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以甘薯和南瓜的原浆及鲜乳为乳酸菌的发酵基质,经加工处理、调配后进行乳酸发酵,通过正交试验确定酸奶的最佳配方和发酵的最适工艺参数,制成一种营养丰富、风味独特并具有保健功效的甘薯南瓜酸奶.结果表明:该酸奶乳的最佳配方为牛乳用量为75%,甘薯浆与南瓜浆的体积比2:1,糖用量5%;最佳发酵工艺参数为前发酵温度为40℃,前发酵时间为7h,接种量为5%.  相似文献   

以奶粉和马铃薯为原料研制马铃薯酸奶。研究了发酵时间、发酵温度、菌种添加量对酸奶发酵工艺的影响,以及搅拌速度、搅拌时间、马铃薯浆添加量对搅拌工艺的影响进行研究,并对贮藏期间马铃薯酸奶水分含量、pH、酸度、持水力、质构、流变的变化进行研究。结果表明:马铃薯酸奶的最佳发酵工艺为菌粉添加量0.02%,发酵温度41℃,发酵时间4.5h;最佳搅拌工艺为马铃薯浆添加量25.5%,搅拌速度90r/min,搅拌时间25min;在贮藏期间,马铃薯酸奶各项指标均有一定程度的增减,但与空白组相比变化幅度更小,说明品质更稳定。  相似文献   

紫米酸奶的工艺优化及贮藏品质分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以熟紫米粉和鲜牛奶为主要原料,研制具有抗氧化性能的紫米酸奶。将紫米酸奶的酸度、持水力和感官评分作为评价指标,在单因素试验基础上,利用响应面分析法对紫米酸奶的工艺进行优化,并对紫米酸奶的贮藏品质进行了研究。结果表明,紫米酸奶的最佳工艺为紫米粉添加量22 g/L,白砂糖添加量7%,接种量0.06%。在此优化条件下,紫米酸奶的感官评分为91.1分。在贮藏期间,紫米酸奶的感官评分、持水力、pH、酸度、乳酸菌数及对1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(DPPH)自由基的清除率明显优于对照组。紫米酸奶具有更长的货架期和较强的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

吴振  张珂  刘嘉  薛山  董楠  赵国华 《食品科技》2011,(9):179-183
果蔬营养湿面是一种新的功能食品,其制备工艺和参数以及在贮藏期间品质的稳定性是生产技术的关键。试验以感官评定、质构品质和蒸煮品质为评价指标,研究了加水量、加盐量和南瓜粉添加量对南瓜营养湿面食用品质的影响,同时分析了南瓜营养湿面在贮藏期间品质的变化。结果表明:加水量为33%、加盐量为2.5%和南瓜粉添加量为4%时,可制作出品质、感官俱佳的南瓜营养湿面。应用微波杀菌技术对真空包装的南瓜营养湿面处理后,南瓜营养湿面在室温3d和低温56d的贮藏过程中食用品质变化较小,能够保持良好的食用品质。  相似文献   

王然 《中国酿造》2018,37(11):180
以大豆为主要原料,添加马铃薯浆和山药浆,接种乳酸菌发酵制成蛋白保健酸乳。通过单因素试验,研究马铃薯浆、山药浆与 乳液配比对酸奶贮藏品质的影响。 结果表明,原料最适宜配比为马铃薯浆∶山药浆∶乳液=3∶15∶82(V/V),以此制备的酸乳其贮藏品质 优于其他酸乳样品,其贮藏1 d感官评分为91.37分,贮藏3 d感官评分为90.65分,稳定性良好;酸乳色泽均匀,口感柔滑细腻,具有发酵 豆乳的纯正风味并与马铃薯、山药香味和谐。  相似文献   

A mixed starter culture containing exopolysaccharide (EPS)‐producing strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus was combined with Lactobacillus helveticus LH301 and used in the manufacture of low‐fat and reduced‐fat Kasar cheeses. For comparison, low‐fat (C10) and reduced‐fat (C20) cheeses were made using EPS‐producing (EPS+) starter strain and EPS‐non‐producing (EPS?) starter strain. The physicochemical properties of the cheeses were assessed in terms of chemical composition, texture, microstructure and microbial content over 90 days. Cheeses made with EPS‐producing culture (EPS10 and EPS20) had lower protein contents than control cheeses with 10% and 20% fat in dry basis (C10 and C20). Scanning electron microscopy images showed that using EPS‐producing culture resulted in a less compact protein matrix and sponge‐like structure in the cheese samples. In general, cheeses made using EPS‐producing culture had lower total viable counts. This could be related to the reduced survivability of EPS‐producing cells in the cheese matrix during ripening due to autolysis ability.  相似文献   

