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Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn have been measured using ultraclean procedures in eight sections taken from two well-dated ice cores from Law Dome, an independent small size ice cap with high accumulation rate situated in the coastal area of East Antarctica. Seven sections were dated from the 1830s to 1940s and one was dated from three millennia ago. The data show that there are strong seasonal variations in the concentrations of Pb and Cd, with values approximately tow-to fourfold higher in winter than in spring-summer. Evaluation of the contributions from the different sources suggests that contribution from sea salt spray is relatively important, especially for Cd. Contribution from marine biogenic emissions could also be very significant. The importance of marine contributions is consistent with strong intrusions of marine air masses at this coastal site, especially during wintertime.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of KH-domain-containing RNA-binding proteins is encoded by genes that are conserved from yeast to humans. Mutations with interesting developmental phenotypes have been identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and mouse. It is hypothesized that these bifunctional proteins provide a rich source of interesting molecular information about development and define a new cellular pathway that links signal transduction directly to RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Pin1 is an essential and conserved mitotic peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) that is distinct from members of two other families of conventional PPIases, cyclophilins and FKBPs (FK-506 binding proteins). In response to their phosphorylation during mitosis, Pin1 binds and regulates members of a highly conserved set of proteins that overlaps with antigens recognized by the mitosis-specific monoclonal antibody MPM-2. Pin1 is here shown to be a phosphorylation-dependent PPIase that specifically recognizes the phosphoserine-proline or phosphothreonine-proline bonds present in mitotic phosphoproteins. Both Pin1 and MPM-2 selected similar phosphorylated serine-proline-containing peptides, providing the basis for the specific interaction between Pin1 and MPM-2 antigens. Pin1 preferentially isomerized proline residues preceded by phosphorylated serine or threonine with up to 1300-fold selectivity compared with unphosphorylated peptides. Pin1 may thus regulate mitotic progression by catalyzing sequence-specific and phosphorylation-dependent proline isomerization.  相似文献   

The process generally termed signal transduction involves the coordinated relay of information from extracellular cues to intracellular effectors, subsequently leading to a specified cellular response. The formation of multimeric protein complexes is a critical step in the activation of most intracellular signal transduction cascades. In many cases, these processes are initiated by a family of molecules consisting of protein association motifs known as src homology 2 and 3 (SH2 and SH3) domains. This review focuses on a group of proteins within this family that lack intrinsic enzymatic functions and consist almost entirely of SH2 and SH3 domains. Termed "adaptors," these proteins serve to physically bridge activated cell surface receptors to various intracellular signal transduction pathways. Here, I briefly summarize current knowledge concerning the various adaptor proteins and place a particular emphasis on Nck. Various data are discussed which collectively support a role for Nck in the regulation of multiple intracellular signaling events.  相似文献   

We show that cells deleted for SNF3, HXT1, HXT2, HXT3, HXT4, HXT6, and HXT7 do not take up glucose and cannot grow on media containing glucose as a sole carbon source. The expression of Hxt1, Hxt2, Hxt3, Hxt6, or Gal2 in these cells resulted in glucose transport and allowed growth on glucose media. In contrast, the expression of Snf3 failed to confer glucose uptake or growth on glucose. HXT6 is highly expressed on raffinose, low glucose, or nonfermentable carbon sources but is repressed in the presence of high concentrations of glucose. The maintenance of HXT6 glucose repression is strictly dependent on Snf3 and not on intracellular glucose. In snf3 delta cells expression of HXT6 is constitutive even when the entire repertoire of HXT genes is present and glucose uptake is abundant. In addition, glucose repression of HXT6 does not require glucose uptake by HXT1, HXT2, HXT3 or HXT4. We show that a signal transduction pathway defined by the Snf3-dependent hexose regulation of HXT6 is distinct from but also overlaps with general glucose regulation pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Finally, glucose repression of ADH2 and SUC2 is intact in snf3 delta hxt1 delta hxt2 delta hxt3 delta hxt4 delta hxt6 delta hxt7 delta gal2 cells, suggesting that the sensing and signaling mechanism for general glucose repression is independent from glucose uptake.  相似文献   

