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讨论了“可视化的交互式多媒体演示系统创作工具MPAT”中图符写作语言、语法制导的演示流程编辑器、所见即所得的演示呈现内容编辑器及MPAT解释器的功能及设计实现。  相似文献   

可视化的交互式多媒体演示系统创作工具MPAT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了“可视化的交互式多媒体演示系统创作工具MPAT”中图符写作语言、语法制导的演示流程编辑器、所见即所得的演示呈现内容编辑器及MPAT解释器的功能及设计实现。  相似文献   

LabWindows/CVI开发环境及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
LabWindows/CVI(以下简称CVl)是一个用ANSIC语言开发的应用于仪器控制、自动测试和数据采集系统的Windows可视化开发环境。CVI开发环境组合了编辑器、编译器、带有扩展运行时刻检查的调试器。使用其“函数面板”特性可以交互地执行CVI库函数并可生成调用函数的代码。CVI含有的用户接口编辑器为应用程序创建图形用户接口。使用用户接口库中的函数可控制用户接口。还可以使用CVI开发环境开发仪器驱动程序。在CVI开发环  相似文献   

SMIL作为一种多媒体网页制作的新技术,可以将不同的多媒体素材集成在一起,并能在时间与空间上对它们的演示进行同步控制,从而弥补了传统的HTML在处理动态多媒体信息方面的缺点和不足。本文首先对SMIL的基本知识进行了介绍,然后通过一个具体的实例说明利用SMIL来制作演示型网络多媒体课件的基本过程,最后对SMIL在制作网络多媒体演示课件方面所体现出来的特性进行了分析。  相似文献   

1引言本文介绍运用PowerPoint97制作一套多媒体演示系统,本演示系统主要是对杭州天丽鸟计算机公司的介绍,包括其公司信息、供水产品、客户服务、抄表收费系统等等。该系统不仅是公司的宣传产品,同时也适用干网上的创览,用户只要通过单击几个按钮,便可查询到他想知道的公司信息观。在演示系统中引入一些多媒体方面的技术,集图像、声音、动画于一体,使用户能够更好地进行查阅,达到一种赏心悦目的效果。2系统的实现过程2.1系统的演示外观设计系统的演示外观包括:启动画面和幻灯片的制作。Zll设计启动画面启动PowerPoint后,在启动对…  相似文献   

·ASK ME SUPER SHOW & TELL(1.1) 使用SST(Super Show and Tell)编辑软件,编辑人员无需编程经验就可把图形、影视片断、声音和文本集成为交互式多媒体演示软件。它有两个窗口,一个用来生成多媒体幻灯片,另一个用来重新编排多媒体演示软件的演示次序,通过拖放幻灯片的图符就可实现。 ASK*ME专业版也包含数据库管理软件,它可以用来生成数据库;STRATOS是一个用来编排ASK*ME演示软件的计算机语言,使用STRATOS语言,创作人员可以编排演示顺序,并且可以插入条件测试、循环以及可以跳转到指定位置。  相似文献   

科技文摘信息多媒体演示作品的制作本文阐述了多媒体演示作品的特点与演示方式,以及开发演示作品所应遵循的步骤。对运行在Win-dows操作平台上的演示作品制作与演示播放软件Astound1.5的一些功能与用途作了简要介绍,并通过实例讲解了编辑制作演示作品...  相似文献   

1987年1月23日中国科学院合同局在北京召开了中国科学院软件所研制的院级技术鉴定会.参加会议的有27个单位共56位代表.与会同志听取了的研制报告、测试报告和用户报告,并审阅了技术资料,观看了实际演示.是国家科委中国软件技术开发中心组织的"微机软件工程开发环境"大型项目中的一个  相似文献   

吴庆炜  蔡士杰 《软件学报》1995,6(6):333-342
本文介绍了一个用于描述、生成用户接口的具有彩排功能的图形用户接口编辑器的设计思想和实现方法.叙述了对话控制树和输入数据队列在用户接口和应用程序的分离中所起的作用.最后还讨论了一种基于事件驱动机制的对话控制字解释程序.  相似文献   

江华  陶菲 《电脑》1996,(9):17-21
随着多媒体技术的飞速发展,各种各样的多媒体演示系统在信息领域中发挥着越来越大的作用.其以丰富的表现力、炫耀生动的视觉及声响效果,大大增强了所演示信息的吸引力.但是,多媒体作品的创作是一项费时费力的工作,它不仅涉及到美术、传播、教育、心理等多方面创作因素,而且更需一种能方便地将图、文、声、像等多媒体信息按某种特定要求编合在一起进行表现的方法,为节省多媒体作品的创作时间,需要一种相对简单、集成、高效的编著工具来辅助多媒体作品的创  相似文献   

A distributed multimedia document presentation involves retrieval of objects from one or more document servers and their presentation at the client system. The presentation of the multimedia objects has to be carried out in accordance with the specification of temporal relationships between the objects. The retrieval of multimedia objects from the document server(s) is influenced by factors such as temporal specification of objects presentations, throughput offered by the network service provider, and the buffer resources on the client system. Flexibility in the temporal specification of the multimedia document may help in deriving an object retrieval schedule that can handle variations in network throughput and buffer resource availability. In this paper, we develop techniques for deriving a flexible object retrieval schedule for a distributed multimedia document presentation. The schedule is based on flexible temporal specification of the multimedia document using the difference constrai nts approach. We show how the derived retrieval schedule can be validated and modified to ensure that it can work with the offered network throughput and the available buffer resources.  相似文献   

