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The mechanism controlling the cyclic shear strength of cemented calcareous soils was investigated based on the results obtained from monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests on two different types of calcareous soil. Undrained cyclic triaxial tests performed on artificially cemented calcareous soils with different loading combinations showed that the effective stress path moved towards or away from the origin, due to the generation or dissipation of pore pressure with progressive cycles. Previous investigations have shown that the Peak Strength Envelope or the State Boundary Surface or the Critical State Line forms a boundary beyond which effective stress paths during cyclic loading cannot exist. However, in this study it was observed that the maximum stress ratio (ηmax) obtained from monotonic tests defined the boundary for the cyclic tests. Based on the information obtained from this study, an approach for evaluating the cyclic shear strength is proposed. It was observed that the modified normalized cyclic shear strength had a strong linear relationship with the logarithm of the number of cyclic to failure irrespective of confining pressure, type of consolidation and stress reversal.  相似文献   

Effect of Cement Type on Shear Behavior of Cemented Calcareous Soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is little information in the geotechnical literature regarding the influence of the type of cement on the engineering behavior of cemented soils. This paper explores the mechanical behavior of a calcareous soil under triaxial loading after treatment with different types of cement, namely Portland cement, gypsum, and calcite. To identify the specific effects of each cement type a parametric study was undertaken, where factors such as density and unconfined compressive strength were maintained constant for each cementing agent. Samples of the cemented soil were examined under optical and electron microscopy to understand the bond mechanism created by each cement. Results from triaxial testing have shown that, despite having the same unconfined compressive strength and density, the effective stress paths and postyield response are significantly different, mainly because of the different volumetric response upon shearing. Samples prepared using Portland cement showed ductile yield and strong dilation afterwards; calcite and gypsum-cemented samples exhibited brittle yield, generally followed by contractive behavior. The paper discusses the results and explains the reasons behind the differences in the mechanical response.  相似文献   

Monotonic and Cyclic Behavior of Two Calcareous Soils of Different Origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behavior of two calcareous soils—Goodwyn (GW) and Ledge Point (LP)—is studied through a series of monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests. These two soils are selected because they represent two extreme formation conditions in terms of their depositional environments, physical characteristics, and grain strength. The experimental investigation included isotropic compression tests to high stress levels, undrained monotonic shearing tests, and undrained cyclic shearing tests under one-way and two-way loading conditions. Tests were performed on samples with different initial conditions. The experimental results show that, although the overall qualitative stress-strain behavior of both GW and LP soils is similar to that of other silicious soils, significant quantitative differences are observed between the two soils and also between calcareous and silicious soils, especially in terms of volumetric reduction during compression, monotonic and cyclic shear strength, and the strain required to mobilize the strength. This paper explores the mechanical behavior of the two calcareous soils and highlights the similarities and differences between their behavior and also between calcareous and silicious soils.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the interpretation of plate load tests bearing on double-layered systems formed by an artificially cemented compacted top soil layer (three different top layers have been studied) overlaying a compressible residual soil stratum. Applied pressure-settlement behavior is observed for tests carried out using circular steel plates ranging from 0.30 to 0.60 m diameter on top of 0.15 to 0.60-m-thick artificially cemented layers. The paper also stresses the need to express test results in terms of normalized pressure and settlement—i.e., as pressure normalized by pressure at 3% settlement (p/p3%) versus settlement-to-diameter (δ/D) ratio. In the range of H/D (where H = thickness of the treated layer and D = diameter of the foundation) studied, up to 2.0, the final failure modes observed in the field tests always involved punching through the top layer. In addition, the progressive failure processes in the compacted top layer always initiated by tensile fissures in the bottom of the layer. However, depending on the H/D ratio, the tensile cracking started in different positions. The footing bearing capacity analytical solution for layered cohesive-frictional soils appears to be quite adequate up to a H/D value of about 1.0. Finally, for a given project, combining Vésic’s solution with results from one plate-loading test, it is possible (knowing of the demonstrated normalization of p/p3%-δ/D, where the pressure-relative settlement curves for different H/D ratios produce a single curve for all values of H/D) to estimate the pressure-settlement curves for footings of different sizes on different thicknesses of a cemented upper layer.  相似文献   