Rapamycin is an immunosuppressant that effectively controls various immune responses; however, its action in the signal transduction of lymphocytes has remained largely unknown. We show here that a phosphoprotein encoded by mouse alpha4 (malpha4) gene transmitting a signal through B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) is associated with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac). The middle region of alph4, consisting of 109 amino acids (94-202), associates directly with PP2Ac, irrespective of any other accessory molecule. Rapamycin treatment disrupts the association of PP2Ac/alpha4 in parallel with the inhibitory effect of lymphoid cell proliferation. The effect of rapamycin was inhibited with an excess amount of FK506 that potentially completes the binding to FKBP. Rapamycin treatment also suppresses the phosphatase activity of cells measured by in vitro phosphatase assay. Introduction of the malpha4 cDNA into Jurkat cells or the increased association of PP2Ac/alpha4 by the culture with low serum concentration confers cells with rapamycin resistance. Moreover, glutathione S-transferase (GST)-alpha4 augments the PP2A activity upon myelin basic protein (MBP) and histone in the in vitro assay. These results suggest that alpha4 acts as a positive regulator of PP2A and as a new target of rapamycin in the activation of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the prognosis of ovarian cancer is influenced by the dose intensity of cytotoxic treatment. The impact of received dose intensity of platinum-based combination chemotherapy on disease outcome was analysed in 226 stage III-IV ovarian cancer patients entered into two prospective randomised trials. All patients received either cisplatin or carboplatin and cyclophosphamide with or without doxorubicin for six courses after primary surgery. The impact of the received dose intensity of each drug (RDI), the average received dose intensity of the treatment regimen (ARDI) and the relative total drug dose (RTD) on progression-free survival (PFS) and survival were analysed. In the 198 patients receiving the full six courses of treatment, RDI of cisplatin or carboplatin, ARDI and RTD were > 0.76 in 74.2, 61.1 and 65.1% of cases, respectively. Although the differences were not significant, pathological complete response was more frequently observed in the group of patients with ARDI < 0.75, whereas the partial response rate was higher in the ARDI > or = 0.76 group. Median survival and PFS were 19 and 13 months; 22 and 10 months; 23 and 13 months for the groups of patients receiving chemotherapy at a ARDI of < 0.75, > or = 0.76-0.99 and > 1.00, respectively (P = not significant). It appears that modest dose modifications and brief treatment delays during first-line platinum-based chemotherapy do not affect response rate, survival and PFS in advanced ovarian cancer patients.  相似文献   

The Drosophila sex determination gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) controls its own expression, and the expression of downstream target genes such as transformer , by regulating pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation. Sxl codes an RNA-binding protein that consists of an N-terminus of approximately 100 amino acids, two 90 amino acid RRM domains, R1 and R2, and an 80 amino acid C-terminus. In the studies reported here we have examined the functional properties of the different Sxl protein domains in RNA binding and in protein:protein interactions. The two RRM domains are responsible for RNA binding. Specificity in the recognition of target RNAs requires both RRM domains, and proteins which consist of the single domains or duplicated domains have anomalous RNA recognition properties. Moreover, the length of the linker between domains can affect RNA recognition properties. Our results indicate that the two RRM domains mediate Sxl:Sxl protein interactions, and that these interactions probably occur both in cis and trans. We speculate that cis interactions between R1 and R2 play a role in RNA recognition by the Sxl protein, while trans interactions stabilize complex formation on target RNAs that contain two or more closely spaced binding sites. Finally, we show that the interaction of Sxl with the snRNP protein Snf is mediated by the R1 RRM domain.  相似文献   

High serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels constitute the main risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular diseases. Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in the regulation of serum cholesterol levels. Neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is widely expressed in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, is known to regulate food intake and energy balance but its role in cholesterol metabolism has remained almost untouched in former literature. A newly discovered association between a leucine(7)-to-proline(7) polymorphism (Pro(7)) in the signal peptide of NPY and a high cholesterol level may provide new ideas for the genetic regulation of cholesterol metabolism. The presence of the Pro(7) in NPY results in serum total cholesterol levels 0.6-1.4 mmol/L higher compared with subjects without this gene variant. The Pro(7) in NPY was detected in 14% of Finns but only in 6% of Dutchmen, and its impact on serum cholesterol concentration seems to be stronger in obese than in normal-weight subjects. At least among Finns, the Pro(7) in NPY is one of the strongest genetic factors identified thus far affecting serum cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was aimed at assessing both stimulated insulinemia and the sodium-lithium countertransport in a selected group of patients with cardiac syndrome X. BACKGROUND: Hyperinsulinemia, which is frequently present in patients with cardiac syndrome X, is often associated with an enhanced activity of the sodium-lithium countertransport, an in vitro marker of sodium-hydrogen exchange. METHODS: Fifteen patients with syndrome X and 14 matched controls were studied. After pharmacological washout, sodium-lithium countertransport was assessed from lithium-loaded red blood cells. Postload insulin levels were evaluated by a double-antibody radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Maximal velocity of sodium-lithium countertransport was higher in patients with syndrome X compared to controls (635+/-200 vs. 324+/-49 micromol/liter/h, p = 0.001). Fourteen of the 15 patients with syndrome X (93%) presented sodium-lithium countertransport values higher than the mean +2 SD of the control group. At 120 min, 12 patients with syndrome X (80%) had plasma levels of insulin >420 pmol/liter, which corresponds to the mean value +2 SD of controls (p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Both enhanced activity of the sodium-lithium countertransport and stimulated hyperinsulinemia are present in the vast majority of patients with cardiac syndrome X. As enhanced activity of the sodium-lithium countertransport has the potential to cause both glucose intolerance and smooth muscle hyperreactivity, it might represent a common cause of the metabolic and vascular alterations frequently found in syndrome X.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neutrophil apoptosis is crucial in the resolution of inflammation. The role of interleukin (IL)-8 in neutrophil apoptosis has not been previously studied; we hypothesized that in addition to its role as a chemoattractant, IL-8 would regulate polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) apoptosis. METHODS: PMNs were adhered to plastic during hypoxia or normoxia and treated with IL-8 dosages of 0 to 1000 ng/mL. Apoptosis was assessed by cellular histology and the TUNEL assay. For receptor inhibition, blocking antibodies to IL-8 receptors in the presence of IL-8 were added. Apoptosis of PMNs treated with anti-Fas antibody +/- IL-8 was also analyzed. RESULTS: After treatment with 100 ng/mL IL-8 apoptosis was decreased from an average of 39.1% 9.3%. Inhibition of IL-8RA was able to restore apoptosis to 59.4%. Western analysis showed that with IL-8, there was a marginal decrease of total Fas protein, whereas Fas ligand was increased. After incubation with an apoptosis inducing-Fas antibody plus IL-8 reduced apoptosis to 9.5%. CONCLUSIONS: IL-8 not only promotes the inflammatory response by recruiting PMNs but also acts to suppress apoptosis mainly through the IL-8RA in an oxygen tension independent manner. The reduction in apoptosis is associated with changes in Fas and FasL where the presence of IL-8 suppresses the proapoptotic function of Fas-FasL interactions.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes respond to antigen receptor engagement with tyrosine phosphorylation of many cellular proteins, some of which have been identified and functionally characterized. Here we describe SH3P7, a novel substrate protein for Src and Syk family kinases. SH3P7 migrates in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a 55-kDa protein that is preferentially expressed in brain, thymus, and spleen. It contains multiple amino acid sequence motifs, including two consensus tyrosine phosphorylation sites of the YXXP type and one SH3 domain. A region of sequence similarity, which we named SCAD, was found in SH3P7 and three actin-binding proteins. The SCAD region may represent a new type of protein-protein interaction domain that mediates binding to actin. Consistent with this possibility, SH3P7 colocalizes with actin filaments of the cytoskeleton. Altogether, our data implicate SH3P7 as an adapter protein which links antigen receptor signaling to components of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In an attempt to further understand how nuclear events (such as gene expression, nuclear import/export, and cell cycle checkpoint control) might be subject to regulation by extracellular stimuli, we sought to identify nuclear activities under growth factor control. Using a sensitive photoaffinity labeling assay that measured [alpha-32P]GTP incorporation into nuclear proteins, we identified the 20-kDa subunit of the nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC) as a protein whose binding activity is greatly enhanced by the extracellular stimulation of serum-arrested cells. The CBC represents a 20- and 80-kDa heterodimer (the subunits independently referred to as CBP20 and CBP80, respectively) that binds the 7-methylguanosine cap on RNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase II. This binding facilitates precursor messenger RNA splicing and export. We have demonstrated that the [alpha-32P]GTP incorporation into CBP20 was correlated with an increased ability of the CBC to bind capped RNA and have used the [alpha-32P]GTP photoaffinity assay to characterize the activation of the CBC in response to growth factors. We show that the CBC is activated by heregulin in HeLa cells and by nerve growth factor in PC12 cells as well as during the G1/S phase of the cell cycle and when cells are stressed with UV irradiation. Additionally, we show that cap-dependent splicing of precursor mRNA, a functional outcome of CBC activation, can be catalyzed by growth factor addition to serum-arrested cells. Taken together, these data identify the CBC as a nuclear target for growth factor-coupled signal transduction and suggest novel mechanisms by which growth factors can influence gene expression and cell growth.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified molecules that interact with integrins and appear to participate in the signaling pathways that regulate integrin adhesiveness. Clues provided by studies of these molecules point to the integration by integrins of signal transduction pathways implicated in cell division and activation.  相似文献   

