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去皮高粱粉和粟米粉作面包用粉的替代物,以不同比例添加使用。胡芦巴胶部分替代面粉,替代率可达0.9%,研究了胡芦巴胶对流变特征及面包品质的影响。添加胶越多,生面团吸水量亦越高;添加胡芦巴胶后,生面团的稳定时间、断裂时间和机械耐力指数均有提高。按4∶1的面粉/高粱粉配方,添加0.6%胶可增大面包体积21.8%,而0.9%的胶添加量能增大面包体积21.38%.  相似文献   

以粉末绿茶、魔芋精粉及豆浆粉为主要配料,经正交试验优选表明:当粉末绿茶:魔芋精粉:豆浆粉:GF:CMCNa为2:0.7:0.7:1.5:0.5时,冲调时混合粉与开水比为1:20时,能在短时间(5~10min)内形成均一流质。经检测,配方中主要活性成分TP为7.5%、葡甘露聚糖为6.63%。  相似文献   

面包在亚洲一般不作为主食,而是作为点心,绝大多数是较多糖油的甜软面包,对面粉面筋要求中偏下,以支持不同造型、复杂配料、松软口感的要求。  相似文献   

港式面包生产技术薛平港式面包生产工艺不同其它面包,操作比较简单,生产周期短,面包口味好,无酸味。1.配方(公斤)精粉50、食糖7、酵母0.5、豆油2,奶粉0.5、鸡蛋2、水25、食盐0.067、谷朊粉0.67、添加剂少许。2.生产工艺和面→整形(压片...  相似文献   

核桃冰淇淋的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用通常的操作方法,加入10%核桃乳固形物,生产核桃冰淇淋,其最佳配料为:核桃乳固形物10%,蔗糖6%,淀粉糖浆6%,人造奶油8%,明胶0.4%,海藻酸钠0.15%,单甘酯0.1%,组织状态同市售一般产品,但具有特殊香味。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白—纤维粉在面包生产中的应用研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过焙烤实验,研究了大豆蛋白粉、膳食纤维和品质改良剂对面包制取工艺、焙烤质量的影响。结果表明:在面包中添加5%大豆蛋白粉,6%膳食纤维和0.6%的品质改良剂可生产出高质量的蛋白--纤维粉面包。  相似文献   

1.面包用小麦粉1.1一般面包用小麦份一般面包用的小麦粉可分为三大类,见表1.①面包用一等粉适用于小型面包房,制造主食面包、小白面包、点心面包等所有的面包类.如果使用的小麦粉种类太多,将造成仓库面积增加。库存管理复杂等问题.故小面包房将面包一等粉作为通用面粉.仅一部分小白面包和面制糕点,由面包一等粉与薄力粉混合后制成。在大型面包厂,面包用一等粉主要制造高级主食面包,内部组织洁白、细致.②面包用准一等粉,小型面包房很少使用,多数被大型面包厂利用,其原因是这种小麦粉比一等粉价格低,对大型面包厂制造的面包…  相似文献   

焙烤品质与面团形成和稳定时间相关分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
根据多年的实践经验,参考国外有关研究结果,对小麦烘烤品质与面团形成和稳定时间的关系进行了分析探讨。得出烘烤面包适宜的形成时间为6±0.5min,适宜的稳定时间为12±0.5min,烘烤饼干、蛋糕的适宜形成时间和稳定时间为1±0.5min,并剖析了粉质曲线所反应的面团流变学特性的主要指标的意义和价值,为食品工业利用粉质曲线配粉和鉴评品质提供依据。  相似文献   

响应曲面法优化面包预混粉配方研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以面包比容为指标,利用响应面法对面包预混粉配方进行优化,将此面包预混粉(BPF)与市售面包粉(CBF)、添加市售改良剂面包基础粉(FCIA)流变学特性及面包加工品质进行对比,并对面包预混粉进行不同温度条件下的储藏试验。结果表明,BPF的最佳配方:木聚糖酶添加量5.34 mg/kg、谷朊粉添加量10.26%、淀粉酶添加量56.14 mg/kg,根据该配方制得面包比容为6.05 cm3/g,与CBF、FCIA相比,BPF面团弹性最好、筋力中等,BPF制作面包品质最好,BPF最佳储藏温度为4℃。  相似文献   

采用肉桂和陈皮作为功能性配料用于主食面包的制作,通过检测主食面包的比容、色差、水分含量、质构、自由基清除能力和微生物指标等对其贮藏品质和抗氧化特性进行分析。结果表明:添加肉桂-陈皮粉使主食面包比容降低、色泽变暗,然而不同肉桂-陈皮质量比制备的主食面包其感官综合得分均高于85分,与空白样品差异不显著。在贮藏过程中,与空白样品相比,添加肉桂-陈皮粉的样品,其水分含量相对较高、硬度较小、弹性较大、总酚含量较高,DPPH和ABTS自由基清除能力较强,细菌总数和霉菌数较少,其中,添加肉桂-陈皮质量比4∶4的样品抑菌能力最强,而肉桂-陈皮质量比0∶8的样品抗氧化能力最强,感官综合得分最高(88.90分),能为消费者所接受。  相似文献   

