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《Acta Metallurgica》1987,35(11):2637-2647
Plane strain compression tests have been carried out on a ferritic stainless steel at a nominally constant temperature of 917°C and at strain rates of 0.15–5 s−1, and on commercially pure aluminium and an Al-1% Mg alloy at 450°C and strain rates in the range 0.4–12 s−1. Tests have been conducted both at constant strain rate and with strain rate increasing or decreasing from one constant rate to another in a controlled manner after steady state conditions had been established. A wide range of rates of change of strain rate have been studied, with initial and final strain rates differing by up to one and a half orders of magnitude.The ferritic stainless steel and the Al-1% Mg alloy follow a mechanical equation of state under all test conditions of changing strain rate in the sense that the flow stress is dependent only on the instantaneous strain rate and not on the way this strain rate is reached. On the other hand the commercial purity aluminium shows deviations from a mechanical equation of state, which increase systematically with the rate of change of strain rate but are the same magnitude for increasing and decreasing strain rate.  相似文献   

selecting several typical DSS 00Cr22Ni5Mo3N,00Cr21Ni2Mn5N and 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N as research materials,hot ductility characteristic of DSS was studied and microstructure evolution during hot compression was observed.The results show that the optimum hot ductility temperature range of DSS is 1 050~1 200℃.00Cr25Ni7Mc4N exhibits the worst hot ductility and 00Cr21Ni2Mn5N has similar hot ductility to 00Cr22Ni5Mo3N.During hot compression,austenite of DSS mainly occurs dynamic recovery,the ferrite of 00Cr22Ni5Mo3N,00Cr21Ni2Mn5N can perform dynamic recovery and recrystallization,but only dynamic recovery can be observed in the ferrite of 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N.  相似文献   

7085铝合金热变形的流变应力行为和显微组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Gleeble-1500热模拟机进行热压缩实验,研究7085铝合金在变形温度为350~470℃、应变速率为0.001~1 s?1条件下的流变应力变化规律和变形后的显微组织。研究表明:7085铝合金的流变应力随应变速率增大而增大,随变形温度升高而减小。该合金热压缩变形的流变应力行为可用双曲正弦形式的本构方程描述为ε=A[sinh(ασ)]nexp(?Q/RT),也可用Zener-Hollomon参数来描述,其参数A、α、n以及热变形激活能Q分别为2.722 54×1011s?1、0.016 03 MPa?1、6.259以及176.58 kJ/mol。随着温度升高和应变速率降低,合金的主要软化机制由动态回复逐渐转变为动态再结晶。  相似文献   


