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We address the question of how one evaluates the usefulness of a heuristic program on a particular input. If theoretical tools do not allow us to decide for every instance whether a particular heuristic is fast enough, might we at least write a simple, fast companion program that makes this decision on some inputs of interest? We call such a companion program a timer for the heuristic. Timers are related to program checkers, as defined by Blum (1993), in the following sense: Checkers are companion programs that check the correctness of the output produced by (unproven but bounded‐time) programs on particular instances; timers, on the other hand, are companion programs that attempt to bound the running time on particular instances of correct programs whose running times have not been fully analyzed. This paper provides a family of definitions that formalize the notion of a timer and some preliminary results that demonstrate the utility of these definitions.  相似文献   

Static analysis tools, such as resource analyzers, give useful information on software systems, especially in real-time and safety-critical applications. Therefore, the question of the reliability of the obtained results is highly important. State-of-the-art static analyzers typically combine a range of complex techniques, make use of external tools, and evolve quickly. To formally verify such systems is not a realistic option. In this work, we propose a different approach whereby, instead of the tools, we formally verify the results of the tools. The central idea of such a formal verification framework for static analysis is the method-wise translation of the information about a program gathered during its static analysis into specification contracts that contain enough information for them to be verified automatically. We instantiate this framework with costa, a state-of-the-art static analysis system for sequential Java programs, for producing resource guarantees and KeY, a state-of-the-art verification tool, for formally verifying the correctness of such resource guarantees. Resource guarantees allow to be certain that programs will run within the indicated amount of resources, which may refer to memory consumption, number of instructions executed, etc. Our results show that the proposed tool cooperation can be used for automatically producing verified resource guarantees.  相似文献   

ContextA Software Product Line is a set of software systems that are built from a common set of features. These systems are developed in a prescribed way and they can be adapted to fit the needs of customers. Feature models specify the properties of the systems that are meaningful to customers. A semantics that models the feature level has the potential to support the automatic analysis of entire software product lines.ObjectiveThe objective of this paper is to define a formal framework for Software Product Lines. This framework needs to be general enough to provide a formal semantics for existing frameworks like FODA (Feature Oriented Domain Analysis), but also to be easily adaptable to new problems.MethodWe define an algebraic language, called SPLA, to describe Software Product Lines. We provide the semantics for the algebra in three different ways. The approach followed to give the semantics is inspired by the semantics of process algebras. First we define an operational semantics, next a denotational semantics, and finally an axiomatic semantics. We also have defined a representation of the algebra into propositional logic.ResultsWe prove that the three semantics are equivalent. We also show how FODA diagrams can be automatically translated into SPLA. Furthermore, we have developed our tool, called AT, that implements the formal framework presented in this paper. This tool uses a SAT-solver to check the satisfiability of an SPL.ConclusionThis paper defines a general formal framework for software product lines. We have defined three different semantics that are equivalent; this means that depending on the context we can choose the most convenient approach: operational, denotational or axiomatic. The framework is flexible enough because it is closely related to process algebras. Process algebras are a well-known paradigm for which many extensions have been defined.  相似文献   

A formal framework for on-line software version change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The usual way of installing a new version of a software system is to shut down the running program and then install the new version. This necessitates a sometimes unacceptable delay during which service is denied to the users of the software. An online software replacement system replaces parts of the software while it is in execution, thus eliminating the shutdown. While a number of implementations of online version change systems have been described in the literature, little investigation has been done on its theoretical aspects. We describe a formal framework for studying online software version change. We give a general definition of validity of an online change, show that it is in general undecidable and then develop sufficient conditions for ensuring validity for a procedural language  相似文献   

An important direction in the research of P systems is paving the way to modelling real-world biological structures. Clock-free P systems represent an attempt at bringing the P formalism closer to biological origins by eliminating global synchronization, the global clock. The goal of this paper is to provide a formalization of clock-free P systems starting from the formal concept of a network of cells. This approach makes it possible to show that clock-free systems can be simulated with the usual networks of cells.  相似文献   

