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Experimental data from vented explosion tests using lean hydrogen–air mixtures with concentrations from 12 to 19% vol. are presented. A 63.7-m3 chamber was used for the tests with a vent size of either 2.7 or 5.4 m2. The tests were focused on the effect of hydrogen concentration, ignition location, vent size, and obstacles on the pressure development of a propagating flame in a vented enclosure. The dependence of the maximum pressure generated on the experimental parameters was analyzed. It was confirmed that the pressure maxima are caused by pressure transients controlled by the interplay of the maximum flame area, the burning velocity, and the overpressure generated outside of the chamber by an external explosion. A model proposed earlier to estimate the maximum pressure for each of the main pressure transients was evaluated for the various hydrogen concentrations. The effect of the Lewis number on the vented explosion overpressure is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present work, the laminar premixed acetylene–hydrogen–air and ethanol–hydrogen–air flames were investigated numerically. Laminar flame speeds, the adiabatic flame temperatures were obtained utilizing CHEMKIN PREMIX and EQUI codes, respectively. Sensitivity analysis was performed and flame structure was analyzed. The results show that for acetylene–hydrogen–air flames, combustion is promoted by H and O radicals. The highest flame speed (247 cm/s) was obtained in mixture with 95% H2–5% C2H2 at λ = 1.0. The region between 0.95 < XH2 < 1.0 was referred to as the acetylene-accelerating hydrogen combustion since the flame speed increases with increase the acetylene fraction in the mixture. Further increase in the acetylene fraction decreases the H radicals in the flame front. In ethanol–hydrogen–air mixtures, the mixture reactivity is determined by H, OH and O radicals. For XH2 < 0.6, the flame speed in this regime increases linearly with increasing the hydrogen fraction. For XH2 > 0.8, the hydrogen chemistry control the combustion and ethanol addition inhibits the reactivity and reduces linearly the laminar flame speed. For 0.6 < XH2 < 0.8, the laminar flame speed increases exponentially with the increase of hydrogen fraction.  相似文献   

The unstretched laminar burning velocities and Markstein numbers of spherically propagating hydrogen–methane–air flames were studied at a mixture pressure of 0.10 MPa and a mixture temperature of 350 K. The fraction of hydrogen in the binary fuel was varied from 0 to 1.0 at equivalence ratios of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2. The unstretched laminar burning velocity increased non-linearly with hydrogen fraction for all the equivalence ratios. The Markstein number varied non-monotonically at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0 and increased monotonically at equivalence ratio of 1.2 with increasing hydrogen fraction. Analytical evaluation of the Markstein number suggested that the trends could be due to the effective Lewis number, which varied non-monotonically with hydrogen fraction at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0 and increased monotonically at 1.2. The propensity of flame instability varied non-monotonically with hydrogen fraction at equivalence ratios of 0.8 and 1.0.  相似文献   

The laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–air and hydrogen–methane–air mixtures are very important in designing and predicting the progress of combustion and performance of combustion systems where hydrogen is used as fuel. In this work, laminar flame velocities of hydrogen–air and different composition of hydrogen–methane–air mixtures (from 100% hydrogen to 100% methane) have been measured at ambient temperatures for variable equivalence ratios (ER=0.8–3.2ER=0.83.2). A modified test rig has been developed from the former Cardiff University ‘Cloud Chamber’ for this experimental study. The rig comprises of a 250 mm length cylindrical stainless steel explosion bomb enclosed at one end with a stainless steel plug which houses an internal stirrer to allow mixing. The other end is sealed with a 120 mm diameter round quartz window. Optical access for filming flame propagation is afforded via two diametrically opposed quartz windows in both sides. Flame speeds are determined within the bomb using a high-speed Schlieren photographic technique. This method is an accurate way to determine the flame–speed and the burning velocities were then derived using a CHEMKIN computer model to provide the expansion ratio. The design of the test facility ensures the flame is laminar which results in a spherical flame which is not affected by buoyancy. The experimental study demonstrated that increasing the hydrogen percentage in the hydrogen–methane mixture brought about an increase in the resultant burning velocity and caused a widening of the flammability limits. This experiments also suggest that a hydrogen–methane mixture (i.e. 30% hydrogen+70% methane) could be a competitive alternative fuel for existing combustion plants.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in an obstructed 3-m-long duct to investigate the effects of equivalence ratio, thickness of rupture membrane, and vent area on vented hydrogen–air deflagrations. Shockwave-induced pressure peaks were observed inside and outside the duct in some tests. In the tests with one end of the duct totally opened, the location at which the overall maximum internal overpressure is achieved depends on the thickness of the rupture membrane for a given equivalence ratio; however, it is independent of equivalence ratio for a given thickness of rupture membrane. The pressure peak resulting from an external explosion always dominates the pressure–time histories 1.5 m downstream of the duct exit. The maximum internal and external overpressures first increase and then decrease as the equivalence ratio increases from 0.26 to 3.57, unexpectedly; none of these increase monotonically with an increase in the thickness of the rupture membrane. Two explosion venting regimes, namely sonic and subsonic, are observed. During sonic venting, the maximum internal overpressure increases exponentially with a decrease in vent area; it is nearly independent of the vent area during subsonic venting when the vent area is larger than approximately 19% of the cross-sectional area of the duct.  相似文献   

