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A benchmark set of measured beta particle spectra for a standardised 60Co hot particle source is presented. The spectra were obtained for conditions similar to those encountered in practical dosimetric applications. The measured spectra were compared with Monte Carlo calculations using the MCNP code. These comparisons provided information to guide the selection of the optimal set-up parameters of the code. Important differences were observed in the MCNP calculated spectra when ITS and the default indexing style algorithm were used. Overall the calculations using the default mode of MCNP version 4B provide the best agreement with the measured electron spectra.  相似文献   

A Chemical Nuclear Reconnaissance System (CNRS) has been developed by the British Ministry of Defence to make chemical and radiation measurements on contaminated terrain using appropriate sensors and recording equipment installed in a land rover. A research programme is under way to develop and validate a predictive capability to calculate the build-up of contamination on the vehicle, radiation detector performance and dose rates to the occupants of the vehicle. This paper describes the geometric model of the vehicle and the methodology used for calculations of detector response. Calculated dose rates obtained using the MCBEND Monte Carlo radiation transport computer code in adjoint mode are presented. These address the transient response of the detectors as the vehicle passes through a contaminated area. Calculated dose rates were found to agree with the measured data to be within the experimental uncertainties, thus giving confidence in the shielding model of the vehicle and its application to other scenarios.  相似文献   

We present experimentally determined scattering matrix elements of birefringent rutile particles in water as a function of the scattering angle for a wavelength of 633 nm (in air). These elements are compared with the results of T-matrix calculations for prolate spheroids. For the diagonal matrix elements the results of the T-matrix calculations are in good agreement with those of the measurements. A good fit for the whole matrix, including the off-diagonal elements, is obtained when we compensate for the birefringence of the rutile particles by performing the computations for spheroids with a slightly larger length/width ratio than measured.  相似文献   

The electroforming and potential distribution in M-SiOx-M-SiOx-M thin film triodes have been studied using both Ag and Au electrodes. Asymmetric potential distributions were observed, in qualitative agreement with the observations of Hickmott, but no evidence was found to confirm the existence of a narrow high field region close to the cathode, as previously postulated. Hot electron attenuation was studied and attenuation lengths were determined to be in reasonable quantitative agreement with measurements using MIM diodes. Anomalous behaviour associated with the thickness of the central electrode appears to be a consequence of the self-healing dielectric breakdown during the electroforming process.  相似文献   

Previous in situ measurements of the intrinsic stress in thin crystalline dielectric films have been interpreted in terms of a stress mechanism due to forces at the grain boundaries. The same stress interpretations were given for metal films by Hoffman and coworkers several years ago.In the present work it is shown that the tensile stress is a decreasing function of impurity concentration in the MgF2 films. A similar decrease occurs through water vapour adsorption. Assuming that the impurity is located mainly on the crystallite surface, as with adsorbed water molecules, this effect can also be interpreted using the grain boundary model which predicts a decreasing tensile stress with increasing crystal size. The results of stress measurements of MgF2 films deposited onto heated substrates support this prediction.  相似文献   

Neutron dose measurements and calculations around spallation sources appear to be of great importance in shielding research. Two spallation sources were irradiated by high-energy proton beams delivered by the Nuclotron accelerator (JINR), Dubna. Neutrons produced by the spallation sources were measured by using solid-state nuclear track detectors. In addition, neutron dose was calculated after polyethylene and concrete, using a phenomenological model based on empirical relations applied in high-energy physics. The study provides an analytical and experimental neutron benchmark analysis using the transmission factor and a comparison between the experimental results and calculations.  相似文献   

Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is designed for patients with small lesion areas that are not suitable for actual surgery. SRS delivers high dose to the lesion with high gradient on the irradiation margin area. In this study, radiophotoluminescent glass dosemeter (RPLGD) and radiochromic film were used to measure the output factor of a gamma knife. Also, a Monte Carlo code (OMEGA/BEAM) was applied to simulate the output factor. For 14 and 8 mm sizes of helmet collimators, the variations of output factors determined with RPLGD, radiochromic film, the Monte Carlo code and Elekta were all within 0.5 %. When helmet collimator size was 4 mm, the output factors detected from RPLGD, radiochromic film and Monte Carlo simulation were all within 3.2 % when compared with Elekta. Taken together, RPLGD, radiochromic film and Monte Carlo simulation will be used as precise tools to measure the output factor of a gamma knife.  相似文献   

