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SMEs, as prominent actors in industry, must meet more and more complex customer expectations. Recently, the concept of Industry 4.0 has emerged. This new approach enables the control of production processes by providing real-time synchronisation of flows and by enabling the production of unitary and customised products. Our research goal is to identify Industry 4.0 risks, opportunities and critical success factors with regards to the industrial performance of SMEs. The recent emergence of Industry 4.0 and the inherent difficulty of identifying detailed examples has not yet enabled a satisfactory statistical study to be conducted on Industry 4.0 cases in SMEs. To reach our research goal, we selected 12 experts to conduct a Delphi study supplemented by Régnier’s abacuses. Our study demonstrates that the major risks facing the adoption of Industry 4.0 in SMEs include a lack of expertise and a short-term strategy mindset. Our research also indicates that training is the most important factor for success, that managers have a prominent role in the success and/or failure of an Industry 4.0 project, and that SMEs should be supported by external experts. Lastly, Industry 4.0 offers a unique opportunity to redesign SME production processes and to adopt new business models.  相似文献   

The development of science and technology has led to the era of Industry 4.0. The core concept is the combination of “material and informationization”. In the supply chain and manufacturing process, the “material” of the physical entity world is realized by data, identity, intelligence, and information. Industry 4.0 is a disruptive transformation and upgrade of intelligent industrialization based on the Internet-of-Things and Big Data in traditional industrialization. The goal is “maximizing production efficiency, minimizing production costs, and maximizing the individual needs of human beings for products and services.” Achieving this goal will surely bring about a major leap in the history of the industry, which will lead to the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” This paper presents a detailed discussion of industrial big data, strategic roles, architectures, characteristics, and four types of innovative business models that can generate profits for enterprises. The key revolutionary aspect of Industry 4.0 is explained, which is the equipment revolution. Six important attributes of equipment are explained under the Industry 4.0 perspective.  相似文献   

The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies has been deemed as a strategy to increase product quality and make manufacturing processes more efficient. However, the way that these technologies are integrated into existing production systems and which processes they can support is still under investigation. Thus, this paper aims to examine the relationship between lean production (LP) practices and the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Brazilian manufacturing companies. To achieve that we use data from a survey carried out with 110 companies of different sizes and sectors, at different stages of LP implementation. Data collected were analysed by means of multivariate analysis. Our findings indicate that LP practices are positively associated with Industry 4.0 technologies and their concurrent implementation leads to larger performance improvements. Further, the contextual variables investigated do matter to this association, although not all aspects matter to the same extent and effect.  相似文献   

In recent years, Industry 4.0 has emerged as one of the most discussed concepts and has gained significant popularity in both academia and the industrial sector. Both Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing utilise decentralised control and aim to increase productivity and flexibility. However, there have been few studies investigating the link between these two domains. This article explores this novel area and maps the current literature. This is achieved through a systematic literature review methodology, investigating literature published up to and including August 2017. This article identifies four main research streams concerning the link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing, and a research agenda for future studies is proposed.  相似文献   

We draw on cognitive and behavioural theories and on the artificial intelligence literature in order to propose a framework of future operator – workstation interaction in the ‘Industry 4.0’ era. We name the proposed framework ‘Operator – Workstation Interaction 4.0’. The latter’s capabilities permit an adaptive, ongoing interaction that aims to improve operator safety, performance, well-being, and satisfaction as well as the factory’s production measures. The framework is composed of three subsystems: (1) the observation subsystem which observes the operator and the processes occurring in the workstation, (2) the analysis subsystem which generates understanding and implications of the observations output, (3) the reaction subsystem which determines if and how to respond. The paper describes these elements and illustrate them using an example of a fatigued worker. The contributions, implications, and limitations of the proposed framework are discussed, and future research directions are presented.  相似文献   

Using the theory of human blood circulation system, the authors explore the importance of remanufacturing in Industry 4.0. In this paper, they draw analogies between smart factory and human heart, between smart products and blood, and, between product function and nutrition and oxygen in the blood. Remanufacturing is analogous to the ingestion of oxygen and nutrition in lesser circulation or systemic circulation. Remanufacturing well supports recycling production, which is significant in realizing intelligent industry. Furthermore, this paper discusses the development direction of remanufacturing engineering in Industry 4.0 ages.  相似文献   

