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Fitts gave us our list, the function allocation counterpart of Moses' 10 commandments, or Luther's 95 theses. Based on the qualitative axioms of Fitts, we have sought to evolve function allocation into a science. But can usable algorithms or procedures be attained? Thus far the logic has eluded us, in spite of valiant efforts. Some have declared in disgust that function allocation can never be more than black art. Must we admit that function allocation is mostly art, judgement based on experience, with little prospect for rigorous science? Or in the end must we become apostates, and abandon our hopes for rational function allocation according to those scientific principles we have held so dear in practicing our profession?The paper discusses the following problems of function allocation: (1) computers, automation and robotics offer ever greater capability, but at the cost of greater system complexity and designer bewilderment, making the stakes for function allocation ever higher than before; (2) proper function allocation differs by process stage; (3) automation appears most promising at intermediate complexity, but the bounds of “intermediate” are undefined; (4) “human-centered design”, while an appealing slogan, is fraught with inconsistencies in definition and generalizability; (5) “naturalistic decision-making” and “ecological” design are incompatible with normative decision theory; (6) function allocation is design, and therefore extends beyond science; and (7) living with the technological imperative, letting our evolving machines show us what they can do, acceding or resisting as the evidence becomes clear, appears inevitable.In spite of our best efforts to cope with these and other problems of function allocation, error and dispute over allocation criteria are human nature. Perhaps that is part of the Darwinian reality, the requisite variety, the progenitor of progress. At least we have it in our power to say no to new technology, or do we?  相似文献   

Dynamic function allocation theories have matured, but not to the extent that they can be implemented in actual environments. The authors identify a roadmap to help to get to that stage, after a brief review of relevant function allocation theories and the gaps in knowledge in adaptive allocation theories. Past research has focused on short‐term implementations of dynamic function allocation, which last for minutes (but never more than a few hours). Stable and enduring implementations of dynamic function allocation, lasting over days or possibly years, require a better and scientific understanding of the interaction among trigger mechanisms, adaptation strategies, and interruption strategies. The possibility of an unintentional consequence of this adaptive allocation, that the automated agent becomes confined to limited levels of automation, has to be ruled out after experimental evidence. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The submesh allocation problem is to recognize and locate a free submesh that can accommodate a request for a submesh of a specified size. In this paper, we propose a new best-fit submesh allocation strategy for mesh-connected multiprocessor systems. The proposed strategy maintains and uses a free submesh list for an efficient allocation. For an allocation request, the strategy selects the best-fit submesh which causes the least amount of potential processor fragmentation. As many large free submeshes as possible are preserved for later allocations. For this purpose, we introduce a novel function quantifying the degree of potential fragmentation of submeshes. The proposed strategy has the capability of recognizing a complete submesh. We also propose an allocation strategy for faulty meshes which can maintain and allocate virtual submeshes derived from faulty submeshes. Extensive simulation is carried out to compare the proposed strategy with previous strategies. The proposed strategy has the best performance: a 6-50 percent improvement over the previous best strategy  相似文献   

孙丽  孙有朝 《测控技术》2022,41(1):11-15
为了提高动态复杂环境下飞机驾驶舱人机系统的安全性,提出一种基于负荷均衡的动态功能分配方法。结合飞行任务和飞行员生理特征预测飞行员的工作负荷,将预测结果作为动态功能分配的触发条件,基于模糊推理调整驾驶舱自动化等级,实现飞行任务在飞行员和自动化系统之间的协调分配。基于Simulink建立飞行任务需求、飞行员生理特征、飞行员工作负荷预测、模糊推理、任务分析与再分配模块,通过仿真测试对提出的方法进行分析和验证,结果表明该方法能够及时有效地调整任务分配,避免飞行员工作负荷过高或过低。  相似文献   

We study fairness in a multicast network. We assume that different receivers of the same session can receive information at different rates. We study a fair allocation of utilities, where the utility of a bandwidth is an arbitrary function of the bandwidth. The utility function is not strictly increasing, nor continuous in general. We discuss fairness issues in this general context. Fair allocation of utilities can be modeled as a nonlinear optimization problem. However, nonlinear optimization techniques do not terminate in a finite number of iterations in general. We present an algorithm for computing a fair utility allocation. Using specific fairness properties, we show that this algorithm attains global convergence and yields a fair allocation in polynomial number of iterations  相似文献   

We extend the theory of the "ideal free distribution" (IFD) from theoretical ecology by providing methods to analytically find the distribution for a relatively general class of "suitability" functions. We show that the resulting IFD is a Nash equilibrium and an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). Moreover, we show that for a certain cost function it is a global optimum point. We introduce the "replicator dynamics" for the IFD and show that we provide an allocation strategy that is guaranteed to achieve the IFD. Finally, we show how this allocation strategy can achieve an IFD for a multizone temperature control problem that corresponds to achieving the maximum uniform temperature on a grid under a multivariable saturation constraint.  相似文献   

