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The European Pressurised Water Reactor (EPR) is a project pursued by Electricité de France and the major German utilities (RWEE, PreussenElektra, BAG et al.) on the utility side and SIEMENS, Framatome and their common subsidiary NPI on the designer side. In this project, the experience gained through the design, the erection, the commissioning and the operation of the existing PWR in France and Germany are combined and the existing technical solutions were carefully compared and checked before integration into the EPR. The deep involvement of the future operators since the beginning of the project has the objective of optimising the operational behaviour and making maintenance as easy as possible.  相似文献   

This document describes current thinking within the Institute for Protection and Nuclear Safety (IPSN) regarding developments desirable from the viewpoint of safety in a new generation of nuclear power plants, the construction of which could begin in France at the end of the nineties. Significant improvements must be sought, particularly as regards the containment, including the core meltdown case. The operating organization, Electricité de France (EDF), is now considering establishing the basis of a project of European dimension (European Pressurized water Reactor - EPR), in connection with German utilities and the Franco-German vendor Nuclear Power International (NPI); the first options important for safety are to be presented and discussed from September-1993.  相似文献   

核电站发生核事故时的应急响应是一项十分复杂而庞大的系统工程,本文从医学应急救护的角度,参照《秦山第二核电厂场内应急计划》,并结合广东大亚湾核电站和秦山第一核电厂的经验反馈,探讨了秦山第二核电厂医学应急救护体系及其救护行动,并对做好场内医学应急救护准备工作提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

In 1991, major German utilities and Electricité de France agreed to develop, together with Siemens and Framatome, the nuclear island for the next generation of nuclear power plants. This nuclear island design is based on German and French experience in the construction and operation of pressurized water reactors. The major step in the evolutionary European pressurized water reactor (EPR) design is the systematic inclusion of events beyond classic design events. The mitigation of core melt accidents by special means, such as reinforcement of the containment function, primary loop depressurization, hydrogen reduction and ultimate heat removal, is part of the design, in addition to a number of features which increase the reliability of plant operation and accident control. Nevertheless, utilities and designers are aware of the economic challenge facing the EPR by the need to compete with other nuclear power plant designs and fossil plants for electricity generation.  相似文献   

核电设备监造工作管理与执行的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核电设备监造工作是核电质量管理的重要组成部分.在总结大亚湾核电站、岭澳核电站一期、岭澳核电站二期等项目的设备监造经验,分析当前核电发展形式的基础上,本文对设备监造的管理和执行进行了优化.优化的效果表现在以下方面:组织队伍更适应项目的需要,监造基本理念进一步清晰执行方式更流畅,监造管理趋于精细化.  相似文献   

EPR core design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nuclear industry has to face the increasing impact of deregulation, competition and new products like the EPR have to rely on all possible means to reduce the generation costs for compensating the high initial investment. As far as the core is concerned this reduction of generation costs is obtained mainly under given power level boundary conditions by increasing the burn-up of the fuel and by providing the margins needed to the operator to adopt all types of fuel managements which will allow to maximize the availability of the plant. Essentials of the EPR core design basis and some representative results of basic design neutronic and thermal hydraulic studies are described in the present paper for illustrating the potentials of the EPR under the boundary conditions prevailing at the end of the Basic Design Phase.  相似文献   

关于PWR及CANDU堆先进燃料管理策略的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述开展先进燃料管理策略研究的必要性与紧迫性。对我国秦山核电厂的燃料管理策略的改进进行了初步探讨,包括提高富集度延长循环长度、增大平均卸料燃耗、应用先进可靠毒物和低泄漏优化换料、改进燃料组件设计和适当提高功率等,并对可能取得的重大经济效益进行了讨论。提出研究PWR的乏燃料在CNADU堆中应用及形成PWR/CANDU联合燃料循环的可行性,以提高燃耗深度,增加能量输出,降低发电成本。  相似文献   