In this study, the experiment study about the laminar burning velocity and the flame stability of CO2 diluted natural gas–hydrogen–air mixture was conducted in a constant volume combustion vessel by using the high-speed schlieren photography system. The unstretched laminar burning velocity and the Markstein length at different hydrogen fractions, dilution ratios and equivalence ratios and with different initial pressures were obtained. The flame stability was studied by analyzing the Markstein length, the flame thickness, the density ratio and the flame propagation schlieren photos. The results showed that the unstretched laminar burning velocity would be reduced with the increase of the initial pressure and dilution ratio and would be increased with the increase of the hydrogen fraction of the mixture. Meanwhile, the Markstein length would be increased with the increase of the equivalence ratio and the dilution ratio. Slight flaws occurred at the early stage. At a specific equivalence ratio, a higher initial pressure and hydrogen fraction would cause incomplete combustion.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of initial turbulence on vented explosions, experiments were performed for lean hydrogen–air mixtures, with hydrogen concentrations ranging from 12 to 15% vol., at elevated initial turbulence. As expected, it was found that an increase in initial turbulence increased the overall flame propagation speed and this increased flame propagation speed translated into higher peak overpressures during the external explosion. The peak pressures generated by flame–acoustic interactions, however, did not vary significantly with initial turbulence. When flame speeds measurements were examined, it was found that the burning velocity increased with flame radius as a power function of radius with a relatively constant exponent over the range of weak initial turbulence studied and did not vary systematically with initial turbulence. Instead, the elevated initial turbulence increased the initial flame propagation velocities of the various mixtures. The initial turbulence thus appears to act primarily by generating higher initial flame wrinkling while having a minimal effect on the growth rate of the wrinkles. For practical purposes of modeling flame propagation and pressure generation in vented explosions, the increase in burning velocity due to turbulence is suggested to be approximated by a single constant factor that increases the effective burning velocity of the mixture. When this approach is applied to a previously developed vent sizing correlation, the correlation performs well for almost all of the peaks. It was found, however, that in certain situations, this approach significantly under predicts the flame–acoustic peak. This suggests that further research may be necessary to better understand the influence of initial turbulence on the development of flame–acoustic peaks in vented explosions.  相似文献   

To research the quality of the hydrogen–air mixture formation and the combustion characteristics of the hydrogen fueled engine under different hydrogen injection timings, nozzle hole positions and nozzle hole diameter, a three-dimensional simulation model for a PFI hydrogen internal combustion engine with the inlet, outlet, valves and cylinder was established using AVL Fire software. In the maximum torque condition, research focused on the variation law of the total hydrogen mass in the cylinder and inlet and the space distribution characteristics and variation law of velocity field, concentration field and turbulent kinetic energy under different hydrogen injection parameters (injection timings, nozzle hole positions and nozzle hole area) in order to reveal the influence of these parameters on hydrogen–air mixture formation process. Then the formation quality of hydrogen–air mixture was comprehensively evaluated according to the mixture uniformity coefficient, the remnant hydrogen percentage in the inlet and restraining abnormal combustion (such as preignition and backfire). The results showed that the three hydrogen injection parameters have important influence on the forming quality of hydrogen–air mixture and combustion state. The reasonable choice of the nozzle hole position of hydrogen, nozzle hole diameter and the hydrogen injection time can improve the uniformity of the hydrogen–air mixing in the cylinder of the hydrogen internal combustion engine, and the combustion heat release reaction is more reasonable. At the end of the compression stroke, the equivalence ratio uniform coefficient increased at first and then decreased with the beginning of the hydrogen injection. When hydrogen injection starting point was with 410–430°CA, equivalence ratio uniform coefficient was larger, and ignition delay period was shorter so that the combustion performance index was also good. And remnant hydrogen percentage in the inlet was less, high concentration of mixed gas in the vicinity of the inlet valve also gathered less, thus suppressing the preignition and backfire. With the increase of the distance between the nozzle and the inlet valve, the selection of the hydrogen injection period is narrowed, and the optimum hydrogen injection time was also ahead of time. The results also showed that it was favorable for the formation of uniform mixing gas when the nozzle hole diameter was 4 mm.  相似文献   

