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In this study, the influence of different concentrations of plasticisers and fatty acids on functional properties of basil seed gum (BSG) films was investigated. The results revealed that glycerol and sorbitol were effective plasticisers for BSG films. Glycerol‐plasticised films exhibited hydrophilic nature with high moisture content (27–49%) and water vapour permeability (4.2–6.5 × 10?11 g Pa?1 m?1 s?1), moisture uptake higher than 100%, solubility ranging 39–50% and moderate mechanical properties. The films containing sorbitol showed lower moisture content, moisture uptake and percentage elongation compared with glycerol‐plasticised samples. Presence of fatty acids promoted an increase in hydrophobicity of samples, characterised by lower moisture uptake, solubility, water vapour permeability and higher contact angles. Among investigated fatty acids, oleic acid efficiency on improving the characteristics of films was higher than saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic acid). Concluding, BSG films showed a substantial potential to be incorporated into food packaging applications, especially for those that require less hydrophilic films.  相似文献   

The effects of water‐unextractable arabinoxylans (WUAX) on the physicochemical properties of the dough and the final qualities of traditional Chinese youtiao were investigated. The farinographic properties of youtiao dough were slightly affected by extra WUAX, except that the water absorption increased from 56.77% to 64.93%. The extensographic properties varied complexly at different proofing time. The SEM micrographs of dough showed that the uniform starch granule structure could not be formed in youtiao dough with 4% extra WUAX. The specific volume of youtiao with 4% WUAX was only 3.68 cm3 g?1, which was 27.45% lower than that of control. The moisture content increased from 27.17% to 31.74%, and the hardness was almost four times higher than that of control. Most importantly, the total oil content of youtiao with 4% WUAX was only 12.29%, which was 37.31% lesser than the control. These results suggest that WUAX can be used in youtiao production to provide a low‐fat option with improved nutrition.  相似文献   

The unique chia–barley composites contain omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω‐3 PUFAs) from chia and high β‐glucan content from barley that are well known for lowering blood cholesterol and preventing coronary heart disease. The pasting and rheological properties of chia and barley composites were characterised using Rapid Visco Analyser followed by an advanced rheometer. Shear‐thinning properties were observed for all the composites. The pasting and rheological properties of the products were not greatly influenced by 10% or 20% ground chia replacements but showed differences at the 50% replacement level. The results suggested that the elastic properties of chia–barley composites 1:1 with chia were improved by the chia component. Also, the chia–barley composites gave improved water‐holding capacities, particularly at the 50% level. Whole chia seeds are not easily utilised because of their hard coat. These fine particle composites should be helpful for preparing functional food products having enhanced health benefits.  相似文献   

目的探究小麦面粉蛋白质理化特性与面团流变学特性之间的关系。方法以19份抗旱节水鉴定品种小麦籽粒为试验材料,测定了蛋白质、湿面筋、谷蛋白大聚体含量、沉降指数等面粉蛋白质理化特性,以及粉质参数和拉伸参数等面团流变学特性,采用通径分析研究了面粉蛋白质理化特性与面团流变学特性的关系。结果面粉蛋白质含量对面团吸水率直接增强效应较大,但对稳定时间、拉伸长度的抑制效应较大;谷蛋白大聚体含量对形成时间、最大拉伸阻力、拉伸面积的直接增强效应和综合增强效应均较大;沉降指数对稳定时间和最大拉伸阻力、拉伸面积的直接增强和综合增强效应较大;所测蛋白质理化特性中未发现对拉伸长度有增强效应的指标。结论面粉中谷蛋白大聚体含量和沉降指数是对面团形成时间、稳定时间、拉伸阻力影响较大的因素,影响为正效应,可为专用面粉生产质量控制提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验通过测定不同比例的香菇粉和小麦粉混合粉的热机械学和动态流变学特性,研究香菇粉对小麦面团特性的影响。结果表明,香菇粉的添加使小麦面团的吸水率增大,面团的形成时间和稳定时间先下降后上升,相应的蛋白质弱化度先升高后降低。香菇粉的添加使小麦面团的峰值黏度和回生值均显著降低。动态流变学试验显示:香菇粉的添加使得小麦面团的黏弹特性发生了显著的变化,储能模量(G')与损失模量(G")均呈现先降低后升高的趋势。而tanδ随香菇粉比例的增大呈现了先略微升高后明显降低的趋势,表明了混合体系中分子交联的程度有所增加,弹性比例增大。  相似文献   