Postcyclic Degradation of Strength and Stiffness for Low Plasticity Silt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stress-controlled undrained cyclic triaxial tests followed by strain-controlled monotonic compressive shear tests were carried out on normally consolidated and overconsolidated reconstituted Keuper Marl silt to investigate the strength and stiffness degradation characteristics of a low plasticity silt. Special attention was paid to the changes in undrained strength and deformation modulus after undrained cyclic loading. It was observed that cyclic degradation in stiffness for low plasticity silt is more marked than that of strength, and this tendency increases with increasing overconsolidation ratio. It was found that a previously proposed model for predicting postcyclic degradation in strength and stiffness of normally consolidated fine-grained soils could be applied to that of overconsolidated silt but not however to the postcyclic degradation in Young’s modulus. Thus, an attempt was made to correlate postcyclic degradation of overconsolidated silt to the equivalent cyclic shear strain instead of the normalized excess pore pressure. It was concluded that cyclic shear strain was a better parameter than cyclic-induced excess pore pressure for correlating the postcyclic stiffness degradation not only for normally consolidated but also for overconsolidated silt.  相似文献   

Key Parameters for Strength Control of Artificially Cemented Soils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Often, the use of traditional techniques in geotechnical engineering faces obstacles of economical and environmental nature. The addition of cement becomes an attractive technique when the project requires improvement of the local soil. The treatment of soils with cement finds application, for instance, in the construction of pavement base layers, in slope protection of earth dams, and as a support layer for shallow foundations. However, there are no dosage methodologies based on rational criteria as exist in the case of the concrete technology, where the water/cement ratio plays a fundamental role in the assessment of the target strength. This study therefore aims to quantify the influence of the amount of cement, the porosity and the moisture content on the strength of a sandy soil artificially cemented, as well as to evaluate the use of a water/cement ratio and a voids/cement ratio to assess its unconfined compression strength. A number of unconfined compression tests, triaxial compression tests, and measurements of matric suction were carried out. The results show that the unconfined compression strength increased linearly with the increase in the cement content and exponentially with the reduction in porosity of the compacted mixture. The change in moisture content also has a marked effect on the unconfined compression strength of mixtures compacted at the same dry density. It was shown that, for the soil-cement mixture in an unsaturated state (which is usual for compacted fills), the water/cement ratio is not a good parameter for the assessment of unconfined compression strength. In contrast, the voids/cement ratio, defined as the ratio between the porosity of the compacted mixture and the volumetric cement content, is demonstrated to be the most appropriate parameter to assess the unconfined compression strength of the soil-cement mixture studied.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to determine soil stiffness properties using measured structural modes of bridges. Normally, the identified mode shapes have to be smoothed. The mode shapes are approximated using functions describing the transverse vibration of distributed–parameter systems. Artificial coefficients are introduced into this solution in order to sum up the error contributions of displacements and its derivatives up to second order. Then, a pier-soil model based on normalized mechanical impedance functions is used. Applying this method along with more than one vertical mode shape leads to acceptable and more accurate results. The amplitudes of pier bottom vibrations are chosen as the suitable weights for the averaging procedure. For the Warth Bridge situated near Vienna, shear wave velocities and shear moduli at the pier foundations have been estimated. The results correspond quite well to the geological investigation.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an experimental study of the undrained cyclic behavior of a natural coarse sand and gravel deposit located in Gioia Tauro, a town situated on the continental side of the Messina Strait in Italy. The study was conducted through cyclic undrained triaxial tests carried out on both undisturbed and reconstituted samples. Undisturbed samples were recovered by an in situ freezing technique and the sample quality was carefully assessed. Reconstituted samples were prepared by using two different reconstitution methods, namely air pluviation (AP) and water sedimentation (WS), and tested under the same in situ initial relative density and effective overburden stress. Tests were carried out on both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated specimens. The results obtained from this study provide direct evidence that cyclic liquefaction resistance obtained from water sedimented samples closely approximates that exhibited by undisturbed samples in both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated tests. Conversely, AP leads to a marked underestimation. Since the investigated deposit is considered to have been formed by the marine water environment, these results can be regarded as proof that WS closely replicates the in situ fabric of the investigated deposit allowing the substitution of the expensive undisturbed samples with their reconstituted counterparts. Anisotropically consolidated specimens respectively exhibit “cyclic liquefaction” or “cyclic mobility” depending on whether or not they are loaded under the shear stress reversal mode.  相似文献   