Neutrophils contain a multicomponent NADPH oxidase system that is involved in the production of microbicidal oxidants. Stimulation of human neutrophils with the peptide FMLP activates this respiratory burst enzyme to produce superoxide and also has been shown to result in activation of phosphatidylinositol (Ptdlns) 3-kinase. Treatment of human neutrophils with 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (LY294002), a potent and specific inhibitor of Ptdlns 3-kinase, resulted in complete inhibition of Ptdlns 3-kinase activity as well as in inhibition of superoxide production in FMLP-treated neutrophils in suspension; FMLP-stimulated oxidant production in adherent cells was also abolished. Treatment of human neutrophils with PMA resulted in production of superoxide without activation of Ptdlns 3-kinase; LY294002 did not block superoxide production in neutrophils exposed to PMA. In addition, LY294002 did not inhibit cellfree NADPH oxidase activation, CD11b-dependent adhesion, actin polymerization in response to FMLP, or FMLP-induced calcium flux. These results suggest that the signal transduction pathway of the FMLP-receptor involves activation of Ptdlns 3-kinase, which is required for subsequent superoxide production induced by the chemotactic peptide. Furthermore, Ptdlns 3-kinase may be located directly upstream of protein kinase C or other protein kinases, which in turn activate the NADPH oxidase system.  相似文献   

The FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase and its ligand, FL, play an important role in early hematopoietic development. We have found that CBLB, a recently characterized molecule closely related to the CBL protooncogene product, is phosphorylated on tyrosine(s) following FL treatment of JEA2 human pro-B cells and THP1 monocytic cells. Treatment of JEA2 cells with interleukin (IL)-7 induces CBLB phosphorylation as well. FL and IL-7, respectively, induce and increase association of tyrosine-phosphorylated SHC and the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase with CBLB. In these cells, CBLB constitutively binds the GRB2 adaptor predominantly through its N-terminal SH3 domain, to form a complex that is distinct from the GRB2.CBL and GRB2.SOS1 complexes. Together with the fact that CBLB is consistently found in blast cells from acute leukemias and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, this suggests that CBLB has a role in tyrosine kinase-regulated signaling pathways in many hematolymphoid cells.  相似文献   

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