燕麦面团流变学及加工特性研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
以燕麦粉为原料,以中强筋小麦粉为对照,研究燕麦粉与小麦粉不同配比混合粉的面团流变学特性和食品加工特性.结果认为,与小麦粉相比,燕麦蛋白质组分中清蛋白、醇溶蛋白含量较低,球蛋白含量高,谷蛋白含量稍低.燕麦粉峰值、最大、最终黏度均小于对照小麦粉.加入燕麦粉后,面团形成时间延长,稳定时间降低.用淀粉代替燕麦粉,同样添加量下面包及馒头比容、总评分降低,面条吸水率、总评分降低,失落率升高.当面粉取代量大于5%时,对混粉食品制作品质有显著影响.加入10%、25%、10%燕麦粉制作面条、馒头和面包是较为理想的配比.  相似文献   

The utilization of sprout‐damaged wheat flour in pre‐fermentation for sour dough bread‐baking increased lactic acid formation and titratable acidity several fold in comparison to the use of baker's wheat flour, and also resulted in a lactic acid to acetic acid molar ratio acceptable for sour dough bread. Further, enzymic treatment of the sprout‐damaged wheat flour with malted grain flour appared to be necessary for a properly balanced acid formation although the α‐amylase activity of sprout‐damaged wheat flour was quite high. The accumulation of lactic acid in the pre‐ferment decreased in the presence of yeast, and thus the molar ratio of lactic to acetic acid could be adjusted suitable for sour bread‐baking even with homofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Finally, when using mixed culture pre‐ferments of Lactobacillus brevis and Propionibacterium jensenii, at least 0.1% of propionic acid (based on flour weight), sufficient to prevent mold growth in the final bread, was obtained.  相似文献   

该实验以甘薯-小麦混粉为原料,探究甘薯生全粉添加量对混粉特性、混粉面团特性以及甘薯生全粉馒头综合品质影响的研究。结果表明,甘薯生全粉中主要成分为淀粉,含量约为64.60%;随着混粉中甘薯生全粉含量的增加,混粉的持水性从1.16 g/g增加至1.70 g/g,持油性呈先增大后减小的变化趋势。随着甘薯生全粉添加量增大,混粉粉质特性变差,面团加工品质降低;随着混粉面团中甘薯生全粉含量的增加,面团的TO、TP、TC、硬度逐渐增大,弹性逐渐减小;甘薯生全粉添加量在20%以内时,甘薯馒头感官评分大于70,馒头的质构、比容和白度仍在可接受范围内。综上所述,当甘薯生全粉添加量小于10%时,混合面团的加工特性和馒头品质较优;当甘薯生全粉添加量小于20wt%时,混合面团的加工特性和馒头品质在可接受范围内。  相似文献   

The formula and preparation of steamed bread are different from those of western bread. The extensional rheological behaviour plays a key role in the development of steamed bread dough. However, there are inadequate studies on the rheological properties of mixed dough with yeast. In this study, the relationship between properties of dough in the presence or absence of yeast was elucidated. Besides, the flour characteristics and quality of steamed bread prepared from different wheat varieties were evaluated. The uniaxial/biaxial extensional rheological properties of wheat dough were compared with traditional rheological test results. Large deformations in the extensional properties were measured by Extensograph and the Kieffer extensibility rig, while the biaxial extension was quantified using uniaxial compression. These characteristics of dough and flour correlated with each other in different ways. Correlation analysis illustrated that the uniaxial extensional rheological properties of dough with yeast better indicated the quality of the steamed bread. Moreover, the total work for breakage of the dough with yeast was the best predictor for specific volume of steamed bread. The texture-based properties of steamed bread showed correlation with biaxial extension viscosity. The rheological tests provide useful information for evaluating wheat flour and steamed bread quality.  相似文献   

为了研究甘薯渣粉对小麦粉加工特性的影响,分析添加不同比例(0~15%)的甘薯渣粉对小麦粉的粉质特性、面团延伸特性、面包质构的影响,同时还比较了甘薯渣粉和小麦粉的基本成分。结果表明,甘薯渣粉膳食纤维含量是小麦粉的6倍多。含不同比例甘薯渣粉的混合粉在吸水量、形成时间、稳定时间方面存在显著差异(p<0.05),面团拉伸距离、拉伸面积差异不显著(p>0.05),拉伸最大力存在显著差异(p<0.05)。在面包品质方面,添加甘薯渣粉造成面包硬度增加,当添加量为0~9%时,硬度差异不显著(p>0.05),当大于9%时差异显著(p<0.05)。面包的亮度、pH则随着甘薯渣粉比例的增加呈降低的趋势。感官分析结果显示甘薯渣粉替代比例为0~9%时面包感官评分较高。  相似文献   