On leaving the irradiated fuel bay at Pickering A nuclear power station, a worker triggered a whole body monitor alarm with activity in or on his head, and despite careful decontamination techniques he subsequently swallowed a hot particle. Over the next 3 d, the radioactivity was tracked through the body. It was then excreted in a single faecal sample and recovered for physical and radiochemical analysis. This analysis demonstrated that the particle contained 330 kBq of 60Co and only traces of other radioactivity. Its dimensions were approximately 50-130 microm and its composition was consistent with that of Stellite 6. A dose assessment was carried out taking into account the residence time of the particle in the mouth and its transit through the body. The estimated committed effective dose was 1.4 mSv, and the equivalent dose to the maximally exposed 1 cm2 of skin, 81 mSv.  相似文献   

A comparison of calculated and measured values of the dose mean lineal energy (y(D)) for the former neutron therapy beam at Louvain-la-Neuve is reported. The measurements were made with wall-less tissue-equivalent proportional counters using the variance-covariance method and simulating spheres with diameters between 10 nm and 15 microm. The calculated y(D)-values were obtained from simulated energy distributions of neutrons and charged particles inside an A-150 phantom and from published y(D)-values for mono-energetic ions. The energy distributions of charged particles up to oxygen were determined with the SHIELD-HIT code using an MCNPX simulated neutron spectrum as an input. The mono-energetic ion y(D)-values in the range 3-100 nm were taken from track-structure simulations in water vapour done with PITS/KURBUC. The large influence on the dose mean lineal energy from the light ion (A > 4) absorbed dose fraction, may explain an observed difference between experiment and calculation. The latter being larger than earlier reported result. Below 50 nm, the experimental values increase while the calculated decrease.  相似文献   

Barton JP 《Applied optics》1996,35(3):532-541
Theoretical procedures are presented for the determination of the internal and the near-surface electromagnetic fields for an arbitrary monochromatic field (e.g., a focused laser beam) incident upon an irregulary shaped, axisymmetric layered particle. The layered spherical particle solution is also given as a special case of the general solution. Systematic calculations are presented that demonstrate the effects of particle shape and incident focused-beam orientation on the electromagnetic-field distributions.  相似文献   

Barton JP 《Applied optics》1997,36(6):1312-1319
Theoretical procedures are presented for the determination of internal and external electromagnetic fields for the plane two-dimensional problem of an arbitrary monochromatic field (e.g., a focused laser light sheet) incident upon an irregularly shaped, layered cylindrical particle. Equations for the arbitrary illumination of a layered circular cylindrical particle are also given as a special case of the general solution.  相似文献   

Laczik Z 《Applied optics》1996,35(19):3736-3745
To assess the efficiency and accuracy of light-scattering calculations based on the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) for particles with a real relative refractive index smaller than unity, differential scattering cross sections and scattering efficiency factors were calculated for spherical particles. We performed the calculations for oxide particles and voids embedded in glass and silicon, using the exact scattering theory (Mie scattering) and the DDA. A comparison of the results shows that the DDA is applicable in the above refractive-index regime, and the conditions under which DDA-based calculations can provide scattering data with good accuracy are discussed.  相似文献   

Macke A  Mishchenko MI 《Applied optics》1996,35(21):4291-4296
We ascertain the usefulness of simple ice particle geometries for modeling the intensity distribution of light scattering by atmospheric ice particles. To this end, similarities and differences in light scattering by axis-equivalent, regular and distorted hexagonal cylindric, ellipsoidal, and circular cylindric ice particles are reported. All the results pertain to particles with sizes much larger than a wavelength and are based on a geometrical optics approximation. At a nonabsorbing wavelength of 0.55 μm, ellipsoids (circular cylinders) have a much (slightly) larger asymmetry parameter g than regular hexagonal cylinders. However, our computations show that only random distortion of the crystal shape leads to a closer agreement with g values as small as 0.7 as derived from some remote-sensing data analysis. This may suggest that scattering by regular particle shapes is not necessarily representative of real atmospheric ice crystals at nonabsorbing wavelengths. On the other hand, if real ice particles happen to be hexagonal, they may be approximated by circular cylinders at absorbing wavelengths.  相似文献   

