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镍精矿生物浸出工艺及其中间工厂试验结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟占益 《有色冶炼》2000,29(1):27-31
镍生物浸出法(BioNIC)是由Gencor公司作为与传统的从低品位硫化矿中熔炼回收镍工艺的竞争工艺而开发的。该法包括如下基本的单元操作:(1)生物浸出使金属硫化物氧化,并使可溶性金属进入溶液;(2)调整溶液的pH值除去铁;(3)固/液分离;(4)产出硫化物沉淀,用离子交换或溶剂萃取富集和净化工艺溶液,以生产净化电解液;(5)净化后的电解液进行电积,生产纯阴极镍,或者用氢还原生产镍粉。Gencor  相似文献   

金川有色金属公司镍精矿加压浸出工业化试验,经过42天的投料生产,各项金属浸出指标达到预期效果,为该公司镍精炼无阳极生产打下了良好的基础。 加压浸出工艺是目前世界上几大镍生产厂家  相似文献   

分析了硫化镍精矿氧压浸出的机理,并详细考查了浸出温度、釜压、初始酸度和反应时间等对反应过程的影响。结果表明,在反应温度110℃、初始酸度80g/L、釜压0.8 MPa、反应时间4h的条件下,镍浸出率≥98%。  相似文献   

针对云南某地的硫化铜镍精矿,采用氧压酸浸工艺处理该硫化铜镍精矿。通过试验影响因素的探索,得出了该硫化铜镍精矿氧压酸浸的最佳技术参数:木质素为0.5%、浸出温度190℃、浸出压力1.4 MPa、酸度90 g/L、液固比3.0∶1、浸出时间3 h,Cu、Ni的浸出率均在98%以上,实现硫化铜镍精矿中铜和镍的高效浸出。  相似文献   

硫化镍精矿常压浸出研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了温度、通氧速率、pH值、硫酸浓度等条件对硫化镍精矿常压浸出的影响,发现在80℃→85℃之间,镍浸出率随温度的升高而迅速增加,通氧条件下,镍浸出率差值的变化与通氧速率存在数学关系:y=8.271x0.3003,pH值为2.1~2.2时,镍浸出率最高,且镍浸出率随硫酸用量和铜离子的增加而升高。  相似文献   

采用氧压酸浸处理硫化铜镍精矿.结果表明铜、镍的浸出率均随着温度升高、时间延长呈现线性上升的趋势,铜、镍的最高浸出率分别为98.53%、97.69%,经氧压酸浸,硫化铜镍精矿中的部分铁及脉石矿物浸出进入溶液中,将精矿中的贵金属富集到95g/t左右.动力学试验研究表明,硫化铜镍精矿氧压酸浸过程中铜、镍的浸出表观活化能分别为...  相似文献   

以国外某公司品味50.11%的硫化镍精矿为原料,在微负压条件下,采用浓硫酸焙烧工艺进行浸出试验研究。结果表明,在微负压、酸矿比2.5:1、温度200℃条件下,浸出4h,镍的浸出率为98.73%。在微负压、105℃条件下烘干浸出渣,再加热至130℃使硫熔化为液态,热过滤得到液硫,硫磺回收率可达91.87%。  相似文献   

采用硫酸选择性浸出高含镁硫化镍精矿,考察了加酸量、液固比、反应时间、反应温度对浸出率的影响。结果表明,在每千克精矿加入150mL浓硫酸、液固比1∶1、常温反应0.5h的条件下,镍、铜、钴浸出率分别为6.61%、6.67%、6.84%,精矿中MgO含量可以从10.80%降至5.57%,降镁后硫化镍精矿热值低于2 017MJ/t,浸出液加入硫化钠可将浸出液中镍、铜分别降至5.2mg/L、0.6mg/L以下。  相似文献   

张丽霞 《湿法冶金》2007,26(3):165-165
Adelson D.de Souza等探寻一种有经济效益的结合生物浸出和化学浸出的工艺处理硫化锌矿。某闪锌矿精矿含51.4%Zn,1.9%Pb,31.8%S and 9.0% Fe,用中温氧化铁、硫细菌连续生物浸出,之后对生物浸出渣化学浸出。生物浸出阶段,第一个反应器产生高达20g/L的Fe(Ⅲ)溶液,该溶液给入下面的生物反应器以氧化闪锌矿。停留70h后,锌提取率可达30%。  相似文献   

