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Intense global competition, dynamic product variations, and rapid technological developments force manufacturing systems to adapt and respond quickly to various changes in the market. Such responsiveness could be achieved through new paradigms such as Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS). In this paper, the problem of configuration design for a scalable reconfigurable RMS that produces different products of a part family is addressed. In order to handle demand fluctuations of products throughout their lifecycles with minimum cost, RMS configurations must change as well. Two different approaches are developed for addressing the system configuration design in different periods. Both approaches make use of modular reconfigurable machine tools (RMTs), and adjust the production capacity of the system, with minimum cost, by adding/removing modules to/from specific RMTs. In the first approach, each production period is designed separately, while in the second approach, future information of products’ demands in all production periods is available in the beginning of system configuration design. Two new mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and integer linear programming (ILP) formulations are presented in the first and the second approaches respectively. The results of these approaches are compared with respect to many different aspects, such as total system design costs, unused capacity, and total number of reconfigurations. Analyses of the results show the superiority of both approaches in terms of exploitation and reconfiguration cost.  相似文献   

Rapid and cost-effective scalability of the throughput of manufacturing systems is an invaluable feature for the management of manufacturing enterprises. System design for scalability allows the enterprise to build a manufacturing system to supply the current demand, and upgrade its throughput in the future, in a cost-effective manner, to meet possible higher market demand in a timely manner. To possess this capability, the manufacturing system must be designed at the outset for future expansions in its throughput to enable growths in supply exactly when needed by the market. A mathematical method that maximises the system throughput after reconfiguration is proposed, and an industrial case is presented to validate the method. The paper offers a set of principles for system design for scalability to guide designers of modern manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

Modular reconfigurable machines offer the possibility to efficiently produce a family of different parts. This paper formalises a cost optimisation problem for flow lines equipped with reconfigurable machines which carry turrets, machining modules and single spindles. The proposed models take into account constraints related to: (i) design of machining modules, turrets, and machines, (ii) part locations, and (iii) precedence relations among operations. The goal is to minimise equipment cost while reaching a given output and satisfying all the constraints. A mixed integer programming model is developed for the considered optimisation problem. The approach is validated through an industrial case study and extensive numerical experiments.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design and loading of Cellular Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems in the presence of alternative routing and multiple time periods. These systems consist of multiple reconfigurable machining cells, each of which has Reconfigurable Machine Tools and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines. Each reconfigurable machine has a library of feasible auxiliary machine modules for achieving particular operational capabilities, while each CNC machine has an automatic tool changer and a tool magazine of a limited capacity. The proposed approach consists of two phases: the machine cell design phase which involves the grouping of machines into machine cells, and the cell loading phase that determines the routing mix and the tool and module allocation. In this paper, the cell design problem is modelled as an Integer Linear Programming formulation, considering the multiple process plans of each part type as if they were separate part types. Once the manufacturing cells are formed, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model is developed for the cell loading problem, considering multi-period demands for the part types, and minimising transportation and holding costs while keeping the machine and cell utilisations in each period, and the system utilisation across periods, approximately balanced. An illustrative problem and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

To remain competitive in currently unpredictable markets, the enterprises must adapt their manufacturing systems to frequent market changes and high product variety. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) promise to offer a rapid and cost-effective response to production fluctuations under the condition that their configuration is attentively studied and optimised. This paper presents a decision support tool for designing reconfigurable machining systems to be used for family part production. The objective is to elaborate a cost-effective solution for production of several part families. This design issue is modelled as a combinatorial optimisation problem. An illustrative example and computational experiments are discussed to reveal the application of the proposed methodology. Insight gained would be useful to the decision-makers managing the configuration of manufacturing systems for diversified products.  相似文献   

Integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS) is a manufacturing strategy that considers process planning and scheduling as an integrated function rather than two separated functions performed sequentially. In this paper, we propose a new heuristic to IPPS problem for reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS). An RMS consists mainly of reconfigurable machine tools (RMTs), each with multiple configurations, and can perform different operations with different capacities. The proposed heuristic takes into account the multi-configuration nature of machines to integrate both process planning and scheduling. To illustrate the applicability and the efficiency of the proposed heuristic, a numerical example is presented where the heuristic is compared to a classical sequential process planning and scheduling strategy using a discrete-event simulation framework. The results show an advantage of the proposed heuristic over the sequential process planning and scheduling strategy.  相似文献   