The treatment of soils with cement is an attractive technique when the project requires improvement of the local soil for the construction of subgrades for rail tracks, as a support layer for shallow foundations and to prevent sand liquefaction. As reported by Consoli et al. in 2007, a unique dosage methodology has been established based on rational criteria where the voids/cement ratio plays a fundamental role in the assessment of the target unconfined compressive strength. The present study broadened the research carried out by Consoli et al. in 2007 through quantifying quantifies the influence of voids/cement ratio on the initial shear modulus (G0) and Mohr-Coulomb effective strength parameters (c′,?′) of an artificially cemented sand. A number of unconfined compression and triaxial compression tests with bender elements measurements were carried out. It was shown that the void/cement ratio defined as the ratio between the volume of voids of the compacted mixture and the volume of cement is an appropriate parameter to assess both initial stiffness and effective strength of the sand-cement mixture studied.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the shear behavior of sand in the context of shear band development has not been achieved yet in spite of many detailed research works on each specified subject. In order to observe the entire drained shear behavior of Toyoura sand from the macromechanical point of view, conventional triaxial tests were performed and analyzed up to an axial strain of 30% for various void ratios, initial confining stresses, and stress paths, paying particular attention to volume changes. The strong correlation was found between “double strain softening” and “diagonally crossing shear bands” as a remarkable result. Finally, a qualitative explanation of relations among the stress–strain curve, the failure shape, the dilatancy index–strain curve and the strain localization, could be clearly made. Also, it is concluded that the dilatancy index is an indicator not only of the ratio of the volumetric strain increment to the axial strain increment but also the condition of the strain localization.  相似文献   

The results of drained triaxial tests on fiber reinforced and nonreinforced sand (Osorio sand) specimens are presented in this work, considering effective stresses varying from 20 to 680?kPa and a variety of stress paths. The tests on nonreinforced samples yielded effective strength envelopes that were approximately linear and defined by a friction angle of 32.5° for the Osorio sand, with a cohesion intercept of zero. The failure envelope for sand when reinforced with fibers was distinctly nonlinear, with a well-defined kink point, so that it could be approximated by a bilinear envelope. The failure envelope of the fiber-reinforced sand was found to be independent of the stress path followed by the triaxial tests. The strength parameters for the lower-pressure part of the failure envelope, where failure is governed by both fiber stretching and slippage, were, respectively, a cohesion intercept of about 15?kPa and friction angle of 48.6?deg. The higher-pressure part of the failure envelope, governed by tensile yielding or stretching of the fibers, had a cohesion intercept of 124?kPa, and friction angle of 34.6?deg. No fiber breakage was measured and only fiber extension was observed. It is, therefore, believed that the fibers did not break because they are highly extensible, with a fiber strain at failure of 80%, and the necessary strain to cause fiber breakage was not reached under triaxial conditions at these stress and strain levels.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating the mechanical behavior and the changes in fabric at various stages of loading and wetting of an artificial cemented highly collapsible geomaterial. The required metastable structure of a collapsible soil was produced by adding particles of expanded polystyrene to a soil-cement mixture. This technique is shown to reproduce main features inherently attributed to collapsible soils under idealized conditions where the effects of void ratio and degree of cementation can be properly isolated and accounted for. Collapse potential was evaluated on samples with and without cementation. From the observed behavior it was possible to identify the initial void ratio, cementation level, initial suction, and stress path as factors controlling the collapse potential of soils.  相似文献   