The effects of osmotic (OP), ultrasound-assisted osmotic pretreatment (UAOP) and frying conditions on quality and storage stability of vacuum fried pumpkin chips were investigated. The pumpkin samples were pretreated in maltodextrin solution and subsequently fried at different temperatures (90–110 °C) and time periods (10–30 min). The results demonstrated that the moisture content, water activity, lightness, yellowness and carotenoid content of the fried chips decreased, while oil content, hardness and a* (dark brown colour) value increased with increasing frying temperature and time. UAOP reduced about 16.0% of oil absorption and enhanced approximately 70% of carotenoid retention in the fried chips. UAOP samples were also more stable during storage than the untreated ones, indicated by lower degradation kinetics constants of key quality parameters. The proposed pretreatment could be an effective method for food industries to develop vacuum fried pumpkin chips with improved quality and stability.  相似文献   

The influence of different levels of inulin on the quality of fat-free yogurt production was investigated. Inulin was added to milk containing 0.1% of milk fat to give inulin levels of 1, 2 and 3%. The experimental yogurts were compared with control yogurt produced from whole milk. The total solids content of milk was standardized to 14% by adding skim milk powder to the experimental yogurt. The chemical composition, pH, titratable acidity, whey separation, consistency, acetaldehyde and volatile fatty acidity contents were determined in the experimental yogurts after 1, 7 and 15 days. Sensory properties of the yogurts were evaluated during storage. The addition of inulin at more than 1% increased whey separation and consistency. Acetaldehyde, pH and titratable acidity were not influenced by addition of inulin. Tyrosine and volatile fatty acidity levels were negatively affected by inulin addition. With respect to the organoleptic quality of yogurt, inulin addition caused a decrease in organoleptic scores: the control yogurt had the highest score, and the lowest score was obtained in yogurt samples containing 3% of inulin. Overall, the yogurt containing 1% of inulin was similar in quality characteristics to control yogurt made with whole milk.  相似文献   

以有机生牛乳和有机白砂糖为主要原料,添加抹茶粉和益生元等配料共同进行发酵,研发抹茶益生菌有机酸奶产品,并对其贮存期品质进行分析。通过单因素试验和正交试验分别考察抹茶粉添加量、菊粉添加量、发酵剂接种量和发酵时间对抹茶益生菌有机酸奶感官品质的影响。结果表明,抹茶益生菌有机酸奶的最优发酵工艺为白砂糖添加量8%、发酵温度42 ℃、发酵时间6 h、抹茶粉添加量0.09%、菊粉添加量1.5%、发酵剂接种量0.01%。在此优化条件下,抹茶益生菌有机酸奶感官评分为97分,酸度为78 °T,产品色泽明亮呈淡绿色、口感细滑、风味浓郁。  相似文献   