介绍了几种炼锌工艺流程的比较,并结合工程实践,提出了小型炼锌厂技术改造的途径。  相似文献   

介绍了中厚板卷厂采用的技术、工艺流程及装备的主要特点。  相似文献   

热压浸出是湿法冶金领域发展至今非常有推广前景的高效工艺,高压釜是该工艺的核心装备与关键技术。系统回顾了中国科学院过程工程研究所多年来利用热压浸出工艺处理难冶金银精矿、高铁闪锌矿、氧化铜矿及红土矿等的研究历程,从实验室小试-扩试-示范工程直至工业生产的途径,分别采用了管式高压釜、空气搅拌高压釜、钛复合板高压釜以及100 m3生产型高压釜,实现了这些难处理矿产资源的高效清洁利用。  相似文献   

青海某金矿新建30 t/d选冶中试厂,选冶工艺以浮选和环保提金剂浸出工艺为主,主要针对金矿资源选冶新工艺、新技术、新药剂、新材料和自动化控制等在工业生产应用前的中试验证及优化试验进行系统研究。中试厂原设计流程单一,无法满足工艺流程优化试验研究的需求,通过对该中试厂工艺流程设计进行优化,实现了不同试验工艺流程的组合和调整,在小试研究结果基础上对该矿山2个矿区的矿石分别进行工艺优化中试研究,研究成果成功应用于选厂实际生产中,黄龙沟矿区矿石回收率由77.51%提高至82.48%,年新增产值883.45万元。  相似文献   

The purpose of the methodology described in this paper is to highlight an effective method for the organization of research results into written and oral forms. Authorities within supervising universities have realized that strong research by a candidate is often obscured by poor presentation, leading to the paper being ignored by the research community and journal reviewers. On the basis of their academic background, the writers of this paper decided to form a set of clear guidelines for writing research papers and giving oral presentations aimed at helping Ph.D. students. To support the effectiveness of the methodology proposed, a statistical analysis has been conducted. The methodology described in this paper was initially intended for use in the fields of computer engineering; however, it is applicable more widely. In conclusion, if the methodology reported in this paper is followed strictly, it is much less likely that a good piece of work would be rejected for publication, and/or remain anonymous, due to inadequate presentation.  相似文献   

根据国内外烧结技术的研究成果和使用情况,把双层烧结、双碱度烧结、外滚煤粉、燃料分加和外滚熔剂、强化制粒等烧结新技术有机的结合在一起,介绍了能提高烧结过程均匀性、实现匀质烧结的烧结综合新工艺流程。  相似文献   

Electroslag remelting (ESR) is widely used for the production of high-value-added alloys such as special steels or nickel-based superalloys. Because of high trial costs and the complexity of the mechanisms involved, trial-and-error-based approaches are not well suited for fundamental studies or for optimization of the process. Consequently, a transient-state numerical model has been developed that accounts for electromagnetic phenomena and coupled heat and momentum transfers in an axisymmetrical geometry. The model simulates the continuous growth of the electroslag-remelted ingot through a mesh-splitting method. In addition, solidification of the metal is modeled by an enthalpy-based technique. A turbulence model is implemented to compute the motion of liquid phases (slag and metal), while the mushy zone is described as a porous medium the permeability of which varies with the liquid fraction, thus enabling accurate calculation of solid/liquid interaction. The coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) are solved using a finite-volume technique. The computed results are compared to the experimental observation of an industrial remelted ingot; the melt pool depth and shape, in particular, are investigated, in order to validate the model. These results provide valuable information about the process performance and the influence of the operating parameters. In this way, we present an example of a model used as a support in analyzing the influence of the electrode fill ratio. This article is based on a presentation given at the International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting (LMPC 2007), which occurred in September 2007 in Nancy, France.  相似文献   

红土型镍矿电炉还原熔炼工厂实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝建军 《有色矿冶》2010,(6):26-28,31
本文采用1000 kVA的圆形电炉,研究了300 t红土镍矿的还原熔炼过程。通过调整焙砂还原煤的加入量来研究泡沫渣的形成机理,实验表明在干矿中加入还原煤少于4%(干基)会产生泡沫渣;还原熔炼过程镍铁产品的含镍量在16%~22%之间,降低还原煤的加入量,能够提高镍铁产品中镍的品位;电炉中镍的分配系数为100,镍的回收率为94.4%。电炉的能耗随着实验时间的延长而逐步降低。  相似文献   

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