The radiological implications of ingestion of nuclear fuel fragments present in the marine environment around Dounreay have been reassessed by using the Monte Carlo code MCNP to obtain improved estimates of the doses to target cells in the walls of the lower large intestine resulting from the passage of a fragment. The approach takes account of the reduction in dose due to attenuation within the intestinal wall and self-absorption of radiation in the fuel fragment itself. In addition, dose is calculated on the basis of a realistic estimate of the anatomical volume of the lumen, rather than being based on the average mass of the contents, as in the current ICRP model. Our best estimates of doses from the ingestion of the largest Dounreay particles are at least a factor of 30 lower than those predicted using the current ICRP model. The new ICRP model will address the issues raised here and provide improved estimates of dose.  相似文献   

《Separations Technology》1991,1(5):267-272
Experimental evidence showing the importance of eletrical double-layer forces in filtration of lubricating oil is presented. These forces are shown to be present in a wide variety of lubricating oils and are seen to be a function of the particle and fiber size, the zeta potential of the particle and fiber media, and their separation distance. The implications of these forces and their interaction with the London—van der Waals forces and the resultant interaction potential and its possible effects on the performance of oil filters is discussed.  相似文献   

Barth H  Grisard K  Holtsch K  Reuter R  Stute U 《Applied optics》1997,36(30):7919-7928
The beam attenuation coefficient is an optical parameter that sensitively depends on suspended and dissolved substances in water. Its measurement is not only of interest for an understanding of the radiative transfer in a water column. With appropriate algorithms for data interpretation, it also allows a fast determination of absorbing and scattering matter as time-series measurements or depth profiles that cannot easily be obtained with other methods. An instrument has been developed for measuring spectral attenuation coefficients over a wavelength range from 340 to 785 nm. The optical path length can be set between 0 and 400 mm. This allows application in a wide range of turbidity in coastal and inland (case 2 and case 3) waters and a calibration of the instrument during in-situ measurements. This makes the instrument suitable for long-term applications in which signals from conventional instruments would degrade owing to the biofouling of optical windows. From the data, the amount and the size distribution of suspended particles and the specific absorption of dissolved organic matter are derived in real time. Algorithms based on Monte Carlo methods are available for a classification of transparent particles and phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The stray radiation field outside the shielding of high-energy accelerators comprises neutrons, photons and charged particles with a wide range of energies. Often, accelerators operate by accelerating and ejecting short pulses of particles, creating an analogue, pulsed radiation field. The pulses can be as short as 10 micros with high instantaneous fluence rates and dose rates. Measurements of average dose equivalent (rate) for radiation protection purposes in these fields present a challenge for instrumentation. The performance of three instruments (i.e. a recombination chamber, the Sievert Instrument and a HANDI-TEPC) measuring total dose equivalent is compared in a high-energy reference radiation field (CERF) and a strongly pulsed, high-energy radiation field at the CERN proton synchrotron (PS).  相似文献   

This survey was carried out in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil. The health services located in the state perform approximately 321 radiological examinations per 1000 inhabitants. A representative sample of 200 health services was selected using sampling techniques, and a postal dosimetric kit was sent to each one who agreed to participate. The kit evaluates entrance surface dose (ESD), making use of thermoluminescence dosemeters attached to the skin of patients. The radiographic technique employed and some physical data of patients were also gathered. In this stage of the survey, only chest examinations, projections AP, PA and LAT, were evaluated. A total of 917 ESD values were measured, which correspond to 588 patients and 74 examination rooms. The ESD to patients were analysed according to weight and age. Groups of standard patients (children and adults) were selected, and reference doses were determined. Large variations of ESD were observed, indicating that much can be done in order to reduce the patient doses by changing the technical parameters. Moreover, the results of ESD in paediatric radiology point to the necessity of special attention in the practice of radiological examinations in this age group.  相似文献   

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