Our next generation of industry—Industry 4.0—holds the promise of increased flexibility in manufacturing, along with mass customization, better quality, and improved productivity. It thus enables companies to cope with the challenges of producing increasingly individualized products with a short lead-time to market and higher quality. Intelligent manufacturing plays an important role in Industry 4.0. Typical resources are converted into intelligent objects so that they are able to sense, act, and behave within a smart environment. In order to fully understand intelligent manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, this paper provides a comprehensive review of associated topics such as intelligent manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled manufacturing, and cloud manufacturing. Similarities and differences in these topics are highlighted based on our analysis. We also review key technologies such as the IoT, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), cloud computing, big data analytics (BDA), and information and communications technology (ICT) that are used to enable intelligent manufacturing. Next, we describe worldwide movements in intelligent manufacturing, including governmental strategic plans from different countries and strategic plans from major international companies in the European Union, United States, Japan, and China. Finally, we present current challenges and future research directions. The concepts discussed in this paper will spark new ideas in the effort to realize the much-anticipated Fourth Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding its disruptive potential, which has been the object of considerable debate, Industry4.0 (I4.0) operationalisation still needs significant study. Specifically, scheduling is a key process that should be explored from this perspective. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the issues regarding scheduling that need to be considered in the new I4.0 framework. To achieve this, a two-stage cascade literature review is performed. The review begins with an analysis regarding the opportunities and challenges brought by I4.0 to the scheduling field, outputting a set of critical scheduling areas (CSA) in which development is essential. The second-stage literature review is performed to understand which steps have been taken so far by previous research in the scheduling field to address those challenges. Thus, a first contribution of this work is to provide insight on the influence and expected changes brought by I4.0 to scheduling, while showcasing relevant research. Another contribution is to identify the most promising future lines of research in this field, in which relevant challenges such as holistic scheduling, or increased flexibility requirements are highlighted. Concurrently, CSA such as decentralised decision-making, and human–robot collaboration display large gaps between current practice and the required technological level of development.  相似文献   

Industry 4.0 is increasingly being promoted as the key to improving productivity, promoting economic growth and ensuring the sustainability of manufacturing companies. On the other hand, many companies have already partially or fully implemented principles and tools from the Lean management approach, which is also aimed at improving productivity. While the two approaches use very different strategies, they share some common principles. The objective of this article is to highlight the links between the principles and tools proposed by Industry 4.0 and those proposed by the Lean management approach, with a particular focus on how some of Industry 4.0's technologies are improving the implementation of Lean principles, depending on the technologies’ capability levels. As such, this study aims to provide a characterisation of the impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies on Lean principles according to targeted capability levels. The results obtained show strong support for Industry 4.0 technologies for Just-in-time and Jidoka, but little or no support for waste reduction and People and Team work. There is, therefore, a clear need to pursue the deployment of Lean management while improving certain Lean principles using Industry 4.0 technologies.  相似文献   

This systematic review intends to identify how sustainable manufacturing research is contributing to the development of the Industry 4.0 agenda and for a broader understanding about the links between the Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing by mapping and summarising existing research efforts, identifying research agendas, as well as gaps and opportunities for research development. A conceptual framework formed by the principles and technological pillars of Industry 4.0, sustainable manufacturing scope, opportunities previously identified, and sustainability dimensions, guided analysis of 35 papers from 2008–2018, selected by a systematic approach. Bibliometrics data and social network analysis complement results identifying how research is being organised and its respective research agendas, relevant publications, and status of the research lifecycle. Results point to that the current research is aligned with the goals defined by different national industrial programs. There are, however, research gaps and opportunities for field development, becoming more mature and having a significant contribution to fully developing the agenda of Industry 4.0.  相似文献   

