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Four subtypes of bombesin receptors are identified (gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, neuromedin B receptor, the orphan receptor bombesin receptor subtype 3 (BB3 or BRS-3) and bombesin receptor subtype 4 (BB4)), however, only the pharmacology of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor has been well studied. This lack of data is due in part to the absence of a general ligand. Recently we have discovered a ligand, 125I-[D-Tyr6,betaAla11,Phe13,Nle14]bombesin-(6-1 4) that binds to BRS-3 receptors. In this study we investigate its ability to interact with all four bombesin receptor subtypes. In rat pancreatic acini containing only gastrin-releasing peptide receptor and in BB4 transfected BALB cells, this ligand and 125I-[Tyr4]bombesin, the conventional gastrin-releasing peptide receptor ligand, gave similar results for receptor number, affinity for bombesin and affinity for the unlabeled ligand. In neuromedin B receptor transfected BALB cells, this ligand and 125I-[D-Tyr0]neuromedin B, the generally used neuromedin B receptor ligand, gave similar results for receptor number, neuromedin B affinity or the unlabeled ligand affinity. Lastly, in BRS-3 transfected BALB cells, only this ligand had high affinity. For all four bombesin receptors this ligand had an affinity of 1-8 nM and was equal or greater in affinity than any other specific ligands for any receptor. The unlabeled ligand is specific for gastrin-releasing peptide receptors on rat pancreatic acini and did not inhibit binding of 125I-cholecystokinin octapeptide (125I-CCK-8), 125I-vasoactive intestinal peptide (125I-VIP) or 125I-endothelin to their receptors. The unlabeled ligand was an agonist only at the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor in rat acini and did not interact with CCK(A) receptors or muscarinic M3 acetylcholine receptors to increase [3H]inositol phosphates. These results demonstrate 125I-[D-Tyr6,betaAla11,Phe13,Nle14]bombesin-(6-1 4) is a unique ligand with high affinity for all subtypes of bombesin receptors. Because of the specificity for bombesin receptors, this ligand will be a valuable addition for such pharmacological studies as screening for bombesin receptor agonists or antagonists and, in particular, for investigating BRS-3 cell biology, a receptor for which no ligand currently exists.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The hydrogenase of Desulfovibrio sp. catalyzes the reversible oxidoreduction of molecular hydrogen, in conjunction with a specific electron acceptor, cytochrome c3. The Ni-Fe active center of Desulfovibrio hydrogenase has an unusual ligand structure with non-protein ligands. An atomic model at high resolution is required to make concrete assignment of the ligands which coordinate the Ni-Fe center. These in turn will provide insight into the mechanism of electron transfer, during the reaction catalysed by hydrogenase. RESULTS: The X-ray structure of the hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki has been solved at 1.8 A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.229. The overall folding pattern and the spatial arrangement of the metal centers are very similar to those found in Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase. This high resolution crystal structure enabled us to assign the non-protein ligands to the Fe atom in the Ni-Fe site and revealed the presence of a Mg center, located approximately 13 A from the Ni-Fe active center. CONCLUSIONS: From the nature of the electron-density map, stereochemical geometry and atomic parameters of the refined structure, the most probable candidates for the four ligands, coordinating the Ni-Fe center, have been proposed to be diatomic S=O, C triple bond O and C triple bond N molecules and one sulfur atom. The assignment was supported by pyrolysis mass spectrometry measurements. These ligands may have a role as an electron sink during the electron transfer reaction between the hydrogenase and its biological counterparts, and they could stabilize the redox state of Fe(II), which may not change during the catalytic cycle and is independent of the redox transition of the Ni. The hydrogen-bonding system between the Ni-Fe and the Mg centers suggests the possible.  相似文献   

The properties of an RNA-A protein complex isolated from the RNA bacteriophage M12 are described. The molar ratio of RNA to A protein in the complex is estimated to be 1:1. In sucrose gradients, the complex sediments like free RNA molecules. In contrast to RNA alone, which can only infect spheroplasts, the RNA-A protein complex infects intact Escherichia coli cells and produces infectious progeny particles like the original phage. Evidence is presented that the infection of the host cells by the complex takes place via F pili. All of the infectivity disappears if the ionic bonds of RNA to A protein in the complex are dissociated in 0.5 M sodium chloride buffer at 37 degrees C. Furthermore, the kinetics of complex dissociation and loss of infectivity are the same, implying that the binding of A protein to the RNA is a prerequisite for infectivity on intact host cells.  相似文献   

