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This paper presents the results of radon ((222)Rn) concentration measurements in municipal supply drinking water in metropolitan Lahore city of Pakistan and evaluation of consequent radiological effects. In this respect, water samples were collected in all nine municipal towns of Lahore city and analysed employing a high-resolution gamma spectrometric system. Radon concentration varied from 2.0 +/- 0.3 to 7.9 +/- 2.1 Bq l(-1). Mean value of annual effective dose for an individual consumer was assessed to be 16.5 +/- 12.8 microSv y(-1). (222)Rn mean concentration measured in this study is comparable with the reported values for drinking water determined worldwide and found to be less than the limit of 100 Bq l(-1) recommended by the World Health Organisation for public water supplies. The results of this study may be helpful in establishing background levels of radon in drinking water that could be used not only to distinguish additional contributions when a contamination event occurs but also to implement water quality standards by the concerned authorities to maintain radioactive contamination free drinking water supplies for the population.  相似文献   

About 300 samples of groundwater were collected in the region of Extremadura (Spain) in order to analyse their radon activity concentrations. Correlations with the geological characteristics of the aquifer soil were studied. Internal doses by inhalation due to radon exhalation from the water sample and doses by ingestion were estimated. A model was used to calculate the lung dose due to inhalation of radon exhaled from the water. The estimated lung dose range found for the samples was from 2.1 x 10(-3) to 13 mSv a(-1) (the average contribution to the dose due to radon inhalation in Spain being approximately 1.2 mSv a(-1)). The estimated dose by ingestion ranged from 4.1 x 10(-4) to 3.3 mSv a(-1).  相似文献   

The behaviour of ubiquitous radon (222Rn), thoron (220Rn) and their progeny in the indoor atmosphere generally reflects a complex interplay between a number of processes, the most important of which are radioactive alpha-decay, ventilation, attachment to aerosols and deposition on surfaces. The present work involved a long-term (1997-2000) passive monitoring of 222Rn and 220Rn in the indoor environment of Shillong, Meghalaya. The north-east region of India being a zone of high seismicity, the indoor radon and thoron map of the region will provide a better insight and a valuable database for any study related to radon and thoron anomalies.  相似文献   

Gas Geochemistry and 222Rn Migration Process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In order to gain a better understanding of the risk of human exposure to 220Rn indoors, measurements of 220Rn decay products have been performed in a number of houses in England. The study focused mainly on areas where above-average indoor 220Rn concentrations were to be expected because of geological or other factors. Thoron (220Rn) in room air comes mainly from the building materials, with an additional contribution from soil gas; therefore, 220Rn concentrations were examined in relation to building materials as well as location. Measurements were carried out in 23 houses. The mean equilibrium equivalent 220Rn (EET) concentration found was 0.39 Bq m-3 and the mean equilibrium equivalent 222Rn (EER) concentration was 17.8 Bq m-3. The 220Rn concentration values and EET/EER ratios found in this investigation correspond well with other published results. Values imply that the 220Rn concentrations in English dwellings are a far less important problem than 222Rn concentrations.  相似文献   

In addition to the workers in uranium mines, the staff of other underground mines, such as workers in underground phosphate mines, can be exposed to 222Rn and its progeny. In this study the individual radon progeny concentrations were measured in three Egyptian underground phosphate mines to estimate the occupational exposure of the workers at those sites. A filter method was used to measure individual radon progeny concentrations (218Po, 214Pb and 214Po). The reported mean values of radon progeny concentrations exceed the action levels which are recommended by ICRP 65 (1993). Based on the measured individual radon progeny concentrations (218Po, 214Pb and 214Po) in these mines, the annual effective dose for the workers has been calculated using the lung dose model of ICRP 66 (1994). According to the obtained results, some countermeasures were recommended in this study to minimise these exposure levels.  相似文献   

(222)Rn and (220)Rn levels have been measured using passive detector technique by employing time integrated solid-state nuclear track detector-based dosemeters in various types of houses at 10 different locations in and around Bangalore Metropolitan, India. The measured geometric mean concentration values of (222)Rn and (220)Rn levels in 200 dwellings of different types of construction were found to be 32.2±1.6 and 21.4±1.0 Bq m(-3), respectively. The dose rate received by the population of Bangalore ranged between 0.2 and 3.5 mSv y(-1) with an average and the geometric mean of 1.14±0.05 and 1.06 mSv y(-1), respectively. Overall, the result does not show much significant radiological risk for the inhabitants and the (222)Rn levels are well within the limits of global average concentration of 40 Bq m(-3). However, the (220)Rn levels observed were found to be higher than the global average of 10 Bq m(-3).  相似文献   

