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The cadherin-catenin complex has an important role in cell-cell adhesion and may also function in signaling pathways. We report that overexpression of three cadherin types in Xenopus embryos causes them to develop with reduced dorsal axial structures. The same phenotype is produced in embryos that have been depleted of maternal beta-catenin protein by an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide complementary to beta-catenin mRNA. They show an inhibition in the expression of dorsal mesodermal markers MyoD and goosecoid, but not of ventral and general mesodermal markers. They lack notochords, somites, and neural tubes and are defective in dorsal mesodermal signaling in Nieuwkoop assays. The phenotype can be rescued by the injection of beta-catenin mRNA and not by the injection of Xwnt-8 mRNA. These results show that beta-catenin has an important role in dorsal mesoderm induction. They directly demonstrate the activity of a maternal mRNA in axis specification.  相似文献   

This study examines the nature and extent of the relationship between stress levels and intentions to participate in a worksite smoking cessation program among male current smokers (n = 220) employed in an automobile manufacturing plant. A plantwide survey was conducted which measured job stress, nonjob stress, smoking behavior, and intent to participate. The results of polychotomous logistic regressions suggest that among the current smokers in this plant, job and nonjob stress were positively associated with workers' intentions to participate in a worksite smoking cessation program. Thus, contrary to the popular notion that stress diminishes the motivation to quit, employees under high levels of stress may be most receptive to educational interventions intended to persuade smokers to commit to quitting.  相似文献   

1. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated concanavalin A (F-conA) and soy bean agglutinin (F-SBA) bind to the surface of EDTA-dissociated cells from blastula and gastrula stage Xenopus laevis and X. mulleri embryos. 2. Binding of these lectins is abolished by appropriate haptens (alpha-methyl-D-mannopyranoside for F-conA and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactose for F-sba). 3. Gastrula stage cells show a clustering or capping of lectin binding sites not shown by blastula stage cells. 4. At least for F-conA, this capping is induced by the lectin. 5. There are no striking regional differences in either amount or pattern of lectin binding in early gastrulae of both species.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) is homologous to the product of the Drosophila gene shaggy (zeste-white 3), which is required for signalling by wingless during Drosophila development. To test whether GSK-3 is also involved in vertebrate pattern formation, its role was investigated during early Xenopus development. It was found that dominant-negative GSK-3 mutants induced dorsal differentiation, whereas wild-type GSK-3 induced ventralization. These results indicate that GSK-3 is required for ventral differentiation, and suggest that dorsal differentiation may involve the suppression of GSK-3 activity by a wingless/wnt-related signal.  相似文献   

1. We have investigated whether in Xenopus embryos, spinal interneurons of the central pattern generator (CPG) receive cholinergic or electrical excitatory input during swimming. The functions of cholinergic excitation during swimming were also investigated. 2. Intracellular recordings were made from rhythmically active presumed premotor interneurons in the dorsal third of the spinal cord. After locally blocking inhibitory potentials with 2 microM strychnine and 40 microM bicuculline, the reliability of spike firing and the amplitude of fast, on-cycle, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) underlying the single on-cycle spikes were measured during fictive swimming. 3. The nicotinic antagonists d-tubocurarine and dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DH beta E, both 10 microM) reversibly reduced the reliability of the spike firing during swimming and reduced the amplitude of the on-cycle EPSP by 16%. DH beta E also reduced the EPSP amplitude in spinalized embryos by 22%. These results indicate that interneurons receive rhythmic cholinergic excitation from a source within the spinal cord. 4. Combined applications of nicotinic and excitatory amino acid (EAA) antagonists or cadmium (Cd2+, 100-200 microM) resulted in complete block of the fast EPSP, suggesting that interneurons do not receive electrical excitation. 5. The nicotinic antagonists mecamylamine and d-tubocurarine (both 5 microM) reduced the duration of episodes of fictive swimming recorded from the ventral roots, in spinal embryos. When applied in the middle of a long episode, d-tubocurarine decreased the swimming frequency, ruling out an effect on the initiation pathway. The cholinesterase inhibitor eserine (10 microM) increased the duration of swimming episodes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the '90's a membrane-associated transport protein, discovered in aquatic organisms, was considered to be expressed in response to environmental xenobiotics. Like the multidrug resistance protein found in mammalian tumor cell lines, this protein confers resistance in organisms in polluted areas by binding xenobiotics and transporting them out of the cells in an energy-dependent manner. This study investigates the expression and the activity of a P-glycoprotein (Pgp) involved in a multixenobiotic resistance mechanism (MXRM) during the early developmental stages and in tissues of adult Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

