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Anaerobic digestion improvement can be accomplished by different methods. Besides optimization of the process conditions, pretreatment of input sludge and increase of process temperature is frequently used. The thermophilic process brings a higher solids reduction and biogas production, a high resistance to foaming, no problems with odour, better pathogens destruction and an improvement of the energy balance of the whole treatment plant. Disintegration of excess activated sludge in a lysate centrifuge was proved to cause increase of biogas production in full-scale conditions. The rapid thermal conditioning of digested sludge is an acceptable method of particulate matter disintegration and solubilization.  相似文献   

Di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) has commonly been found in the sludge of municipal wastewater treatment plants especially during anaerobic processing. It is slowly biodegradable under anaerobic conditions. Due to its high hydrophobicity, sorption-desorption processes can be rate-limiting for the compound biodegradation. In this study, the anaerobic biodegradation of DEHP was investigated through batch kinetic experiments and dynamic transitions of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) fed with secondary sludge contaminated with DEHP. A widely accepted model (ADM1) was used to fit the anaerobic digestion of secondary sludge and was properly extended to account for DEHP removal, in which mass transfer processes are also involved. It was shown that DEHP removal was limited by the transfer of DEHP within the solid fraction. The criterion selected for the distinction of the two sites was whether the compound sorbed in those sites was bioavailable for biodegradation or not. Thus, the aqueous phase and the surface of the biosolids were considered as suitable sites for the compound to be bioavailable and the main bulk of the solid matrix was regarded as sites, where the compound remains "protected" against biodegradation. The model, fitted to the batch experimental data, was able to predict DEHP removal in the CSTR operated at various HRTs.  相似文献   

Dublin's Ringsend WWTP was designed to serve a population of approximately 1.2 million p.e. with a sludge production of 37,000 dry tonnes per year after upgrading to full secondary treatment. Several technical solutions were put forward as part of a design, build, finance and operate (DBFO) competition, with the chosen solution being a proposal by Black and Veatch for a combination of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) technology and anaerobic digestion with Cambi thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment (THP). The THP plant was built by Cambi and handed over to B&V in 2002. The plant is now operated by Celtic Anglian Water. In September 2004 a test was carried out on the mass and energy balance of the plant following 2 years of operation and is detailed in this paper. The process enables digestion at very high dry solids feed and low hydraulic retention time. The plant was built with three digesters of 4250 m3 each and is fed with hydrolysed sludge at 11% DS. There are four no. 1 MW Jenbacher engines operating mainly on biogas. Each pair of engines is fitted with a waste heat boiler with a capacity of one tonne steam per hour. These boilers have sufficient capacity to provide 80% of the steam required for the THP, which in turn provides all the heat for the subsequent digestion in the form of hydrolysed feed. There are two main biogas boilers for top up steam and other uses of the biogas including thermal oxidation of concentrated odours.  相似文献   

Membrane-coupled anaerobic digestion utilizes a concept of simultaneous sludge digestion and thickening. Membranes may successfully be applied to eliminate the need for thickening polymers and avoid their likely inhibitory effect on anaerobic biomass. A 550 L completely mixed anaerobic digester was operated under mesophilic conditions (35 degrees C). Two ultrafiltration membrane systems were evaluated for their potential in membrane-coupled anaerobic digestion: vibrating and cross flow. A volatile solids reduction of 590% was achieved at an average mixed liquor suspended solids concentration of 1.8%. The substrate utilization rate was 1.3 d(-1). The vibrating membrane operated at a flux of 1.6-2.0 m3/m2-d and the tubular membrane fluxes in the range 3.4-3.6 m3/m2-d.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic sludge treatment for enhanced anaerobic digestion.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ultrasound is the term used to describe sound energy at frequencies above 20 kHz. High-powered ultrasound can be applied to a waste stream via purpose-designed tools in order to induce cavitation. This effect results in the rupture of cellular material and reduction of particle size in the waste stream, making the cells more amenable to downstream processing. sonix is a new technology utilising high-powered, concentrated ultrasound for conditioning sludges prior to further treatment. This paper presents recent results from a number of demonstration and full-scale plants treating thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) prior to anaerobic digestion, therefore enhancing the process. The present studies have proved that the use of ultrasound to enhance anaerobic digestion can be achieved at full scale and effectively result in the TWAS (typically difficult to digest) behaving, after sonication, as if it were a "primary" sludge. The technology presents benefits in terms of increased biogas production, better solids reduction, improved dewatering characteristics of the digested sludge mixture and relatively short payback periods of two years or less subject to the site conditions and practices applicable at that time.  相似文献   

