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翼角是古代工匠在长期建筑实践中为解决四坡顶屋面檐口转角问题而设计的特殊构造形式。古建筑翼角部分的构成有一定的规律性。翼角是古建筑屋檐转角部分的总称,它是由老角梁、仔角梁、翼角椽、翘飞椽以及联系翼角和翘飞椽头的大小连檐,钉附在翼角椽和翘飞椽上面的檐头望板和垫起翼角椽的衬头木等附属构件组成的。聪明智慧的古代工匠在长期实践中摸索出了一套制作和安装翼角的专门技术,形成了一套传统的规矩和做法。本文分别就角梁、翼角椽和翘飞椽三部分,对清式建筑翼角的构造方式及制作安装技术进行阐述。  相似文献   

翼角是古代工匠在长期建筑实践中为解决四坡顶屋面檐口转角问题而设计的特殊构造形式。古建筑翼角部分的构成有一定的规律性。翼角是古建筑屋檐转角部分的总称,它是由老角梁、仔角梁、翼角椽、翘飞椽以及联系翼角和翘飞椽头的大小连檐,钉附在翼角椽和翘飞椽上面的檐头望板和垫起翼角椽的衬头木等附属构件组成的。聪明智慧的古代工匠在长期实践中摸索出了一套制作和安装翼角的专门技术,形成了一套传统的规矩和做法。本文分别就角梁、翼角椽和翘飞椽三部分,对清式建筑翼角的构造方式及制作安装技术进行阐述。  相似文献   

翼角是古代工匠在长期建筑实践中为解决四坡顶屋面檐口转角问题而设计的特殊构造形式。古建筑翼角部分的构成有一定的规律性。翼角是古建筑屋檐转角部分的总称,它是由老角梁、仔角梁、翼角椽、翘飞椽以及联系翼角和翘飞椽头的大小连檐,钉附在翼角椽和翘飞椽上面的檐头望板和垫起翼角椽的衬头木等附属构件组成的。聪明智慧的古代工匠在长期实践中摸索出了一套制作和安装翼角的专门技术,形成了一套传统的规矩和做法。本文分别就角梁、翼角椽和翘飞椽三部分,对清式建筑翼角的构造方式及制作安装技术进行阐述。  相似文献   

古代建筑屋面的翼角起翘,使中国建筑的外轮廓更加优美。所谓角翘,是在屋檐转角处采用角梁的制作方法,向上反宇起翘。而对江南地区何时出现角翘,以及它的发展、演进,至今说法不一。通过一些调查,现对这一地区角翘出现的时代及发展和种类等问题做初步研究。  相似文献   

位于武汉市的黄鹤楼于1981年9月~1985年5月修建,为仿古建筑。从基础到柱、梁、屋面组成的框架结构全部采用现浇钢筋混凝土施工,装饰构件除雀替外,斗栱、撑栱、椽子、楼面外围栏杆也是采用钢筋混凝土预制构件。要使钢筋混凝土结构达到木结构的效果,建筑应以实际放样的模型为依据。黄鹤楼在屋面结构施工时分别研究了对称和非对称翼角放样及制模作法。  相似文献   

阎家瑞 《古建园林技术》1989,(22):35-41转59
中国古建筑以其鲜明的结构和造型,在世界建筑体系中独树一帜。飞檐翼角更以其优美的轮廓,成为中国古建筑的主要标志之一。对于如何在继承传统技术的基础上进行改革创新,以及飞檐翼角在设计、施工和放样过程中所采用的方法,笔者试图从已有的各种方法中综合出一种较为明晰快捷的作图和表现方法进行探讨说明,用以简化设计过程,使之能够在仿古建筑工程中推广应用。  相似文献   

贵州省重点文物保护单位文昌阁,亦称文昌庙。始建于明万历二十四年(1596),现存建筑是清康熙八年(1669)重建的。文昌阁坐东向西,主体建筑就是文昌阁楼,阁楼为三层三檐不等角的九角攒尖顶,底层平面近似一正方形,二、三层平面为不等边的九角形。阁楼架在梁架结构上,二、三层的金柱均不穿过各层楼板,其下无金柱对齐。这种结构形式不仅增加了室内的使用空间,还增强了建筑的稳定性和抗震性。文昌阁内外均无华丽的装饰,翼角起翘较平缓。文昌阁是我国阁楼式建筑中一处杰出的古建筑。  相似文献   