The modelling of Rayleigh–Taylor instability during premixed combustion scenarios is presented. Experimental data obtained from experiments undertaken by FM Global using their large-scale vented deflagration chamber was used to develop the modelling approach. Rayleigh–Taylor instability is introduced as an additional time-dependent, combustion enhancing, mechanism. It is demonstrated that prior to the addition of this mechanism the LES deflagration model under-predicted the experimental pressure transients. It is confirmed that the instability plays a significant role throughout the coherent deflagration process. The addition of the mechanism led to the model more closely replicating the pressure peak associated with the external deflagration.  相似文献   

In this paper, experiments were performed to investigate the coupling effects of venting and nitrogen addition ratio (χ) on flame behavior and pressure evolution during hydrogen–air deflagration within and outside a 1-m-high vertical duct with a vent on its top. Experimental results reveal that χ has significant effects on the pressure–time histories in the duct. Helmholtz oscillations of the internal overpressure were observed in all tests, and acoustic type oscillations appears in the tests only for χ = 25% and 30%. For a certain χ, the maximum overpressure (Pmax) increased with the distance to the vent, i.e., the highest overall explosion overpressure was attained near the duct bottom; however, the difference in Pmax between various measuring points decreases with an increase in χ. In all tests, a pressure peak in the duct was observed shortly after external explosion. The maximum internal and external overpressure decreased as χ was increased.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen admixing on self-ignition of homogeneous and hybrid mixtures of heavy hydrocarbons in air is studied theoretically based on the detailed reaction mechanism of n-decane oxidation. Reactivity of hydrogen-containing mixtures is not always higher than that of pure hydrocarbon–air mixtures. At temperatures less than ∼1050 K, addition of hydrogen to such mixtures increases the self-ignition delay: hydrogen acts as an inhibitor. With the increase of hydrogen content the duration of the blue-flame reaction stage becomes shorter and even degenerates. This is caused by reactions of hydrogen with intermediate products of hydrocarbon oxidation leading to formation of less active species hindering chain branching processes. At temperatures exceeding ∼1050 K, hydrogen addition decreases the overall self-ignition delay thus indicating that hydrogen acts as a promoter. These finding have to be taken into account when discussing perspectives of practical applications of fuels blended with hydrogen as well as related explosion safety issues.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an experimental investigation on detonation wave propagation in semi-confined geometries. Large scale experiments were performed in layers up to 0.6 m filled with uniform and non-uniform hydrogen–air mixtures in a rectangular channel (width 3 m; length 9 m) which is open from below. A semi confined driver section is used to accelerate hydrogen flames from weak ignition to detonation. The detonation propagation was observed in a 7 m long unobstructed part of the channel. Pressure measurements, ionization probes, soot-records and high speed imaging were used to observe the detonation propagation. Critical conditions for detonation propagation in different layer thicknesses are presented for uniform H2/air-mixtures, as well as experiments with uniform H2/O2 mixtures in a down scaled transparent channel. Finally detail investigations on the detonation wave propagation in H2/air-mixtures with concentration gradients are shown.  相似文献   

The stoichiometric methane–hydrogen–air freely propagated laminar premixed flames at normal temperature and pressure were calculated by using PREMIX code of CHEMKIN II program with GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism. The mole fraction profiles and the rate of production of the dominant reactions contributing to the major species and some selected intermediate species in the flames of methane–hydrogen–air were obtained. The rate of production analysis was conducted and the effect of hydrogen addition on the reactions of methane–air mixtures combustion was analyzed by the dominant elementary reactions for specific species. The results showed that the mole fractions of major species CH4, CO and CO2 were decreased while their normalized values were increased as hydrogen is added. The rate of production of the dominant reactions contributing to CH4, CO and CO2 shows a remarkable increase as hydrogen is added. The role of H2 in the flame will change from an intermediate species to a reactant when hydrogen fraction in the blends exceeds 20%. The enhancement of combustion with hydrogen addition can be ascribed to the significant increase of H, O and OH in the flame as hydrogen is presented. The decrease of the mole fractions of CH2O and CH3CHO with hydrogen addition suggests a potential in the reduction of aldehydes emissions of methane combustion as hydrogen is added. The methane oxidation reaction pathways will move toward the lower carbon reaction pathways when hydrogen is available and this has the potential in reducing the soot formation. Chemical kinetics effect of hydrogen addition has a little influence on NO formation for methane combustion with hydrogen addition.  相似文献   