This pilot study analyzed the bone reactions to early loaded titanium plasma-sprayed implants. A total of 24 titanium plasma-sprayed implants (12 in the maxilla and 12 in the mandible) (Primary Healing Implant, Legnano) were inserted into four Macaca fascicularis monkeys with instruments specially designed to obtain a precise fit of the implant in the bone socket. A metal superstructure was cemented into 10 mandibular and 10 maxillary implants 15 days after implant insertion. The four remaining implants were used as controls. Eight months after implant placement, a block section was carried out, the defect was filled with nonresorbable hydroxyapatite, and all 24 implants were retrieved. The implants were treated to obtain thin ground sections that were examined under normal and polarized light. Histologic analysis showed that bone was observed around the implant surface in all implants. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that bone lined 67.2% (SD = 3.1%) of the maxillary implant surface, and 80.71% (SD = 4.6%) of the mandibular implant surface. No differences were found in the percentage of bone-implant contact in the control implants. In the loaded implants, however, the bone around the implants had a more compact appearance. The study demonstrated that it is possible to obtain a high percentage of bone-implant contact in early loaded titanium plasma-sprayed implants.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells may be expanded in vivo with a prolonged course of daily subcutaneous interleukin-2 (IL-2). However, cellular activation requires higher concentrations of IL-2 than are achieved with low-dose therapy. The objective of the current trial was to determine the toxicity and immunological effects of periodic subcutaneous intermediate-dose IL-2 pulses in patients receiving daily low-dose therapy. A group of 19 patients were treated with daily subcutaneous low-dose IL-2 at 1.25 x 10(6) International Units (1.25 MIU) m(-2) day(-1). After 4-6 weeks, patients received escalating 3-day intermediate-dose IL-2 pulses administered as single daily subcutaneous injections, repeated at 2-week intervals. The maximum tolerated pulse dose was 15 MIU m(-2) day(-1), with transient hypotension, fatigue, and nausea/vomiting dose-limiting. Subcutaneous IL-2 resulted in in vivo expansion of CD56+ NK cells (796+/-210%) and CD56bright natural killer (NK) cells (3247+/-1382%). Expanded NK cells coexpressed CD16, and showed lymphokine-activated killer activity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in vitro. Intermediate-dose pulsing resulted in serum IL-2 concentrations above 100 pM. Cellular activation was suggested by rapid margination of NK cells following pulsing, coincident with peak IL-2 levels, with return to baseline by 24 h. In.addition, interferon gamma production in response to lipopolysaccharide was augmented. Subcutaneous daily low-dose IL-2 with intermediate-dose pulsing is a well-tolerated outpatient regimen that results in in vivo expansion and potential activation of NK cells, with possible application in the treatment of malignancy and immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

Xenopus early embryos contain relatively low levels of S-adenosyl-methionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) and its mRNA. When SAMDC mRNA was injected into Xenopus embryos, it was preserved until the blastula stage and induced a large increase in SAMDC activity. The SAMDC-overexpressed embryos developed normally until the blastula stage but at the early gastrula stage cells which received the mRNA, dissociated autonomously and stopped synthesizing protein. In a hypotonic medium, the dissociated cells, and hence whole embryos, autolyzed. However, in isotonic media dissociated cells did not autolyze, although they did not divide and their DNA and RNA synthesis activity was greatly inhibited. The effects of SAMDC overexpression were abolished by coinjection of ethylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (EGBG), a specific inhibitor of SAMDC. In SAMDC-overexpressed embryos the level of putrescine decreased and that of spermidine increased, though to limited extents, resulting in a considerable decrease in the putrescine/spermidine ratio. However, direct injection of spermidine did not mimic the effect of SAMDC overexpression, and putrescine coinjected with SAMDC mRNA to maintain the normal putrescine/spermidine ratio did not rescue the embryos. Conversely, the level of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) greatly decreased and coinjection of SAM, which restored the level of SAM, rescued the embryos. We concluded that in SAMDC-overexpressed embryos a SAM-deficient state was induced and this caused cell dissociation and inhibition of transition from the blastula to gastrula stage. We suggest that the SAM-deficient embryos obtained in the present study provide a unique system for studying the cellular control mechanism underlying the blastula-gastrula transition.  相似文献   