在设计一个分布式多媒体系统时,具有挑战性的问题之一是如何在系统的不同层次为各模式设计合适的规格描述模型,并提供不同模型的变换方法的集成与同步策略,在本文中,我们给出了几种多媒体对象的表示模型和变换算法,它们把高层的多媒体对象变换成可以用来支持多媒体对象展示和通信的实用模式,在该模式中能较好地保持多媒体对象的集成与同步特性。  相似文献   

XML的重要应用--SMIL2.0的研究及开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SMIL(同步多媒体集成语言)是XML(可扩展标记语言)的一种重要应用。随着对当前SMIL2.0规范支持增长,对于任何在工作中需要某种形式的多媒体资源控制的开发人员,使用SMIL将成为他们的标准策略。文中介始了SMIL2.0的重要语法语义以及一个基于SMIL2.0编辑器的开发过程中的核心问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

多媒体画法几何CAI练习专家系统的设计与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章简要地介绍了多媒体画法几何CAI练习专家系统的功能、结构、设计特点、界面、各种媒体的设计及开发环境等.该软件是采用多媒体技术,将声音、文字、动静态图像、视频集成在一起的画法几何CAI练习系统.  相似文献   

We propose in this paper a context-aware adaptation technique for SMIL encoded multimedia documents. Our approach is mainly dedicated to run in compile-time but we discuss also how it can be used in runtime. Our algorithm aims at improving the execution of a multimedia presentation. This is achieved by scheduling object pre-fetchings in the presentation while monitoring bandwidth and memory space availabilities. For this effect, a request pattern computed from the temporal graph of the SMIL specification is exploited in order to apply an optimal policy to select which objects should be pre-fetched, real time delivered or discarded, even. The algorithm can be used as a tool to evaluate and to monitor the QoS of a presentation. At compile time, it makes it possible to assess whether the QoS of a presentation can be guaranteed after enforcing specific context-oriented adaptations. At authoring stage, this algorithm can be used, for instance, to produce different alternative sub-codes, such that each one is adapted to run in a specific context. In runtime, the algorithm can provide a mechanism to monitor the elastic time computation in case of a mismatch occurrence. In order to advocate our proposal, some experimentation results performed on a simulation platform are reported.  相似文献   

This work discusses the state-of-the-art of visual editor generation based on graph transformation concepts on one hand, and using the Eclipse technology which includes the Graphical Editor Framework (GEF), on the other hand. Due to existing shortcomings in both approaches, we present a combined approach for a tool environment that allows to generate a GEF-based editor from a formal, graph-transformation based visual language specification.  相似文献   

One of the challenges in the design of a distributed multimedia system is devising suitable specification models for various schemas in different levels of the system. Another important research issue is the integration and synchronization of heterogeneous multimedia objects. In this paper, we present our models for multimedia schemas and transformation algorithms. They transform high-level multimedia objects into schemas that can be used to support the presentation and communication of the multimedia objects. A key module in the system is the Object Exchange Manager (OEM). In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the OEM module, and discuss in detail the interaction between the OEM and other modules in a distributed multimedia system.  相似文献   

Abstract. Though there has been extensive work on multimedia databases in the last few years, there is no prevailing notion of a multimedia view, nor there are techniques to create, manage, and maintain such views. Visualizing the results of a dynamic multimedia query or materializing a dynamic multimedia view corresponds to assembling and delivering an interactive multimedia presentation in accordance with the visualization specifications. In this paper, we suggest that a non-interactive multimedia presentation is a set of virtual objects with associated spatial and temporal presentation constraints. A virtual object is either an object, or the result of a query. As queries may have different answers at different points in time, scheduling the presentation of such objects is nontrivial. We then develop a probabilistic model of interactive multimedia presentations, extending the non-interactive model described earlier. We also develop a probabilistic model of interactive visualization where the probabilities reflect the user profiles, or the likelihood of certain user interactions. Based on this probabilistic model, we develop three utility-theoretic based types of prefetching algorithms that anticipate how users will interact with the presentation. These prefetching algorithms allow efficient visualization of the query results in accordance with the underlying specification. We have built a prototype system that incorporates these algorithms. We report on the results of experiments conducted on top of this implementation. Received June 10, 1998 / Accepted November 10, 1999  相似文献   

A framework for synchronous delivery of time-dependent multimedia data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multimedia data often have time dependencies that must be satisfied at presentation time. To support a general purpose multimedia information system, these timing relationships must be managed to provide utility to both the data presentation system and the multimedia author. Timing management encompasses specification, data representation, temporal access control, playout scheduling, and run-time intermedia synchronization. In this paper we describe the components of our framework for supporting time-dependent multimedia data encompassing these areas and how they are assembled into a unified system.  相似文献   

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