The hot workability of a near gamma titanium aluminide alloy, Ti-49.5Al-2.5Nb-1.1Mn, was assessed in both the cast and the wrought conditions through a series of tension tests conducted over a wide range of strain rates (10−4 to 100 s−1) and temperatures (850 °C to 1377 °C). Tensile flow curves for both materials exhibited sharp peaks at low strain levels followed by pronounced necking and flow localization at high strain levels. A phenomenological analysis of the strain rate and temperature dependence of the peak stress data yielded an average value of the strain rate sensitivity equal to 0.21 and an apparent activation energy of ∼411 kJ/mol. At low strain rates, the tensile ductility displayed a maximum at ∼ 1050 °C to 1150 °C, whereas at high strain rates, a sharp transition from a brittle behavior at low temperatures to a ductile behavior at high temperatures was noticed. Dynamic recrystallization of the gamma phase was the major softening mechanism controlling the growth and coalescence of cavities and wedge cracks in specimens deformed at strain rates of 10−4 to 10−2 s−1 and temperatures varying from 950 °C to 1250 °C. The dynamically recrystallized grain size followed a power-law relationship with the Zener-Hollomon parameter. Deformation at temperatures higher than 1270 °C led to the formation of randomly oriented alpha laths within the gamma grains at low strain levels followed by their reorientation and evolution into fibrous structures containing γ + α phases, resulting in excellent ductility even at high strain rates.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of deformation of Ti-6Al-4V in compression. In particular, two different microstructures, the equiaxed microstructure and the Widmanstätten microstructure, were generated from the same parent material and their properties were measured. The results show that at small strains, the mechanical response of samples with these microstructures is similar. The yield strength and the flow stress at a 0.05 true strain have similar values; these increase with increasing strain rate over the range of 0.1 to 1000 s?1. However, samples with the Widmanstätten microstructure failed at a smaller strain than their counterparts with the equiaxed microstructure, and this difference increased with increasing strain rate. Examination of cross sections of samples deformed to different levels of strain showed that the deformation was inhomogeneous. As the sample barreled, the deformation built up on the surfaces of two cones of material whose apices met in the center of the sample. Cracks formed in the corners of the samples and propagated in toward the center. In samples with the equiaxed microstructure, short cracks and voids formed, but they were usually blunted at the grain boundaries. Long cracks were only observed immediately before failure. In samples with the Widmanstätten microstructure, cracks could grow within the laths more easily, and, as a result, longer cracks formed at lower strains. We propose that this difference leads to the differences in the failure strains for these two microstructures. Finally, examination of data in the literature, along with our own results, indicates that the interstitial content plays an important role in determining the yield stress of the material.  相似文献   

利用Gleeble 1500热模拟机进行热压缩试验,研究了不同热轧形变量下奥氏体区形变对共析钢后续珠光体相变组织球化的影响。结果表明,高温奥氏体区形变增加了奥氏体的形变储存能,导致C曲线左移,并且形变可以明显减小珠光体团直径,随应变量增大,珠光体片层间距减小,渗碳体厚度变薄,片层取向多样化。最终的等温球化试验表明,增大奥氏体形变量有利于珠光体的球化效果。  相似文献   

Among refractory metals, tantalum has long been the primary material of use in high strain rate applications. Hot pressing (HP) is a technique to produce specimens with high density and homogeneous microstructure. The individual effect of the HP or annealing heat treatment on high strain rate properties of tantalum powder compacts has been investigated, but little attention has been paid to the combined effect of subsequent annealing. In this study, the effect of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of tantalum subjected to hardness and Split Pressure Hopkinson Bar (SHPB) test was investigated. After annealing at 1100°C, the grains are coarsened, thereby hardness and upper yield strength decreased to value 199 VHN and 1833?MPa, respectively. Moreover, an obvious increase in plasticity and toughness is detected at this temperature, indicating subsequent annealing is beneficial to improve the deformation properties of HPed powder compacts; the maximum plasticity of tantalum was 31.74% after annealing.  相似文献   

The effect of strain-path reversal on the kinetics of dynamic spheroidization during subtransus hot working was determined for Ti-6Al-4V with a colony α structure. Isothermal torsion tests were conducted at a temperature of 815 °C and a strain rate of 0.001 s−1; strain-path reversals were achieved by applying forward and reverse torsion sequentially. The kinetics of spheroidization were measured as a function of the local (macroscopic) strain for monotonic-deformation, reversed-torsion, and double-reversed-torsion tests. Strain-path reversal led to a reduction in the spheroidization kinetics compared with monotonic deformation for a given total strain. The slower rate of dynamic spheroidization associated with strain-path reversals was ascribed to a reduced rate of sub-boundary formation/lower sub-boundary energies, which drive the boundary splitting process, and less sharp α/β interface curvatures, which control the coarsening process that also contributes to spheroidization.  相似文献   

