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提出基于模糊理论的敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度评估方法。凹陷期间设备从安全到故障存在一个过渡过程,将这一过渡过程作为模糊极限过程,用设备隶属于安全状态的隶属度进行描述。利用能量函数作为设备隶属于安全状态的隶属函数,并结合正态分布函数刻画系统扰动和设备耐受能力的随机分布规律。系统扰动和设备耐受能力的概率密度函数参数分别由IEEE30节点仿真数据及实际测试数据得到。仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

综合考虑电压暂降影响下设备失效事件发生和后果严重程度的复杂不确定性,将设备失效样本分为由随机性、模糊性和交叉不确定性引起的失效样本,分别用随机熵、模糊熵和交叉熵度量刻画相应的不确定性,建立最大混合熵评估模型,并用近似规划法求解。在分别定量评估3类不确定性引起的设备失效率的基础上,按各自的权重进行设备失效率综合评估,评估结果表明,该方法能克服现有方法的过估计和欠估计问题。  相似文献   

敏感设备电压暂降失效率区间最大混合熵评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑设备故障状态的过渡过程,将正常和完全故障以外的状态归结为不完全故障状态,对设备在电压暂降作用下发生失效的可能性进行了评估.首先通过区间数刻画敏感设备电压耐受能力,结合供电端暂降发生的随机性,确定电压暂降作用下设备可能发生的非正常状态概率区间.为更全面考虑实际存在的复杂不确定性,利用混合熵能综合考虑供电端电压暂降的随...  相似文献   

提出基于模糊理论的敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度评估方法.凹陷期间设备从安全到故障存在一个过渡过程,将这一过渡过程作为模糊极限过程,用设备隶属于安全状态的隶属度进行描述.利用能量函数作为设备隶属于安全状态的隶属函数,并结合正态分布函数刻画系统扰动和设备耐受能力的随机分布规律.系统扰动和设备耐受能力的概率密度函数参数分别由IEEE30节点仿真数据及实际测试数据得到.仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

Probabilistic assessment of equipment trips due to voltage sags   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper discusses the uncertainty involved in the behavior of sensitive equipment used in various industrial processes and the methodology to incorporate this effect in quantifying the equipment trips due to voltage sags over a specified time period. The exact and more precise counting of equipment trips is essential for the accurate economic assessment of power quality. Existing standards and previously published test results on the sensitivity of this equipment against voltage sags are critically reviewed and possible ranges for variation in equipment sensitivity are investigated. Four different probable behaviors within respective ranges were considered for the stochastic assessment of equipment trips due to voltage sags. This study is performed on a generic power system.  相似文献   

针对现有暂降域分析方法的不足,提出一种新的故障线路严重度评估方法。基于故障点法,定义平均电压幅值、遭受不同深度暂降的节点数等指标,用以描述故障点的严重度。通过熵权法确定各指标权重,计算各故障点综合严重度系数。将位于同一线路的故障点综合严重度系数取均值,作为该线路的综合严重度系数,进而得到考虑多个敏感负荷节点暂降的故障线路严重度排序。仿真算例表明,所提方法能定量评估故障点和线路对关心节点造成的暂降严重度,为进一步采取暂降减缓措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the sensitivity of DC adjustable-speed drives to balanced and unbalanced voltage sags. The influence of sag type, depth, duration and phase-angle jump on DC drives is studied. The control of the DC drive has been taken into account to understand drive behavior in the presence of voltage sags. Two working modes of the DC motor are considered in the study: as a consumer load and as a regenerative load. When the DC motor works as a consumer load, the study shows that sag type and depth have a significant influence on drive behavior. However, the voltage sag can be ridden through if the rectifier firing angle is set correctly by the control. When the DC motor works as a regenerative load, the study shows the consequences of the three-phase rectifier commutation failure due to the voltage sag.  相似文献   

Voltage sags have emerged as one of the most serious power quality problems, particularly for sensitive equipments such as personal computers (PCs). It is a complex electronic computing device designed to be powered by a switch mode power supply (SMPS). This paper presents an investigation of vulnerability of PCs to voltage sags and development of methods to enhance the voltage sag ride through capability of PCs. Based on recent testing standards, extensive tests were conducted for a wide range of PCs. For standard reboot/restart malfunction criterion, sag depth and duration were varied to construct individual voltage immunity curves for PCs. Based on the analysis, two methods were implemented to improve the voltage sag ride through capability of the PCs. These methods include the use of additional dc capacitors and alteration of the under voltage detection (UVD) signal in the housekeeping block of the SMPS. The experimental results on different PCs show that installation of additional capacitors can only expand PCs’ immunity duration to voltage sag while shift in the UVD signal helps to enhance the tolerance level in terms of sag magnitude. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages involved in the implemented methods to enhance voltage tolerance level of PCs are highlighted.  相似文献   

