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综述了近年来国内外利用六方氮化硼来改善聚合物基复合材料介电性能的研究工作进展,介绍了多种六方氮化硼的制备方法与不同复合策略的优势与不足。指出了利用六方氮化硼改善聚合物基介电复合材料性能时存在的问题和发展方向。 相似文献
采用固相共混方法将六方氮化硼(h-BN)和碳化硅晶须(SiCw)作为导热填料对单醚酐型聚酰亚胺(PI)模塑粉进行改性,然后通过热模压工艺制备PI导热绝缘复合模压材料,并对其性能进行表征。测试结果表明:h-BN可以有效提高模塑料导热性能、热性能和电绝缘性能,但会降低材料力学性能;SiCw可以有效提高复合材料导热性能、热性能和力学性能,但会显著降低电绝缘性能。将h-BN/SiCw复配使用,在显著提高复合材料导热性能和热性能的同时又可保持其良好的力学性能和电绝缘性能。添加30%(质量分数)h-BN/SiCw(3/1),复合材料导热系数提高至1.21 W/(m·K),是未改性PI材料的4.84倍,弯曲强度为142MPa,体积电阻率为1.27×10~(14)Ω·cm,线性热膨胀系数(CTE)显著降低为55.6μm/(m·℃)。 相似文献
环氧树脂是电子器件常用的绝缘高分子基体材料,但存在导热性偏低的问题。六方氮化硼(h-BN)常被用于环氧树脂的导热填料,而h-BN的化学惰性使其在环氧树脂中的分散性和相容性较差,限制了其作用的发挥,因而对其进行改性就成了导热绝缘环氧树脂复合材料制备中需要面对的一个重要问题。本文主要总结了近年来用于导热绝缘环氧树脂复合材料的氮化硼的改性方法及其特点,其中包括剥离、包覆、场取向和杂化等物理方法,以及功能化、偶联剂修饰、活性剂修饰、化学接枝等化学方法,并对BN改性今后的发展趋势进行了讨论。 相似文献
以聚丙烯(PP)/高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)共混物为基体,六方氮化硼(h-BN)为导热填料,聚丙烯接枝马来酸酐(PP-g-MAH)为相容剂,通过熔融共混法制备PP/HDPE/h-BN和PP/HDPE/h-BN/PP-g-MAH导热复合材料。采用导热系数仪、场发射扫描电镜、万能试验机、热分析仪等测试导热复合材料,研究不同含量的h-BN、PP-g-MAH对复合材料导热性、力学性能、结晶性能和耐热性的影响。结果表明:随着h-BN含量的增加,PP/HDPE/h-BN复合材料的弯曲强度、热导率和耐热性提高。当h-BN含量为20%,复合材料的弯曲强度达到41.02 MPa;当h-BN含量为25%,复合材料热导率达到0.372 1 W/(m·K)。h-BN对PP的结晶具有促进作用,提升PP的结晶速率和结晶温度。PP、HDPE与h-BN质量比为64∶16∶15时,添加5%的PP-g-MAH,增强了h-BN和基体材料的界面相容性,复合材料的弯曲强度达到42.72 MPa,拉伸强度达到26.64 MPa,热导率达到0.356 1 W/(m·K)。 相似文献
采用乙烯一醋酸乙烯a共聚物和无机导热填料制备聚合物基导热绝缘复合材料,概述了以逾渗理论为基础的热导率计算模型,并应用所制备的导热绝缘复合材料讨论了逾渗模型的准确性。结果表明,SiC填充的复合材料具有较好的导热性能;填料体积分数达0.5时,复合材料的热导率可达1.86 W/(m0K)。研究表明,简单地运用逾渗理论在预测导热复合材料体系的热导率方面准确性不足,需要进一步考虑实际填料粒子分布与理论假设的差异以及界面相的存在等因素的影响。 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(20):32577-32587
Owing to the rapid development of the latest micro-electronic devices, polymer composite materials that combine high thermal conductivity and low permittivity have aroused the interest of researchers. However, it is a huge challenge to balance the above parameters. In this work, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powder was ultrasonically exfoliated to obtain alkylated boron nitride nanosheets (Alkyl-BNNS). Then, a series of polyimide (PI) composites were synthesized with different amounts of Alkyl-BNNS. Attributed to more robust interfacial non-covalent interactions between Alkyl-BNNS and polymer chains to inhibit interfacial polarization, Alkyl-BNNS can be scattered well in PI substrate. Thus, the obtained PI composite behaved a high thermal conductivity of 6.21 W/(mK) and a low dielectric constant (3.23) under the load of 20 wt%. Besides, Alkyl-BNNS/PI composites have efficient thermal management capability, low water absorption, favorable electrical resistance, and prominent tensile strength. Importantly, these composite films are expected to be excellent candidates in the field of microelectronics. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2020,40(6):2268-2278
Pure h-BN ceramic specimens were prepared by hot-pressing under different sintering temperatures and pressures using ball milled h-BN powders composed of amorphous and nanocrystalline BN. Microstructures and thermal conductivities of these h-BN ceramic specimens were characterized and measured. Higher sintering pressure is more favorable to the preferred orientation growth of plate-like h-BN grains along the pressure direction, forming microstructures where the c-axes of h-BN grains are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the pressure direction. However, such microstructures can only be obtained at appropriate sintering temperature. Thermal conductivities of h-BN ceramic specimens are strongly related to their microstructures, especially the grain orientation. Growth mechanisms of h-BN grains were investigated. There is multi-area co-growth phenomenon around the grain boundaries composed of the basal planes of h-BN grains, which results in the formation of stacking faults in the as-grown h-BN grains. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2017,43(15):12109-12119
