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FPMIPv6是PMIPv6(Proxy Mobile IPv6)标准协议的扩展,旨在减少切换时间延迟,然而在实际情况中移动节点MN并非每次都能对新接入点预测正确,这种情况会带来更长的时间延迟和大量数据包的丢失。考虑到MN切换发起错误的情况,提出一种改进的FPMIPv6方案,通过采用"切换发起和代理绑定更新并行"和"缓存与转发并行"的思想降低切换时延和数据包丢失来降低切换过程的总开销。仿真数据表明,改进方案的切换开销明显小于PMIPv6协议和FPMIPv6协议的开销。 相似文献
移动主机(MH)在域间切换时延迟较长,不能实现快速切换。为支持MH域间的快速切换,该文在层次移动IP(HMIP)协议的基础上,提出了一种扩展的层次移动IP(eHMIP)协议,使得域间切换分组丢失延迟与MH到家乡网络之间的距离无关。以注册信令开销、切换分组丢失延迟为性能评价指标,对基于HMIP和eHMIP协议的切换性能进行分析。仿真实验结果表明:基于eHMIP协议的平均切换分组丢失延迟低于HMIP,但注册信令开销略高于HMIP。 相似文献
移动IPv6是IETF提出来解决网络层移动性问题的标准,但移动IPv6在切换过程中存在无法接受的切换延时和数据包丢失,无法满足实时应用的要求.通过对802.16链路层切换过程的研究,本文提出了一种802.16网络中的移动IPv6快速切换方案,该方案利用链路层的触发信号和隧道减少移动IPv6的移动检测,转交地址配置和绑定更新的时延以及切换过程中的数据包丢失. 相似文献
在移动IP和RSVP相互集成的方案中,为减少RSVP路径切换延迟,降低端-端路径代价,公共路由器的选择是一个关键.提出了一个适应的公共路由器选择算法(adaptive common router selection algorithm,ACRS),在满足应用连接QoS(quality of service)需求的前提下,利用控制参数A在RSVP路径切换延迟和端一端路径代价之间取得平衡.通过与其他相关RSVP路径切换方案的性能比较,结果表明ACRS可以支持适应的、快速的RSVP路径切换. 相似文献
为了使移动节点在无线局域网环境中进行快速有效的切换,我们提出了一种基于管理域的快速切换方案。该方案将多个相邻的无线局域网组成一个单独的域,采用层次管理方式,使域内各个子网通过专用的Mac桥连接,减少了移动节点域内切换过程中产生的注册时延和数据包的丢失。 相似文献
Michele Garetto Marco Gribaudo Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini and Emilio Leonardi 《计算机科学技术学报》2008,23(3):400-412
Sensor networks are envisioned to revolutionize our daily life by ubiquitously monitoring our environment and/or adjusting it to suit our needs. Recent progress in robotics and low-power embedded systems has made it possible to add mobility to small, light, low-cost sensors to be used in teams or swarms. Augmenting static sensor networks with mobile nodes addresses many design challenges that exist in traditional static sensor networks. This paper addresses the problem of topology control in mobile wireless networks. Limitations in communication, computation and energy capabilities push towards the adoption of distributed, energy-efficient solutions to perform self-deployment and relocation of the nodes. We develop a unified, distributed algorithm that has the following features. During deployment, our algorithm yields a regular tessellation of the geographical area with a given node density, called monitoring configuration. Upon the occurrence of a physical phenomenon, network nodes relocate themselves so as to properly sample and control the event, while maintaining the network connectivity. Then, as soon as the event ends, all nodes return to the monitoring configuration. To achieve these goals, we use a virtual force-based strategy which proves to be very effective even when compared to an optimal centralized solution. We assess the performance of our approach in the presence of events with different shapes, and we investigate the transient behavior of our algorithm. This allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and the response time of the proposed solution under various environmental conditions. 相似文献