystalline SMPCs. ZrO2 coating layer were successfully fabricated on the powder by adding a proper amount of K2ZrF6 in alkaline ethyl alcohol solution. The micromorphology and chemical structure of the ZrO2 coating layer on the surface of FeSiBNbCu nanocrystalline powder, as well as the conversion mechanisms, has been investigated. The presence of the ZrO2 coating reduces the Pcv by significantly lowers eddy loss (Pe) of the nanocrystalline SMPCs, meanwhile improves DC bias performance and slightly decreases their permeability. When the additive amount of K2ZrF6 is 1.0 wt%, the nanocrystalline SMPCs has best comprehensive soft magnetic properties, including stable effective permeability (μe) of 57.8 up to 1 MHz, excellent DC bias performance of 59.3 % at a bias field of 100 Oe, and the lowest Pcv of 194.7 mW/cm3 at a frequency (f) of 150 kHz and maximum magnetic induction (Bm) of 50 mT.  相似文献   

The Fe-based soft magnetic amorphous powder cores (AMPCs) with excellent comprehensive magnetic properties were successfully designed and fabricated using the core-shell structured FeSiBCCr/TiO2 composite powders. The influence of the concentration of water (H2O) for the magnetic performance of the AMPCs has been systematically studied based on careful analysis of the process of nucleation and growth of TiO2 under different H2O concentration in the reaction system. The growth process for the TiO2 coating layer with the H2O concentration in the range of 0.01–0.02 ml/g corresponds to the heterogeneous nucleation phase, while the mixing phase of heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation occurs when the concentration of H2O increases to 0.03 ml/g. Optimized soft magnetic properties have been achieved for the AMPCs with H2O concentration of 0.02 ml/g, including high permeability of 81.5 with a high frequency stability up to 10 MHz, high quality factor of 102 at 530 kHz, low core loss of 42 mW/cm3 at 500 kHz for Bm = 0.01 T, and better DC-bias property of 52% at a bias field of 100 Oe due to the uniform and proper thickness insulation coating layer, which can be used to produce miniature magnetic components for applications in medium and high-frequency fields.  相似文献   

介绍了纳米晶软磁材料所具有的独特结构和优异的磁性能。从纳米晶软磁材料的微观组织结构和宏观磁特性紧密相关的角度,探讨了铁基纳米晶合金的结构与磁性之间的依赖关系。  相似文献   

为了探索粉芯的新制备工艺,以Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9纳米晶合金铁芯为原料,使用机械破碎法制粉,并采用超重力渗流工艺制备了7种不同粒度配比的纳米晶合金粉芯,借助SEM、XRD、VSM分别对纳米晶粉末的形貌、结构和磁性能进行了表征,研究了粉末粒度配比对纳米晶合金粉芯的形貌、密度、有效磁导率、损耗及品质因数的影响。结果表明,机械破碎法制得的粉末虽带尖角,但矫顽力低,利用超重力渗流工艺制备的粉芯其粉末表面基本被树脂完全包覆。同时,通过适当的粉末粒度匹配,发现性能最佳粉芯的粉末粒度配比为:100~200目占60%,200~400目占20%,400~1 000目占20%。该种粉芯的密度为4.46 gcm3,在100~3 000 kHz频率范围内有效磁导率比较稳定,且在3 000 kHz时为28.2。当设定磁感应强度为20 mT,频率为500 kHz时,其损耗为99.1 W/kg。另外,根据实验结果可知,该工艺能够制备出频率在MHz以上具有较低损耗的粉芯。  相似文献   

铁基纳米微晶玻璃包裹丝的软磁性能及巨磁阻抗效应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
采用高频感应加热熔融拉引法制备Fe73.0Cu1.0Nb1.5V2.0Si13.5B9.0玻璃包裹合金非晶细丝,经不同温度下退火处理得到玻璃包裹纳米微晶丝,并对其软磁性能及其巨磁阻抗效应的特点进行了研究。结果表明,样品在退火温度为540~570℃时具有最佳软磁性能,并在570℃得到最大磁阻抗变化为253%.是目前国际同类材料的玻璃包裹丝中观察到的最大值。  相似文献   

软磁Fe-Si-Al磁粉芯性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了绝缘包覆、压制成型、退火处理对软磁Fe-Si-Al磁粉芯性能的影响.采用扫描电镜,金相显微镜,B-H分析仪和万能材料试验机检测样品的内部结构、形貌、磁性能和力学性能.研究结果表明,添加绝缘剂能够有效的降低磁粉芯的涡流损耗;增大成型压力可以提高磁粉芯的压渍强度、密度、磁导率,降低损耗和矫顽力,最佳成型压力为1800MPa;压制后的退火处理是保证磁粉芯具有较好磁性能的关键,提高热处理温度可以有效的提高磁导率,降低磁滞损耗,但过高的热处理温度会使磁粉芯的磁性能恶化,最佳的退火温度为660℃.  相似文献   

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