In this work, we present novel hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN)/poly(arylene ether nitrile) nanocomposites with high dielectric permittivity and thermal conductivity. For this purpose, the interfacial adhesion and orientation of nanofillers are the two key factors that need to be considered. Firstly, iron oxide was attached onto the surface of h-BN to obtain magnetically responsive property, which would realize the orientation of h-BN by applying an external magnetic field during the preparation process of PEN composites. Secondly, the magnetic h-BN was further modified by mussel-inspired method with dopamine and secondary functional monomer (KH550). It was found that the alignment of h-BN and improvement of interfacial adhesion resulted in the interesting properties of PEN composites. With addition of 30 wt% modified h-BN, the dielectric permittivity of PEN composites was increased from 3.2 of neat PEN to 16.4 (increased by 413%), and the low dielectric loss was remained. Meanwhile, the thermal conductivity was enhanced to 0.662 W/m K (increased by 140%) at the same loading content. In addition, the resulting h-BN/PEN nanocomposites maintained high mechanical strength and thermal stability even the nanofillers loading content reached 30 wt%. Therefore, the dielectric and thermally conductive h-BN/PEN composites with high mechanical strength and thermal stability have big advantages in the area of energy storage devices. 相似文献
Karan Sahni Maziar Ashuri Satyanarayana Emani James A. Kaduk Károly Németh Leon L. Shaw 《Ceramics International》2018,44(7):7734-7740
Li3BN2 is a known lithium ion conductor and has been predicted lately to be a high capacity cathode for Li-ion batteries (Németh, 2014) [4]. In this study, we have investigated the synthesis of Li3BN2 through reactions between Li3N and h-BN powders. Effects of the reaction temperature, holding time and reaction atmosphere on the formation of Li3BN2 have been evaluated. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction patterns of all powders has been performed to quantify the percentage of each phase. The results show that both the reaction temperature and holding time affect strongly the percentage of Li3BN2 in the reaction product. Furthermore, a trace amount of oxygen in the reaction atmosphere can negatively impact the purity of the reaction product because of the high affinity of Li3BN2 towards oxidation. 相似文献
Two kinds of turbostratic boron nitride (tBN) thin films were deposited by sputtering with pure Ar or N2 plasma in an ultraclean vacuum chamber. Current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of Ti/tBN/Ti structures revealed that films deposited in Ar showed at least three-orders higher conductivity with strong temperature and electric field dependence compared with those deposited in pure N2. The origin of the higher conductivity was confirmed to be the nonstoichiometry and higher defect density of the tBN films. On the other hand, films deposited in pure N2 plasma showed the characteristics of intrinsic insulator even though the basal plane of tBN was oriented normal to the substrate, namely, parallel to the direction of electronic conduction. 相似文献
