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Recommending online news articles has become a promising research direction as the Internet provides fast access to real-time information from multiple sources around the world. Many online readers have their own reading preference on news articles; however, a group of users might be interested in similar fascinating topics. It would be helpful to take into consideration the individual and group reading behavior simultaneously when recommending news items to online users. In this paper, we propose PENETRATE, a novel PErsonalized NEws recommendaTion framework using ensemble hieRArchical clusTEring to provide attractive recommendation results. Specifically, given a set of online readers, our approach initially separates readers into different groups based on their reading histories, where each user might be designated to several groups. Once a collection of newly-published news items is provided, we can easily construct a news hierarchy for each user group. When recommending news articles to a given user, the hierarchies of multiple user groups that the user belongs to are merged into an optimal one. Finally a list of news articles are selected from this optimal hierarchy based on the user’s personalized information, as the recommendation result. Extensive empirical experiments on a set of news articles collected from various popular news websites demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

User profiling is an important step for solving the problem of personalized news recommendation. Traditional user profiling techniques often construct profiles of users based on static historical data accessed by users. However, due to the frequent updating of news repository, it is possible that a user’s fine-grained reading preference would evolve over time while his/her long-term interest remains stable. Therefore, it is imperative to reason on such preference evaluation for user profiling in news recommenders. Besides, in content-based news recommenders, a user’s preference tends to be stable due to the mechanism of selecting similar content-wise news articles with respect to the user’s profile. To activate users’ reading motivations, a successful recommender needs to introduce “somewhat novel” articles to users.In this paper, we initially provide an experimental study on the evolution of user interests in real-world news recommender systems, and then propose a novel recommendation approach, in which the long-term and short-term reading preferences of users are seamlessly integrated when recommending news items. Given a hierarchy of newly-published news articles, news groups that a user might prefer are differentiated using the long-term profile, and then in each selected news group, a list of news items are chosen as the recommended candidates based on the short-term user profile. We further propose to select news items from the user–item affinity graph using absorbing random walk model to increase the diversity of the recommended news list. Extensive empirical experiments on a collection of news data obtained from various popular news websites demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

News personalized recommendation has long been a favorite research in recommender. Previous methods strive to satisfy the users by constructing the users’ preference profiles. Traditionally, most of recent researches use users’ reading history (content based) or access pattern (collaborative filtering based) to recommend newly published news to them. In this way, they only considered the relationship between news articles and the users and ignored the context of news report background. In other words, they fail to provide more useful information with considering the progression of the news story chain. In this paper, we propose to define the quality of a news story chain. Besides, we propose a method to construct a news story chain on a news corpus with date information. At last, we use a greedy selection method for filtering the final recommended news articles with considering accuracy and diversity. In this way, we can provide the news articles for users and meet their requirement: after reading the recommended news, the user gains a better understanding of the progression of the news story they read before. Finally, we designed several experiments compared to the state-of-the-art approaches, and the experimental results show that our proposed method significantly improves the accuracy, diversity and NDCG metrics.  相似文献   

新闻每时每刻都在发生,阅读新闻已经成为很多人的习惯。新闻媒体众多,网络媒体凭其迅捷性和便利性成为很多人的首选。网络新闻众多导致新闻过载,这就迫切需要个性化的新闻推荐系统,帮助用户快速地找到感兴趣的新闻。伴随着新闻大数据的产生和移动互联网的蓬勃发展,个性化新闻推荐迎来了新的机遇和挑战。首先介绍了个性化新闻推荐的挑战性;然后提出了个性化新闻推荐系统的基本框架,该框架包含新闻建模、用户建模、推荐引擎和用户接口四个模块,并以该框架为基础,分别综述了每个模块的研究进展,列举了现有的个性化新闻推荐系统中四个模块所采用的技术;最后总结了常用数据集、实验方法、评测指标和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

