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The Mansfield Hollow Lake (MHL) and Willimantic Reservoir (WR) are two reservoirs located in eastern Connecticut in the north‐eastern USA. The MHL was constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1952, being primarily fed by the Fenton, Mount Hope and Natchaug Rivers. The WR lies downstream from the Mansfield Hollow Dam. The physical and chemical characteristics of MHL, WR, and the three streams discharging into them were intensively evaluated during four sampling quarters in 2001 and 2002. This study focused on possible sources of eutrophication, and occurrence of trace amounts of selected priority pollutants, in the sediments and waters of MHL and WR. Analytical results for total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus and chlorophyll‐a indicated that, in terms of eutrophication status, the waterbodies can be classified as mesotrophic. Comparison of the analytical results in this study to historical limnological data reported for lakes in southern New England and eastern Connecticut indicates that the median levels of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved inorganic carbon, calcium, magnesium, and iron measured in this study were higher than previously reported median values.  相似文献   

综合水质标识指数法在公园湖泊水质评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2011年8月对上海市12个公园中的13个湖泊水体进行了调查。对综合水质指数中各单因子水质标识指数的权重进行了改进与选择,根据调查资料,采用综合水质标识指数法对被调查水体的水质状况及营养状态进行了评价,用评分法和综合营养状态指数法验证了综合水质标识指数法应用于湖泊富营养化评价中的合理性。结果表明:所调查的湖泊中,仅有15.4%的公园湖泊综合水质达到水环境功能区要求,处于富营养化状态的公园湖泊占53.8%,湖泊中TN和CODCr污染最严重,综合水质标识指数法简便易用,能全面反映水质状况,评价结果科学合理,适合在公园湖泊富营养化评价中推广使用。  相似文献   

该文针对珠三角感潮浅水湖泊水环境模拟问题,在二维水流-污染物输移耦合数学模型基础上,结合WASP(water quality analysis simulation program)水生态数学模型原理,考虑溶解氧、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、有机氮、无机磷、有机磷、碳生化需氧量和叶绿素a等8个水质变量及其相互作用的溶解氧平衡子系统、氮循环子系统、磷循环子系统和浮游植物动力学子系统,建立了浅水湖泊水生态数学模型。通过室内实验系统模拟了珠三角某典型感潮人工湖泊外江来水营养条件对蓝藻生长的影响,确定了蓝藻生长速率等关键模型参数,并模拟了湖泊不同换水方案下叶绿素a的时空分布规律,为控制湖泊水体富营养化、预防蓝藻水华爆发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

湖泊水资源保护和合理开发利用对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
湖泊具有蓄滞洪水、净化水体水质、改善当地气候、生物多样性基因库等多种功能,但由于人们对其功能特性认识不足。在开发利用湖泊的过程中对湖泊造成了不利的影响。近些年水利部门为保护湖泊水资源开展了大量的工作.取得了较好的成效。但目前全国湖泊营养化状态和污染情况不容乐观,亟须针对湖泊保护提出相应的政策措施加强湖泊的管理,要按照中央提出的人与自然和谐的要求,全面规划、统筹兼顾、标本兼治、综合治理。给湖泊以空间,保护环湖自然植被,减缓泥沙淤积速度,保证湖泊生态系统的良性循环。  相似文献   

北京城市河湖的营养状态分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对北京城市河湖水质调研,21个水体中,已达中等程度富营养的水体11个,占58%;已达严重富营养的2个,占11%.对11个水体浮游藻类的调查结果显示,由于营养程度高,浮游藻类群落结构简单,物种多样性低,且多为耐污种类.北京城市河湖属于营养盐和有机物污染.污染物主要来自点源,其次是面源.生态环境用水量少也是水体发生富营养化的原因之一.  相似文献   

梳理桐乡市河湖管护现状,以问题与需求为导向,探索与破解河湖管护难题,提出了交界区域联动机制、四位一体长效保洁机制、河长制细化升级、水利管理应用平台建设等一系列创新思想,以期提升桐乡市河湖管护水平,同时也为全国平原河网地区河湖管理提供一定的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