核电厂电气贯穿件作为安全壳上的关键设备,承担着核岛内外各种电力和信号传输以及保证安全壳压力边界完整性的重要功能。通过秦山核电厂一期工程30万千瓦机组第18次大修期间国产在役DDG-1型电气贯穿件更换改造项目的实施,分析了秦山核电厂一期工程在役电气贯穿件设备现状和改造的必要性;针对在役核电厂更换改造工期短和贯穿件密封性能验证难等问题,通过优化检验工序、制作专用检漏工装的方法,缩短了贯穿件改造的工期并验证了贯穿件密封性能。   相似文献   

All the civil nuclear energy systems could contribute to the proliferation risk that weapons-usable material might be diverted or misused for the weapons purpose by terrorists or states. Proliferation-resistant nuclear energy systems are of great importance for the peaceful use of nuclear energy by impeding the diversion or undeclared production of weapons-usable material by states. Since the National Alternative Systems Assessment Program (NASAP) carried out the assessment of proliferation resistance of the civil nuclear energy systems in late 1970s, several comprehensive studies have been performed, including the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE) by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Spent Fuel Standard by the United States National Academy of Science, the Technical Opportunities for Increasing the Proliferation Resistance of Global Civilian Nuclear Power Systems (TOPS) by the United States Department of Energy, the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) Methodology by the IAEA, and the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems (Gen IV) by the Gen IV International Forum. However, all these studies appear lack in the interpretation of country-specific proliferation risk that is arbitrary imposed to the specific countries by major nuclear weapons states, even though the countries are members of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). This paper outlines the assessments of proliferation resistance of the above studies, points out the country-specific proliferation risk, and suggests further studies to increase the proliferation resistance of the civil nuclear energy systems in the specific NPT member countries such as South Korea.  相似文献   

Plant life management activities of Japanese LWR plants have been conducted since the early 1990s by the utilities and MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) cooperatively. In Japan, where the regulatory practices are different from those in the US, there is neither law nor regulation that prescribes a licensed plant life for nuclear power plants. When an annual inspection is completed without any problem, the next cycle of operation would be permitted and this cycle can be repeated. However, it is generally known that mechanical components and structures deteriorate as they get older. So, we consider it very important to evaluate the long-term integrity of major systems, structures and components of old nuclear power plants. Japanese plant life management study consists of two parts. Both parts of the study were carried out confirming the integrity for the long-term operation of the three oldest Japanese LWR plants: Tsuruga Power Station Unit No.1 (BWR), Mihama Power Station Unit No.1 (PWR) and Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit No.1 (BWR). The Part 1 study was conducted for the purpose of obtaining an outlook for long-term safety operation and was completed in 1996. The Part 2 study was conducted ensuring the plant integrity for the long-term operation in terms of, not only safety, but also reliability. The results of the Part 2 study were made public in February, 1999. Then, the recommended maintenance items were to be added to the existing maintenance programs of the three LWR plants.  相似文献   

The mission of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is to assist its member countries in maintaining and further developing, through international co-operation, the scientific, technological and legal bases required for the safe, environmentally friendly and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In fulfilling that mission, the NEA conducts technical, economic and policy studies in response to the needs and interests of its 28 member countries. In recent years, a number of these studies have addressed various aspects of the next generation of nuclear power plants. This paper will describe some of the major activities recently completed and currently underway that may be of particular interest to the COE-INES program.  相似文献   

岭澳核电站二期工程常规岛主厂房布置设计优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岭澳核电站二期工程是我国第一个百万千瓦级核电自主化工程.考虑到机组运行及检修条件,岭澳核电站二期工程常规岛主厂房设计时,尽量减少不等柱距,尽可能满足土建对模数的要求.由于岭澳核电站二期汽轮发电机及凝汽器外形尺寸、除氧器分段长度较岭澳核电站一期大;考虑到汽轮发电机、凝汽器及除氧器的安装需要,南侧B列柱往A列柱的第1个柱距较岭澳核电站一期大.岭澳核电站二期主厂房分3层布置:底层、中间层和运转层,中间层形成一个连续的环形通道,便于巡检人员对设备的操作与维护,也使中间层更加宽敞明亮.  相似文献   

