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A convenient, reliable and rapid method for determination of total cysteamine in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection is reported. This assay involves reduction of samples with dithiothreitol, derivatization of total cysteamine by addition of monobromobimane and protein precipitation by perchloric acid. The calibration curve was linear in the range 2-150 nmol ml-1 and the detection limit was 0.5 nmol ml-1. This method was successfully applied for a pharmacokinetic study of three cysteamine derivatives in healthy volunteers without any interference from coexisting substances.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of norfloxacin in human plasma and urine is described. Plasma samples were deproteinized using acetonitrile. The supernatant was analysed by C18 HPLC. Fluorescence detection at an excitation wavelength of 300 nm and an emission wavelength of 450 nm was utilized. The assay was validated in the concentration range of 31 to 2507 ng/ml when 0.5-ml aliquots of plasma were handled. The intra-day precision of the spiked quality control samples ranged from +/- 0.37 to +/- 4.14% in plasma (concentration range: 70.3-2109.2 ng/ml) and from +/- 0.51 to +/- 1.56% in urine (concentration range: 7.5-299.4 micrograms/ml). The intra-day accuracy obtained for norfloxacin in the quality control samples ranged from -5.18% to -9.47% in plasma and from -10.56% to - 5.91% in urine. The assay has been used to support human pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

Determination of homocysteine in plasma or serum is becoming an important diagnostic procedure. Accurate, rapid and low cost methods for measuring homocysteine are therefore required. We have improved an HPLC method and made it suitable for clinical application. The total homocysteine in plasma consists of free homocysteine (i.e., reduced plus oxidized homocysteine in the non-protein fraction of plasma) and protein-bound homocysteine. The method consists of the following steps: reduction of the sample with tri-n-butylphosphine, precipitation of proteins with trichloroacetic acid (10%) and derivatization with ammonium 7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulfonate. The derivatives are separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by fluorescence detection. The concentrations (mean +/- S.D.) of total homocysteine in plasma from 77 normal subjects, 44 male and 33 female adults, were 8.4 +/- 2.15 and 7.1 +/- 1.18 mumol/l, respectively. Serum concentrations were 8.8 +/- 2.6 mumol/l in males and 7.6 +/- 1.5 mumol/l in females.  相似文献   

One of the groups at highest risk of anal cancer is homosexual and bisexual men. Like cervical cancer, anal cancer is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Anal HPV infection was characterized in a study of 346 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and 262 HIV-negative homosexual and bisexual men. Anal HPV DNA was detected in 93% of HIV-positive and 61% of HIV-negative men by polymerase chain reaction. The spectrum of HPV types was similar in HIV-positive and HIV-negative men, with HPV-16 the most common type. Infection with multiple HPV types was found in 73% of HIV-positive and 23% of HIV-negative men. Among HIV-positive men who were positive by hybrid capture for group B HPV types (16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58) or group A types (6/11/42/43/44), lower CD4 cell levels were associated with higher levels of group B DNA (P = .004) but not group A DNA. These data suggest increased replication of the more oncogenic HPV types with more advanced immunosuppression.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of dopexamine hydrochloride at concentrations of 5 to 100 ng/ml in human blood using electrochemical detection. The method uses a Hypersil ODS column and a mobile phase containing heptane sulphonate, orthophosphoric acid, diisopropylamine and disodium EDTA. Blood samples are stabilised immediately after collection by the use of dipotassium EDTA and a high concentration of sodium metabisulphite. The sample preparation procedure consists of a simple de-proteinisation with perchloric acid. The method is accurate, with inter-assay accuracies ranging from 100 to 104%, and is free of interference by blood from different individuals. Known and potential metabolites of dopexamine hydrochloride and a wide range of drugs do not interfere with the method. The method is precise with inter-assay coefficients of variation of 10.6% at 5 ng/ml and of less than 4.2% at higher concentrations. Stabilised blood samples may be stored for over six months at -25 degrees C prior to analysis.  相似文献   