Experimental data obtained from the operation in a pilot plant are used to perform mass and energy balances to a global process combining units of thermal hydrolysis (TH) of secondary sludge, anaerobic digestion (AD) of hydrolysed secondary sludge together with fresh primary sludge, and cogeneration from biogas by using a gas engine in which the biogas produces electricity and heat from the exhaust gases. Three scenarios were compared, corresponding to the three digesters operated: C (conventional AD, 17 days residence time), B (combined TH + AD, same time), and A (TH + AD at half residence time). The biogas production of digesters B and A was 33 and 24% better, respectively when compared with C. In the case of the combined TH + AD process (scenarios A and B), the key factors in the energy balance were the recovery of heat from hot streams, and the concentration of sludge. The results of the balances showed that for 8% DS concentration of the secondary sludge tested in the pilot plant, the process can be energetically self-sufficient, but a fraction of the biogas must by-pass the gas engine to be directly burned. From an economic point of view, scenario B is more profitable in terms of green energy and higher waste removal, while scenario A reduces the digester volume required by a half. Considering a population of 100,000 inhabitants, the economic benefit is 87,600 €/yr for scenario A and 132,373 €/yr for B. This value can be increased to 223,867 €/yr by increasing the sludge concentration of the feeding to the TH unit to a minimum value that allows use of all the biogas to produce green energy. This concentration is 13% DS, which is still possible from a practical point of view. Additional benefits gained with the combined TH + AD process are the enhancement of the digesters rheology and the possibility of getting Class A biosolids. The integration study presented here set the basis for the scale-up to a demonstration plant.  相似文献   

The effect of oxidative and thermo-oxidative co-treatment of excess municipal sludge was investigated. A mixture of primary and waste activated sludge was anaerobically treated using two different configurations: i) two stages and ii) a single stage with recycling. Oxidative or thermo-oxidative co-treatment placed in between the reactor or in the recycle line was studied. A two-stage configuration with no co-treatment served as a control and resulted in 50.1% overall solids removal. Compared to the control, an increase in solids removal of 10.8 and 2.7% was observed when oxidative co-treatment was placed between reactors and in the recycle line respectively. When thermo-oxidative co-treatment was placed between the two stages or in the recycle line an increase in solids removal of 25.1 and 26.9% respectively was observed. The performances of the different configurations were also evaluated with parameters such as COD, TKN, ammonia, and fecal coliform concentration.  相似文献   

This paper presents energy balances for various digestion systems, which include single mesophilic digestion, single thermophilic digestion, two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic digestion system and systems at elevated solids content in sludge. On the basis of a sludge flow containing 30 tons TS/day (equivalent to a 100 ML/d WWTP plant) it was shown that a two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic digestion system generated more available energy than single mesophilic digestion and single thermophilic digestion systems. Sludge thickening offered the greatest amount of available energy; however that energy surplus was offset by the cost of thickening. After the cost of thickening was converted into equivalent energy units it was shown that the price of energy is important in calculation of equivalent energy units related to operation of the thickening plant. Sludge thickening may be beneficial from energy view point compared to conventional mesophilic digestion when price of energy exceeds dollars 0.08 CAN kW-hr.  相似文献   

A steady-state implementation of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) has been applied to the anaerobic digesters in two wastewater treatment plants. The two plants have a wastewater treatment capacity of 76,000 and 820,000 m3/day, respectively, with approximately 12 and 205 dry metric tons sludge fed to digesters per day. The main purpose of this study is to compare the ADM1 model results with full-scale anaerobic digestion performance. For both plants, the prediction of the steady-state ADM1 implementation using the suggested physico-chemical and biochemical parameter values was able to reflect the results from the actual digester operations to a reasonable degree of accuracy on all parameters. The predicted total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) concentration in the digested biosolids, as well as the digester volatile solids destruction (VSD), biogas production and biogas yield are within 10% of the actual digester data. This study demonstrated that the ADM1 is a powerful tool for predicting the steady-state behaviour of anaerobic digesters treating sewage sludges. In addition, it showed that the use of a whole wastewater treatment plant simulator for fractionating the digester influent into the ADM1 input parameters was successful.  相似文献   

A new process configuration combining anaerobic digestion with ozonation, and operated at long SRT, was studied with the objective of on-site reduction in sludge quantity and improving biogas recovery. The process performance with respect to solid reduction efficiency and other important process parameters like accumulation of inorganic solids, changes in sludge viscosity and dewatering characteristics were evaluated from the data of long term pilot scale continuous experiments conducted using a mixture of primary and secondary municipal sewage sludge. Due to sludge ozonation and long SRT, high VSS degradation efficiency of approximately 80% was achieved at a reactor solid concentration of 6.5%. A high fraction of inorganic solid (>50%) consisting mainly of acid insoluble and iron compounds was found to accumulate in the reactor. The high inorganic content accumulated in the digested sludge did not, however, contribute to the observed increase in sludge viscosity at high solid concentration. The sludge viscosity was largely found to depend on the organic solid concentration rather than the total solid content. Moreover, higher inorganic content in the digested sludge resulted in better sludge dewaterability. For a quick assessment of the economic feasibility of the new process, an economic index based on the unit cost of digested sludge disposal to unit electric cost is proposed.  相似文献   

