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Soil is a large sink for organic carbon within the terrestrial biosphere. Practices which cause a decline in soil organic matter cause CO2 release, in addition to damaging soil resilience and, often, agricultural productivity. The soil micro-organisms (collectively the soil microbial biomass) are the agents of transformation of soil organic matter, nutrients and of most key soil processes. Their activities are much influenced by soil physico-chemical and ecological interactions. This paper addresses two key issues. Firstly, ways of managing, and the extent to which it is possible to manage, soil biological functions. Secondly, the methodologies currently available for studying soil micro-organisms, and the functions they mediate, are discussed. It is concluded that, as the world population develops in this new millennium, there will be an increased dependence upon biological processes in soil to provide adequate crop nutrition for the majority of the world's farmers. Although a major increase in the use of artificial fertilisers will be necessary on a global scale, this will not be an option for large numbers of farmers due to their poverty. Instead they will rely on recycling of nutrients from animal and vegetable composts and urban wastes, and biological cycling from nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae. The challenge is to select the most appropriate topics for further research. Not all aspects are likely to lead to significantly improved agricultural productivity, or sustainability within the foreseeable future. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Water ingress into a cataphoretic coating employed in the car industry was studied using real-time mass and capacitance measurements. The results showed the presence of three well-differentiated time constants associated with the process. The corresponding time scales were 2–3 min, 1 and 10 h. The first time constant (fastest process) was assumed to be associated with the filling of surface pores by water. This process involved about 50% of the total water uptake. The second time constant was assumed to be due to the water occupancy of pores in the bulk of the coating. Finally, the slowest process was assumed to be due to water diffusion through the bulk coating. This process presented capacitive effects only if fillers were present in the coating.  相似文献   

来水利 《云南化工》2019,(7):180-181
有机化学是化学化工、材料、制药、食品等多个专业的基础课程,在其教学过程中,教师可以根据课程的内容及特点,分别以有机化学发展中的重大历史事件、有机化物的性质及有机反应为引导,开展学生的思想品德教育,加强课程思政建设。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration (hydrous pyrolysis) experiments, in the absence and presence of H2 (reductive), were conducted on organic matter from marine and lacustrine sediments. The experiments were carried out at discrete temperatures from 150 °C to 350 °C to assess the yields and compositions of the bitumen (tar) formed and subsequently at higher temperatures the oil generated. The yield of bitumen was observed to increase with increasing temperatures. Under hydrous pyrolysis conditions with hydrogen, the yield increases by an order of magnitude and immature lacustrine organic matter shows the highest yield. Bitumen, the extractable organic matter at temperatures below 250-300 °C, contains mainly polar compounds, an unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of branched and cyclic compounds, with low amounts of saturated hydrocarbons. The polar compounds include n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanedioic acids, n-alkanols, isoprenoid ketones and methyl alkanoates. At temperatures above 300 °C, the bitumens transform into petroleum products with saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes and biomarkers) and UCM as the major components (>95% of total yield). The degree of maturation of the generated oil increases with increasing temperature under both pyrolysis conditions to full maturity at >350 °C. Although, the bitumen yield is much higher under conditions with added hydrogen, the maturity of the generated oil is lower than with just hydrous pyrolysis.  相似文献   