Internet is offering a variety of services that are assembled to accomplish requests made by clients. While serving a request, security of the communications and of the data exchanged among services is crucial. Since communications occur along specific channels, it is equally important to guarantee that the interactions between a client and a server never get blocked because either cannot access a selected channel. We address here both these problems, from a formal point of view. A static analysis is presented, guaranteeing that a composition of a client and of possibly nested services respects both security policies for access control, and compliance between clients and servers.  相似文献   

A formal framework for real-time information flow analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joon  Jim 《Computers & Security》2009,28(6):421-432
We view Multi-Level Secure (MLS) real-time systems as systems in which MLS real-time tasks are scheduled and execute, according to a scheduling algorithm employed by the system. From this perspective, we develop a general trace-based framework that can carry out a covert-timing channel analysis of a real-time system. In addition, we propose a set of covert-timing channel free policies: If a system satisfies one of our proposed security policies, we demonstrated that the system can achieve a certain level of real-time information flow security. Finally, we compare the relative strength of the proposed covert-timing channel free security policies and analyze whether each security policy can be regarded as a property (a set of execution sequences).  相似文献   

Service-oriented Computing is rapidly gaining importance across several application domains due to its capability of composing autonomous and loosely-coupled services. In order to support the engineering of service-oriented software applications, foundational theories, service modeling notations, evaluation techniques fully integrated in a pragmatic software engineering approach are required. This article introduces a framework for modeling and prototyping service-oriented applications. The framework consists of a precise and executable language, SCA-ASM, for model-based design, and of a tool for early and quick design evaluation of service assemblies. The language combines the OASIS/OSOA standard Service Component Architecture (SCA) capability of modeling and assembling heterogeneous service-oriented components in a technology agnostic way, with the rigor of the Abstract State Machine (ASM) formal method able to model notions of service behavior, interactions, orchestration, compensation and context-awareness in an abstract but executable way. The tool is based on existing execution environments for ASM models and SCA applications. An SCA-ASM model of a service-oriented component, possibly not yet implemented in code or available as off-the-shelf, can be (i) simulated and evaluated offline, i.e. in isolation from the other components; or (ii) executed as abstract implementation (or prototype) together with the other components implementations according to the chosen SCA assembly. As proof of concept, a case study taken from EU research projects has been considered to show the functionalities and potentialities of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

SysML activity diagrams are OMG/INCOSE standard diagrams used for modeling and specifying probabilistic systems. They support systems composition by call behavior and send/receive artifacts. For verification, the existing approaches dedicated to these diagrams are limited to a restricted set of artifacts. In this paper, we propose a formal verification framework for these diagrams that supports the most important artifacts. It is based on mapping a composition of SysML activity diagrams to the input language of the probabilistic symbolic model checker called “PRISM”. To prove the soundness of our mapping approach, we capture the underlying semantics of both the SysML activity diagrams and their generated PRISM code. We found that the probabilistic equivalence relation between both semantics preserve the satisfaction of the system requirements. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting real case studies.  相似文献   

On the purpose of Event-B proof obligations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Event-B is a formal modelling method which is claimed to be suitable for diverse modelling domains, such as reactive systems and sequential program development. This claim hinges on the fact that any particular model has an appropriate semantics. In Event-B, this semantics is provided implicitly by proof obligations associated with a model. There is no fixed semantics though. In this article we argue that this approach is beneficial to modelling because we can use similar proof obligations across a variety of modelling domains. By way of two examples we show how similar proof obligations are linked to different semantics. A small set of proof obligations is thus suitable for a whole range of modelling problems in diverse modelling domains.  相似文献   

Agent based computing is generally intended for modeling and implementation of distributed complex problems. Despite the existence of many applications, the problem of rational engineering of multi-agent systems remains complex and difficult. The purpose of this paper can be summarized within two claims. First, we aim at providing an approach that gives some guidelines for specifying and designing multi-agent systems. Secondly, we focus on the formalisms as a language for describing the models produced in each development process phases. These seem to be straightforward, while the development of multi-agent systems is still done, in most cases, without using methods and formal modeling such as those generally used in object oriented software. We illustrate this approach by specifying an example based upon a specific agent architecture.  相似文献   