Human C1- inhibitor can be rapidly purified by the affinity chromatography procedure described by Pilatte and his associates (1989), but the inhibitor so purified breaks down during storage or is in a cleaved form when initially purified. By adding an ion-exchange chromatography procedure after the affinity chromatography, a stable, single species of C1- inhibitor molecules is obtained. It is likely that serine proteinases in trace amounts, which may be complexed with some of the C1- inhibitor, are removed during the ion-exchange procedure. This procedure provides a highly purified and useful preparation of C1- inhibitor.  相似文献   

The comparative mechanisms and relative rates of nitrogen dioxide (NO2.), thiyl (RS.) and sulphonyl (RSO2.) radical scavenging by the carotenoid antioxidants lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin have been determined by pulse radiolysis. All the carotenoids under study react with the NO2. radical via electron transfer to generate the carotenoid radical cation (Car.+). In marked contrast the glutathione and 2-mercaptoethanol thiyl radicals react via a radical addition process to generate carotenoid-thiyl radical adducts [RS-Car].. The RSO2. radical undergoes both radical addition, [RSO2-Car]. and electron abstraction, Car.+. Both carotenoid adduct radicals and radical cations decay bimolecularly. Absolute rate constants for radical scavenging were in the order of approximately 10(7)-10(9) M(-1) s(-1) and follow the sequence HO(CH2)2S. > RSO2. > GS. > NO2.. Although there were some discernible trends in carotenoid reactivity for individual radicals, rate constants varied by no greater than a factor of 2.5. The mechanism and rate of scavenging is strongly dependent on the nature of the oxidising radical species but much less dependent on the carotenoid structure.  相似文献   

Modern NMR methods were used to determine the secondary structure topology of the 18 kDa peptide binding domain of the chaperone protein Hsc70 in solution. This report constitutes the first experimental conformational information on this important domain of the class of Hsp70 proteins. The domain consists of two four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheets and a single alpha-helix. The topology does not resemble at all the topology observed in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins of the major histocompatibility complex. This is significant because such resemblance was predicted on the basis of limited amino acid homology, secondary structure prediction, and related function. Moreover, the exact meander-type beta-sheet topology identified in Hsc70 has to our best knowledge not been observed in any other known protein structure.  相似文献   

In this study we provide, for the first time, experimental evidence that a protein homologous to bacterial Ffh is part of an SRP-like ribonucleoprotein complex in hyperthermophilic archaea. The gene encoding the Ffh homologue in the hyperthermophilic archaeote Acidianus ambivalens has been cloned and sequenced. Recombinant Ffh protein was expressed in E. coli and subjected to biochemical and functional studies. A. ambivalens Ffh encodes a 50.4-kDa protein that is structured by three distinct regions: the N-terminal hydrophilic N-region (N), the GTP/GDP-binding domain (G) and a C-terminal located C-domain (C). The A. ambivalens Ffh sequence shares 44-46% sequence similarity with Ffh of methanogenic archaea, 34-36% similarity with eukaryal SRP54 and 30-34% similarity with bacterial Ffh. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the first two domains of A. ambivalens Ffh reacts specifically with a single protein (apparent molecular mass: 46 kDa, termed p46) present in cytosolic and in plasmamembrane cell fractions of A. ambivalens. Recombinant Ffh has a melting point of tm = 89 degreesC. Its intrinsic GTPase activity obviously depends on neutral pH and low ionic strength with a preference for chloride and acetate salts. Highest rates of GTP hydrolysis have been achieved at 81 degreesC in presence of 0.1-1 mm Mg2+. GTP hydrolysis is significantly inhibited by high glycerol concentrations, and the GTP hydrolysis rate also markedly decreases by addition of detergents. The Km for GTP is 13.7 microm at 70 degreesC and GTP hydrolysis is strongly inhibited by GDP (Ki = 8 microm). A. ambivalens Ffh, which includes an RNA-binding motif in the C-terminal domain, is shown to bind specifically to 7S RNA of the related crenarchaeote Sulfolobus solfataricus. Comparative sequence analysis reveals the presence of typical signal sequences in plasma membrane as well as extracellular proteins of hyperthermophilic crenarchaea which strongly supposes recognition events by an Ffh containing SRP-like particle in these organisms.  相似文献   

