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BACKGROUND: Tamoxifen has been used extensively as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of pre- and post-menopausal patients with breast cancer. One of its known complications is venous thromboembolism. However, arterial thrombosis has been reported rarely. METHODS: A 49-year-old patient with breast cancer had had a total mastectomy 3 years earlier. She was receiving tamoxifen therapy when she developed a sudden onset of pain and numbness of the left foot and calf. An arteriogram showed thrombosis of her tibial arteries. RESULTS: This thrombosis was lysed successfully with urokinase therapy, and tamoxifen therapy was discontinued. At follow-up 4 months later, the patient had normal circulation to both legs. CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving tamoxifen should be monitored closely for the development of venous or arterial thromboembolism.  相似文献   

A case is described of fatal haemorrhagic varicella zoster in a steroid dependent asthmatic patient concurrently receiving methotrexate. The future management of patients on immunosuppressive steroid sparing drugs is discussed.  相似文献   

Intense immunosuppressive therapy is used frequently for treatment of systemic vasculitides, collagenoses, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, and after organ transplantation. Numerous serious treatment-related side effects include localized or disseminated opportunistic infections, and require careful monitoring of immunosuppressed patients. Gastrointestinal infections with Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) or other nontuberculous mycobacteria have been previously identified in HIV seropositive patients only. We now report the first case of an HIV seronegative patient who received immunosuppressive therapy for rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The patient presented with severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding and was diagnosed to have ulcerative colitis due to infection with MAC. The patient recovered promptly after administration of antimycobacterial therapy. MAC infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding in all immunodeficient patients. The significance of repeated colonoscopy to obtain multiple biopsy specimens with histological examination for foam cells and specific staining for acid-fast organisms is emphasized.  相似文献   

Minimizing the risk of bleeding as well as the risk of thromboembolism in dental patients being treated with anticoagulants is a common challenge for practitioners. This article features tips on evaluating and managing these patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of genomic HLA typing during the first two years of established giant cell arteritis (GCA). METHODS: HLA typing was performed by PCR-SSO in 41 selected white patients with GCA confirmed by biopsy. Patient data were compared with those of a control group of 384 bone marrow donors (relative risk, p value and chi 2 test for each allele). Clinical features at onset and response to treatment over a two year period were evaluated in relation to the genetic pattern. RESULTS: DRB1*04 was significantly increased in the GCA group (frequency of 48.78% compared with 19.79% in controls, p < 0.001). The distribution of the DRB1*04 subtypes in the GCA group was similar to that in controls. No clinical or biological differences were found in association with HLA at the time of diagnosis. Over the two year follow up, nine patients presented resistance to corticosteroid treatment and eight of these (88.88%) had DRB1*04 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: GCA seems to be associated with HLA DRB1*04 (regardless of the subtype) and this association appears to be accompanied by corticosteroid resistance, suggesting that genomic typing may be useful to identify patients eligible for early alternative treatment to corticosteroid drugs.  相似文献   

The effect of ganciclovir prophylaxis on reinfection of hepatic allografts by hepatitis B virus (HBV) was studied in 26 patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) for decompensated cirrhosis due to HBV. Patients were randomized to receive either ganciclovir (6 mg/kg/day intravenously for a total of 100 days) or acyclovir (10 mg/kg every 8 hours intravenously until discharged and then 800 mg orally every 6 hours) for a total of 100 days after OLT as part of a study of prophylaxis against cytomegalovirus infection. All patients received hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), 10,000 units intravenously, during the anhepatic phase, daily for the first 7 days, after OLT, and then every 4 weeks for 6 months, Seven of 12 (58%) patients in the ganciclovir group developed recurrent HBV, compared with 6/14 (46%) of the acyclovir group (nonsignificant). No significant difference was observed in time to recurrent HBV in the ganciclovir group (mean 13.2 months) compared to the acyclovir group (mean 11 months). Our results suggest that ganciclovir administered prophylactically for 100 days after OLT does not prevent or delay graft reinfection by HBV.  相似文献   

The Tyr92-Pro93 peptide group of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) exists in the cis conformation in the native state. From unfolding/refolding kinetic studies of the disulfide-intact wild-type protein and of a variant in which Pro93 had been replaced by Ala, it had been suggested that the Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group also exists in the cis conformation in the native state. Here, we report the crystal structure of the P93A variant. Although there is disorder in the region of residues 92 and 93, the best structural model contains a cis peptide at this position, lending support to the results of the kinetics experiments. We also report the crystal structure of the C[40, 95]A variant, which is an analog of the major rate-determining three-disulfide intermediate in the oxidative folding of RNase A, missing the 40-95 disulfide bond. As had been detected by NMR spectroscopy, the crystal structure of this analog shows disorder in the region surrounding the missing disulfide. However, the global chain fold of the remainder of the protein, including the disulfide bond between Cys65 and Cys72, appears to be unaffected by the mutation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented the effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating and following up the development of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. One of the limitations of this technique, however, is the distortion that is encountered with ferromagnetic screws. A traumatic fracture to the femoral head is a risk factor for avascular necrosis. The addition of internal fixation, which is often required in Pipkin-type fractures of the femoral head, creates significant image distortion on magnetic resonance scans used for postoperative follow-up. The artifact and field distortion present in magnetic resonance imaging when ferromagnetic screw fixation is used has been avoided at our institution by the use of titanium hardware. The authors, therefore, recommend the use of titanium screws in the fixation of Pipkin-type fractures in the hip joint.  相似文献   