乳酸菌发酵能够产生淀粉酶。为考察含有活性乳酸菌的酸奶对淀粉黏弾特性的影响,本文以玉米淀粉为原料,分别加入1%(v/v)的蒙牛酸奶、完达山酸奶、伊利酸奶,并在37℃保温1小时;用流变仪研究发酵后玉米淀粉的流变学性质。实验结果表明:剪切流变曲线服从Herschel-Bulkley模型 (R>0.90)。屈服应力τ0、粘度系数k增加,流动指数n减小(n<1),显示发酵后的玉米淀粉仍然是非牛顿、屈服假塑性流体。震荡流变曲线显示添加酸奶的样品组的贮能模量G''与损耗模量G''均大于空白组、且均随着剪切频率的增大而增大。本项研究首次发现经乳酸菌发酵的玉米淀粉,具有更高的黏弹特性。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2025-2037
Lactobacillus fermentum HY01 is a probiotic strain screened from traditional yak yogurt, which can effectively relieve enteritis and constipation. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of HY01 as an adjunct starter on the quality and storage of yak yogurt. A total of 36 main volatile flavor substances were detected in all samples. In particular, more aldehydes, esters, and alcohols were detected in yak yogurt prepared by mixed fermentation of L. fermentum HY01 and starter MY105 (including Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus). The rheological results showed that the yak yogurt prepared by mixed fermentation of L. fermentum HY01 and starter MY105 had higher apparent viscosity and lower tan δ value compared with compared with traditional yak yogurt, yak yogurt with only L. fermentum HY01, and cow yogurt with L. fermentum HY01 and starter MY105. Meanwhile, the conjugated linoleic acid in the yak yogurt prepared by mixed fermentation of L. fermentum HY01 and starter was significantly higher than those in the HY01 group or the yogurt starter group alone. After 28 d of storage at 4°C, the number of HY01 in the yak yogurt prepared by mixed fermentation of L. fermentum HY01 and starter was still higher than 107 cfu/mL, its acidity was lower than 110°T, and its syneresis was the lowest. The results indicated that L. fermentum HY01 could improve the flavor, texture, and storage properties of yak yogurt.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同包装方式与贮藏温度下对裸仁南瓜籽及其油脂品质的影响。方法 将新鲜裸仁南瓜籽分别贮藏于不同温度[低温(4±1) ℃、常温(15±1) ℃和高温(35±2) ℃]和不同包装(空气包装、真空包装与气调包装)中, 通过测定南瓜籽含油率、酸价、过氧化值、霉菌总数以及南瓜籽油感官品质和脂肪酸组成, 分析不同贮藏条件对南瓜籽及其油脂品质的影响。结果 低温气调包装的南瓜籽在贮藏期内, 南瓜籽的酸价、过氧化值均呈现上升趋势, 贮藏210 d后分别为(2.15±0.04) mg/g、(0.15±0.01) g/100 g, 南瓜籽霉菌总数受温度影响较大; 低温贮藏、真空或气调包装贮藏条件下的南瓜籽含油率下降速率最慢; 低温气调包装贮藏的南瓜籽油的感官评定最佳, 南瓜籽油不饱和脂肪酸均呈现下降的趋势(P<0.05), 饱和脂肪酸含量呈上升趋势。结论 低温气调包装的贮藏方式有利于南瓜子仁及其油脂品质, 该研究可为南瓜籽籽储藏及后续加工提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Purees of Cucurbita moschata‘Menina Brasileira’ and of Cucurbita maxima‘Exposição’ pumpkins were produced. A commercial sterilisation test confirmed the effectiveness of the thermal treatment applied in the production. The stability was monitored during storage in ambient conditions. No significant alterations in pH, titratable acidity or soluble solids were noted. Both types of puree have a good concentration of carotenoids, although a slight decrease was detected in the ‘Exposição’ pumpkin puree after 15 days of storage. In relation to the colour of the purees, there were no significant alterations in a*, b* or ΔE during storage. Decreases in L* and WI were detected after 30–60 days of storage, thus suggesting a browning in an initial period. However, the scores given by the sensory assessors remained above 7 in a 9‐point scale, thus showing no significant alterations during storage. The results showed the stability of the pumpkin purees during the 180 days of storage under the proposed conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of mechanical shearing on the small deformation properties and microstructure of heat‐induced whey protein gel has been studied. The viscoelastic properties of these gels at different concentrations of 10% and 20% (w/w) exposed to different shear rates of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 500 s?1 during gelation were measured using dynamic oscillatory rheometry. The structure of both the shear treated and unsheared gels was then investigated using light microscopy. The results showed that the storage modulus of the gels at both concentrations was increased by increasing the shear rate exposure during gelation while the shear‐treated gels were more elastic and showed frequency‐independent behaviour. As the total protein concentration of the gel increased, the viscoelastic properties of the gels also increased significantly and the gels showed greater elasticity. The gels obtained from the higher shear rate exposure were stronger with higher elastic moduli at both protein concentrations. Images of the gels obtained using light microscopy showed that shearing resulted in phase separation and some aggregation in the structure of the gels at both concentrations. However, the shearing rates applied in this study were not enough to cause aggregation breakdown in the gel network.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 1% (E1) and 2% (E2) of the carrot fibre powder obtained from carrot discards to yogurts was studied. The effect of the fibre addition on the physicochemical parameters, water-holding capacity (WHC), microbial counts, rheological, microstructure and sensory characteristics of yogurts was studied in comparison with control yogurt without fibre addition (C). Titratable acidity, global composition and microbial counts showed a similar trend among yogurts. Fibre particles seemed to change the organisation of protein aggregates of the gel network. An open structure with bigger aggregates was observed in E1 and E2 yogurts, while the microstructure appeared more homogenous and without granules in C. However, carrot fibre increased the WHC of yogurt. All the yogurt samples exhibited shear-thinning behaviour and no differences were found in the rheological parameters, excepting for E2 that presented a decrease in apparent viscosity at 200 s-1 compared with C and E1 samples. Trained sensory panel (12 members) indicated an increase in brownish colour, strange flavour, grittiness and aftertaste and a decrease in overall appearance, odour, sweetness and creaminess in yogurts enriched in fibre. In order to mask these negative characteristics, E1 formulation was produced in the same way but strawberry flavour and colour were added. A consumer test (101 volunteers), purchase intention and a Check All That Apply (CATA) questionnaires were carried out. Flavoured and coloured E1 yogurt was pleasant for consumers, since 93% of the consumers selected positive degrees of acceptability and 68% of them manifested that they are willing to consume the product. Therefore, the addition of carrot fibre powder in yogurts could be an alternative to incorporate dietary fibres into dairy foods.  相似文献   