An analytical method is described for the determination of the avermectins in plasma based upon high-performance liquid chromatography of fluorescent derivatives of these compounds. The analyte is isolated by adsorption chromatography on Florisil, dehydrated in an acetic anhydride-pyridine mixture, and the fluorophore is further separated by chromatography on silica gel in advance of introduction into a reversed-phase system. This method, which can be applied to samples containing as little as 0.2 ng drug per ml, has an accuracy of 5% mean relative error and a precision of 8% relative standard deviation. A study and discussion of several factors which affect the analytical reaction are included.  相似文献   

P0, the major structural protein of peripheral myelin, is a homophilic adhesion molecule with a single immunoglobulin (Ig) domain, which contains a single N-linked glycosylation site and two cysteines. We have previously reported four different mutations of the myelin P0 gene in four families of Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1 (CMT1). In this study we found a new mutation of the myelin P0 gene in a small family of CMT1. The affected persons had an A - to - G substitution of nucleotide 245 of the myelin P0 gene in one allele, leading to a cysteine substitution for tyrosine82 in the extracellular Ig-domain. An additional cysteine in the extracellular domain may form a disulfide bond and cause an inappropriate change in the tertiary structure of the functional Ig-domain of P0.  相似文献   

An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed to determine ciprofloxacin levels in chinchilla plasma and middle ear fluid. Ciprofloxacin and the internal standard, difloxacin, were separated on a Keystone ODS column (100 x 2.1 mm I.D., 5 microns Hypersil) using a mobile phase of 30 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3), 20 mM triethylamine, 20 mM sodium dodecyl sulphate-acetonitrile (60:40, v/v). The retention times were 3.0 min for ciprofloxacin and 5.2 min for difloxacin. This fast, efficient protein precipitation procedure together with fluorescence detection allows a quantification limit of 25 ng/ml with a 50 microliters sample size. The detection limit is 5 ng/ml with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5:1. Recoveries (mean +/- S.D., n = 5) at 100 ng/ml in plasma and middle ear fluid were 89.4 +/- 1.2% and 91.4 +/- 1.6%, respectively. The method was evaluated with biological samples taken from chinchillas with middle ear infections after administering ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   

A sensitive and selective analytical method for the determination of domperidone in rat plasma is described. The procedure involves liquid-liquid extraction followed by reversed-phase high-performance chromatographic analysis with fluorometric detection at 282 nm for excitation and 328 nm for emission. The detection limit was 1 ng ml(-1) using 1 ml of plasma. This assay procedure should be useful for the pharmacokinetic study of domperidone in small animals such as rats.  相似文献   