Commercial hair gel material (polyvinyl pyrolydone triethanolamine carbopol in water) and bacteriological agar (phycocolloid extracted from a group of red-purple algae, usually Gelidium sp.) have been studied as radioactive radon gas detectors. The detection method is based on the diffusion of the radioactive gas in the gel material, and the subsequent measurement of trapped products of the natural decay of radon by gamma spectrometry. From the several radon daughters with gamma radiation emission (214Pb, 214Bi, 214Po, 210Pb, 210Po), two elements, 214Pb (0.352 MeV) and 214Bi (0.609 MeV), were chosen for the analysis in this work; in order to determine the best sensitivity, corrections were made for the short half-life of the analysed isotopes. For the gamma spectrometry analysis, a hyperpure germanium solid state detector was used, associated with a PC multichannel analyser card with Maestro and Microsoft Excel software. The results show the viability of the method: a linear response in a wide radon concentration range (450-10,000 Bq m(-3)), reproducibility of data, easy handling and low cost of the gel material. This detection methodology opens new possibilities for measurements of radon and other radioactive gases.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years there has been an increasing incidence of failure in rockbolts used in underground mines in Australia. Failures have also been observed in the United Kingdom where Australian Technology rockbolting is also used. Most of the failures in the United Kingdom were found to be initiated by corrosion pits, but in Australia, the fractures were considered likely to be due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). This paper reports a metallurgical study of 44 failed rockbolts from four different underground mines in Australia. The study confirmed that failure was generally due to SCC and showed that this was usually initiated by bending of the bolts that occurred due to lateral movement of the rock strata. It also showed that many of the failed bolts had very low toughness with Charpy impact values of 4–7 Joules.  相似文献   

Cumulative exposure to radon can be evaluated by measuring (210)Pb in bone. The skull and knee are two convenient parts of the skeleton for in vivo measuring (210)Pb because these regions of the body present a high concentration of bone, the detectors are easily positioned and the likelihood of cross contribution from other organs or tissues is low. A radiological survey of non-uranium mines in Brazil indicated that an underground coal mine in Paraná, located in the south of Brazil, exhibited a high radon concentration. In vivo measurements of 32 underground coal miners were performed in the IRD-CNEN Whole Body Counter shielded room using an array of four high-resolution germanium detectors. Estimations of (210)Pb in the total skeleton were determined from direct in vivo measurements of (210)Pb in the head and knees. In vivo measurements of (210)Pb in 6 out of 32 underground coal miners ranged from 80 to 164 Bq, suggesting that these workers were significantly exposed to (222)Rn.  相似文献   

Measurements of radon, radon decay products and gamma exposure rate in 12 non-uranium underground mines have been carried out in order to estimate the occupational radiation exposure of miners. Continuous measurements of radon using pulse ionisation chambers and scintillation cell techniques were employed for these studies. Progenies of radon were collected on filter paper, and then a three-count procedure was used for the measurement. The equilibrium state between radon and its decay products has been determined. Concentrations of natural radionuclides ((226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K) in ore and soil samples taken from various locations in each mine have been measured using a Canberra High Purity Germanium detector. Based on these measurements two ranges of dose were evident. Doses ranged from 0.1 to 1.52 mSv y(-1) for nine mines and from 10 to 31 mSv y(-1) for the other three mines. A separate grouping of the mines was recognised from radon concentrations, which varied from 2 Bq m(-3) to 10 kBq m(-3). In three of these mines, working level (WL) concentrations of the order of 36-1771 mWL were determined in different working areas. In all other mines, the concentrations were observed to be <45 mWL.  相似文献   

Measurements of (222)Rn activity concentration were carried out in 39 samples collected from the domestic and drinking water sources used in the island and mainland of Penang, northern peninsular, Malaysia. The measured activity concentrations ranged from 7.49 to 26.25 Bq l(-1), 0.49 to 9.72 Bq l(-1) and 0.58 to 2.54 Bq l(-1) in the raw, treated and bottled water samples collected, respectively. This indicated relatively high radon concentrations compared with that from other parts of the world, which still falls below the WHO recommended treatment level of 100 Bq l(-1). From this data, the age-dependent associated committed effective doses due to the ingestion of (222)Rn as a consequence of direct consumption of drinking water were calculated. The committed effective doses from (222)Rn resulting from 1 y's consumption of these water were estimated to range from 0.003 to 0.048, 0.001 to 0.018 and 0.002 to 0.023 mSv y(-1), for age groups 0-1, 2-16 and >16 y, respectively.  相似文献   

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