裂纹几何特征对压剪复合断裂的影响分析   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
针对岩石类材料中压剪裂纹的复合断裂问题,理论上一般将其抽象为没有厚度的Griffith线裂纹,这样就会导致翼裂纹初始起裂角与主裂纹方位角及围无关的结论。而己开展的压剪裂纹复合断裂试验表明,翼裂纹起裂角与主裂纹方位角和围压明显相关。首先较系统地讨论原生(或预制)裂纹的几何特征(如厚度、裂纹尖端曲率半径等)及围压对翼裂纹起裂角的影响:然后结合含预制裂纹大理岩压剪试验进行翼裂纹起裂角的理论预测和试验结果的对比分析。该分析为压剪复合断裂试验提供了一个理论分析框架,也为进一步研究具有复杂几何形状的裂隙提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

古建筑识图与制图讲座第九讲翼角平面及正立面谭宏亮(三)翼角平面(仰视、俯视)和正立面1、翼龟平面(仰视、俯视)翼角俯视、仰视平面主要用于翼角大样图,重点表现角梁、翼角椽、翼角翘飞椽的平面位置、构造特征和水平长度。借助翼角俯视平面,还可以绘制出角梁侧面...  相似文献   

清式建筑方转角翼角控制曲线西安市古建园林设计研究院李宗义随着我国科学技术的发展,我国建筑结构的设计计算由手工计算发展到电算,具有中华民族传统形式的古建筑和仿古建筑是我国建筑宝库中的灿烂明珠,因此它的设计也毫不例外进行电算,中国建筑给人以美的享受,古建...  相似文献   

The Danish Building Research Institute has helped to develop a trussed rafter from thin‐walled steel members with bolted joints, with particular application to the construction of simpler and cheaper glasshouses for commercial horticulture. The project concentrated on a rafter with a 20‐metre span able to carry installation loads, but extended also to the design of thin‐walled columns, purlins and rails. A patented joint enables a single bolt to connect two web members and the top or bottom chord.  相似文献   

Carpentry joints have been dimensioned in the past with global statics considerations. New design requirements impose considering the response to exceptional as well as to ordinary loading and require a more detailed knowledge of the mechanical behavior. A typical double-step joint, common in the rafter to tie-beam node of large-span trusses, has been studied numerically for monotonically increasing axial compression in the rafter and for cyclic rafter rotation up to ultimate conditions. The stress distribution at the contact surfaces as well as the rotational stiffness and ultimate moment for different levels of axial force have been evaluated. Results, compared with other joint types, show a good degree of interlocking and confirm a better performance of this joint in sliding shear.  相似文献   


From the point of view of vernacular architecture France is still the terra incognita of Western Europe, and from ignorance of the French evidence several misconceived theories have developed among scholars in northern Europe. The poinçon (hung king-post) which is probably the most typical feature of French roofs is not a true post but a vertical brace in the dominant family of principal rafter roofs. The most common types of relation between posts, wall-plates and tie-beams are 'reversed assembly' and the 'anchor beam', common in most parts of France as in other Western European countries. The origins of these current vernacular patterns may be found in medieval aisled buildings (barns or market-halls) at a time when the French rafter roof was only found in buildings of high economic and artistic status. In vernacular architecture the French rafter roof has a mainly southern distribution and comprises only three basic types.

The roof of the medieval peasant house before 1400 was seemingly of ridge-post type, but in Romance countries ridge-post roofs are associated with principal rafters. Still widespread in France, they are very common in many parts of northern Spain. Except in Galicia, the vernacular names of the ridge-post (or at least of its elementary forms) come from the Latin 'furca.'  相似文献   

Error control in member design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Available evidence suggests that design checking can significantly reduce the incidence of structural failures resulting from human errors in the design process. Since “real-world” experimentation is not possible, it is of interest to develop a model to simulate the effects of human error on a typical design task and also to model typical checking procedures. The development and analysis of these models is described in the present paper. The design task considered is that of member design for a rafter of a steel portal frame building.It was found that checking efficiencies between 0.6 and 0.9 are most effective in increasing structural reliability and that, often, only two separate design checks are necessary to virtually eliminate the incidence of structural failure due to human error.  相似文献   

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