A study of refrigerated storage (10°C for 91 d) of whole and skimmed flavored set-type yogurt was made. Comparison with storage at 20°C for 21 d and 30°C for 3 d (accelerated) was also carried out. Refrigerated storage yogurts were assessed by a trained panel and by a consumer panel. Trained-panel scores were correlated to instrumental data, and the acceptability data for long storage were studied using consumer criteria. In all cases, after-storage pH values barely changed over storage time, indicating that the yogurt samples did not develop much acidity under any of the storage conditions studied. The profile of the instrumental texture curves obtained corresponded to a firm gel, which broke after a plunger penetrated the sample, and the firmness values of the whole yogurt were lower than for the skimmed yogurt under all the storage conditions studied. From a microbiological point of view, the viability of the yogurts was adequate at the different storage times and temperatures studied, although those stored at 10°C for long periods would not comply with some countries’ minimum requirements. Logistic regression of the data from a 50-consumer sensory evaluation showed that the probability of the whole yogurt being accepted after 91 d storage at 10°C was around 40%, whereas for the skimmed yogurt it was only 15%, largely because the skimmed yogurt developed certain negative attributes at an earlier stage of storage than the whole yogurt.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of seasonal variations on the quality of stirred yogurt, set yogurt, and Greek-style yogurt over 2 milking seasons in New Zealand. Correlations between the properties of the yogurts, the characteristics of the milk, and the acid gelation properties induced by glucono-δ-lactone, reported in our previous works, were also explored. Set yogurt and Greek-style yogurt from the early season had the highest firmness over the seasons. The yogurt firmness correlated with the gel strength of glucono-δ-lactone-induced acid gels, indicating that the latter could, to some extent, predict the seasonal variations in the firmness of set yogurt. The correlation studies highlighted the potentially important role of the glycosylation of κ-casein in the seasonal variations in the yogurt structures. Yogurt made from mid-season milk had the lowest water-holding capacity, which may have played a part in lowering its firmness and viscosity. Late-season stirred yogurt displayed the strongest resistance to shear-induced thinning, which might arise from the unique viscoelastic properties of late-season yogurt gels.  相似文献   

摘 要:目的 开发含二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid, DHA)鱼油的强化型酸奶,探究芝麻酚对鱼油酸奶品质及氧化稳定性的影响。方法 将含芝麻酚的鱼油乳液应用于发酵酸奶中,通过分析酸奶的感官评价、pH、持水力、质构特性、流变特性、自由基清除活性、脂质氧化产物和DHA保留率的变化,探究芝麻酚对鱼油强化酸奶发酵品质和氧化稳定性的影响。结果 鱼油乳液的添加对酸奶的pH和自由基清除活性无显著性影响,但降低了感官评价、持水力、硬度、4℃恒温粘度、储能模量、损耗模量和4~30℃变温粘度,加速了脂质氧化。芝麻酚的添加未显著改变含鱼油酸奶的pH,增加了感官评价、持水力、硬度、4℃恒温粘度、储能模量、损耗模量和4~30℃变温粘度,提高了自由基清除活性、脂质氧化稳定性和DHA保留率(81.19%)。结论 添加300 μM芝麻酚显著改善鱼油酸奶的品质,并提高了酸奶的抗氧化功效,为DHA酸奶产品的开发提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

The beneficial role of dietary fibre in human nutrition and effects of properties on fermented dairy products have led to a growing demand for the incorporation of novel fibre‐based fat replacers. The aim of the present work was to investigate the possibility of using inulin and oat‐based β‐glucan in Labneh cheese and to analyse the physico‐chemical, textural and sensory properties of the resulting product. The results showed that the textural and sensory properties of the cheese with addition of inulin increased at a 12% fat ratio. Overall, full‐fat and reduced‐fat Labneh cheeses were firmer and had better flavour than all the low‐fat cheeses. However, inulin and oat β‐glucan, as fermentable fibres, were also degraded as fermentable fibres to produce organic acids and had the potential for use as fat replacers in low‐fat dairy systems.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of composition and concentration of solutions and product size on mass transfer kinetics during Anco pumpkin osmotic dehydration (OD). Once optimal conditions were determined, samples packed in commercial polymeric films were microbiologically analysed during refrigerated storage. The optimal OD time was 3 h, when the efficiency index WL/SG (water loss/solid gain) was stabilised. At this time, 1.0 and 1.5 cm cubes presented the highest index value (about 11) in binary solution (sucrose 55°Bx). WL was higher in 1.0 cm cubes for each dehydrating ternary salt solution tested, and no significant differences in firmness were observed with Calcium Lactate addition. Thus, optimal condition for OD in ternary solutions was 180 min and 55°Bx – 2% NaCl. Microbiological determinations were done for dehydrated (55°Bx without/with 2% NaCl) and untreated samples, packaged in different polymeric films. The combination with lowest mesophilic and psychrophilic counts at day 10 was: samples dehydrated with ternary solution of sucrose-salt packed in Polypropylene film.  相似文献   

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