Primary cell cultures are established from 8-day quail embryo livers. During the first three days the culture is made up of areas of epithelial-like cells and scattered fibroblasts. The cytoplasm of the epithelial cells shows a high glycogen content as detected by the PAS reaction controlled with salivary amylase digestion. During the following days an important increase in the number of fibroblastic cells is observed. After 6-7 days of cultivation, the epithelial cells have disappeared and the culture is entirely fibroblastic. PAS technique does not show any trace of glycogen in these cultures which have been prolonged up to 45 days. Six-to 45-day primary cultures entirely made up of fibroblasts were associated with hepatic or pulmonary mesenchyme in organotypic culture for 3-4 days. In some cases the explant was first cultivated in vitro for 2 days and then grafted into a 5-day-old chick embryo on the chorioallantoic membrane for 6 days. In the secondary cultures hepatocytes showing an epithelial arrangement and a high glycogen content were observed. It appears from this observation that some of the primary culture fibroblasts are in fact dedifferentiated parenchymal cells. Such a dedifferentiation is a reversible phenomenon since the cells retain the ability to express their initial determination if they are placed in convenient environmental conditions. The role of the specific tissular arrangement in the stability of the differentiated state is discussed.  相似文献   

For a successful take, skin grafts must be immobilized when applying dressings. Surgical beds requiring a stent to maintain contact between the graft and wound bed can be treated with Biobrane (Dow B. Hickam, Inc., Sugarland, Texas), which is held in place with skin staples at the periphery. Moistened gauze is placed over the grafted area, the redundant Biobrane stretched over the gauze, and this top layer again stapled at the periphery. When the stent is no longer needed, the top layer of Biobrane and gauze are removed, leaving a graft adherent to the bed and covered with Biobrane. This allows the surgeon to quickly construct an effective stent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organ transplant recipients who are seropositive for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and who are treated with antilymphocyte antibody (ALA) therapy have a high rate of symptomatic CMV disease. The intravenous administration of ganciclovir therapy once daily during ALA therapy decreased the incidence from 24% to 10% in patients receiving ALA as an induction therapy and from 64% to 22% in those treated for rejection. The present study was undertaken to determine whether a more intensive and sustained antiviral regimen could be more effective. METHODS: From April 1995 to December 1997, all CMV seropositive renal and liver transplant recipients who received ALA therapy were treated with intravenously administered ganciclovir (5 mg/kg/day with dose adjusted for renal dysfunction) for the length of ALA therapy and then with orally administered acyclovir (400 mg three times/day) or ganciclovir (1 gm twice/day) for 3 to 4 months. The incidence of CMV viremia and of CMV disease was determined during the 6 months after completion of ALA therapy. RESULTS: Forty-one patients (35 renal and 6 liver transplant recipients) were studied. CMV disease occurred in 2 patients (4.9%), both of whom were treated for rejection; it occurred in 1 of 21 patients (4.8%) treated with orally administered acyclovir, and in 1 of 20 patients (5%) treated with orally administered ganciclovir. The only patient who developed CMV disease in the ganciclovir group had received only 26 days of oral antiviral therapy. No CMV disease was documented in the group of patients receiving ALA therapy as induction therapy. CMV viremia occurred in three patients in the acyclovir group (14.3%) and in one patient in the ganciclovir group (5%). Among renal transplant recipients only, 1 of 35 patients developed CMV disease (2.9%) and no case of CMV disease was documented in patients treated with orally administered ganciclovir. All six patients receiving two courses of ALA therapy each were free of CMV disease. Toxicity of the regimen was minimal, and antiviral resistance did not develop. CONCLUSIONS: Preemptive antiviral therapy with intravenously administered ganciclovir during ALA therapy and then orally administered ganciclovir for 3 to 4 months provides virtually complete protection against the excessive rate of CMV disease that occurs in CMV seropositive allograft recipients receiving ALA therapy.  相似文献   

We report a 36-year-old man with proximal dominant muscle weakness, thymic tumor, diabetes mellitus, hypokalemia, and increased levels of plasma ACTH and cortisol. The diagnosis of carcinoid tumor was made on the basis of pathological findings in the biopsied specimen of the thymic tumor. The proximal muscle weakness was considered to be due to steroid myopathy resulting from the overproduction of cortisol from the adrenal glands induced by the ectopic ACTH secreted by the thymic carcinoid tumor. Although thymoma in frequently associated with myasthenia gravis, we should also consider carcinoid tumors in patients with a thymic tumor presenting with a proximal muscle weakness.  相似文献   

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