A thermal hydrolysis pilot plant with direct steam injection heating was designed and constructed. In a first period the equipment was operated in batch to verify the effect of sludge type, pressure and temperature, residence time and solids concentration. Optimal operation conditions were reached for secondary sludge at 170 degrees C, 7 bar and 30 minutes residence time, obtaining a disintegration factor higher than 10, methane production increase by 50% and easy centrifugation In a second period the pilot plant was operated working with continuous feed, testing the efficiency by using two continuous anaerobic digester operating in the mesophilic and thermophilic range. Working at 12 days residence time, biogas production increases by 40-50%. Integrating the energy transfer it is possible to design a self-sufficient system that takes advantage of this methane increase to produce 40% more electric energy.  相似文献   

The effects of microwave pretreatment on disintegration and mesophilic digestion of waste activated sludge (WAS), primary sludge (PS), combined (PS + WAS) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) sludge and anaerobically digested biocake were investigated by both household and bench scale industrial types microwaves at temperatures below and above boiling point. Pretreatment variables, temperature, intensity (cooking rate) and sludge concentration had statistically significant effects on solubilization. The microwave pretreatment also increased the bioavailability of sludge components under batch anaerobic digestion and enhanced the dewaterability of pretreated sludges after digestion. However, the level of improvements in solubilization and biodegradation from different waste sludges were different. While the largest improvement in ultimate biodegradation was observed in WAS, microwave irradiation only affected the rate of biodegradation of pretreated PS samples. Similarly, relatively lower solubilization ratios achieved for combined - SBR sludge was attributed to high sludge age of extended aeration SBR unit. It is possible that initial sludge characteristics may influence final pretreatment outcomes so that general statements of performance cannot always be made.  相似文献   

大型污泥厌氧消化系统的启动与运行调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京小红门污水处理厂建有5座单体容积12 300m3的卵形污泥厌氧消化设施,设计沼气产量30 000m3/d。以运行数据为基础,总结了大型厌氧消化系统的启动、运行与调控经验,分析大型污泥厌氧消化系统的启动与运行特点。提出建议与措施,并提出系统优化的具体目标。  相似文献   

Two additives (lyophilized bacilli and enzymes) and a solution of micronutrients (Fe, Co, Ni and Mo) were tried separately and in combination, in order to assess their effect on the anaerobic digestion of waste sludge from an enhanced primary treatment (EPT) of municipal wastewater. Three batch tests were carried out in serological bottles. In the first test, addition of bacilli increased production of methane from day 11 and at day 1 7 the production was 95% greater than the control. In that experiment, the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) was 1,391 mg/L, 40% lower than the control. In the second test, the combination of micronutrients with bacilli, reached from the first days a better methane production than the control, 167% higher in day 17. At the end of the experiment, this combination achieved a lower concentration of VFAs and a greater percentage of volatile solid removal than the rest of the treatments. The third test was based on an experimental design in order to statistically determine the best doses of bacilli additive and micronutrients. The anaerobic thermophilic digestion of sludge from aluminium sulfate EPT will be improved with the addition of Fe: 4.5 mg/g VS, Ni: 0.75 mg/g VS, Co: 0.45 mg/g VS, Mo: 0.09 mg/g VS and bacilli additive: 12 mg/g VS.  相似文献   

For improving sludge digestion and biogas recovery, a new anaerobic digestion process combined with ozonation was tested at a full-scale unit for 2 years and its performance was compared with a simultaneously operated conventional anaerobic digestion process. The new process requires two essential modifications, which includes ozonation for enhancing the biological degradability of sludge organics and concentrating of solids in the digester through a solid/liquid separation for extension of SRT. These modifications resulted in high VSS degradation efficiency of ca. 88%, as much as 1.3 times of methane production and more than 70% reduction in dewatered sludge cake production. Owing to accumulation of inorganic solids in the digested sludge, water content of the dewatered sludge cake also reduced from 80% to 68%. An energy analysis suggested that no supplemental fuel was necessary for the subsequent incineration of the cake from the new process scheme. The process is suitable to apply to a low-loaded anaerobic digestion tank, where power production is used.  相似文献   