Phosphorus removal from soil solution is mainly due to adsorption and precipitation. For calcareous soils, with a large reservoir of exchangeable calcium, precipitation of insoluble Ca-P phases is the predominant process that reduces P availability to plants. Soil water content positively affects P-precipitation, while the addition of organic matter (OM) has an opposite effect. Little information on the effect of soil organic matter on P-insolubilisation as a function of soil water contents has prompted this study of the variation of extractable P, after addition of mineral P fertiliser. Columns packed with a calcareous soil were enriched with different levels of OM, extracted from Irish peat, and subjected to different rainfall simulations. After 102 days of experimentation and 171 mm of accumulated rainfall, the Olsen-P was 53% of the initially applied amount in 6.2% OM-enriched soil, 37% in 4.1% OM-enriched soil, and 20% in untreated soil (1.9% of OM). While the curve describing Olsen-P decrease as a function of accumulated rainfall was clearly exponential for untreated soil, the curves for OM-enriched samples were flatter, evidence that OM addition modified P-insolubilisation. The P-insolubilisation, after P-fertilisation, at several constant values of soil moisture for (i) calcareous soil, (ii) calcareous soil after removing carbonates and saturating the exchange complex with Ca, and (iii) calcareous soil after addition of different levels of OM followed first-order kinetics. The Kobss followed the order: Ca-saturated soil > untreated soil > OM-enriched samples. Results from rainfall simulation experiments and kinetics of Olsen-P decrease at several constant soil moisture contents indicated that the soil water amount was the main factor in reducing extractable P after P fertilisation and that the soil OM content was the main factor in keeping P in extractable forms. On the other hand, the addition of OM to calcareous soil increased the extractable P at each soil moisture regime, decreasing P-insolubilisation more effectively at lower soil water contents. P-sorption isotherms of calcareous soil after addition of different levels of OM showed that the presence of OM mainly influences P-insolubilisation, but not the adsorption process.  相似文献   

Values of 13C and 15N of soil organic matter (SOM) under different land cover in Pasir Mayang, Jambi Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia were examined to apply them as indicators of SOM dynamics and related CO2 production. The 13C and 15N values of SOM increased with depth in the 0–30 cm layer in the preserved forest, reflecting 13C and 15N richment in SOM through mineralization and immobilization. The degree of vertical enrichment, difference between 0–5 cm and 10–15 cm SOM, was more pronounced in 15N than in 13C at all sites in Pasir Mayang. The 13C -SOM profiles fluctuated through clear-cutting the forest and subsequent burning, which was due to input of biomass with higher C/N molar ratio and lower 13C value than the original SOM. However, the 15N-SOM profiles before and after such a drastic event did not change appreciably. The 15N-SOM became higher as the C/N ratio decreased and as soil sugar content decreased. These observations suggest that 15N-SOM is a variable that changes with the amount of easily decomposable organic matter (EDOM) in soil. Soil incubation experiments demonstrated a correlation between CO2 production rate and degree of vertical 15N-enrichment in SOM, which was applied to field data to estimate CO2 production through SOM decomposition. A similar analysis was performed with the soils collected at 27 locations in other districts in Jambi Province than Pasir Mayang. In five locations covered by oil palm plantation, CO2 production through SOM decomposition controlled 70 of variation in CO2 emission among the locations. In the remaining 22 locations, however, the CO2 emission was neither related to CO2 production from SOM nor to ground litter amount. This observation indicated that mechanisms other than dead organic matter decomposition such as root respiration were dominant sources for CO2 emission in these sites.  相似文献   