The process of primordial germ cell formation in the normal course of development of Xenopus laevis was examined with a light microscope on paraffin and Epon sections of embryos or tadpoles, extending over the period from the gastrula to the feeding tadpole stage. Positional changes of gonocytes with development were nearly the same as those reported on the same species by Blackler (1958) and Whitington & Dixon (1975). The following points were newly demonstrated. Gonocytes which have been located in a deep endodermal position till mid tail-bud stage come to be located in a rather peripheral region of the endoderm cell mass at stage 31 (late tail-bud), suggesting that the initial step of migration of the gonocytes towards the future genital ridge has already begun at this stage. Gonocytes at stages 33/34 and 35/36 were observed in a more dorsal part of the endoderm than at stage 31. Gonocytes which seem to have begun their migration are roundish in external shape and have a large intercellular space around them. At stage 40 gonocytes were located in the dorsal endodermal crest, and at stage 41 gonocytes were found with cell bodies extending over both the dorsal endoderm crest and the dorsal mesentery, indicating that the separation of the gonocytes from the endoderm was in progress at this stage. The present results seem to indicate that gonocytes migrate not passively but actively from the deep endodermal position to the genital ridge, passing through the dorsal mesentery. Counting the number of gonocytes at successive stages of development revealed that gonocytes proliferated exponentially throughout the developmental stages from gastrula to tadpole.  相似文献   

Groups of 30 Xenopus laevis embryos, at "tail-bud" stage (Nieukoop-Faber stages 22-24) were exposed to 0.1-2 ppm concentrations of various pesticides for 1 to 10 days. The pesticides used were chloranil and dichlone (both are fungicidal and herbicidal); diquat (herbicide); and nabam (fungicide). The parameters examined were mortality, gross morphology, histology, and behavior. Chloranil (1.25 to 1.75 ppm) treated embryos showed abnormalities of the otolith, optic cup, and general pigmentation. Their movement was sporadically convulsive and they were unable to maintain proper balance. Dichlone (0.1 to 0.15 ppm) disrupted the development of the cephalic end of the embryo. Many of these embryos developed a slightly retarded trunk and tail only. These headless embryos lived for a time and were relatively lethargic. Diquat (0.75 to 2.0 ppm) administration reduced body size and pigmentation, and altered body shape. When embryos were treated with both 1.0 ppm of diquat and 2.0 ppm of nabam the integrity of myomeres and myocommata of the musculature was disrupted. The histological bases of these morphological and behavioral changes are discussed.  相似文献   

The Xenopus Vg1 gene, a TGFbeta superfamily member, is expressed as a maternal mRNA localized to prospective endoderm, and mature Vg1 protein can induce both endodermal and mesodermal markers in embryonic cells. Most previous work on embryonic inducers, including activin, BMPs and Vg1, has relied on ectopic expression to assay for gene function. Here we employ a mutant ligand approach to block Vg1 signaling in developing embryos. The results indicate that Vg1 expression is essential for normal endodermal development and the induction of dorsal mesoderm in vivo.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, factors with the ability to establish the germ line are localized in the vegetal pole cytoplasm, or germ plasm, of the early embryo [1-3]. The germ plasm of Xenopus, and of many other animal species including Drosophila, contains electron-dense germinal granules which may be essential for germ-line formation [4-5]. Several components of the germinal granules have so far been identified in Drosophila [6-10]. One of these is mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA (mtlrRNA), which is present in the germinal granules (polar granules) during the cleavage stage until the formation of the germ-line progenitors or pole cells [8-9]. MtlrRNA has been identified as a factor that induces pole cells in embryos that have been sterilized by ultraviolet radiation [11]. The reduction of mtlrRNA in germ plasm by injecting anti-mtlrRNA ribozymes into embryos leads to the inability of these embryos to form pole cells [12]. These observations clearly show that mtlrRNA is essential for pole cell formation in Drosophila. Here, we report that mtlrRNA is enriched in germ plasm of Xenopus embryos from the four-cell stage to the blastula. Furthermore, our electron microscopic studies show that this mtlrRNA is present in the germinal granules during these stages. Thus, mtlrRNA is a common component of germinal granules in Drosophila and Xenopus, suggesting that the mtlrRNA has a role in germ-line development across phylogenetic boundaries.  相似文献   

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