Customer requirements have become very dynamic and unprecedented. A manufacturing paradigm called reconfigurable manufacturing system was initiated to adjust the physical machine entities. The main enabler of a machine structure’s reconfigurability is a modular design approach. The paper explains a function-driven object-oriented methodology for the design and reconfiguration of RBPMs. The complete method aims to optimise initial design of RBPMs, followed by subsequent design of RPBM modules which are stored in a module library so as to enable full-automatic reconfiguration of the RBPMs. The methodology is implemented on a pilot project to design a 145 ton bending capacity RBPM, with a maximum reconfigured length of 5?m and total height of 3?m. In order to deduce the design for the reconfigurable bending press machine, the reconfigurability needs were identified first, followed by the construction of a function tree for the machine. The function tree identifies the primary function for the RBPM, which is to bend sheet metal. The primary function is further decomposed to lower level functions until terminal functions are arrived at. The terminal functions are then used to identify the modules for the machine. The modules implement specific brunches of the machine functions.  相似文献   

Low costs, high reactivity and high quality products are necessary criteria for industries to achieve competitiveness in nowadays market. In this context, reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) have emerged to fulfil these requirements. RMS is one of the latest manufacturing paradigms, where machines components, software or material handling units can be added, removed, modified or interchanged as needed and when imposed by the necessity to react and respond rapidly and cost-effectively to changing. This research work addresses the multi-objective single-product multi-unit process plan generation problem in a reconfigurable manufacturing environment where three hybrid heuristics are proposed and compared namely: repetitive single-unit process plan heuristic (RSUPP), iterated local search on single-unit process plans heuristic (LSSUPP) and archive-based iterated local search heuristic (ABILS). Single-unit process plans are generated using the adapted non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). Moreover, in addition to the minimisation of the classical total production cost and the total completion time, the minimisation of the maximum machines exploitation time is considered as a novel optimisation criterion, in order to have high quality products. To illustrate the applicability of the three approaches, examples are presented and the obtained numerical results are analysed.  相似文献   

Traditionally, flow times distance is used as a surrogate for cost in facility design. However, this performance measure does not fully capture the impact of facility design decisions on operational performance measures such as cycle time and work-in-progress in the system, which are often more meaningful for managers, especially in a manufacturing environment. To better measure operational performance, modelling of material handling systems using a queueing network must be integrated in the facility design process. A number of approaches are discussed in the facility design literature for modelling material flow using queueing networks. In these approaches, Poisson arrival or Markovian job routing assumptions have been used. However, for many manufacturing environments, these assumptions lead to an inaccurate estimation of the material handling system's performance and thus lead to poor facility designs. Incorporating more general queueing results for non-Markovian systems is difficult, however, because the facility design process must investigate a large number of potential solutions and thus the results from the queueing models for the material handling system must be quickly obtained. In this paper, the need for more general queueing models of material handling systems in facility design is confirmed. Then, an approach based on multi-class queueing models is adapted to capture the change in variability of the system performance caused by both different arrangements of workstations in the facility and different arrival processes to the workstations due to the job routing in a computationally efficient manner. The proposed modelling approach is shown to provide more accurate results than previous methods used in facility design based on numerical comparisons with results from discrete-event simulation.  相似文献   