Limited and extensive hydrolysates were obtained from Phaseolus lunatus (LHl and EHl) and hard‐to‐cook Phaseolus vulgaris (LHv and EHv) using the enzymes Flavourzyme®, Alcalase®, Pancreatin® and a sequential Pepsin®–Pancreatin® system. Degrees of hydrolysis varied from 8.32% to 31.60%. SDS‐PAGE of extensive hydrolysates showed molecular weights smaller than limited hydrolysates. Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) analysis of LHl and EHl revealed the presence of two endothermic transitions; LHv and EHv had only one. LHv presented a higher content of hydrophobic amino acids whose surface hydrophobicity was 12.17. Functional properties such as nitrogen solubility, foaming capacity and emulsifying activity index in LHv were better than LHl at different pH evaluated. However, the latter showed better foaming stabilities. Amino acids such as His, Tyr, Trp and Arg were observed in greater amounts in both extensive hydrolysates. 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical‐scavenging and metal‐chelating activities in EHv and EHl increased significantly compared to the source material.  相似文献   

Full‐fat and defatted Moringa oleifera kernel flours were analysed for their functional properties. The effect of pH and NaCl concentrations on the functional properties of the flours was investigated following standard procedures. The protein content of full‐fat and defatted flour was 36.18 and 62.76 g/100 g, respectively. The concentrations of other proximate constituents of the defatted flour were higher than those of the full‐fat flour. Nitrogen solubility was lowest at pH of 4.0 and 9.0, respectively, with maximum solubility occurring at pH of 6.0. Defatting increased the water absorption and fat absorption capacities of Moringa oleifera kernel flour. The foaming capacity and foam stability of the defatted flour were 86.0% and 82.0 mL, whereas that of full‐fat flour were 20.6% and 18.5 mL respectively. The defatted flour showed better emulsification (97.2 mL g?1) than full‐fat flour (66.0 mL g?1). The least gelation concentration of the defatted and full‐fat flours was 14% and 16% (w/v) respectively. Moringa oleifera kernel flour can be a valuable source of vegetable protein in fortified food products formulation.  相似文献   

The dough rheological behaviors of three flours having different chemical and physical properties were measured, as were changes in thickness and snapback (thickness of the machined dough sheet relative to the roll gap), immediately following sheeting. Dough snapback was determined to be a function of processing parameters, reduction ratio, and dough rest time, as well as different flour properties. The predication equation for dough snapback is based on multiple flour properties and sheeting conditions. Higher protein flours normally have stronger dough properties and larger snapback, compared with low protein flours, but also depend on the protein quality. The snapback will increase either with increased protein content, reduction ratio, or reduced rest time. Dough snapback using flour made by blending two flours 50/50 had intermediate values between the two original flours. Among the variables, Mixograph work, reduction ratio, and dough rest time were the main factors affecting the elastic characteristics of the doughs. Minimum snapback occurred with the weakest flour experiencing the longest rest time and the smallest reduction ratio. A linear 7‐factor equation was found to predict the snapback of several flours, by combining reduction ratio, dough rest time, Mixograph work, peak height, and mixing time, Alveograph P/L, and protein content. Only three factor combinations of Mixograph work, reduction ratio, and rest time were needed to develop a second order equation for predicting snapback. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

采用粉质仪、拉伸仪、吹泡仪和面筋仪分别对56种具有代表性的小麦粉样品进行检测,研究小麦粉的粉质特性、拉伸特性、吹泡特性和面筋特性等流变学品质指标间的关系。结果表明:粉质特性、拉伸特性、吹泡特性和面筋特性有些指标之间存在显著或极显著相关关系,有些指标各自具有特异性。小麦和面粉进行品质检测时,应根据其检测目的和食品用途选择使用合适的指标进行评价,提高研究和检测效率。  相似文献   