Ensuring sustainable agriculture in semiarid Africa requires the implementation of methods to balance nutrients and to conserve soil organic matter (SOM). There is an urgent need to improve the management of all types of SOM input. In this paper; the authors review a wide range of agricultural practices and discuss their advantages, limitations and feasibility. They distinguish ‘traditional systems’ such as traditional fallow, parkland and manuring from ‘improved systems’ such as ‘improved fallow’, forest fallow, alley cropping, cover crops and application of composted manure. Biomass production (BMP) for ‘improved systems’ is mainly linked: (i) for agroforestry, to the tree species used in forest fallow, to the synchronization of nutrient supply by the soil with the cereal demand in alley cropping, and generally to the efficiency of the root system and its development with the depth; (ii) for cover crops, BMP is mainly linked to the initial soil fertility and to the ecological zone: establishment and management of cover crops are not yet fully mastered under some conditions such as an annual rainfall below 800 mm and/or on very clayey soils; (iii) for manure, BMP is mainly linked to the improvement of fallow in order to ensure sufficient forage resources. Because semiarid Africa is mainly a livestock zone, the authors emphasise manure: constraints, quality indicators and tools used to encourage its production, are analysed. Thus it was concluded that the intensification of manure production and its rational use in semiarid African regions, threatened by drought and malnutrition, is very important: this cannot be separated from the production of plant biomass, whose possibilities have been examined above. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles are closely linked in organic farming systems. Use of residues for biogas digestion may reduce N-losses and lead to higher farmland productivity. However, digestion is connected to large losses of organic C. It is the purpose of this paper (1) to compare farming systems based on liquid slurry and solid farmyard manure regarding the N, C and organic dry matter (ODM) inputs and flows, (2) to analyse the effect of digestion on soil N, C and ODM inputs and flows within the cropping system, (3) to assess the effects of organic manure management on biological N2 fixation (BNF), and (4) to assess the effect of biogas digestion on the sustainability of the cropping systems in terms of N and C budgets. The BNF by clover/grass-leys was the most important single N input, followed by the BNF supplied by legume cover cropping. Growth of crops in organic farming systems is very often N limited, and not limited by the soil C inputs. However, balances of N inputs showed that the implemented organic farming systems have the potential to supply high amounts of N to meet crop N demand. The level of plant available N to non-legume main crops was much lower, in comparison to the total N inputs. Reasons were the non-synchronized timing of N mineralization and crop N demand, the high unproductive gaseous N losses and an unfocussed allocation in space and time of the circulating N within the crop rotation (e.g. allocation of immobile manures to legumes or of mobile manures to cover crops). Simultaneously, organic cropping systems very often showed large C surpluses, which may be potentially increased the N shortage due to the immobilization of N. Soil organic matter supply and soil humus balance (a balance sheet calculated from factors describing the cultivation effects on humus increasing and humus depleting crops, and organic manure application) were higher in cropping systems based on liquid slurry than in those based on solid farmyard manure (+19%). Simultaneously, soil N surplus was higher due to lower gaseous N losses (+14%). Biogas digestion of slurry had only a very slight effect on both the soil N and the soil C budget. The effect on the N budget was also slight if the liquid slurry was stored in closed repositories. Digestion of residues like slurry, crop residues and cover crops reduced in a mixed farming system the soil C supply unilaterally (approximately −33%), and increased the amounts of readily available N (approximately +70–75%). The long-term challenge for organic farming systems is to find instruments that reduce N losses to a minimum, to keep the most limiting fraction of N (ammonia-N) within the system, and to enhance the direct manuring effect of the available manures to non-legume main crops.  相似文献   

Major challenges for combined use of organic and mineral nutrient sources in smallholder agriculture include variable type and quality of the resources, their limited availability, timing of their relative application and the proportions at which the two should be combined. Short-term nutrient supply capacity of five different quality organic resources ranging from high to low quality, namely Crotalaria juncea, Calliandra calothyrsus, cattle manure, maize stover and Pinus patula sawdust were tested in the field using maize as a test crop. The study was conducted on two contrasting soil types at Makoholi and Domboshawa, which fall under different agro-ecological regions of Zimbabwe. Makoholi is a semi-arid area (<650 mm yr−1) with predominantly coarse sandy soils containing approximately 90 g kg−1 clay while Domboshawa (>750 mm yr−1) soils are sandy-clay loams with 220 g kg−1 clay. Each organic resource treatment was applied at low (2.5 t C ha−1) and high (7.5 t C ha−1) biomass rates at each site. Each plot was sub-divided into two with one half receiving 120 kg N ha−1 against zero in the other. At Makoholi, there was a nine-fold increase in maize grain yield under high application rates of C. juncea over the unfertilized control, which yielded only 0.4 t ha−1. Combinations of mineral N fertilizer with the leguminous resources and manure resulted in between 24% and 104% increase in grain yield against sole fertilizer, implying an increased nutrient recovery by maize under organic–mineral combinations. Maize biomass measured at 2 weeks after crop emergence already showed treatment differences, with biomass yields increasing linearly with soil mineral N availability (R 2 = 0.75). This 2-week maize biomass in turn gave a positive linear relationship (R 2 = 0.82) with grain yield suggesting that early season soil mineral N availability largely determined final yield. For low quality resources of maize stover and sawdust, application of mineral N fertilizer resulted in at least a seven-fold grain yield increase compared with sole application of the organic resources. Such nutrient combinations resulted in grain harvest indices of between 44% and 48%, up from a mean of 35% for sole application, suggesting the potential of increasing maize productivity from combinations of low quality resources with mineral fertilizer under depleted sandy soils. At Domboshawa, grain yields averaged 7 t ha−1 and did not show any significant treatment differences. This was attributed to relatively high levels of fertility under the sandy-clay loams during this first year of the trial implementation. Differences in N supply by different resources were only revealed in grain and stover uptake. Grain N concentration from the high quality leguminous resources averaged 2% against 1.5% from sawdust treatments. We conclude that early season soil mineral N availability is the primary regulatory factor for maize productivity obtainable under poor sandy soils. Maize biomass at 2 weeks is a potential tool for early season assessment of potential yields under constrained environments. However, the likely impact on system productivity following repeated application of high N-containing organic materials on different soil types remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