As the industrial requirements change at a rapid pace due to the drastic evolution of technology, the necessity of quickly investigating potential system alternatives towards a more efficient manufacturing system design arises more intensely than ever. Manufacturing systems simulation has proven to be a powerful tool for designing and evaluating a manufacturing system due to its low cost, quick analysis, low risk and meaningful insight that it may provide, improving thus the understanding of the influence of each component. Simulation comprises an indispensable set of IT tools and methods for the successful implementation of digital manufacturing. It allows experimentation and validation of product, process, and system design and configuration. This paper investigates the major historical milestones in the evolution of manufacturing systems simulation technologies and examines recent industrial and research approaches in key fields of manufacturing. It describes how the urge towards digitalisation of manufacturing in the context of the 4th Industrial revolution has shaped simulation in the design and operation of manufacturing systems and reviews the new approaches that have arisen in the literature. Particular focus is given to technologies in the digitalised factories of the future that are gaining ground in industrial applications simulation, offering multiple advantages.  相似文献   

One-piece flow is a design rule that entails production in manufacturing cells on a ‘make one, check one, and move-on one’ basis (Black, J.T., 2007. Design rules for implementing Toyota Production System. International Journal of Production Research, 45 (16), 3639–3664), which reduces manufacturing lead time significantly. This paper proposes a sequential methodology comprised of a mathematical model and a heuristic approach (HA) for the design of a hybrid cellular manufacturing system (HMS), to facilitate one-piece flow practice. The mathematical model is employed in the cases of small- and medium-sized problems, and it attempts to minimise the total number of exceptional operations, while considering machine capacities and alternative machines. The machine-part matrix achieved by the mathematical model is input into the flow line design stage of the HA, where backflow within the cells is eliminated. However, for industrial problems, the proposed HA is utilised. After the formation of the cells by clustering, the HA attempts to eliminate exceptional operations of a given cellular configuration together with a functional structure by employing alternative machines, based on the decision rules developed. Later, unidirectional flow within the cells is achieved and the capacity and budget constraints are satisfied. A medium-sized problem is solved by using both of the approaches, namely, the model integrated with the flow-line design stage of the HA and the complete HA. The results are discussed and the limitations are explained.  相似文献   

We introduce a menu-driven user-friendly decision support system (DSS) for supply chain planning based on optimisation. The DSS is based on a multi-source (supplier), multi-destination (warehouse) network having multiple manufacturing facilities, with multiple materials and multiple storage areas. This integrated supply chain model performs multiple period planning. The use of this DSS requires little knowledge of management sciences tools. We discuss the need for an integrated approach towards supply chain modelling for the process industry. We present the integrated model in the form of a database structure. We validate the model with the real data of a zinc company and demonstrate the impact of optimisation in terms of percentage improvement. The result shows that it is possible to improve unit contribution to profit from 1.89 to 4.66%.  相似文献   

Modelling complex systems poses significant challenges on how one represents the system components and interactions among them. In order to provide a systematic approach to represent human participation as a part of a dynamic system, this paper presents a formal automata model of human-machine cooperative systems that incorporates human capabilities with respect to system conditions. Specifically, we propose a control model for human-involved shop floor systems based on discrete event-based systems (DES) and an environmental concept known as an affordance. When modelling human-involved systems where a human operator is considered a crucial system component, it is necessary to analyse the model complexity that increases significantly due to a human's behavioural patterns. From the perspective of the temporal and physical state domains a human operator's behaviour is usually limited by attention and resource constraints. We investigate these limitations and map them into constrained system affordances, and then construct a formal human-machine cooperative model based on the finite state automaton (FSA) model. The proposed model can provide a framework to combine human activities into systems operations in consideration of human's effectivities and system affordances. A detailed application example is provided to illustrate that the proposed model can effectively be applied to manufacturing control systems.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Software Design Specification and Analysis Technique (SDSAT) for safety-critical systems based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). During software development phases, the design phase performs an important role in connecting the requirements phase and the implementation phase, and it is a process of translating software requirements into software structures. In this work, the Nuclear FBD-style Design Specification and analysis (NuFDS) approach was proposed for nuclear Instrumentation and Control (I&C) software. The NuFDS approach is suggested in a straightforward manner for effective and formal software design specification and analysis. Accordingly, the proposed NuFDS approach is composed of a software design specification technique and a software design analysis technique. In addition, for tool support in the design phase, we developed the NuSDS tool based on the NuFDS approach; this tool is used specifically for generating software design specification and analysis for nuclear fields.  相似文献   

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