The effect of ice storage on the properties of proteins from green mussel (Perna viridis) has been investigated. Ice storage of green mussel for a period of 19 days revealed a marginal increase in moisture and decrease in total nitrogen content. There was significant reduction (P < 0.05) in non‐protein nitrogen content and calcium activated adenosine triphosphatase enzyme activity. The solubility of the total proteins in high ionic strength buffer decreased marginally. The ice storage of green mussel had a significant effect on association‐dissociation/denaturation phenomenon of proteins as revealed by gel filtration profile, reduced viscosity values and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) pattern. The dynamic viscoelastic behaviour of green mussel meat in the temperature range of 30–90 °C revealed higher storage modulus (G′) values at a later part of ice storage. The emulsion capacity of green mussel did not show significant variation (P < 0.05) during ice storage. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

饺子专用粉的开发,不仅在于不同粉路取粉工艺的确定,更要重视专用粉流变特性的研究。本文以水饺专用粉流变特性为对象,通过常规实验和粉质拉伸实验,研究了不同添加剂对饺子专用粉品质的影响。结果表明,SSL、黄原胶、瓜尔豆胶、维生素C对饺子专用粉的流变特性有明显的改良作用。  相似文献   

目的 探究了米粉的添加对面团流变学特性以及酥性饼干品质的影响。方法 选取了3种米粉(粳糯米粉、籼糯米粉、普通粳米粉)分别以0%、10%、20%、30%的比例替代中筋小麦粉,研究分析了米粉-中筋小麦粉混合粉的糊化特性,面团的粉质拉伸特性,动态流变以及酥性饼干的理化性质,质构特性及感官品质。结果 随着两种糯米粉添加量增加,混合粉的糊化特征值均呈下降趋势,而添加普通粳米粉后则趋势相反;添加米粉后混合面团的吸水率和弱化度随着三种米粉的添加量的增加显著升高,分别可达65.7%和160.50,而面团形成时间和稳定时间则显著降低(P<0.05);混合面团的弹性模量(G''),黏性模量(G")和损耗角正切值(tanδ)随着米粉添加量的增加而逐渐减小,表明米粉的添加减弱了面筋网络的形成;与低筋粉酥性饼干相比,混合粉酥性饼干的延展比较低,且三种米粉的添加可显著提升酥性饼干的脆性,经感官评价及综合比较后得出添加20% 籼糯米粉的混合粉饼干整体品质较佳。结论 通过在中筋面粉中加入米粉后可以有效改变面团的特性,以替代低筋面粉应用于酥性饼干的加工 ,本研究也为米粉在酥性饼干专用粉的制备奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to prepare an extruded snack based on nixtamalized maize flour (Zea mays L.) (NMF) enriched with grasshopper meal (Sphenarium purpurascens Ch.) (GM) using a single screw extruder with a compression screw ratio of 3:1. A central experimental design comprising three independent variables, namely, extrusion temperature (T = 120–180 °C), feed moisture content (FMC = 18–22 g/100 g) and the grasshopper meal proportion (GMP = 0–40 g/100 g), was used. Increasing T decreased (P < 0.05) the expansion index (EI), bulk density (BD) and hardness (H). Increasing the FMC increased (P < 0.05) the EI. Increasing the GMP decreased (P < 0.05) the EI, H and water absorption index (WAI) and increased (P < 0.05) the BD and total colour difference (ΔE). The treatments that resulted in better general acceptability were those that contained a lower GMP. An extruded snack acceptable to the consumer can be obtained from a blend of NMF and GM, and up to 8.11 g/100 g of GM can be incorporated without affecting the physicochemical properties and acceptance of the snack.  相似文献   

