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Specular reflectors of the fixed CPC type are compared in terms of yearly energy collection and relative cost-effectiveness. The reflector designs used are designed for use with a circular-cylindrical evacuated tubular absorber, and a gap is allowed between reflector and absorber to accommodate the tubular glass envelope and evacuated space. Stainless steel, aluminum, and thin, back-silvered glass mirrors were modelled.The results show that the choice of acceptance angle of a reflector for use with a moderately priced evacuated tube at water heating temperatures is not critical; almost any reflector acceptance angle will do so long as the aperture is carefully chosen, and both North-South or East-West orientations have approximately similar performance. Under such conditions, other factors such as mirror self-cleaning and manufacturing ease may be decisive in the choice of design.At temperatures above 100°C or for high tube costs, an East-West reflector design of concentration >1.4 is strongly indicated.At the time of writing, polished stainless steel is as cost-effective a choice as any other for a mirror material, and is probably more durable and amenable to mass production.  相似文献   

Parabolic trough collector (PTC) is the most established solar concentrating technology worldwide. The conventional parabolic trough collectors are used in various applications of medium and high-temperature levels. However, there are numerous studies which investigate alternative designs. The reasons for examining different PTC configurations regard the thermal efficiency increase, the reduction of the manufacturing cost and the development of more compact designs. The objective of this review paper is to summarize the existing alternative designs of PTC and to suggest the future trends in this area. Optical and thermal modifications are examined, as well as the use of concentrating thermal photovoltaic collectors. The optical modifications include designs with secondary concentrators, stationary concentrators and strategies for achieving uniform heat flux. The thermal modifications regard the use of nanofluids, turbulators and the use of thermally modified receivers with insulation, double-coating and radiation shields. The concentrating thermal photovoltaics are systems with flat or triangular receivers which can operate in low or in medium temperature levels with the proper alternative designs. It has been found that there are many promising choices for designing PTC with higher thermal performance and lower cost. The conclusions of this work can be used as guidelines for future trends in linear parabolic concentrating technologies.  相似文献   

We present an approach to find optimal reflector shapes for non-tracking solar collectors under practical constraints. We focus on cylindrical absorbers and reflectors with translational symmetry. Under idealized circumstances, edge ray reflectors are well known to be optimal. However, it is not clear how optimal reflectors should be shaped in order to obtain maximum utilizable energy for given operating temperatures under practical constraints like reflectivity less than unity, real radiation data, size limits, and gaps between the reflector and the absorber. For a prototype collector with a symmetric edge ray reflector and a tubular absorber, we derive from calorimetric measurements under outdoor conditions the optical efficiency as a function of the incidence angle. Using numerical optimization and raytracing, we compare truncated symmetric edge ray reflectors, truncated asymmetric edge ray reflectors and free forms parametrized by Bezier splines. We find that asymmetric edge ray reflectors are optimal. For reasonable operating conditions, truncated asymmetric edge ray reflectors allow much better land use and easily adapt to a large range of roof tilt angles with marginal changes in collector construction. Except near the equator, they should increase the yearly utilizable energy per absorber tube by several percent as compared to the prototype collector with symmetric reflectors.  相似文献   

A generalized thermal analysis of tubular solar collectors such as the CPC, CPC with bare absorber and flat-plate (all having U-tube fluid carriers) is presented. The analysis is applicable for smaller as well as larger size troughs. It has been found that earlier published results of thermal analyses of the CPC collectors are not applicable to all CPC collectors encountered in the literature. The present analysis can, however, be successfully applied to all such collectors.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in using parabolic concentrators with standard photovoltaics (PV) cells is the highly non-uniform illumination of the cells. The non-uniform irradiation causes high resistive losses in the standard cells due to their relatively high series resistance. This results in a considerably lowered efficiency. To solve the problem, we introduce three different structured reflectors that will create a more uniform illumination, and also increase the concentration ratio in certain cases. The structures were evaluated in an existing trough system by Monte Carlo ray tracing, and it was found that structures improve the system performance mainly by homogenizing the light on the cells. The yearly irradiation collected in the evaluation system is slightly lower than for a reference with smooth reflectors, but the more uniform illumination of the cells will generate a net increase of the total system performance compared to a system that was optimized with smooth reflectors. The benefit of the increased concentration ratio is increased flexibility in designing new systems with concentration ratios surpassing the limit of existing trough concentrators.  相似文献   