In the past decades, the power quality (PQ) has become a critical issue in highly automated industries and sensitive load centers. The voltage quality is the most important part of the PQ for customers. The voltage disturbances in the form of voltage sags, swells and harmonics can cause huge financial losses. In the past few years, the power electronic solutions have been proposed to avoid these problems. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is one of the solutions. This paper proposes a new topology for single-phase DVR which is able to compensate multiple voltage disturbances and limit the downstream fault currents with a simple topology. The proposed DVR is based on the single-phase direct ac/ac converter which is energized from the main grid. As a result, there is no need for energy storage elements and dc link capacitors. The proposed topology can deal with high voltage with low voltage rating switches. Therefore, the switches can be IGBTs without needing an auxiliary forced commutation circuit as in thyristors which are high voltage switches. The performance of the proposed topology is validated by digital simulations and a laboratory scale prototype implementation.  相似文献   

The paper introduces an approach to investigate voltage sags, which are caused by large generator rotor swings following a transient disturbance. Therefore, the method exploits sensitivities derived from the algebraic network equations. These provide information on the impact of a generator on the voltage magnitude at a load bus and the effect of load variation on the generator’s power injection. It is shown that these sensitivities give valuable information to identify critical generator–load pairs and locations for applying preventive control measures.  相似文献   

敏感负荷电压暂降失效率区间概率评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敏感负荷电压耐受能力分布规律具有不确定性,现有基于确定的点值估计法在实际样本较少时难以得出准确结果.提出估计敏感负荷电压耐受能力不确定性分布的区间概率评估法,用区间概率分布描述负荷耐受能力的不确定性,得出设备失效可能性区间概率值.利用实验测得的PC机电压耐受能力样本,以IEEE-30节点系统为例进行仿真,证明该方法较点值评估法更好地反映了实际情况,结果可信度和精确性较高,可应用于工程实际.  相似文献   

The power line performance has traditionally been assessed in terms of its efficiency and reliability. The increase of the effect of voltage sags on sensitive loads, maybe located far away from the faulted line, is the reason to carry out a new analysis of power line's performance. A new method to evaluate the power line performance, based on voltage sag indices, is proposed. The voltage sag indices suggested to assess power lines performance are the load variation, the non delivered energy and the total cost due to voltage sags. The proposed power line performance is compared with the traditional performance based on power line outages. The results show that the proposed method can change the assessment of power lines performance and therefore the utility focus for investment.  相似文献   

电压暂降无法避免且对敏感负荷危害严重,合理配置有限监测装置可以降低监测成本,并为暂降治理、降低暂降危害提供数据支撑,因此暂降监测装置的优化配置有重要意义。本文针对传统方法忽略不同区域发生暂降危害程度不一致的问题,提出一种考虑暂降敏感区域监测可靠性和同步相量测量装置(phasor measurement unit,PMU)布点的暂降监测装置联合优化配置模型。该模型以暂降可观为约束条件,以监测装置数目最少,覆盖暂降敏感区域范围最广为目标,并进一步配置PMU用于辅助监测电压暂降。此外,本文采用Zeroin方法提高了暂降域计算的准确性。IEEE30系统仿真表明本文方法可以保证装置数目最少并对敏感负荷高冗余度覆盖,保障其经济效益。本文所提方法克服了难以平衡监测成本与敏感区域监测能力的困难。  相似文献   

基于云模型的电压暂降设备敏感度评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设备电压暂降敏感度评估的难点在于不确定性,包括随机性和模糊性,利用云模型将两者结合起来,综合描述设备电压耐受曲线的综合不确定性,通过云滴将定性的不确定性有效地转换为定量的不确定性,实现了对复杂不确定性的定量刻画.用复化Simpson数值积分法求云滴分布的数值解,再定量计算设备敏感度.对个人计算机的评估结果与现有模糊评估法比较,结果证明了该方法的正确性和准确性,并能更好地揭示设备敏感度的不确定性,有一定的理论价值和应用前景.  相似文献   