Pinhão seed is an unconventional source of starch and the pines grow up in native forests of southern Latin America. In this study, pinhão starch was adjusted at 15, 20 and 25% moisture content and heated to 100, 110 and 120 °C for 1 h. A decrease in λ max (starch/iodine complex) was observed as a result of increase in temperature and moisture content of HMT. The ratio of crystalline to amorphous phase in pinhão starch was determined via Fourier transform infra red by taking 1045/1022 band ratio. A decrease in crystallinity occurred as a result of HMT. Polarised light microscopy indicated a loss of birefringence of starch granules under 120 °C at 25% moisture content. Granule size distribution was further confirmed via scanning electron microscopy which showed the HMT effects. These results increased the understanding on molecular and structural properties of HMT pinhão starch and broadened its food and nonfood industrial applications.  相似文献   

冯利萍  王凤成 《食品与机械》2023,39(5):16-20,76
目的:探索荞麦发面饼中荞麦粉的最佳添加量。方法:选用粉质仪、拉伸仪、黏度仪等探讨荞麦粉添加量对混合粉面团流变学特性的影响,并依据感官评价判断发面饼的品质。结果:在面粉中添加0~40%的荞麦粉,随着荞麦粉添加量的增加,混合粉面团的流变学特性显著变差。混合粉面团的吸水率、形成时间、粉质质量指数逐渐减小,当荞麦粉添加量为40%时,混合粉的粉质质量指数降低了69.1%、形成时间降低了70.7%。随着荞麦粉含量的增加,混合粉面团的拉伸性和拉伸面积逐渐降低,阻力先增加后降低。当荞麦粉添加量为20%时,发面饼的硬度、黏性和咀嚼性最低,感官评分最高,与空白对照相比感官评分提高了19.4%。结论:荞麦粉的添加降低了混合粉的品质,但适量的荞麦粉可以赋予发面饼特殊的香味以及营养价值,添加量<20%的混合粉的流变学特性和发面饼的品质较好。  相似文献   

Starch digestibility, thermal, pasting and gelling properties of Caryota urens (CU) flour were investigated using wheat flour as reference. Amylose content of CU and wheat flour was 32.1% and 28.3%, respectively. CU flour had very low content of protein and lipid but had a high content of total starch (98.2%) and resistant starch (RS) [42.5%]. Gelatinisation temperature (78.5 °C) of CU flour was higher than wheat flour. Pasting behaviour of CU flour was similar to that of high swelling tuber and root and waxy starches. CU flour retrograded to a greater extent than wheat flour. Very specific gelling behaviour was noticed for CU flour where it produced significantly harder gel with high paste clarity, fracture ability, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. Expected glycaemic index (eGI) of CU and wheat flour was 92.4 and 100.4, respectively. CU flour had high eGI despite high content of resistant starch.  相似文献   

Soy proteins are less soluble at acidic pH value, which impedes their utilisation in acidic beverages. Soy protein isolate (SPI) was hydrolysed using varying Alcalase concentrations (0.0001–2.0 U g?1 protein) at different pHs (3.0–4.0). Degree of hydrolysis (DH) of soy protein hydrolysates (SPH) at pH 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 were 5.0–10.7%, 2.3–6.1% and 0–5.4%, respectively, while solubilities ranged from 70.7 to 74.9%, 18.8 to 51.2% and 7.1 to 40.4%, respectively. The highest solubility (74.9%) was observed at pH 3.0 with 1.5 U Alcalase per g protein (DH = 9.2%). Emulsifying activities of SPHs at pH 3.0 and 4.0 ranged from 0.49 to 0.63 AU and 0.19 to 0.24 AU, respectively, while the emulsifying stabilities were 12.2–14.7 min and 18.7–56.0 min, respectively. The foaming capacity at pH 3.0 and 4.0 was 44.9–46.3 mL and 31.2–41.3 mL, respectively, whereas the foaming stability was 25.5–35.2 min and 12.8–15.1 min, respectively. However, hydrolysates had an insignificant effect on ACE‐I inhibitory and DPPH scavenging activities in comparison with SPI.  相似文献   

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