The response of a saturated fine sand (Nevada sand No. 120) with relative density Dr ≈ 70% in drained and undrained conventional triaxial compression and extension tests and undrained cyclic shear tests in a hollow cylinder apparatus with rotation of the stress directions was studied. It was observed that the peak mobilized friction angle for this dilatant material was different in undrained and drained tests; the difference is attributed to the fact that the rate of dilation is smaller in an undrained test than it is in a drained test. Consistent with the findings of others, the material is more resistant to undrained cyclic loading for triaxial compression than for triaxial extension. In rotational shear tests in which the second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor is held constant, the shear stress path (after being normalized by the mean normal effective stress) approached an envelope that is comparable but not identical in shape to a Mohr-Coulomb failure surface. As the stress path approached the envelope, the shear end deviatoric strains continued to increase in an unsymmetrical smooth spiral path. During the rotational shear tests, the direction of the deviatoric strain-rate vector (deviatoric strain increment divided by the magnitude of change in Lode angle) was observed to be about midway between the deviatoric stress increment vector and the normal to a Mohr-Coulomb failure surface in the deviatoric plane. The stress ratio at the transition from contractive to dilative behavior (i.e., “phase transformation”) was also observed to depend on the direction of the stress path; therefore this stress ratio is not a fundamental property. Results from torsional hollow cylinder tests with rotation of stress directions are presented in new graphical formats to help understand and interpret the fundamental soil behavior.  相似文献   

The nonhomogeneous behavior of structured soils during triaxial tests has been studied using a finite element model based on the Structured Cam Clay constitutive model with Biot-type consolidation. The effect of inhomogeneities caused by the end restraint is studied by simulating drained triaxial tests for samples with a height to diameter ratio of 2. It was discovered that with the increase in degree of soil structure with respect to the same soil at the reconstituted state, the inhomogeineities caused by the end restraint will increase. By loading the sample at different strain rates and assuming different hydraulic boundary conditions, inhomogeneities caused by partial drainage were investigated. It was found that if drainage is allowed from all faces of the specimen, fully drained tests can be carried out at strain rates about ten times higher than those required when the drainage is allowed only in the vertical direction at the top and bottom of the specimen, confirming the findings of previous studies. Both end restraint and partial drainage can cause bulging of the triaxial specimen around mid-height. Inhomogeneities due to partial drainage influence the stress–strain behavior during destructuring, a characteristic feature of a structured soil. With an increase in the strain rate, the change in voids ratio during destructuration reduces, but, in contrast, the mean effective stress at which destructuration commences was found to increase. It is shown that the stress–strain behavior of the soil calculated for a triaxial specimen with inhomogeneities, based on global measurements of the triaxial response, does not represent the true constitutive behavior of the soil inside the test specimen. For most soils analyzed, the deviatoric stress based on the global measurements is about 25% less than that for the soil inside the test specimen, when the applied axial strain is about 30%. Therefore it can be concluded that the conventional global measurements of the sample response may not accurately reflect the true stress–strain behavior of a structured soil. This finding has major implications for the interpretation of laboratory triaxial tests on structured soils.  相似文献   

Shear strength parameters used in geotechnical design are obtained mainly from the consolidated drained (CD) or consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests. However in many field situations, soils are compacted for construction purposes and may not follow the stress paths in CD or CU triaxial tests. In these cases, the excess pore-air pressure during compaction will dissipate instantaneously, but the excess pore-water pressure will dissipate with time. Under this condition, it can be considered that the air phase is drained and the water phase is undrained. This condition can be simulated in a constant water content (CW) triaxial test. The purpose of this paper is to present the characteristics of the shear strength, volume change, and pore-water pressure of a compacted silt during shearing under the constant water content condition. A series of CW triaxial tests was carried out on statically compacted silt specimens. The experimental results showed that initial matric suction and net confining stress play an important role in affecting the characteristics of the shear strength, pore-water pressure, and volume change of a compacted soil during shearing under the constant water content condition. The failure envelope of the compacted silt exhibited nonlinearity with respect to matric suction.  相似文献   