State-of-the-art management models for lakes and reservoirs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews current models that can be used in lake management, mainly for eutrophication and wetland areas. The latter type of model, in particular, has developed rapidly during the past decade due to the increasing importance of wetlands as traps for nutrients originating from non-point sources. The experience gained in lake modelling since the mid-1980s can be summarized as follows: (i) 3-D hydrodynamic models are available today but are not necessarily the right answer to a given modelling problem (dependent on data availability); (ii) models with a wide spectrum of complexities are available which make it possible to select a type of model appropriate to available data; and (iii) several models with general applicability are available, yet it is necessary to tailor a model for each individual case (generally based on experience from previous model studies). The experience gained by the use of the so-called Glumsø model on 25 case studies led to the same conclusion: modifications are needed in the original model for each new case study to allow for the specific characteristics of the lake modelled. Lake management models have been developed for eutrophication, oxygen depletion, various specific pollution problems, thermocline formation, acidification, and the use of wetlands to cope with non-point pollution, particularly for removal of nitrogen by denitrification. An overview of available models, including their shortcomings, is given in the text. We have experience in using models for many different environmental problems of lakes, but it is necessary to improve these models by including more ecological components. These improvements are discussed in relation to the most recent experiences in the use of models with dynamic structures.  相似文献   

我国应用生态技术修复富营养化湖泊的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国湖泊、水库的营养化非常严重,且呈发展之势。在众多的治理方法中,生态方法以其效果好,费用低等优点,越来越受到人们的重视,成为国内外富营养化湖泊治理与研究的热点。本文将富营养化湖泊治理的生态技术分为控制营养盐的技术和直接控制藻类的技术,并分析了各种技术的生态原理、技术应用条件、实例应用情况以及技术优点和缺点等。湖泊富营养化是一个典型的生态问题,应综合各项技术的优点,科学地运用各项技术.宴旌富营养化湖泊的治殚。  相似文献   

改善汉阳湖群水环境的调水方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖群调水后,湖群及其连通沟渠共同组成了复杂的湖网结构,调水线路不单一,存在着二次分流问题等。以汉阳湖群为例,对湖群调水的方案进行了优选,并预测分析了引江灌湖工程实施后汉阳湖群的水流水质变化。得出结论:①流量越大,湖区流动性越好;②四湖的整体流动性以龙阳湖最优,三角湖最差;③由于湖面宽广,湖网形状复杂,引入的水流难以置换全部水体,出现缓流区域和死水区。  相似文献   

Most Mexicans live in the arid and semiarid regions that represent two‐thirds of the Mexican territory, where water is scarce. Natural, as well as human, causes are favouring the degradation of Mexican lakes. There is a clear need to develop and implement sustainable water‐use programmes at a catchment scale. However, the accelerated degradation rate of the Mexican lakes means that there will not be enough time to perform whole‐basin evaluations to establish sustainable water‐use programmes before the lakes dry up. The case of the Valle de Santiago crater‐lakes clearly illustrates the declining trend that Mexican inland aquatic resources follow. Vegetation clearance, overgrazing, abatement of phreatic waters and salinization have induced severe erosion and overall desertification (land degradation) in the basin for what, it seems, a long time (i.e. prehispanic times). In this way, human activities could be provoking at least the following negative consequences: a hotter and drier local climate, water scarcity, dust storms and soil salinization. The aquatic (surface and groundwater) resources of the Valle de Santiago basin have been seriously threatened. Two of the four crater‐lakes have already dried up and phreatic mantle abatement reaches up to 2.5 m per year. In spite of these facts, no sustainable water‐use programme has been established yet. The future scenery of this Mexican basin looks alarmingly like many other basins in the central and northern Mexican territories.  相似文献   

湖泊生态系统恢复与水质改善   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
刘正文 《中国水利》2006,(17):30-33
富营养化是导致湖泊生态系统退化的主要因素。生态恢复必须将生态理论与社会、经济条件相结合,确定合适的目标。实践证明,湖泊生态系统恢复可以显著改善水质。控制或削减外源营养盐负荷是富营养化湖泊生态恢复的前提,但成功生态恢复的负荷或湖水营养盐浓度条件因湖泊形态、地理位置和系统结构的不同而不同,我国湖泊的生态恢复需要在恢复条件、机理与技术多方面开展研究。  相似文献   

余明勇 《中国水利》2011,(13):18-20
对湖北省四湖流域水污染源进行了分析,并根据四湖流域水生态环境、水污染现状和各水体的水环境功能类别要求,在总结流域水生态修复和水环境保护现状的基础上,提出了流域水生态环境保护与修复的对策与建议。  相似文献   