Distributed dynamic channel allocation (DDCA) is a fundamental resource management problem in mobile cellular networks. It has a flavor of distributed mutual exclusion but is not exactly a mutual exclusion problem. We establish the exact relationship between the two problems. Specifically, we introduce the problem of relaxed mutual exclusion to model one important aspect of the DDCA problem. We develop a general algorithm that guarantees relaxed mutual exclusion for a single resource and prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the information structure. Considering distributed dynamic channel allocation as a special case of relaxed mutual exclusion, we apply and extend the algorithm to further address the issues that arise in distributed channel allocation such as deadlock resolution, dealing with multiple channels, design of efficient information structures, and channel selection strategies. Based on these results, we propose an example distributed channel allocation scheme using one of the information structures proposed. Analysis and simulation results are provided and show that the results of this research can be used to design more efficient distributed channel allocation algorithms  相似文献   

Paper forms play an integral part in our society today. A large amount of specilised knowledge is required for handling complex forms in areas such as engineering. In this paper we will be looking into how forms are used and list some of their major limitations. We will present an object-oriented approach to overcome these limitations by introducing K-Sheet (Knowledge-Sheet), a computerised environment for the automation of form-based procedures.  相似文献   

With the advent of microprocessor technology, it has become possible to automate many of the functions on the flight deck of commercial aircraft that were previously performed manually. However, it is not clear whether these functions should be automated, taking into consideration various human factors issues. A NASA-industry workshop was held to identify the human factors issues related to flight-deck automation which would require research for resolution. The scope of automation, the benefits of automation and automation-induced problems were discussed, and,a list of potential research topics was generated by the participants. This report summarizes the workshop discussions and presents the questions developed at that time. While the workshop was specifically directed towards flight-deck automation, the issues raised and the research questions generated are more generally applicable to most complex interactive systems  相似文献   

In this article, we propose the application of a control-theoretic framework to human-automation interaction. The framework consists of a set of conceptual distinctions that should be respected in automation research and design. We demonstrate how existing automation interface designs in some nuclear plants fail to recognize these distinctions. We further show the value of the approach by applying it to modes of automation. The design guidelines that have been proposed in the automation literature are evaluated from the perspective of the framework. This comparison shows that the framework reveals insights that are frequently overlooked in this literature. A new set of design guidelines is introduced that builds upon the contributions of previous research and draws complementary insights from the control-theoretic framework. The result is a coherent and systematic approach to the design of human-automation-plant interfaces that will yield more concrete design criteria and a broader set of design tools. Applications of this research include improving the effectiveness of human-automation interaction design and the relevance of human-automation interaction research.  相似文献   

随着现代软件规模的不断扩大,协作开发成为软件开发的主流趋势,代码审查成为了现代化软件开发的重要工作流程.但由于人工代码评审往往耗费审查者较大精力,且存在审查者不匹配或审查者水平有限等问题,人工代码评审的质量和效率难以保证,且审查后的代码修复也十分费时费力.因此亟需研究人员为代码审查流程进行改进,提供自动化思路.本文对代码审查自动化相关研究进行系统梳理和总结,并重点介绍4种主要方向:审查者推荐、代码变更质量评估、审查意见生成和代码自动修复.并整理了相关方向的148篇研究,对每个方向的研究进行技术分类与分析.随后,本文整理了各方向研究任务的评估方法,并整理出常用的数据集与开源工具.最后,对代码审查自动化领域面临的问题进行梳理,并对未来研究进行展望.  相似文献   

Diagnostic automation has been posited to alleviate the high demands of multiple-task environments; however, mixed effects have been found pertaining to performance aid success. To better understand these effects, attention allocation must be studied directly. We developed a multiple-task environment to study the effects of automation on visual attention. Participants interacted with a system providing varying levels of automation and automation reliability and then were transferred to a system with no support. Attention allocation was measured by tracking the number of times each task was viewed. We found that participants receiving automation allocated their time according to the task frequency and that tasks that benefited most from automation were most harmed when it was removed. The results suggest that the degree to which automation affects multiple-task performance is dependent on the relative attributes of the tasks involved. Moreover, there is an inverse relationship between support and cost when automation fails.  相似文献   

Function Allocation methods are important for the appropriate allocation of tasks between humans and automated systems. It is proposed that Operational Event Sequence Diagrams (OESDs) provide a simple yet rigorous basis upon which allocation of work can be assessed. This is illustrated with respect to a design concept for a passenger aircraft flown by just a single pilot where the objective is to replace or supplement functions normally undertaken by the second pilot with advanced automation. A scenario-based analysis (take off) was used in which there would normally be considerable demands and interactions with the second pilot. The OESD analyses indicate those tasks that would be suitable for allocation to automated assistance on the flight deck and those tasks that are now redundant in this new configuration (something that other formal Function Allocation approaches cannot identify). Furthermore, OESDs are demonstrated to be an easy to apply and flexible approach to the allocation of function in prospective systems.