The selectivity of the irreversible inhibition of high-affinity choline uptake (HACU) by hemicholinium mustard (HCM; 2,2'-(4,4'-biphenylene)bis[2-hydroxy-4-(2-bromoethyl)-morpholine] hydrochloride) with respect to other cholinergic proteins and other sodium-dependent transport systems was examined. Preincubation of rat forebrain membranes with HCM, followed by washing and measurement of [3H]-hemicholinium-3 binding to the high-affinity choline transporter, was shown to decrease binding capacity (Bmax) by 70% without affecting the apparent affinity of the ligand. However, a similar preincubation, wash and binding experiment using [3H]-NMS as a ligand for muscarinic receptors showed no HCM effect on binding parameters. To measure the effects of HCM on choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), synaptosomes were incubated in HCM, then washed. The synaptosomes were lysed and ChAT activity was measured. Treatment with 50 microM HCM, a concentration that inhibits 100% of synaptosomal HACU, results in a 24% decrease in ChAT activity. HCM demonstrates little residual inhibition of other sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporter transporters: preincubation with 50 microM HCM results in a decrease of 12% in transport of [3H]-dopamine and a decrease of 6% in the transport of [3H]-GABA. The binding of HCM, like that of hemicholinium-3 is sodium-dependent. HCM preincubation in the presence of sodium results in inhibition of HACU to 32% of control; in the absence of sodium HACU is 65% of control. This represents a loss of 51% of the observed irreversible inhibition produced by HCM. Irreversible inhibition by HCM can also be prevented by co-incubation with hemicholinium-3. Co-incubation with hemicholinium-3 results in residual HACU inhibition that decreases from 51% (HCM alone) to 28% (HCM + hemicholinium-3). When atropine instead of hemicholinium-3 is co-incubated with HCM, HCM still inhibits 40% of transport, demonstrating the pharmacological specificity of the protective effect of hemicholinium-3. Experiments in the guinea-pig myenteric plexus preparation demonstrate a gradual recovery from the residual effects of HCM. Evoked ACh release decreases to 24% immediately following treatment with 1 microM HCM. After 2 hr of recovery, tissues have recovered to about 50% of control levels, after which recovery continues at a slower rate.  相似文献   

Molecular models of an oligodeoxynucleotide-peptide conjugate complexed to an RNA hairpin loop were constructed to assess the effect of stereoisomerism at the point of attachment of the peptide to the oligodeoxynucleotide on the affinity of the conjugate for an RNA target. The peptide portion of the oligodeoxynucleotide-peptide conjugate, (L-lysine)8, was covalently attached to the N-allyl group of (D)- or (L)-aspartic alcohol that was incorporated into the interior of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide. The stereocenter in the oligodeoxynucleotide interior originates from either (D)- or (L)-aspartic alcohol. The oligodeoxynucleotide portion of the oligodeoxynucleotide-peptide conjugate forms Watson-Crick base pairs with the single-stranded RNA that flanks the RNA hairpin loop. The positively charged peptide makes specific electrostatic contacts with the negatively charged phosphate backbone of the RNA hairpin loop when attached to the N-allyl of (D)-aspartic alcohol but does not have the proper orientation to make these electrostatic contacts when attached to the N-allyl of (L)-aspartic alcohol. This modelling study emphasizes the importance of stereocontrol at the point of branching in synthesizing oligodeoxynucleotide-peptide conjugates for binding of RNA hairpin loops.  相似文献   