Hexagonal boron nitride hBN ceramic was successfully fabricated by pressureless sintering at 2100C using submicrometre hBN powders without any sintering additive. The as-prepared hBN ceramic showed a room temperature flexural strength of 30.7MPa. Its flexural strength increased with the increment of temperature in N2 atmosphere, and it retained a strength of 57.2MPa nearly two times of the room temperature strength at 1600C due to clean grain boundaries with no glassy phase. Additionally, the as-prepared hBN ceramic showed a high thermal conductivity of 31.76Wm1k1 and a good thermal shock resistance, which retained a relatively high residual flexural strength of 22.6MPa 73.5 of the original flexural strength at T800C. The as-prepared hBN ceramic presents a good application prospect at high temperature. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(8):12615-12624
Boron nitride nanosheet (BNNS) is widely used in electronic thermal management due to its excellent planar thermal conductivity and insulating properties. However, it is challenging to improve the out-of-plane thermal conductivity of BNNS-doped composites due to the anisotropy of the thermal conductivity of BNNS. Therefore, the BNNS in the matrix must be oriented to obtain composites with high out-of-plane thermal conductivity. In this study, BNNS powders with directional structures were synthesized directly using sodium chloride templates. The as-obtained BNNS powders have a unique hollow cube-like structure with an ultra-low density of 2.67 × 10−2 g/cm3 and nearly 8 times the volume of the same mass of two-dimensional (2D) BNNS, making it easy to form the out-of-plane thermal conductivity paths in the polymer matrix. In addition, the high out-of-plane thermal conductivity of 4.93 W m−1 K−1 at 23.3 wt% loadings was obtained by doping it into a polyimide (PI) matrix. This value is 9.7 times higher than that of 2D BNNS-doped PI at the same loadings, 17.6 times higher than pure PI, and 6.1 times higher than the thermally conductive PI film sold by DuPont. Therefore, the prepared composite film has great potential for application in electronic thermal management. 相似文献
K. Li G. Lian H.H. Jiang X. Zhao H.P. Jing D.L. Cui X.T. Tao Q.L. Wang 《Diamond and Related Materials》2008,17(6):989-992
The previous results have proved that the phase-selective synthesis route is an effective method for preparing cubic boron nitride (cBN) from hydrothermal solutions. However, the experimental parameters are still required to be optimized in order to synthesize pure cBN at high yield. Here we report the results of investigating the effects of adding trimethylamine (N(CH3)3) and ammonia (NH3·H2O) (denoted as secondary nitrogen source) into the reacting solutions. It was found that the content of cBN could be increased by adding appropriate amount of N(CH3)3 and decreased with excess amount of it. On the contrary, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) was always promoted by adding NH3·H2O into the reacting solutions. The samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The experimental results were briefly discussed based on a reported model. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2016,42(5):6312-6318
Surfaces of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanoparticles were modified with perfluorooctyl-triethoxysilane (FTS). Experiments were performed for 40–120 min in 70–150 °C range with FTS/hBN weight ratio in the range of 0.5–1.5. The products were analyzed by FT-IR, TGA, FESEM, HRTEM and EDX. Results of FT-IR analyses indicated that modification takes place in 80 min at 150 °C under reflux with a FTS/hBN ratio of 1.5. Presence of FTS on hBN nanoparticles was confirmed by the weight losses in TGA, and by TEM, TEM-EDX analyses. 相似文献