In this research, the effects of a low mixing temperature on dough rheology and the quality of bread were investigated. In the experiments, strong flour samples (Type 550), 1.5% salt, 3% of yeast and 1% additive mixture were used and dough samples were mixed at 17 °C (low temperature), 23 °C (control) and 30 °C (high temperature). Five different periods (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min) were applied at the bulk fermentation stage. At the final proofing stage, the dough was fermented until it reached a constant height. It was determined that almost every bread from dough samples mixed at 17 °C resulted in not only the highest bread volume and bread weight, but also the best texture, elasticity and crumb structure. The results of dough samples mixed at 23 °C were worse than those of dough samples mixed at 17 °C. The worst results were obtained from dough samples mixed at 30 °C (high temperature). As a result, it may be concluded that the quality of bread from dough samples mixed at low temperature (17 °C) is superior to those from dough samples mixed at the higher temperatures. Besides these findings, it may also be stated that prolonging the period of bulk fermentation in dough samples mixed at 17 °C positively develops baking performances.  相似文献   

为研究混合乳酸菌发酵对杂粮面团及馒头品质的影响,将黄豌豆粉、莜麦粉、谷朊粉及燕麦β-葡聚糖(oatmeal β-glucan,OBG)复配成杂粮粉基质,利用直投式混合乳酸菌发酵剂发酵面团制作馒头。探究乳酸菌在面团中的酸化能力,分析杂粮面团中OBG、抗性淀粉(resistant starch,RS)和游离氨基酸含量的变化以及面团的微观结构变化,并对发酵前后的杂粮馒头和小麦粉馒头进行品质及营养特性比较。结果表明,在发酵杂粮面团中乳酸菌酸化能力强,发酵24 h后乳酸和乙酸质量浓度分别达到24.85、8.98 mg/mL。与未发酵的杂粮面团相比,乳酸菌发酵杂粮面团中OBG含量下降32.56%,RS含量上升32.88%,游离氨基酸总量提升至1.46倍,氨基酸组成模式更优,部分蛋白质和纤维素发生降解,面筋网络结构更加紧密且连续。在营养方面,乳酸菌发酵前后的杂粮馒头膳食纤维质量分数均高于6%,蛋白质质量分数分别为40.35%和38.38%,属于高纤维高蛋白食品,显著优于小麦粉馒头。乳酸菌发酵杂粮馒头具有更高的体外蛋白消化率和比容,且乳酸菌发酵杂粮馒头感官评价总评分显著高于未发酵杂粮馒头,整体可接受度...  相似文献   

将藜麦和小麦粉按一定比例混合,用快速粘度分析法测定混合粉糊化特性,流变仪测定了冻藏过程中小麦-藜麦冷冻面团的流变学特性,核磁共振法测定面团中水分迁移,并测定其发酵体积变化,最后分析了冷冻面团组织状态与产品品质的关系。结果表明:藜麦粉对冷冻面团及面包的品质均有改善。藜麦粉降低了混合粉体系的糊化粘度和崩解值。冻藏后,冷冻面团的弹性模量和粘性模量增加,小麦粉冷冻面团损耗角正切值增加了4.73%,添加量为5%时冷冻面团损耗角正切值仅增加0.41%;小麦冷冻面团自由水上升了3.90%,藜麦添加后仅上升2.40%,可见藜麦粉能冷冻面团降低水分迁移程度;同时,添加藜麦粉能维持面团面筋网络结构的完整性,发酵体积由26.42 mL/h增大到29.17 mL/h。不同添加量的藜麦粉对面团及面包的品质改善程度不同,最适添加量为10%,烘烤后面包比容为3.08 mL/g,硬度为2803.48 g。本研究可为开发藜麦冷冻面团提供理论基础,在藜麦新产品开发方面具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this work, the hydration process of durum wheat–based functional bread loaded with yellow pepper flour was optimised. In particular, the investigated vegetable flour and durum wheat semolina were mixed after they were separately hydrated. Three different amounts of water added to the yellow pepper flour were studied for assessing the effect of vegetable flour hydration level on the dough development and overall quality of bread. The bread formulation investigated in a previous work, based on 25% of yellow pepper and 2% of guar seed as structuring agent where the vegetable flour was directly added to the hydrated durum wheat semolina dough, was chosen as control sample. Results highlighted that dough samples with yellow pepper flour hydrated at highest water content showed a rheological behaviour similar to the durum wheat dough. Moreover, creep analysis showed that the sample added with no‐hydrated yellow pepper flour recorded the greatest resistance to deformation. Same results were obtained for the dough tensile and bread compression tests. The use of the hydrated yellow pepper flour also improved all sensorial attributes.  相似文献   

通过添加不同量的苦荞粉配成苦荞-小麦混粉,研究混粉揉混特性、面团微观结构的变化以及苦荞馒头的感官品质。结果表明,当添加量在5%~15%时,揉混结果中的和面时间和峰值面积变化不大,微观结构中蛋白质面筋网络结构略微减弱,但当添加量达到20%后,和面时间和峰值面积都有大幅度降低,微观面筋网络结构也出现明显的下降。同时,苦荞粉添加量为15%时馒头感官品质较好。综合分析可知,添加量为15%时苦荞馒头仍具有较好的品质。  相似文献   

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