综合考虑ITIC曲线、SEMI曲线和C4.110工作组提出的敏感设备耐受曲线,基于严重程度函数单调性和连续性的实际分布特征,分别建立了单相、两相和三相电压暂降影响度函数;在此基础上考虑电压暂降非矩形实测波形,利用多暂降阈值描述改进影响度函数,从而提出了一种考虑电压暂降类型与多暂降阈值描述的多暂降阈值设备侧电压暂降严重程度评估方法,该评估指标综合考虑设备耐受曲线及电压暂降事件的持续时间、暂降幅值、暂降类型和暂降波形评估严重程度。实例分析验证了所提方法的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore a new method for evaluating the impact of voltage sags in the power distribution systems. The proposed method incorporates the generalization of the evaluation method as well as the effects of voltage sags on customers. To generalize the evaluation method, historical reliability data will be used. We take into account the impact of voltage sags on customers using a representative power acceptability curve and a fuzzy model. The final result of the evaluation model yields on a yearly basis the magnitude of customers’ risk caused by voltage sags. The evaluation methodology is divided into the analytic and probabilistic method. The time sequential Monte Carlo simulation is used as probabilistic method. The proposed method is tested using the modified Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS) form and the reliability data of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) system. Through the case study, we verify that the proposed method evaluate the actual impact of voltage sags and can be effectively applied to the real system using the historical reliability data as the conventional reliability indices in power distribution systems.  相似文献   

针对电压暂降下设备停机的不确定性,提出计及负载随机性的不同电压暂降下的设备停机概率评估方法。利用电压耐受曲线分析不同电压暂降下设备停机的不确定性,并对残余电压和持续时间表示的二维空间进行区域划分,获得不同区域内的设备停机不确定性特点;根据不同区域内影响设备停机的因素和设备负载率概率密度函数,建立设备停机的概率评估模型,给出概率评估方法的应用流程。以工业中常用的变频调速系统为评估对象,对所提方法进行了验证。该方法有效计及负载随机性和不同负载率下的电压暂降耐受能力,能更准确地反映电压暂降下设备停机的不确定性。  相似文献   

考虑电压暂降指标的电压协调控制方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
针对电压暂降给敏感负荷带来严重损失的问题,提出一种改进的紧急电压控制方法。通过STATCOM动态无功补偿和紧急切负荷控制策略协调补偿故障电压,改善电压暂降发生概率。首先,基于蒙特卡洛方法搭建故障模型,并计算电压暂降发生概率。接着,构建年总支出费用函数,优化求解费用最小所对应的STATCOM最优容量。进一步地,针对不同故障给节点造成不同的电压暂降深度,引进紧急切负荷控制。综合运用STATCOM补偿和切负荷控制手段,优先进行STATCOM补偿,但当STATCOM补偿容量达到上限时,进行紧急切负荷控制,最大限度抑制并降低电压暂降发生概率。最后,以广东东莞片区为例进行分析,仿真验证所提出方案的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, analytical expressions for the calculation of remaining voltages due to fault at bus and along the line are derived. Balanced and unbalanced faults are considered and the effects of different fault distributions are taken into account. The proposed analytical methods are compared with the method of critical distance in order to achieve the acceptability of the proposed method. The developed method is applied to the IEEE 30-bus test system and a real Indian distribution system.  相似文献   

雷击故障是造成电网电压暂降的主要原因之一,准确评估雷电造成的电压暂降严重程度可以为制定最优治理方案和敏感用户选址提供依据。文中提出一种数据驱动的电压暂降严重程度自学习评估方法。首先,基于雷电造成的电压暂降机理,结合雷电定位系统和电能质量监测系统中的监测信息选取参与挖掘的参数;其次,减少离散化结果对规则准确性的影响,使用离散化评价系数确定不同参数的离散区间数目;然后,针对电网数据库动态变化时挖掘算法效率过低的问题,使用基于增量式学习的关联规则挖掘算法持续更新挖掘规则,从而赋予其自学习的能力;最后,提出基于综合赋权法的加权欧氏距离评估实际场景的电压暂降严重程度。通过某地区电网的监测数据和IEEE 30节点系统仿真数据进行实证分析,结果证明文中方法能在实际应用中准确挖掘有价值规则,实现关注节点的电压暂降严重程度评估。  相似文献   

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