Research in industry 4.0 is growing, driven by the innovations in production systems on a continuous basis. In this study, we identified the evolution of themes inherent in the industry 4.0 using a bibliometric software, namely SciMAT (Science Mapping Analysis Software Tool). The analyses included 1882 documents, 4231 keywords, and the relevant information was extracted based on frequency of co-occurrence of keywords. The clusters were plotted in two-dimensional strategic diagrams and analysed using the bibliometric indicators such as the number of publications, number of associated documents, and h-index. The results revealed that 2017 had the largest number of publications. Expert authors in the field and the periodicals that published the most were identified. The science mapping presented 31 clusters in which the most representative motor themes were CPS (Cyber-Physical System), IoT (Internet of Things), and Big Data. In addition, it was possible to identify fields with high investment of efforts by the scientific community such as the union between lean production and industry 4.0, production-centered CPS (CPPS), IoT (Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT), among others. The overlapping map showed an increase in the number of keywords from 338 to 1231 over the period of data. The map of scientific developments supported by an exhaustive research, it was possible to show the state of the art, the main challenges and perspectives for future research in the field of industry 4.0 such as Technology, Collaboration/Integration, Management and Implementation.  相似文献   

Smart Manufacturing (SM) a revolutionary paradigm that aims to improve production systems’ performance in terms of quality, time, cost, and flexibility, as well as human and machine decision-making capabilities. Most large enterprises have already taken first steps towards adopting SM. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) on the other hand, are struggling with developing a SM adoption roadmap. Our research builds on the real and perceived needs and challenges faced by manufacturing SMEs and advances the field by developing and evaluating an SME-specific ‘SM adoption framework’. We have employed a multiple case study approach to acknowledge the lessons learned by selected early-adopter SMEs that have recently implemented and deployed SM tools and practices. We propose an SM adoption framework with five vital steps that SMEs interested in SM should follow: (i) identify manufacturing data available within the SME, (ii) readiness assessment of the SME data-hierarchy steps, (iii) developing SM awareness of SME leadership and staff, (iv) develop a SM tailored vision for the SMEs, and (v) identify appropriate SM tools and practices necessary to realise the tailored SM vision. Moreover, the results of the case study analysis enabled us to formulate many generalisations.  相似文献   

This research employed a qualitative approach to discuss the current practice and challenges of Malaysian manufacturing firms in the implementation of Industry 4.0. The study examined data from seven manufacturing companies pursuing Industry 4.0 initiatives to identify various options for their strategies. The study found that the implementation of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing firms is still in the exploratory stage. The companies involved in this study were discovered to conduct exploration using an adaptive-like framework. That is, throughout the process, the majority of the subjects are 'trying and adding' Industry 4.0 to their operations. Their trial-and-error approach is based on what is feasible and effective in their manufacturing environment. Overall, the investigation determined that data management and integration, as well as personnel re-education, were the respondents' primary operational challenges.  相似文献   

Despite the envisioned interrelations, the way Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies can influence the design and implementation of lean value streams is still unknown and little empirical evidence is found in the literature. This article aims at proposing guidelines integrated with I4.0 technologies for designing lean value streams. We gathered experts’ opinions regarding the relationship between guidelines for designing a lean value stream and I4.0 technologies. The identification of the most important relationships provided arguments for the proposition of enhanced guidelines for designing lean value streams within the Fourth Industrial Revolution context. The integration of I4.0 technologies into the guidelines for designing a lean value stream raises a distinct approach that benefits from the simplicity and efficiency of Lean Production with ease and agility of the technologies typical of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Such technology-integrated guidelines may allow overcoming existing barriers while lead companies to superior performance results.  相似文献   

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a regulatory measure to enforce the life cycle management of electrical and electronic equipment, however, the implementation of EPR programmes is not as effective as expected. In the face of the fourth industrial revolution that commonly labelled as ‘Industry 4.0,’ this paper proposes an integrated architecture to achieve effective and efficient EPR from the manufacturer perspective, and attention is specifically paid on promoting information sharing. On the basis of the selected case study, a smart refrigerator plant of Haier, the architecture integrates information systems and facilitates life cycle management. Particularly, eco-design and end-of-life disposal, the two lasting problems in the current practises of implementing EPR, can be enforced based on product modularisation and high level of information availability that provided by the architecture. The outcomes of this study provide a valuable reference for other sectors that involve EPR or product life cycle management.  相似文献   