Most laboratory simulations of hot rolling involve a scaling down of the strain rate from the much higher industrial levels. This leads to slower softening between each rolling pass, for which corrections must be made. In the present work, torsion testing simulations of “warm” rod rolling were conducted on a Ti-Nb interstitial-free (IF) steel at 840 °C and 770 °C(i.e., in the ferrite range). For this purpose, “strain rate corrected” interpass times were used, in addition to the more familiar corrections for the stress. The results are compared with those obtained from simulations using uncorrected industrial interpass times. At 840 °C, simulations using corrected interpass times led to high levels of softening between the stages of rolling, thus triggering the reinitiation of cycles of dynamic recrystallization. The initially high stress level at the start of these cycles was responsible for the large differences in the pass-to-pass mean flow stress behavior, compared with that observed when using uncorrected industrial interpass times, or continuous deformations. The differences were much less pronounced at 770 °C, where the rate of softening is much slower than at 840 °C. Predictions for softening based on the Avrami equation underestimated the softening observed using the continuous and uncorrected industrial interpass time schedules and overestimated it for the corrected ones. The former is due to the occurrence of recovery, which is not addressed by the Avrami relation, while the latter is due to the precipitation that takes place during the corrected (longer) interpass times. It was also found that simulations using continuous deformations are applicable only if the interpass softening that would be expected using the corrected interpass times does not exceed about 20 pct.  相似文献   

Austenitic specimens of Fe-15 wt pct Ni-0.8 wt pct C were tested in tension at strain rates of 10−4 s−1 and 10−1 s−1 over the temperature range −20°C to 60 °C. The influence of strain rate and temperature on the deformation behavior depended on whether stress-assisted or strain-induced martensitic trans-formation occurred during testing. Under conditions of stress-assisted transformation, the ductility was low and independent of strain rate. However, when strain-induced transformation occurred, the duc-tility increased significantly and the higher strain rate resulted in greater ductility and more transfor-mation. Although the ductility increased continuously with temperature, the amount of strain-induced transformation decreased and no martensite was observed above 40 °C. Microstructural examination showed that the martensite was replaced by intense bands and that these bands contained very fine (111) fcc twins. The twinning resulted in enhanced plasticity by providing an additional mode of deformation as slip became more difficult due to dynamic strain aging at the higher temperature. This study confirms that the substructure following deformation will depend on the proximity of the deformation temperature to theM s σ temperature. At temperatures much greater thanM s σ , austenite twinning will occur, while at temperatures close toM s σ , bcc martensite will form.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to observe the deformation characteristics of oxygen-free high-conductivity (OFHC) copper at high strain rates (up to 40,000 s−1) and to relate differenc in grain size with differences in deformation behavior. The rod impact and torsional Hopkinson bar test methods were used in these experiments. Results show that grain size reductions substantially reduce surface irregularities that develop during deformation. The effect of grain size on the yield stress and on the strain-hardening behavior of copper is small and is similar to the effect of grain size in copper at quasistatic strain rates. The observation that grain size has a substantial effect on surface irregularities may have important implications for applications in which stable deformation of thin sections is of concern.  相似文献   

在Thermecmastor-Z动态热模拟试验机上对Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W和Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W-0.6B-0.2Y合金进行高温压缩变形实验(实验温度范围为1 050~1 150℃,应变速率范围为0.001~1 s 1),对其热变形组织进行显微分析,并利用热加工Z参数(Zener-Hollomon参数)综合描述变形温度及应变速率对材料热变形行为的影响。结果表明:2种合金在不同高温压缩变形条件下均发生不同程度的动态再结晶;随Z参数值的降低,β相逐渐由不规则形状转变为球形,且长大明显,同时,动态再结晶晶粒的体积含量也随之增加;Ti-43Al-4Nb-1.4W基合金的高温变形机制与Z参数值密切相关;在低Z值条件下,其主要变形机制为动态再结晶和β相的球化、长大;在高Z值条件下,其主要变形机制为片层的扭折、重新取向和局部动态再结晶;加入微量B和Y后,动态再结晶程度增大,这主要与颗粒诱发动态再结晶形核有关。  相似文献   