Soil pH and Eh play an important role in reducing heavy metal solubility in paddy soils. To assess the effects of flooding and organic matter application on changes in Eh, pH and solubility of Cd, Ni and Zn in contaminated soils, a growth chamber experiment with rice plants(Oryza sativa L.) was conducted. Eh values decreased with flooding time in all three soils. The changes of Eh values were more negative in the tannery and alum shale contaminated soils and stabilized after 30 days of submergence. The Eh changes were not so large in the city sewage contaminated soil as in the other two soils. Soil pH increased with flooding time. During the 65 days of submergence, pH increase was about 2, 1 and 0.6units in the tannery, city sewage and alum shale soils, respectively. In all three soils, organic matter treated soil showed lower Eh and higher pH values compared to untreated soil. Concentration of Cd, Ni and Zn in soil solution decreased with flooding time. The solution concentration of Cd and Zn in the city sewage soil and of Ni in the tannery soil was higher than in the alum shale soil. The soluble metal concentration in all three soils was lower inorganic matter treated soils. Reduced solubility of metals in the organic matter treated soils was related to larger changes of Eh and pH values in these soils. Correlation coefficient calculations also showed that metal solubility decreased with decreased Eh and increased pH in the soil solution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Up to now, most electromembrane processes have been performed in aqueous media. Here the feasibility of conversion of sodium salts oforganic acids (propionic, butyric and octanoic) was demonstrated in water-ethanol media up to 50% v/v. The alcohol content was the same in all the electrodialysis compartments, and the conversion ratio remained high for sodium propionate and butyrate at 10 and 30 mA.cm−2. When the length of the linear hydrocarbon chain was increased to sodium octanoate, the conversion ratio was less than 50%. The main interest of using ethanol-water media is the increase of organic acid solubility.  相似文献   

The present paper compares Rock-Eval pyrolysis (RE), liquid chromatography (L.C), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) data from a geochemical study of Jebel Chaker organic-rich facies, in central-northern Tunisia, in order to obtain independent parameters on organic matter source, composition, and thermal maturity.  相似文献   