中国主要河湖水生态综合评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张萍  高丽娜  孙翀  孙政 《水利学报》2016,47(1):94-100
河湖水生态综合评价是水资源保护规划工作的重要内容之一。本文从水文水资源、水环境、河湖生境形态、生物及栖息地状况等方面,构建了包含生态基流满足程度、水功能区水质达标率、湖库富营养化指数、纵向连通性、重要湿地保留率及鱼类生境等6个指标构成的河湖水生态综合评价体系。在此基础上,对全国673条河流、97座水库和100个湖泊湿地共计1006个规划河段和湖库的水生态状况进行了评价和分类,分析了我国各大流域河湖面临的水生态问题。研究成果对我国主要河湖水生态保护和修复工作的实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Two cases of alteration of the water balance of lakes are discussed, these are: (i) alteration of the hydrological cycle due to changes in the lake basin; and (ii) alteration of the hydrological cycle due to changes in the amount of evaporation from the lake surface. In both cases, the technical aspects that result from these changes are briefly discussed, as well as the use of methods for the chemical reduction of lake evaporation.  相似文献   

大型湖库富营养化蓝藻水华防控技术发展述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大型湖库的特点,系统分析了国内外在蓝藻水华预警、控制和应急清除等方面的各种技术发展现状、具有的优势和存在的不足,提出了各相关技术未来发展的主要方向。认为针对富营养化水体的特征,应因地制宜,将多种技术优化集成,充分发挥应急技术和长效技术、工程技术和生态技术、预警技术和管理技术各自的优势,弥补各自的不足,实施"适地适策"的"一湖一策"战略,将是我国未来大型湖库蓝藻控制和富营养化治理的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

苏州市主要河湖水生态现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水生态建设是当今城市发展所面临的重要问题。结合苏州市水生态系统特点、水生态保护目标分布及敏感生态问题确定河湖生态调查指标,据此调查分析苏州市具有代表性的主要河湖存在的水生态问题,并提出相应改善水环境现状的对策。  相似文献   

Although reservoirs are similar to natural lakes in many respects, such driving forces as water retention time and watershed features can play important roles in the limnology of manmade lakes. With the goal of investigating how these factors influence the limnology of tropical reservoirs, physical and chemical variables were measured at four sampling sites in two reservoirs in southern Brazil, from June 2002 to June 2003. Funil Reservoir is located in one of the most-populated areas in the country, in the Paraíba do Sul river basin, which drains and drastically influences the water quality of the reservoir. In contrast, Lajes Reservoir is located in a well-preserved area, with its water retention time varying from six to 30 times longer than for Funil Reservoir. Funil Reservoir is a turbid (median euphotic zone = 4.3 m), eutrophic reservoir (median total phosphorus (TP) = 3.1 µm ), with a high phytoplankton biomass (median chlorophyll-a concentration = 10.0 µg L−1). In contrast, Lajes Reservoir is a transparent (median euphotic zone = 9.2 m), mesotrophic water system (median TP = 1.0 µm ), with a low phytoplankton biomass (median chlorophyll-a = 1.9 µg L−1). Both reservoirs were stratified during the summer months, but isothermy was only observed in Funil Reservoir. Because of its short water retention time, Funil Reservoir is a much more dynamic system than Lajes Reservoir, with a pronounced temporal pattern related to changes in its water column and its phytoplankton biomass. Spatial heterogeneity is more evident in Lajes Reservoir, mainly as a consequence of its location in a preserved area, long water retention time and the presence of net cages for fish culture in the waterbody. The typical spatial zonation found in reservoirs, related to nutrient sedimentation and light availability, however, is more evident in Funil Reservoir than in Lajes Reservoir. Despite the similarities between these two water systems, which are in the same geographical region with similar climate, and are comparable in size, the distinct watershed features and water retention time are responsible for marked differences between these reservoirs.  相似文献   

分析了流域水环境专业的社会需求,阐述了长江科学院流域水环境专业的定位和主要研究方向,分6个方面介绍了流域水环境研究所创建5 a来取得的主要科研成果:①湖库富营养化水体和藻类治理技术;②农村水电生态环境影响评价方法及保护对策;③河湖纳污能力计算方法和评价技术;④水库对河流水沙与营养物质连续传输影响及生态响应机制;⑤重金属及环境激素污染水土体治理及生态修复技术;⑥地下水污染治理技术。最后对流域水环境专业在治江科研工作的几个重点研究领域进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

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