In recent years, relevant interest has been devoted to activated sludge disintegration and solubilisation techniques in order to cope with the biological limitations related to particulate degradation. Mechanical disintegration with ultrasound can efficiently transform insoluble organics into a soluble form: the solubilised organic matter is released from the cells to the bulk phase, thus accelerating the hydrolysis step in the digestion process. Experiments were carried out on bench scale anaerobic reactors fed with either untreated or disintegrated excess sludge, added with a biomass inoculum taken from a full scale anaerobic digester. Digestion tests have been carried out at different feed/inoculum ratios (F/I) in the range of 0.1-2, kinetics of VS reduction has been investigated and a beneficial effect of sonication is observed for all the experimental conditions. Similar beneficial results have also been found for biogas production with a maximum gain of 25% at 0.5 F/I ratio.  相似文献   

研究了不同HRT条件下污泥高温(50℃)厌氧消化效果,并与中温(35℃)厌氧消化效果进行对比分析。结果表明,与中温条件相比,高温厌氧消化对有机物的去除率显著提高;高温厌氧消化沼气产量高于中温,但沼气产率差异并不明显(1.13~1.25L/gVS去除);高温和中温厌氧消化系统运行稳定性良好,挥发酸/碱度比值仅为0.02~0.03;高温和中温厌氧消化出泥的毛细吸水时间(CST)均增加,并且高温消化污泥的CST高于中温消化污泥,厌氧消化过程可能导致污泥脱水性能变差。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion for the treatment of sludge in wastewater treatment plants has been reported to produce a low organic loaded effluent with an acceptable economic cost. But in the last years, new regulations and the increasing sludge production invite us to find an alternative and/or to improve the process efficiency. Moreover, the use of the effluent as fertilizer in agriculture imposes more restrictions on digestion process product and its micropollutant contents to protect the environment. In this study, a performance of the anaerobic digestion under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) is assessed and the removal efficiencies of two important compounds or family compounds (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAH, and Di-2-(Ethyl-Hexyl)-Phthalate, DEHP) are evaluated. A positive effect of thermophilic temperature was observed on both micropollutants' biodegradation. However, HRT effect also had an important role for DEHP and low molecular weighted PAH removal.  相似文献   

The biological kinetic processes for anaerobic digestion (AD) are integrated into a two phase subset of a three phase mixed weak acid/base chemistry kinetic model. The approach of characterising sewage sludge into carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, as is done in the International Water Association (IWA) AD model No 1 (ADM1), requires measurements that are not routinely available on sewage sludges. Instead, the sewage sludge is characterised with the COD, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen (CHON) composition and is formulated in mole units, based on conservation of C, N, O, H and COD. The model is calibrated and validated with data from laboratory mesophilic anaerobic digesters operating from 7 to 20 d sludge age and fed a sewage primary and humus sludge mixture. These digesters yielded COD mass balances between 107-109% and N mass balances between 91-99%, and hence the experimental data is accepted as reasonable. The sewage sludge COD is found to be 32-36% unbiodegradable (depending on the kinetic formulation selected for the hydrolysis process) and to have a C3.5H7O2N0.196 composition. For the selected hydrolysis kinetics of surface mediated reaction (Contois), with a single set of kinetic and stoichiometric constants, for all retention times good correlation is obtained between predicted and measured results for: (i) COD; (ii) free and saline ammonia (FSA); (iii) short chain fatty acids (SCFA); (iv) H2CO3 * alkalinity; (v) pH of the effluent stream; (vi) CO2; and (vii) CH4 gases in the gas stream. The measured composition of primary sludge from two local wastewater treatment plants ranged between C3.38H7O1.91 N0.21 and C3.91H7O2.04N0.16. The predicted composition based on mass balances is therefore within 5% of the average measured composition providing persuasive validation of the model.  相似文献   

Many novel treatment technologies, usually representing a pre-treatment prior to the biological degradation process, have been developed in order to improve the recycling and reuse of sewage sludge. Among all the methods available, a chemical (alkaline) and a thermal treatment have been considered in this study. The behaviour of 13 substances belonging to different therapeutic classes (musks, tranquillisers, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, X-ray contrast media and estrogens) has been studied during the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge combined with these pre-treatments (advanced operation) in comparison with the conventional process. Two parameters have been analysed: the temperature (mesophilic and thermophilic conditions) and the sludge retention time. While organic matter solubilization was higher with the alkaline process (55-80%), no difference between both pre-treatments was observed concerning volatile solids solubilization (up to 20%). The removal efficiencies of solids and organic matter during anaerobic digestion ranged from 40-70% and 45-75%, respectively. The higher removal efficiencies of pharmaceuticals and personal care products were achieved for the antibiotics, Naproxen and the natural estrogens (>80%). For the other compounds, the values were in the range 20-70%, except for Carbamazepine, which was not removed at any condition tested.  相似文献   

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