Higher accumulation of toxic heavy metals in rice grown in contaminated soils may lead to health disorder in humans in tropical countries as rice is a staple diet. A pot experiment was conducted in a growth chamber to investigate the effect of flooding and non-flooding conditions in three soils added with4% organic matter on the concentration and uptake of Cd, Ni and Zn by rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). In flooding condition, the level of standing water was at a height of 2.5 ± 0.5 cm above the soil surface and in non-flooded culture80 ± 5% of water holding capacity was maintained. Flooding condition significantly(p < 0.05) reduced the concentration and uptake of Cd, Ni and Zn in rice grown in all three soils. The overall reduction of metal concentration in shoot at vegetative stage, and straw and polished rice at maturity, under flooding conditions was 84, 89, and 79% for Cd; 21,63and 65% for Ni; and 52, 78 and 16% for Zn, respectively. Organic matter addition significantly reduced the Ni concentration in plant parts but no such reduction was seen for Cd and Zn. Accumulation index of Cd and Zn was 82and 55% higher than that of Ni in the plant and the index of all three metals was higher in the tannery soil than the other two soils. Polished rice contained significantly lower amounts of Cd, Ni and Zn than shoot and straw. Cadmium and Ni uptake in polished rice was > 20% of the total uptake and thus it may be a concern for human health. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fractionation of soil P into various organic and inorganic pools with differing levels of bioavailability, coupled with knowledge of the P adsorption and desorption characteristics of the soils, provides insights into management strategies that enhance P availability to crops. Sequential soil P fractionation was conducted on samples from 11 soil profiles and different experimental fields selected from the derived savanna (DS) and northern Guinea savanna (NGS) zones of the West African moist savanna to assess the influence of soil characteristics and management on soil P pools. Phosphorus adsorption and desorption studies were conducted on samples from the surface horizon of the soil profiles. The total P content varied within and among the soil profiles and tended generally to decrease as depth increased. The total P content in topsoil varied from 90 to 198 mg kg–1 of which about 30% was organically bound P. The resin P fraction was generally low (mean = 5 mg kg–1, topsoil) and decreased with depth. These low resin P levels indicate low P availability. Within the DS, where the organic resource (OM) was Senna siamea residues, the effects on soil P fractions of OM and soluble P fertilizer (PF), whether sole or in combination, were site-specific. While resin P was significantly increased by OM in some sites, no significant differences were observed in others. In the NGS fields, farmyard manure (organic resource, OM) combined with PF and PF applied alone increased the inorganic P (Pi) fractions extractable with resin, bicarbonate, and NaOH by about 400% but had no significant effect on the organic P (Po) pools and the more stable Pi forms. The P sorption capacities were low, with the adsorption maximum deduced from the Langmuir equation ranging from 36 to 230 mg kg–1. The amount of P sorbed to maintain 0.2 mg l–1 in solution ranged between 0.6 and 16 mg kg–1. Phosphorus desorption with anion exchange resin differed among the soils, with the recovery of added P ranging from 17 to 66% after 96 h. On average, more of the applied P was recovered in the DS soils than in the NGS soils. Because of the relatively low sorption capacity and the relatively high percentage recovery, small additions of P to most of the soils studied might be adequate for crop growth. In essence, quantities of P fertilizer needed in these soils might be estimated based on considerations of P uptake by crops rather than on sorption characteristics.  相似文献   

Organic matter is the life of soil. It enables a soil to perform efficiently its primary function of supporting plant growth. Its endemic deficiency in tropical soils, particularly those under the influence of arid, semiarid and sub-humid climates, is a major factor contributing to their low productivity. Research over the past 30 years, formatted as long-term experiments, has conclusively proven that those treatments and practices that supported organic matter build-up, also favored sustainable productivity. Since sustenance of organic matter necessitates regular additions, bolstering its supplies in sufficient quantities is a strategy suggested for the future. While in-situ cultivation and non-competitive use are the common elements of an overall scheme on reinforcing an organic matter reservoir, traversal routes for harnessing, however, vary with the kind of organic resource being aimed at. For instance: with cattle dung and human excrements, conversion into biogas is considered necessary; farmer participatory appraisal and emphasis on dual purpose legumes are found to be essential in spreading green manures, and non-palatability to cattle with a pre-composting step seem vital to succeed with crop residues. Possible research, development and policy initiatives are outlined to enlarge supply and efficient use of different types of organic resources. (Currently visiting scientist, Center for development research, University of Bonn, Germany) This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Two synthesis methods: two-phase method and single-phase one, for the preparation of silylated nanozeolites were reported. In these methods an organic solvent was used as an effective medium for the crystallization of zeolites. To illustrate these two methods, silicalite-1 was selected in this study. Various techniques including XRD, TEM, SEM, BET and NMR techniques were used to monitor the physico-chemical properties of these synthesized materials. The results revealed that the single-phase method allows producing uniform/small nanosilicalite-1, whereas the two-phase one can bring two separate products: nanosized and microsized zeolite crystals in organic phase and in aqueous phase, respectively. Furthermore, the NMR results indicate that the hydrophobic surface character of these silicalite-1 samples can be obtained even after calcination.  相似文献   