Acousticparametric instabilities are a significant acceleration and self turbulization mechanism which may increase noticeably the propagation velocity of flames. Therefore, the acousticparametric instabilities for H2–air mixtures at normal conditions have been investigated. The simplified analytical model proposed by Bychkov as well as the numerical solutions of the Searby and Rochwerger formulation were taken into account. The growth rate of the instabilities and the influence of different fuel concentrations and sound frequencies on the existence of spontaneous transition from the acoustic to the parametric instability were analyzed. The existence of a wavenumber range in which flames will be unstable for all intensities of sonic perturbations with adequate frequencies was postulated as a consequence of analytic investigation. This constitutes a significant flame acceleration mechanism with major impact on stability and flame development phenomena.  相似文献   

The possibilities of the formation of a flammable cloud over the ground in an open atmosphere from the leakage of hydrogen stored at different temperatures are studied. The dispersion of hydrogen in the stable and unstable atmospheric conditions is determined using the Gaussian dispersion model. The efflux of hydrogen from the storage vessel is considered at velocities between 1 m/s and 1500 m/s, the latter corresponding to the upper limit of velocities arising from the choked flow. The dispersion analysis shows that flammable hydrogen–air clouds would not be formed over the ground under unstable atmospheric conditions for all efflux velocities and leakage areas and for the different temperatures of the hydrogen leak. However, under strongly stable atmospheric conditions, such as those associated with clear sky winter nights with low winds and temperature inversion in the planetary boundary layer, a flammable cloud is seen to be formed. This is particularly true for low temperature hydrogen efflux and very low velocities of the efflux.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the lower and upper flammability limits of hydrogen–air mixtures at elevated temperature and pressure. A 5-L explosion vessel, an ignition system, and a transient pressure measurement sub-system were used in this study. Through a series of experiments carried out, the lower and upper flammability limits of hydrogen–air mixtures at different initial pressures and temperatures have been studied and the influence of initial temperature and pressure on the lower and upper flammability limits of hydrogen–air mixtures has been analysed and discussed. It was found that the decrement of the LFLs of hydrogen–air with the initial temperature from 21 to 90 °C at the initial pressure of 0.1 MPa is less than 1%, the decrement of the LFLs with the initial temperature from 21 to 90 °C at 0.2 MPa is less than 1%, the decrement of the LFLs with the initial temperature from 21 to 90°Cat 0.3 MPa is less than 0.66%, and the decrement of the LFLs with the initial temperature from 21 to 90 °C at 0.4 MPa is less than 0.25%. The lower flammability limits of hydrogen–air mixtures at the pressures of 0.1 and 0.4 MPa are 4 and 1.25%(V/V), respectively. The upper flammability limits of the hydrogen–air mixtures increase with the initial pressure and temperature. The upper flammability limit of the hydrogen–air mixtures at 90 °C and 0.4 MPa reaches 93%(V/V) which is much higher than that (76%(V/V)) at 21 °C and 0.1 MPa.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the combustion characteristics of nitrogen diluted hydrogen was conducted in a constant volume combustion vessel over a wide range of equivalence ratios and dilution ratios at elevated pressures and temperatures. The explosion characteristics such as the explosion pressure, the combustion duration, the maximum rate of pressure rise, the deflagration index and the normalized mass burning rate were derived. The result shows that a short combustion duration and higher normalized mass burning rate were presented with the increase of equivalence ratio. With the increase of initial temperature, the explosion pressure, the maximum rate of pressure rise and the deflagration index were decreased, and a shorter combustion duration and higher normalized mass burning rate were presented. With the increase of initial pressure, the explosion pressure, the maximum rate of pressure rise and the deflagration index increase, a shorter combustion duration and higher normalized mass burning rate were presented. Nitrogen dilution significantly reduces the normalized mass burning rate and the deflagration index and thus the potential of explosion hazards.  相似文献   

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