A series of unsaturated soil triaxial tests were performed on four soils including sand, silt, and a low plasticity clay. Attempts were made to correlate unsaturated soil properties from these tests and data from the literature with soil-water characteristics curve (SWCC), soil gradation, and saturated soil properties. The feasibility of estimating unsaturated soil property functions from saturated soil properties, SWCCs and gradation data, is demonstrated. A hyperbolic model for estimation of the unsaturated soil parameter, ?b, versus matric suction is presented. Shear induced volume change behavior was also studied, and results are included in this paper. Although not correlated with soil index properties, these shear-induced volume change data are important to complete stress-deformation analyses, and represent a significant addition to the existing data base of unsaturated soil properties.  相似文献   

Development and study of mechanical properties of engineering materials from locally available materials in space is a vital endeavor toward establishment of bases on the Moon and other planets. The objectives of this study are to create a lunar simulant locally from a basaltic rock, and to design and develop a new vacuum triaxial test device that can permit testing of compacted lunar simulant under cyclic loading with different levels of initial vacuum. Then, triaxial testing is performed in the device itself without removing the compacted specimen; this is achieved by a special mechanism installed within the device. Preliminary constrained compression and triaxial shear tests are performed to identify effects of initial confinements and vacuums. The results are used to define deformation and strength parameters. At this time, vacuum levels up to 10?4 are possible; subsequent research should involve higher vacuum levels, e.g., 10?14?torr as they occur on the Moon. The research can have significant potential toward development of methodology so as to develop compacted materials for various construction applications, and also toward stress‐strain‐strength testing of lunar simulants with different vacuum levels.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the influence of frequency on the permanent deformation and degradation behavior of ballast during cyclic loading. The behavior of ballast under numerous cycles was investigated through a series of large-scale cyclic triaxial tests. The tests were conducted at frequencies ranging from 10–40 Hz, which is equivalent to a train traveling from 73 km/h to 291 km/h over standard gauge tracks in Australia. The results showed that permanent deformation and degradation of ballast increased with the frequency of loading and number of cycles. Much of breakage occurs during the initial cycle; however, there exists a frequency zone of 20?Hz ? f ? 30?Hz where cyclic densification takes place without much additional breakage. An empirical relationship among axial strain, frequency and number of cycles has been proposed based on the experimental data. In addition, discrete-element method (DEM) simulations were carried out using PFC2D on an assembly of irregular shaped particles. A novel approach was used to model a two-dimensional (2D) projection of real ballast particles. Clusters of bonded circular particles were used to model a 2D projection of angular ballast particles. Degradation of the bonds within a cluster was considered to represent particle breakage. The results of DEM simulations captured the ballast behavior under cyclic loading in accordance with the experimental observations. Moreover, the evolution of micromechanical parameters such as a distribution of the contact force and bond force developed during cyclic loading was presented to explain the mechanism of particle breakage. It has been revealed that particle breakage is mainly due to the tensile stress developed during cyclic loading and is located mainly in the direction of the movement of ballast particles.  相似文献   

The transport and mechanical properties of saturated soil drastically change when temperatures drop below the freezing temperature of water. During artificial ground freezing, this change of properties is exploited in order to minimize deformations during construction work and for groundwater control. Whereas for the latter only the size of the frozen-soil body is relevant, which is obtained by solving the thermal problem, the design of the ground-freezing work for support purposes requires information about the mechanical behavior of frozen soil. In addition to the quantification of the improvement of mechanical properties during freezing, information about the dilation associated with the 9% volume increase of water during freezing is required in order to assess the risk of damage to surface infrastructure caused by frost heave. In this paper, a micromechanics-based model for the prediction of both the aforementioned phase-change dilation and the elastic and viscous properties of freezing saturated soil is presented. Hereby, the macroscopic material behavior is related to the behavior of the different constituents such as soil particles, water, and ice. Combined with the solution of the thermal problem, the proposed model provides the basis for predictions of the performance of support structures composed of frozen soil.  相似文献   

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