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双联拉线开关是电工常用器件,一般用作二地控制一盏电灯。本文介绍它在延时熄灯控制器中的应用。 1.电路工作原理  相似文献   

二、框图详解 显示器图像是否有波纹 图像是否有波纹、经常变形或有扫描线形状的干扰?磁性干扰是造成波纹图像的最常见原因。这种干扰常常来自于显示器上方或下方的小整流器,例如打印机电源或其他外围设备。而造成图像变形或扫描线干扰的可能是活动的射频源,例如无线电发射器、无绳电话.或者是附近墙壁中电线的重载电流。  相似文献   

在下面的文章中,我们将对流程检修框图中各个疑问进行详细的分析。  相似文献   

相信不少朋友的显示器经常出现显示不正常等一些现象,譬如黑屏、花屏、乱码等,我们可以遵循一定的方法来解决显示故障。 1.根据机器启动时不同的自检声:一长两短(AwardBIOS)、一长八短(AMI BIOS)表示显卡硬件问题,可能由于显卡未插紧,金手指氧化或插槽沾满灰尘导致接触不良,或者显卡与显示器信号线插头断针、弯曲松动、接触不良,显卡损坏包括BIOS信息丢失、显存或芯片损坏等原因。  相似文献   

故障现象:一个朋友打电话说他的电脑在启动时显示器上没有任何显示,但能听到自检时硬盘读盘的声音,显示器的指示灯是亮着的.CPU风扇和电源风扇的运转也很正常.硬盘指示灯也是亮着的.且没有任何的报警声.  相似文献   

你像往常一样打开电脑,但随即就觉察到了异常。你没能在显示器上看到熟悉的Windows启动画面,显然这是显示的问题。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,数字显示调节仪已广泛用于科研和生产各个领域。在使用中难免出现这样或那样的故障,在此,根据本人的使用经验,简述其故障检查方法和步骤,供参考。  相似文献   

针对道闸控制系统管理不够统一、多元化的问题,设计一种一体化的显示方法,实现显示内容的远程发布及显示模式的智能化控制。即把摄像机嵌入道闸箱中,显示屏嵌入道闸杆里,把位于显示屏中心的摄像机实时采集的车牌信息及时显示在LED条屏上,并利用GPRS模块传输数据,实现在控制中心随时更新需要发布的通知、告示等信息。根据道闸杆需要举升和降落的功能,设计了横纵两种显示模式的自动切换功能。  相似文献   

针对机关企事业单位人事变动所涉及的计算机IP地址变更的问题,根据网络管理的经验给出了对应交换机上端口vlan的修改方法,并详细介绍了如何通过一系列的思科交换机命令来查找对应端口的步骤。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the design and analysis of algorithms resilient to memory faults. We focus on algorithms that, despite the corruption of some memory values during their execution, are nevertheless able to produce a correct output at least on the set of uncorrupted values. In this framework, we consider two fundamental problems: sorting and searching. In particular, we prove that any O(nlog n) comparison-based sorting algorithm can tolerate the corruption of at most O((nlog n)1/2) keys. Furthermore, we present one comparison-based sorting algorithm with optimal space and running time that is resilient to O((nlog n)1/3) memory faults. We also prove polylogarithmic lower and upper bounds on resilient searching. This work has been partially supported by the Sixth Framework Programme of the EU under Contract Number 507613 (Network of Excellence “EuroNGI: Designing and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet”) and by MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, under Project ALGO-NEXT (“Algorithms for the Next Generation Internet and Web: Methodologies, Design and Experiments”). A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 36th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC’04) .  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the exploration of trees, some of whose edges are faulty. A robot, situated in a starting node and unaware of the location of faults, has to explore the connected fault-free component of this node by visiting all its nodes. The cost of the exploration is the number of edge traversals. For a given tree and given starting node, the overhead of an exploration algorithm is the worst-case ratio (taken over all fault configurations) of its cost to the cost of an optimal algorithm which knows where faults are situated. An algorithm, for a given tree and given starting node, is called perfectly competitive if its overhead is the smallest among all exploration algorithms not knowing the location of faults. We design a perfectly competitive exploration algorithm for any line, and an exploration algorithm for any tree, whose overhead is at most 9/8 larger than that of a perfectly competitive algorithm. Both our algorithms are fairly natural and the total time of local computations used during exploration is linear in the size of the explored tree. Our main contribution is the analysis of the performance of these algorithms, showing that natural exploration strategies perform well in faulty trees.  相似文献   