Simulink has been widely used in industry to model and simulate embedded systems. With the increasing usage of embedded systems in real-time safety-critical situations, Simulink becomes deficient to analyze (timing) requirements with high-level assurance. In this article, we apply Timed Interval Calculus (TIC), a real-time specification language, to complement Simulink with TIC formal verification capability. We elaborately construct TIC library functions to model Simulink library blocks which are used to compose Simulink diagrams. Next, Simulink diagrams are automatically transformed into TIC models which preserve functional and timing aspects. Important requirements such as timing bounded liveness can be precisely specified in TIC for whole diagrams or some components. Lastly, validation of TIC models can be rigorously conducted with a high degree of automation using a generic theorem prover. Our framework can enlarge the design space by representing environment properties to open systems, and handle complex diagrams as the analysis of continuous and discrete behavior is supported.  相似文献   

A framework for formal modeling and analysis of organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new, formal, role-based, framework for modeling and analyzing both real world and artificial organizations is introduced. It exploits static and dynamic properties of the organizational model and includes the (frequently ignored) environment. The transition is described from a generic framework of an organization to its deployed model and to the actual agent allocation. For verification and validation of the proposed model, a set of dedicated techniques is introduced. Moreover, where most computational models can handle only two or three layered organizational structures, our framework can handle any arbitrary number of organizational layers. Henceforth, real-world organizations can be modeled and analyzed, as illustrated by a case study, within the DEAL project line  相似文献   

The development of autonomous agents, such as mobile robots and software agents, has generated considerable research in recent years. Robotic systems, which are usually built from a mixture of continuous (analog) and discrete (digital) components, are often referred to as hybrid dynamical systems. Traditional approaches to real-time hybrid systems usually define behaviors purely in terms of determinism or sometimes non-determinism. However, this is insufficient as real-time dynamical systems very often exhibit uncertain behavior. To address this issue, we develop a semantic model, Probabilistic Constraint Nets (PCN), for probabilistic hybrid systems. PCN captures the most general structure of dynamic systems, allowing systems with discrete and continuous time/variables, synchronous as well as asynchronous event structures and uncertain dynamics to be modeled in a unitary framework. Based on a formal mathematical paradigm exploiting abstract algebra, topology and measure theory, PCN provides a rigorous formal programming semantics for the design of hybrid real-time embedded systems exhibiting uncertainty.   相似文献   

《Information Systems》2002,27(5):299-319
We present a formal framework for enterprise and business process modelling. The concepts of our framework (objectives and goals, roles and actors, actions and processes, responsibilities and constraints) allow business analysts to capture enterprise knowledge in a way that is both intuitive and mathematically formal. We also outline the basic steps of a methodology that allows business analysts to produce detailed, formal specifications of business processes from high-level enterprise objectives. The use of a formal language permits us to verify that the specifications possess certain correctness properties, namely that the responsibilities assigned to roles are fulfilled, and that constraints are maintained as a result of process execution.  相似文献   

This paper presents another formal proot for the correctness of the Deadline Driven Scheduler(DDS),This proof is given in terms of Duration Calculus which provides abstraction for random preemption of Processor.Compared with other approaches,this proof relies on many intuitive facts.Therefore this proof is more intuitive,while it is still formal.  相似文献   

Formal business communication is a process-oriented (vs. document-oriented) environment for digital interoorganizational business transactions. They improve efficiency and effectiveness of business communications and often provide strategic advantages. Thanks to the current advances in information and telecommunications technologies, the development of formal business communication systems plays one of the key roles in the establishment of digital commerce, or virtual organizational business transaction platform. This paper proposes a logic of relativized deontic modalities as a component of digital commerce systems. The logic of relativized deontic modalities provides syntactic and semantic treatment for such notions of duty in the context of formal business communications. Also addressed are the practical issue of conflicts of duties and their resolution based on defeasibility reasoning, and the dynamic aspect of contractual obligations including delegation of duties and assignment of rights. Finally, we suggest augmentation of the CASE/Open-EDI system with the proposed logic of contractual obligations.  相似文献   

Visual representations are an essential element in human–computer interaction and can be conceived as a collection of graphical objects arranged in a two-dimensional space. It is quite natural to model visual representations through the qualitative relationships holding between their objects, and therefore, qualitative spatial relations are a fundamental way of representing spatial knowledge. To this aim, in this paper we present a framework of qualitative spatial relations providing a general, domain-independent approach to specify visual representations.  相似文献   

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