以德国工业4.0为代表的第四次工业革命,对我国工业的发展产生了深远影响.本文首先分析了相关技术的发展趋势,以及此次变革的特征和要求,并总结分析了其在我国的发展现状,在此基础上重点分析了当前世界航空工业的技术现状,以及以信息化、数字化技术为代表的相关技术对航空工业产生的影响,我国航空工业在变革中标准顶层体系架构需要开展的工作.指出当今世界航空工业的发展技术水平应处在工业3.X的水平,我国航空工业处在工业2.X的水平,并对当前航空工业在变革中的发展给出了一些行动思路.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify and analyse factors that determine the implementation of Information and Digital Technologies (IDT) of smart manufacturing. By performing a state-of-the-art and content-driven review of literature, consulting a group of experts from academia and industry, and implementing interpretive structural modelling methodology, the study identified eleven enabling factors and mapped the contextual interrelationships among them. The study further explained the complex precedence relationships that exist among determinants of smart manufacturing IDT adoption. Results showed that perceived benefits and management support are the two driver determinants that act as stepping-stones in the implementation of smart manufacturing IDT. Operations technology maturity and cybersecurity maturity were found to be the dependent determinants of smart manufacturing IDT implementation and highly driven by the linkage and driver determinates. The findings are expected to assist academicians, industrialists, and the policymakers with achieving a detailed understanding of smart manufacturing transformation processes, and conditions that facilitate the manufacturing digitalisation in the Industry 4.0 era.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in industrialisation and informatisation methods have spurred tremendous progress in developing the next generation of manufacturing technology. Today, we are on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In 2013, amongst one of 10 ‘Future Projects’ identified by the German government as part of its High-Tech Strategy 2020 Action Plan, the Industry 4.0 project is considered to be a major endeavour for Germany to establish itself as a leader of integrated industry. In 2014, China’s State Council unveiled their ten-year national plan, Made-in-China 2025, which was designed to transform China from the world’s workshop into a world manufacturing power. Made-in-China 2025 is an initiative to comprehensively upgrade China’s industry including the manufacturing sector. In Industry 4.0 and Made-in-China 2025, many applications require a combination of recently emerging new technologies, which is giving rise to the emergence of Industry 4.0. Such technologies originate from different disciplines including cyber-physical Systems, IoT, cloud computing, Industrial Integration, Enterprise Architecture, SOA, Business Process Management, Industrial Information Integration and others. At this present moment, the lack of powerful tools still poses a major obstacle for exploiting the full potential of Industry 4.0. In particular, formal methods and systems methods are crucial for realising Industry 4.0, which poses unique challenges. In this paper, we briefly survey the state of the art in the area of Industry 4.0 as it relates to industries.  相似文献   

The current literature claims the direct effects of industry 4.0 technologies (I4?T) on lean manufacturing practices (LMP) and sustainable organisational performance (SOP). LMP are also found to have a positive influence on SOP. However, the integrated effect of I4?T and LMP on SOP has not been empirically investigated. To address this gap, this research study investigates the indirect effects of I4?T on SOP with LMP as the mediating variable; furthermore, it aims to confirm or not the direct effects of I4?T on LMP and SOP. The study is based on data collected from 205 managers, working in 115 manufacturing firms. The findings suggest significant direct and indirect effects of I4?T on SOP and confirm the presence of LMP as a strong mediating variable. The results of the study extend the literature on I4?T by identifying I4?T as an enabler of LMP, leading to enhancement of the SOP. Implications and future research directions for academicians, practitioners, and consultants are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current state of research and the key aspects and implications of the relationships between Information and Digital Technologies (IDT) of Industry 4.0 and Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM), with the identification of the lines of research developed and an analysis of the main findings. A Systematic Literature Review methodology has been used for the identification, selection, and evaluation of the published research. A set of 78 papers deduced from the most relevant scientific databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, and ABI/Inform, from 1996 to December 2019, has been analyzed and synthesized. The analysis and evaluation of these papers has enabled a new classification of the literature to be offered that identifies four lines of research based on the Life Cycle of Technology: obsolete IDT in LSCM; mature IDT in LSCM; emerging IDT in LSCM; and an Information Systems and IDT general approach in LSCM. The paper goes on to discuss the gaps found in the literature and proposes new opportunities and challenges for future research. A series of implications are presented intended to be useful from not only an academic point-of-view but also from a management focus, including recommendations for industrial managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

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