Practitioner Summary: OESDs provide a simple yet rigorous basis upon which allocation of work can be assessed. The technique can deal with the flexible, dynamic allocation of work and the deletion of functions no longer required. This is illustrated using a novel design concept for a single-crew commercial aircraft.  相似文献   

大型制造业生产车间业务流程复杂,传统固定资源配置方式将产生负载不均衡的问题。针对此问题,设计并实现了一种基于云端协同架构的边缘端I/O密集型虚拟机资源的分配算法,通过定义计算节点中每个I/O密集型虚拟机三个维度的信息计算得出I/O密集型虚拟机的优先级,并按最大优先级队列实时统一分配硬件资源。实验结果表明,该算法在应对工业机械设备高响应和高通量的要求上有较为明显的提升,为实际生产起到了优化资源配置的作用。  相似文献   

This research investigates the problem of robust static resource allocation for distributed computing systems operating under imposed Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. Often, such systems are expected to function in an environment where uncertainty in system parameters is common. In such an environment, the amount of processing required to complete a task may fluctuate substantially. Determining a resource allocation that accounts for this uncertainty—in a way that can provide a probability that a given level of QoS is achieved—is an important area of research. We have designed novel techniques for maximizing the probability that a given level of QoS is achieved. These techniques feature a unique application of both path relinking and local search within a Genetic Algorithm. In addition, we define a new methodology for finding resource allocations that are guaranteed to have a non-zero probability of addressing the timing constraints of the system. We demonstrate the use of this methodology within two unique steady-state genetic algorithms designed to maximize the robustness of resource allocations. The performance results for our techniques are presented for a simulated environment that models a heterogeneous cluster-based radar data processing center.  相似文献   

首先,介绍了Fitts'定律,然后,设计了验证Fitts'定律的实验,最后,使用Matlab7.0.1对数据进行了统计和分析.实验结果有效地验证了Fitts'定律,并且Fitts' Law(错误率为4%)得到的预测模型精度高于通过“effective width”Fitts' Law得到的预测模型.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that substitution-based function allocation methods (such as MABA-MABA, or Men-Are-Better-At/Machines-Are-Better-At lists) cannot provide progress on human–automation co-ordination. Quantitative ‘who does what’ allocation does not work because the real effects of automation are qualitative: it transforms human practice and forces people to adapt their skills and routines. Rather than re-inventing or refining substitution-based methods, we propose that the more pressing question on human–automation co-ordination is ‘How do we make them get along together?’ Correspondence and offprint requests to: S. W. A. Dekker, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKP, Link?ping Institute of Technology, SE - 581 83 Link?ping, Sweden. Tel.: +46 13 281646; fax +4613282579; email: sidde@ikp.liu.se  相似文献   

We propose a mechanism for auctioning bundles of multiple divisible goods in a network where buyers want the same amount of bandwidth on each link in their route. Buyers can specify multiple routes (corresponding to a source-destination pair). The total flow can then be split among these multiple routes. We first propose a one-sided VCG-type mechanism. Players do not report a full valuation function but only a two-dimensional bid signal: the maximum quantity that they want and the per-unit price they are willing to pay. The proposed mechanism is a weak Nash implementation, i.e., it has a non-unique Nash equilibrium that implements the social-welfare maximizing allocation. We show the existence of an efficient Nash equilibrium in the corresponding auction game, though there may exist other Nash equilibria that are not efficient. We then generalize this to arbitrary bundles of various goods. Each buyer submits a bid separately for each good but their utility function is a general function of allocations of bundles of various divisible goods. We then present a double-sided auction mechanism for multiple divisible goods. We show that there exists a Nash equilibrium of this auction game which yields the efficient allocation with strong budget balance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to (1) test and quantify the effect of an adaptive function allocation system on human performance under different combinations of trigger type (heart rate vs. performance-based) and function allocation adaptation strategy (complete reallocation, partial reallocation, partial transformation) and (2) to determine if the adaptive function allocation system continues to actively change the level of automation over relatively long periods of time (30 min). It was found that the adaptive function allocation system improves primary task performance by, on average, 6% and does not improve secondary task performance. In addition, the level of automation did not stabilize over the 30 min, suggesting the adaptive function a system continues to be relevant even over longer periods of time. Lastly, the study found that the use of heart rate as a trigger mechanism resulted in many more reallocations of function than a performance-based measure.  相似文献   

实时系统中的动态内存分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对实时系统中的内存分配问题,分析实时系统应用程序的行为特点,提出一种使用双级离散表和双级索引位图相结合的动态内存分配方法。对于较小的内存分配请求,使用位图索引来加快速度并且降低内存分割的次数。对于较大内存块,使用双级离散表的方法降低内存碎片。实验表明,该方法具有很低的内存碎片率和确定的响应时间,适合实时性要求较高的系统。  相似文献   

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