We have used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to obtain the structure of an RNA "kissing" hairpin complex formed between the HIV-2 TAR hairpin loop and a hairpin with a complementary loop sequence. Kissing hairpins are important in natural antisense reactions; their complex is a specific target for protein binding. The complex has all six nucleotides of each loop paired to form a bent quasicontinuous helix of three coaxially stacked helices: two stems plus a loop-loop interaction helix. Experimental constraints derived from heteronuclear and homonuclear NMR data on 13C and 15N-labeled RNA led to a structure for the loop-loop helix with an average root-mean-square deviation of 0.83 (+/-0.10) A for 33 converged structures relative to the average structure. The loop-loop helix of the kissing complex is distorted compared to A-form RNA. Its major groove is blocked by the phosphodiester bonds that connect the first loop residue of each hairpin with its own stem, and it is flanked by two negatively charged phosphate clusters. The loop-loop helix has alternating helical twists between adjacent base-pairs. The base-pairs at the helix junctions are overwound and three base-pairs near the helix junctions adopt high propeller twists. All these changes reduce the distance needed for the bridging phosphodiester bonds connecting each stem and loop to cross the major groove of the loop-loop helix, and result in a deformed RNA helix with localized perturbations in the minor groove surface. The alternating helical twist pattern, plus other distortions in the loop-loop helix may be important for Rom protein recognition of the kissing hairpin complex.  相似文献   

The 60 kDa molecular chaperones (chaperonins) are high molecular weight protein complexes having a characteristic double-ring toroidal shape; they are thought to aid the folding of denatured or newly synthesized polypeptides. These proteins exist as two functionally similar, but distantly related families, one comprising the bacterial and organellar chaperonins and another (the so-called CCT-TRiC family) including the chaperonins of the archaea and the eukaryotes. Although some evidence exists that the archaeal chaperonins are implicated in protein folding, much remains to be learned about their precise cellular function. In this work, we report that the chaperonin of the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is an RNA-binding protein that interacts specifically in vivo with the 16S rRNA and participates in the maturation of its 5' extremity in vitro. We further show that the chaperonin binds RNA as the native heterooligomeric complex and that RNA binding and processing are inhibited by ATP. These results agree with previous reports indicating a role for the bacterial/organellar chaperonins in RNA protection or processing and suggest that all known chaperonin families share specific and evolutionarily ancient functions in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The RNA molecules that make up the spliceosome branch-point helix and the binding site for phage GA coat protein share a secondary structure motif in which two consecutive adenine residues occupy the strand opposite a single uridine, creating the potential to form one of two different A.U base pairs while leaving the other adenine unpaired or bulged. During the splicing of introns out of pre-mRNA, the 2'-OH of the bulged adenine participates in the transesterification reaction at the 5'-exon and forms the branch-point residue of the lariat intermediate. Either adenine may act as the branch-point residue in mammals, but the 3'-proximal adenine does so preferentially. When bound to phage GA coat protein, the bulged adenine loops out of the helix and occupies a binding pocket on the surface of the protein, forming a nucleation complex for phage assembly. The coat protein can bind helices with bulged adenines at either position, but the 3'-proximal site binds with greater affinity. We have studied this RNA motif in a 21 nucleotide hairpin containing a GA coat protein-binding site whose four nucleotide loop has been replaced by a more stable loop from the related phage Ms2. Using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, we have determined the structure of this hairpin to an overall precision of 2.0 A. Both adenine bases stack into the helix, and while all available NOE and coupling constant data are consistent with both possible A.U base pairs, the base pair involving the 5'-proximal adenine appears to be the major conformation. The 3'-proximal bulged adenine protonates at unusually high pH, and to account for this, we propose a model in which the protonated adenine is stabilized by a hydrogen bond to the uridine O2 of the A.U base pair. The 2'-OH of the bulged adenine adopts a regular A-form helical geometry, suggesting that in order to participate in the splicing reaction, the conformation of the branch-point helix in the active spliceosome may change from the conformation described here. Thus, while the adenine site preferences of the spliceosome and of phage GA may be due to protein factors, the preferred adenine is predisposed in the free RNA to conformational rearrangement involved in formation of the active complexes.  相似文献   