In this paper we present schemes for reconfiguration of embedded task graphs in hypercubes. Previous results, which use either fault-tolerant embedding or an automorphism approach, can be expensive in terms of either the required number of spare nodes or reconfiguration time. Using the free dimension concept, we combine the above two approaches in our schemes which can tolerate about n faulty nodes under the worst case while keeping task migration time small. With expansion-2 initial embedding, three distributed reconfiguration schemes are presented in this paper. The first scheme, applied to chains and rings, can tolerate any ƒ ≤ n − 2 faulty nodes in an n-dimensional hypercube. The second and third schemes are applied to meshes or tori. For a mesh or torus of size 2m1 1 ··· 1 2md, the second scheme can tolerate any ƒ ≤ mi − 1 faulty nodes, where mi is the largest direction of the mesh and n = m1 + ··· + md + 1. By embedding two copies of meshes or tori in cube, the third scheme can tolerate any ƒ ≤ n − 1 faulty nodes with the dilation of embedding after reconfiguration degraded to 2. The third scheme is quite general and can be applied to any task graph.  相似文献   

传感式智能开关控制系统是传统开关控制器的智能化,可视为虚拟开关机器人。文章以教室智能灯具开关为例,从系统数学模型的建立、基本系统结构到系统硬件设计给出了详述。  相似文献   

设计了一种铁路客车故障录波无线寻呼报警装置,能够实现铁路客车的多故障实时在线监测、故障录波和无线寻呼报警功能。保证列车长或检车人员在车上任何位置都能收到报警信息,及时排除故障。IC卡故障录波,供列车到站后故障分析、故障备案。  相似文献   

案例推理在故障诊断系统中的应用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
将基于案例的推理方法应用于智能故障诊断系统中,具体讨论了故障案例库和结果库的建立,并将其用关系数据库的格式进行存储。应用灰色关联理论和模糊集结合矢量投影学,给出了关联度的定义和计算方法,从而可以准确地检索到相似的故障案例,对待检测故障给出定性或者定量的分析。  相似文献   

变电站通过选相控制器解决投切空载线路、电容器组或电抗器等设备时易产生过电压及涌流的问题;高压开关由于结构复杂,机械特性易受外部环境影响,动作时间稳定性较差,选相控制精度较低;为解决该问题,研制了一种基于ARM+FPGA双核架构的选相控制器,能够接入多种外部传感器对开关动作时间进行预测修正,进而保证选相控制精度;搭建550kV高压开关选相控制试验系统对装置功能进行了验证,结果表明,系统能够控制开关在预设相位完成动作,可靠性高,能够满足工程需求。  相似文献   

BCube is one kind of important data center networks. Hamiltonicity and Hamiltonian connectivity have significant applications in communication networks. So far, there have been many results concerning fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity and fault-tolerant Hamiltonian connectivity in some data center networks. However, these results only consider faulty edges and faulty servers. In this paper, we study the fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity and the fault-tolerant Hamiltonian connectivity of BCube(n, k) under considering faulty servers, faulty links/edges, and faulty switches. For any integers n ≥ 2 and k ≥ 0, let BCn,k be the logic structure of BCube(n, k) and F be the union of faulty elements of BCn,k. Let fv, fe, and fs be the number of faulty servers, faulty edges, and faulty switches of BCube(n, k), respectively. We show that BCn,k-F is fault-tolerant Hamiltonian if fv + fe + (n-1)fs ≤ (n-1)(k + 1)-2 and BCn,k-F is fault-tolerant Hamiltonian-connected if fv + fe + (n-1)fs ≤ (n-1)(k + 1)-3. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first work which takes faulty switches into account to study the fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity and the fault-tolerant Hamiltonian connectivity in data center networks.  相似文献   

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