The optical collection efficiencies of arrays of evacuated tubular collectors with specular involute reflectors have been studied using computer ray tracing techniques incorporating all the major physical features. The optical collection efficiencies under various representative assumptions concerning the angular distribution of incident radiation are presented as functions of the tube to tube spacing. The hemispherical collection efficiency obtained with collector aperture equal to absorber surface is in accordance with the expected loss resulting from the truncation of the reflector, and the losses associated with the mirror, with the envelope and with the absorber. At smaller apertures, the collection efficiency for hemispherically incident radiation agrees with a recent theory of O'Gallagher et al.  相似文献   

This study involves the optical analysis of a slightly concentrating, symmetric cusp reflector inside a tubular glass envelope with a cylindrical heat pipe as the solar absorber. The basic design features of this non-tracking, evacuated, modular collector and the principles of heat removal are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Differential equations of the cusp reflector optics, given the geometrical restrictions in Figs. 1 and 2, are derived, and solutions for the largest possible aperture inside a given diameter envelope and acceptance angle are presented.As an extension of the same study, the optical efficiency of a single collector tube has been simulated by means of a Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing Program. For a concentration ratio of 1.15, the flux distribution around the heat pipe is computed as a function of incidence angle. In addition, the impact of mirror defects and absorber misalignment on the optical performance are analyzed.  相似文献   

The calculation of the incident solar radiation falling upon tubular collectors presents difficulties which do not exist when this is carried out for flat plate collectors. Due to their cylindrical shape, the solar incident radiation on their surface is a function of angle and time. This paper presents experimental results which were obtained by means of a device specially designed in order to measure the distribution of such radiation. The device's sensor element (a photodiode) was characterised, calibrated and subsequently used to measure the angular distribution of radiation incident on the inside surface of the inner tube of an evacuated solar collector. It was found that the experimentally measured distribution agrees with that obtained by the ray-tracing method which appears in the literature.  相似文献   

By surrounding the absorber-heat exchanger component of a solar collector with a glass-enclosed evacuated space and by providing the absorber with a selective surface, solar collectors can operate at efficiencies exceeding 50 per cent under conditions of ΔT/HT = 75°C m2/kW (ΔT = collector fluid inlet temperature minus ambient temperature, HT = incident solar radiation on a tilted surface). The high performance of these evacuated tubular collectors thus provides the required high temperature inputs (70–88°C) of lithium bromide absorption cooling units, while maintaining high collector efficiency. This paper deals with the performance and analysis of two types of evacuated tubular solar collectors intergrated with the two distinct solar heating and cooling systems installed on CSU Solar Houses I and III.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》1987,28(1):11-17
We have compared BSE zero testing with ASHRAE outdoor steady-state testing using a verified computer model of a rear-duct air-heating solar collector. The two tests are likely to yield similar results provided that the air inlet temperature is considerably greater than the ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the fact that stationary solar collectors with axial symmettry have a third degree of freedom which must be considered, in addition to their azimuth and tilt angles, if their orientation is to be optimized on an annual or seasonal basis. We set up the equations needed to describe collector orientation in terms of all angles, including this extra degree of freedom which we refer to as “skewness.” Examples of the use of these equations are then given, both for northern and southern latitudes, which illustrate the manner in which skewness may be taken into consideration and highlight the importance of doing this. For the sake of simplicity the illustrative examples treat only the direct beam component of the total insolation intercepted by the collector.  相似文献   

We derive analytic expressions for the geometric characteristics of extremely asymmetric nonimaging solar concentrators (“asymmetric CPCs”) with tubular receivers, of fixed maximum concentration ratio Cmax. We show that, at fixed Cmax, there are nonideal concentrator configurations that minimize reflector area and average number of reflections, and determine configurations that are approximately optimal (maximizing yearly energy delivery at minimal material requirements), independent of climate and economics.  相似文献   