利用永磁搅拌近液相线铸造和普通铸造方法制备不同晶粒尺寸的2024铝合金铸锭,利用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机研究初始晶粒尺寸对不同压缩变形条件下2024铝合金的热变形行为和变形后显微组织的影响。研究表明:2024铝合金的热变形行为依赖于变形条件和初始组织。初始晶粒尺寸对流变应力的影响是:当应变速率小于0.1 s~(-1)时,流变应力随晶粒尺寸减小而减少;当应变速率为10 s~(-1)时,流变应力随晶粒尺寸减小而增大。降低变形温度会弱化晶粒尺寸对流变应力的影响。热压缩流变应力随应变速率增大而增大,随变形温度升高而减小。应变速率为10 s~(-1)时,热压缩应力应变曲线呈现周期性波动;只在粗晶2024铝合金中发现变形剪切带。  相似文献   

The factors determining the temperature, heating rate, microstructure, and strain rate in Al 7075-T6 friction stir spot welds are investigated. Stir zone microstructure was examined using a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) microscopy, while the strain rate during spot welding was calculated by incorporating measured temperatures and the average subgrain dimensions in the Zener-Hollomon relation. The highest temperature during friction stir spot welding (527 °C) was observed in spot welds made using a tool rotational speed of 3000 rpm. The stir zone regions comprised fine-grained, equiaxed, fully recrystallized microstructures. The calculated strain rate in Al 7075-T6 spot welds decreased from 650 to about 20 s−1 when the tool rotational speed increased from 1000 to 3000 rpm. It is suggested that the decrease in strain rate results when tool slippage occurs when the welding parameter settings facilitate transient local melting during the spot welding operation. Transient local melting and tool slippage are produced when the welding parameters produce sufficiently high heating rates and temperatures during spot welding. However, transient local melting and tool slippage is not produced in Al 7075-T6 spot welds made using a rotational speed of 1000 rpm since the peak temperature is always less than 475 °C.  相似文献   

中碳钢温变形过程的组织演变包含铁素体动态回复、再结晶和渗碳体的析出球化等过程.采用Gleeble1500热模拟试验机研究了初始组织形态对含碳0.48%(质量分数)的中碳钢在温变形中上述复杂过程的影响.结果表明:初始组织为珠光体+先共析铁素体的试样在温加工变形中渗碳体层片发生了扭折、溶断到逐渐球化的过程,在铁素体回复再结晶的同时伴随着细小弥散的渗碳体颗粒从过饱和铁素体中析出,得到微米级铁素体晶粒和颗粒状渗碳体弥散分布的复相组织,但等轴状铁素体晶粒与弥散的渗碳体颗粒沿变形方向呈带状不均匀分布.温加工变形促进初始组织为马氏体的中碳钢中渗碳体析出和铁素体回复与再结晶.由于初始条件下碳的分布在微观尺度下相对均匀,变形后获得细小等轴铁素体与均匀分布颗粒状渗碳体的组织.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1986,34(1):167-176
The effect of deformation heating and strain rate sensitivity on flow localization during the torsion testing of 6061 aluminum was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. From the theoretical viewpoint, a simple analysis of the torsion test was carried out based on the torque equilibrium and one-dimensional heat transfer equations. The problem formulation was discretized to enable numerical solution of the governing equations and prediction of the effect of material properties on the development of deformation and temperature gradients. The analysis was validated by conducting high strain rate experiments on the 6061 alloy at a variety of temperatures. At low temperatures, at which the flow stress and temperature changes due to deformation heating are large and the strain rate sensitivity is low, marked flow localization occurred. The analysis modeled this behavior correctly, indicating that strain concentrations can occur solely as a result of the temperature gradients set up by heat transfer during testing, i.e. in the absence of geometric or deformation defects. At the higher temperatures, at which temperature changes due to deformation heating are small and the rate sensitivity is large, the flow remained nominally uniform until fracture intervened. The numerical simulations of these tests also showed good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

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