给水处理工程中去除有机物的方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
给水处理工程中有机物的去除问题一直是国内外水处理工作者主要研究方向,而且越来受重视,因为水中有机物的去除效果直接影响到给水处理的质量,在国内外多年研究、实践的基础上,评述了给水处理中去除有机物的各种材料和方法。并对这一领域做了一些展望。  相似文献   

Electrochemical energy production has been extensively used in large scale applications. At present, organic compounds are considered as efficient and environmentally friendly electrode materials. The paper describes the study of the possibility of using hydrolysis lignin as the lithium battery cathode material. Hydrolysis lignin features have been investigated by the impedance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The discharge performance of hydrolysis lignin-based lithium battery was investigated at room temperature using 1 M LiBF4 in γ-butyrolacton electrolyte system. It was found that the specific capacity of hydrolysis lignin was equal to 450 mAh g−1 at a discharge current density of 25 μA/cm2. Two main voltage plateaus located at ∼1.8 and ∼1.1 V were observed. The chemical composition of cathode materials upon battery discharge down to 0.9 V was studied by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The suggestions on possible electrochemical reactions occurring in the lithium/hydrolysis lignin system were made on the basis of the products composition analysis. The results demonstrate the potential of hydrolysis lignin based batteries to be used as low-rate power sources.  相似文献   

In this study, two model waters were used to evaluate the ozone effect on aquatic organic matter (AOM) removal by coagulation with inorganic polymer flocculant (IPF)-polyaluminum chloride (PACl). Flocs formation during coagulation processes were detected by using PDA (Photometric Dispersion Analyzer). Apparent molecular weight distribution (AMWD) and resin fractionation (RF) were also performed to characterize the change of AOM as a result of pre-ozonation. The experimental results show that the dosage of O3, characteristics and composition of AOM are the most important factors on the behavior of coagulation. Great differences have been found between the two model waters. Coagulation in model water 1 (MW1) (composed of humic acids) is impaired markedly by pre-ozonation, as more DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) is produced with increasing O3 dosage. Floc formation, as exhibited from decreasing of the slopes of FI (Flocculation Index), is retarded gradually during coagulation process. Although residual turbidity is reduced with 1.15 mg/L O3, removals of DOC and UV254 all decreased. As for model water 2 (MW2) (composed of salicylic acid), FI is retarded also, but turbidity and DOC removals of coagulation after pre-ozonation are improved to a certain extent. Coagulation performance judged from removal of DOC is improved distinctly by pre-ozonation. Fractionation results show that molecular weight of organic matter (OM) of MW1 is converted from higher to lower; and OM becomes from more hydrophobic to more hydrophilic, which might be one of the mechanisms involved in the impairment of ozonation on coagulation effect. OM in MW2 is oxidized and mineralized to a greater extent, thus its impairment on coagulation is released. Finally, according to water properties, some proposed applications were provided for application of ozone in water treatment process.  相似文献   

虞召朋 《云南化工》2020,(1):191-192
为了探究绿色化学理念在有机化学教学中的应用,从绿色化学理念的价值、绿色化学理念在实验室建立、实验内容设计、绿色实验技术等三个方面的应用阐述。  相似文献   

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