核电站供应商评价模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
有效地整合运营流程上下游的优势资源,保证供应链的高效率运转,是维持核电站安全、满功率运行的重要前提之一.供应商是核电企业的重要资源之一,也是生产流程的延续,实施科学合理的供应商评价是打造高效率、高质量的供应链中非常重要的环节.在对大亚湾核电站的实际管理运行状况和发展目标进行调查分析的基础上,通过对国内外资料的搜集和分析,并借鉴业界及同行先进经验,建立与运营核电站相适应的先进、完整、实用的供应商评价体系,最终达到提高核心竞争力的目的.  相似文献   

舒睿  彭诗念 《核动力工程》1999,20(4):323-325
CPWR640核电站是由中国核动力学研究设计院(NPIC)和上海核工程研究设计院(SNERDI)联合开发的640MW两环路压水堆核电站,该核电站比现有核电站更高的安全目标,严重事故管理已作为电站设计工作的一部分加以考虑,本文简要介绍了在CPWR640概念设计过程中对严重事故的考虑。  相似文献   

工程管理信息系统是核电站建造管理的重要基础设施和手段。本文以岭澳核电站工程管理为背景,论述了核电站工程管理信息系统设计目标、系统结构和软件,指出了系统实施要点和注意事项。  相似文献   

中国核动力研究设计院设计了各种工程试验研究装置,建成了核动力实验研究基地,积累了丰富的核动力整体试验装置建设经验,本文介绍了核动力整体试验装置设计,施工及调试经验。  相似文献   

秦山核电二期工程与大亚湾核电站相比,反应堆功率下降,冷却剂系统三环路变为两环路。因此,重新设计了有关系统,并进行了相应的试验研究与工程验证。初步运行结果表明,设计是成功的。本文介绍部分系统的设计变化与特点以及相关的试验研究,反映设计与试验研究的成功结合,展现我国自主发展核电、自主设计大中型商用核电站的能力。  相似文献   

内陆核电建设的主要环境问题解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对同时拥有滨海和内陆核电厂的国家(美国、法国、德国和西班牙等)关于这两类厂址的放射性流出物排放管理限值的对比,对我国内陆核电站放射性流出物的排放限值的制定提出了相应的建议。然后对这几个国家的内陆核电厂冷却方式进行分类统计,调查、分析了采用完全一次直流冷却方式的内陆厂址的自然水文条件,将其与国内主要的河流和湖泊等内陆水体水文条件进行比较,并针对我国首批内陆厂址的水文条件,提出冷却方式选择的初步建议。最后,对我国内陆核电建设的主要环境问题(放射性污染问题、热污染问题和废水管理中的其他问题)进行分析,并提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

核电工程经济数据库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁晓明  李林 《核动力工程》1996,17(6):544-549
核电工程经济数据库由核电厂经济数据库、核燃料循环经济数据库和核电规划与环境经济数据库三部分组成,用ORACLE V6.0实现。核电厂经济数据库包括公共经济数据、电厂技术参数、工程投资数据、经济效益数据等内容。核燃料循环经济数据库燃料技术参数和价格数据。核电规划与环境经济数据库由历史经济、预测经济、能源平衡、电力、能源设施等数据组成。  相似文献   

Durr  M 《核动力工程》1990,11(6):74-78
核电项目的实施可以划分为若干不同的分项,文中对它们分别进行了介绍,同时还叙述了有关责任单位的职责。在法国,核电厂被设计成标准系列,使得核电厂的建造更容易,降低了成本,同时还能从经验反馈中获得最佳效益。法国电力公司作为业主,同时又是整个电厂的建筑师以及电厂投运后的营运者。法马通公司提供核蒸汽供给系统,而 GEC 阿尔斯通公司则负责提供汽轮发电机组。在出口项目方面,所提供的服务项目符合业主的要求。法国电力公司可提供全方位的服务。对大亚湾核电厂提供的服务项目包括项目协调、项目工艺与人员培训。  相似文献   

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