D.C. Larson 《Solar Energy》1979,23(6):517-524
A conventional flat-plate collector panel can be employed in a double-exposure configuration when the panel is glazed on both sides and when mirrors are provided to reflect solar radiation onto the back side of the panel. In this paper, several flat-mirror configurations are evaluated and optimal configurations are determined for different solar energy applications at lat. 35, 40 and 45°. The various mirror configurations are evaluated theoretically by calculating direct-beam and diffuse solar radiation enhancement factors. The enhancement factors are defined as the ratio of the solar flux absorbed by both sides of a double-exposure panel to that absorbed by an identical single-exposure panel tilted at the latitude angle from the horizontal. The enhancement factors are calculated using the method of images and take account of the variation of glazing transmittance with incident angle. Optimal mirror configurations were determined for direct-beam solar radiation for both fixed-mirror configurations and adjustable-mirror configurations with semi-annual mirror rotations. Optimal fixed-mirror configurations were obtained for both winter space-heating and year-round applications. An adjustable-mirror configuration, however, was determined to be optimal for year-round solar collection and overall to be most adaptable to a variety of solar energy applications. The same adjustable-mirror configuration was determined to be optimal at all three latitudes and therefore a single design can be employed at diverse locations.  相似文献   

H.F. Chiam 《Solar Energy》1981,26(6):503-509
A systematic study has been made of the effectiveness of planar specular reflectors for solar energy collectors. Two daily averaged indices of performance were used. One, the area ratio, indicates the amount by which the reflector extends the effective receiver area. The other is the enhancement factor, which is used to compare the energy received by an augmented collector with that by a reference collector at optimum tilt.

A reflector can be mounted either above or below a flat-plate collector. Both combinations are evaluated fully, by varying separately the angular position and dimensions of the reflector and of the collector. The principal parameters are identified and the main characteristics summarised as a series of performance curves. These curves provide an easy method for determining optimum reflector geometries.

Use of the performance curves may be extended to obtain the configuration of the two reflectors in a trough concentrator. This also allows the single-reflector system to be compared directly with the trough concentrator. Evidence is presented which shows the advantages of an asymmetrical trough configuration over a symmetrical concentrator.  相似文献   

H. Tabor 《Solar Energy》1958,2(3-4):27-33
An angle in solar geometry termed the EWV altitude is defined, and its variation with time and season is shown. This variation indicates the necessary acceptance angle of a stationary mirror system for solar collectors. It is shown that a completely stationary mirror cannot give any useful concentration, but that if the tilt is varied with the seasons, an eastwest cylindrical parabolic mirror without diurnal movement can yield a concentration of approximately three. This may be increased to about four with the aid of a small auxiliary (fixed) mirror to provide a second stage of optical concentration.  相似文献   

A new two-stage optical design is proposed for parabolic trough solar collectors with tubular absorbers. It can boost the concentration ratio by a factor of 2.5 relative to the conventional design, while maintaining the large rim angles (i.e., low nominal ƒ-numbers) that are desirable for practical and economical reasons. The second stage involves asymmetric nonimaging concentrators of the CPC type, facing segments of the parabolic first stage. The second stage can be accommodated inside an evacuated receiver, allowing the use of first-surface silvered reflectors. The low heat loss of this design opens the possibility of producing steam at temperatures and pressures of conventional power plants, using only one-axis tracking. The improvement in conversion efficiency would be substantial.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of η0 of arrays of evacuated tubular collectors with non-imaging specular reflectors have been determined experimentally using a calorimetric technique and theoretically using a Monte-Carlo ray tracing technique. Results have been obtained for collectors incorporating reflectors of two concentrations, and efficiencies are compared with and without antireflection coatings on the glass envelopes for sunlight incident at angles 0–70°. The reflective properties of all optical components have been modelled in detail for the ray tracing calculations. Experimental and theoretical efficiencies agree within 0.02 for a wide range of angles of incidence. Antireflection coatings which increase the normal transmittance through a glass envelope by 5% result in an increase of 0.025 (about 4%) in collector efficiency. A theoretical study of the dependence of collector efficiency on absorptance of the absorber tube and specular reflectance of the reflectors is also discussed. Experimental and theoretical results have also been obtained for a collector incorporating a specular reflector with an accumulated dust cover. In this system, the reflector exhibits both specular and diffuse components of reflectance.  相似文献   

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