A specific reversed-phase HPLC-assay with sensitive fluorometric detection has been developed to measure the potent new antiparasitic agent ivermectin (CAS 70288-86-7) in human plasma (and urine). The lower limit of the method was 1 ng/ml and the intra-/interassay variability averaged 4.5/6.9%, respectively. The assay was applied for measuring plasma (urine) concentrations of ivermectin upto 56 (72 h) following a single oral dose of 6 and 12 mg. No unchanged or conjugated ivermectin could be detected in urine. Plasma concentrations increased linearly with dose but elimination half-life (12.6/13.4 h) was independent of the administered dose. Thus, the method is applicable for monitoring plasma levels during clinical and pharmacokinetic trials with ivermectin to evaluate its most efficacious dosage regimen.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described for the determination of dimethindene in human tears. The tear samples were diluted in a 0.01 M hydrochloric acid-n-propanol mixture to prevent the irreversible adsorption of dimethindene. The diluted samples were directly injected into the chromatographic system to avoid sample pretreatment. The validation data demonstrate that the method is specific, precise and accurate within the calibration range of 12 to 1000 ng/ml dimethindene free base.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the separation of human milk triacylglycerols using a C18 Spherisorb ODS column and ternary gradient elution with dichloromethane, acetone and acetonitrile is described. The triacylglycerols are detected by light scattering. Several chromatographic conditions were assayed in order to optimize the method: sample solubility, mobile phase, column temperature and the mass detector oven temperature. The linearity, precision and relative response of the method were examined. A total of 34 peaks were separated and quantified based on the percentage peak area in the HPLC chromatogram. Mature human milk analyzed by this method contained six predominant triacylglyceride structures: POO, POL, LOO, POP, OOO and SOP, where P = palmitin, O = olein, L = linolein and S = stearin.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for cisapride and norcisapride in human plasma is described. Samples of plasma (150 microl) were extracted using a C18 solid-phase cartridge. Regenerated tubes were eluted with 1.0 ml of methanol, dried, redissolved in 150 microl of methanol and injected. Chromatography was performed at room temperature by pumping acetonitrile-methanol-0.015 M phosphate buffer pH 2.2-2.3 (680:194:126, v/v/v) at 0.8 ml/min through a C18 reversed-phase column. Cisapride, norcisapride and internal standard were detected by absorbance at 276 nm and were eluted at 4.3, 5.3 and 8.1 min, respectively. Calibration plots in plasma were linear (r>0.998) from 10 to 150 ng/ml. Intraday precisions for cisapride and norcisapride were 3.3% and 5.4%, respectively. Interday precisions for cisapride and norcisapride were 9.6% and 9.0%, respectively. Drugs used which might be coadministered were tested for interference.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection using a chiral ligand-exchange column was developed for the enantioselective determination of p-hydroxymandelic acid (HMA), a metabolite of synephrine, with high sensitivity. A good linear relationship between current ratio and amount was noted for 0.5-500 pmol HMA, with a correlation coefficient of 0.999 for each HMA enantiomer. The relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) was 1.6% at 100 pmol d-HMA and 2.2% at 100 pmol l-HMA. The detection limit of each HMA enantiomer was 0.5 pmol (signal to noise ratio, S/N = 3). By this method, HMA in Citrus unshiu and in urine following the ingestion of C. unshiu was determined. Although no HMA was found in c. unshiu, d- and l-HMA were present in urine after the ingestion of C. unshiu. The time courses of HMA and conjugated synephrine enantiomers excreted in urine following the ingestion of C. unshiu for 24 h could be monitored. This method should prove applicable to the study of synephrine metabolism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Data concerning the effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on plasma angiotensinogen levels are conflicting. Although Ang II is reported to stimulate the biosynthesis of angiotensinogen, plasma angiotensinogen is often depleted by renin when the level of renin, and therefore Ang II, increases. In the present study we used the Ang II subtype 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan to investigate whether rising plasma Ang II levels stimulate angiotensinogen production to counteract the falling plasma angiotensinogen levels caused by increasing renin activity in plasma. METHOD: Angiotensinogen was measured in plasma from two previously reported studies in which 6-week-old stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) or Dahl salt-sensitive (Dahl-S) rats were fed high-salt diets (4 and 8% sodium chloride, respectively) for 10-12 weeks with or without losartan. RESULTS: As reported previously, plasma renin was suppressed during the first 4 weeks of the high-salt diet but then paradoxically increased in both strains. When plasma renin increased, plasma angiotensinogen levels fell to 45 and 62% of the baseline value. The plasma renin concentration was negatively correlated with plasma angiotensinogen both in SHRSP and in Dahl-S rats (r = -0.76, P < 0.001 and r = -0.60, P < 0.001, respectively). In Dahl-S rats losartan treatment was associated with lower levels of plasma angiotensinogen but caused greater increases in plasma renin. When differences in renin were taken into account, plasma angiotensinogen levels were not different in losartan-treated and untreated Dahl-S rats. Similarly to Dahl-S rats, plasma angiotensinogen fell in SHRSP when renin increased, but SHRSP had higher plasma angiotensinogen levels during losartan treatment because plasma renin concentration was lower. CONCLUSION: The present study shows, in two strains of hypertensive rat, that an increase in plasma renin levels is associated with a fall in plasma angiotensinogen levels. Concurrent treatment with an Ang II AT1 receptor antagonist does not augment this fall, except to the extent that renin rises further. The results provide no evidence for a significant tonic stimulatory effect of Ang II on plasma angiotensinogen levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The relationship between bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and neurodevelopmental outcome after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has not been extensively reported. We compared the outcomes in a large series of infants with and without BPD after ECMO. STUDY DESIGN: Hospital charts and follow-up records of 145 infants treated with ECMO (1985 through 1990) were reviewed. Complete long-term respiratory and follow-up outcome data were available in 64 infants. BPD occurred in 17 survivors; the remaining 47 did not have BPD. RESULTS: Babies with BPD were more likely to have had respiratory distress syndrome. Mean (+/- SD) age at ECMO initiation was later for the BPD group (127+/-66 vs 53+/-39 hours, p < 0.001), and the duration of ECMO treatment was longer (192+/-68 vs 119+/-53 hours, p < 0.001). Bayley Scales of Infant Development scores at <30 months were lower in infants with BPD (p < 0.001), as were three of four Mullen Scales of Early Learning scores (> or = 30 months, p < 0.001 or p = 0.01). At 57+/-16 months 11 (64%) patients with BPD had mild neurologic disabilities, and 3 (18%) had severe disabilities. At a similar age (53+/-16 months, p = NS) 16 (34%) patients without BPD had mild disabilities, whereas 2 (4%) had severe disabilities (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of BPD after ECMO is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. Patients with BPD after ECMO merit close long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