Single-chain derivatives of the phage 434 repressor, termed single-chain repressors, contain covalently dimerized DNA-binding domains (DBD) which are connected with a peptide linker in a head-to-tail arrangement. The prototype RR69 contains two wild-type DBDs, while RR*69 contains a wild-type and an engineered DBD. In this latter domain, the DNA- contacting amino acids of thealpha3 helix of the 434 repressor are replaced by the corresponding residues of the related P22 repressor. We have used binding site selection, targeted mutagenesis and binding affinity studies to define the optimum DNA recognition sequence for these single-chain proteins. It is shown that RR69 recognizes DNA sequences containing the consensus boxes of the 434 operators in a palindromic arrangement, and that RR*69 optimally binds to non-palindromic sequences containing a 434 operator box and a TTAA box of which the latter is present in most P22 operators. The spacing of these boxes, as in the 434 operators, is 6 bp. The DNA-binding of both single-chain repressors, similar to that of the 434 repressor, is influenced indirectly by the sequence of the non-contacted, spacer region. Thus, high affinity binding is dependent on both direct and indirect recognition. Nonetheless, the single-chain framework can accommodate certain substitutions to obtain altered DNA-binding specificity and RR*69 represents an example for the combination of altered direct and unchanged indirect readout mechanisms.  相似文献   

In a search of proteins from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus 111 with a high affinity for DNA, the selected protein from this screening appears to be the glutamine synthetase (GS). The purified product gives one band in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (53,700 Da). The N-terminal 32 residues have been identified and present an homology of 80% with the glutamine synthetase of Bacillus subtilis and 76% with that of Thermotoga maritima. The protein displays the characteristic dodecameric structure of the eubacteria glutamine synthetase. From a detailed study of the interaction of this protein with DNA by dark-field electron microscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis, it is concluded that double-stranded DNA wraps the protein by a full turn of 150 bp length. An even number of GS molecules bound to a closed relaxed plasmid DNA does not alter its null topology. By using an inverted dimer DNA fragment, which contains twice a curved kinetoplast DNA insert in its central part, it is shown that DNA curvature rules the order in which GS binds to the DNA. DNA ends are also sites of high affinity for the GS. Supercoiling does not favor the binding of GS to the DNA with the exception of the apices that are by essence bent regions. By saturating a DNA molecule with GS one obtains a novel characteristic scalloped configuration in which the DNA undulates from one GS to the next. The DNA is condensed at least three times in these structures. By increasing the ratio of GS to DNA in solution the resulting material migrates as discrete bands relative to the free DNA in an agarose gel. By gel retardation and EM statistical distribution analysis of GS within the complexes, an average affinity constant of 10(7) M-1 was obtained. The potential implications of this novel interaction of the glutamine synthetase with DNA for the regulation of its own gene are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The human intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is a small (131 amino acids) protein which binds dietary long-chain fatty acids in the cytosol of enterocytes. Recently, an alanine to threonine substitution at position 54 in I-FABP has been identified which affects fatty acid binding and transport, and is associated with the development of insulin resistance in several populations including Mexican-Americans and Pima Indians. To investigate the molecular basis of the binding properties of I-FABP, the 3D solution structure of the more common form of human I-FABP (Ala54) was studied by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Recombinant I-FABP was expressed from E. coli in the presence and absence of 15N-enriched media. The sequential assignments for non-delipidated I-FABP were completed by using 2D homonuclear spectra (COSY, TOCSY and NOESY) and 3D heteronuclear spectra (NOESY-HMQC and TOCSY-HMQC). The tertiary structure of human I-FABP was calculated by using the distance geometry program DIANA based on 2519 distance constraints obtained from the NMR data. Subsequent energy minimization was carried out by using the program SYBYL in the presence of distance constraints. The conformation of human I-FABP consists of 10 antiparallel beta-strands which form two nearly orthogonal beta-sheets of five strands each, and two short alpha-helices that connect the beta-strands A and B. The interior of the protein consists of a water-filled cavity between the two beta-sheets. The NMR solution structure of human I-FABP is similar to the crystal structure of rat I-FABP. The NMR results show significant conformational variability of certain backbone segments around the postulated portal region for the entry and exit of fatty acid ligand.  相似文献   

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