A new direct HPLC method with fluorescence detection has been developed for the routine analysis of riboflavin, flavin mononucleotide and flavin-adenine dinucleotide, in wines and other beverages. These compounds are the main agents responsible for the "taste of light" that some white wines and other beverages develop when they are exposed to the light, due to the formation of sulfur compounds that produce an anion/garlic odor. A Hewlett-Packard 1100 gradient liquid chromatograph with 1046A fluorescence detector was used. To improve the selectivity, each compound was monitored to fit the best lambda excitation/lambda emission (265/525 nm). A 500 nm cut-off filter was used. The column was a Hypersil C18 ODS, 200 x 2.1 mm, 5 microns particle size. The volume injected was 20 microliters. A constant flow-rate of 0.6 ml/min was used with two solvents: solvent A, 0.05 M buffer NaH2PO4 at pH = 3.0 with H3PO4 and solvent B, acetonitrile. The precision, linearity and sensitivity of this method have been established.  相似文献   

Sumatriptan succinate (the analyte) and naloxone (the internal standard) were extracted from plasma with a solid-phase extraction technique. Chromatography and detection were performed by isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with coulometric end-point detection. The standard curve was linear over the range 0-100 ng/ml of sumatriptan succinate in plasma. The reproducibility (as defined by the coefficient of variation, C.V.) over the range of the standard curve was 4.9-7.3%. The recovery averaged 83%. The sensitivity was 0.25 ng of sumatriptan on column (allowing a concentration of 0.5 ng/ml to be determined from a 1-ml plasma sample volume). Plasma profiles of the analyte following subcutaneous (s.c.) administration in eight normal male volunteers, are presented.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, precise and accurate high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with ultraviolet detection was developed for the determination of nalbuphine in human, rabbit, pig and dog plasma. It is comprised of only a one-step extraction procedure with hexane-isoamyl alcohol at pH 9.25 and reversed-phase chromatography on a micro Porasil column. The recoveries of nalbuphine and ethylmorphine (internal standard) were greater than 86%. Calibration graphs were linear over the concentration range 0.75-150 ng/ml with a coefficient of variation, both within-day and between-day, of less than 10% at any level. The limit of quantitation was 0.75 ng/ml of plasma based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Seven other clinically used analgesics were investigated to check for potential interferences and their analytical conditions. The specificity of this assay was checked with a metabolite of nalbuphine (noroxymorphine). Nalbuphine in plasma did not decompose significantly at -20 degrees C for six weeks. Pharmacokinetic application in three surgical patients and four rabbits revealed that nalbuphine followed a linear three-compartment model with two distribution phases. The two distribution and one elimination half-lives and the plasma clearance of nalbuphine were 0.9, 5.8 and 157 min and 370 ml/min in human, and 3.5, 28 and 117 min and 21 166 ml/min in rabbits.  相似文献   

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