In the last decade, the advances in technology along with the ease of access to information have dramatically changed the World Wide Web status during the last few years. The Internet acts as a means of finding useful information and more specifically news articles. Additionally, more and more people want to utilize their mobile devices towards the scope of reading news articles. The aforementioned situation generates a significant, yet almost untouched problem: easily locating interesting news articles on a daily basis within the space that is available on the small screen device. In our work, we propose a framework that, by utilizing RSS feeds, is able to personalize on the needs of the users and on the capabilities of their device, in order to present to them only a fraction of the news articles and merely the useful information that derives from them. Deploying a generalized, multi-functional mechanism that produces efficient results for the situation described, seems to be a panacea for most of the text-based, information retrieval needs. Within this framework we created PeRSSonal, a mechanism that is able to create personalized, pre-categorized, dynamically generated RSS feeds focalized on the end user's small screen device. The system is based on algorithms that incorporate the user into the categorization and summarization procedures, while the articles are presented back to him/her according to her interests and the client device capacity.  相似文献   


Nowadays, more and more news readers read news online where they have access to millions of news articles from multiple sources. In order to help users find the right and relevant content, news recommender systems (NRS) are developed to relieve the information overload problem and suggest news items that might be of interest for the news readers. In this paper, we highlight the major challenges faced by the NRS and identify the possible solutions from the state-of-the-art. Our discussion is divided into two parts. In the first part, we present an overview of the recommendation solutions, datasets, evaluation criteria beyond accuracy and recommendation platforms being used in the NRS. We also talk about two popular classes of models that have been successfully used in recent years. In the second part, we focus on the deep neural networks as solutions to build the NRS. Different from previous surveys, we study the effects of news recommendations on user behaviors and try to suggest possible remedies to mitigate those effects. By providing the state-of-the-art knowledge, this survey can help researchers and professional practitioners have a better understanding of the recent developments in news recommendation algorithms. In addition, this survey sheds light on the potential new directions.


Social annotation systems enable the organization of online resources with user-defined keywords. Collectively these annotations provide a rich information space in which users can discover resources, organize and share their finds, and connect to other users with similar interests. However, the size and complexity of these systems can lead to information overload and reduced utility for users. For these reasons, researchers have sought to apply the techniques of recommender systems to deliver personalized views of social annotation systems. To date, most efforts have concentrated on the problem of tag recommendation – personalized suggestions for possible annotations. Resource recommendation has not received the same systematic evaluation, in part because the task is inherently more complex. In this article, we provide a general formulation for the problem of resource recommendation in social annotation systems that captures these variants, and we evaluate two cases: basic resource recommendation and tag-specific resource recommendation. We also propose a linear-weighted hybrid framework for resource recommendation. Using six real-world datasets, we show that its integrative approach is essential for this recommendation task and provides the most adaptability given the varying data characteristics in different social annotation systems. We find that our algorithm is more effective than other more mathematically-complex techniques and has the additional advantages of flexibility and extensibility.  相似文献   

随着AI、5G、AR/VR等新技术的快速发展,内容类应用如电子商务、社交网络、短视频等层出不穷,导致信息过载问题日益严重。人工智能技术的发展推动了智能算法的爆炸式运用,作为智能算法的一种,推荐算法在大数据、应用场景和计算力的推动下,通过信息过滤技术,为用户提供适应兴趣及行为的个性化及高质量的推荐服务,逐步提高了用户的使用体验、内容分发效率,在一定程度上缓解了信息过载的问题。但推荐算法的潜在偏见、黑盒化特性及内容分发方式也逐渐带来了决策结果不公平性、不可解释性,信息茧房、侵犯用户隐私等安全挑战。如何提高推荐算法的可解释性、公平性、可信程度等越来越受到国内外政府监管部门、产业及学术界的重点关注,推荐系统和推荐算法也由此从发展期进入管制期。为此,本文针对新闻推荐领域,分析推荐算法的稿件画像、用户画像、推荐推送、反馈干预和人工复审等关键要素,围绕推荐算法生态的参与者,如内容生产者、受众、算法模型、新闻平台,从公平性、可解释性和抗抵赖性三个方面提出了一种新闻推荐算法可信评价体系,并进行定量或定性分析。公平性、可解释性和抗抵赖性是正相关关系,当公平性和抗抵赖性越强、可解释程度越高,新闻推荐算法的可信度越高。希望弥补新闻推荐算法领域的可信研究的空白,建立可信推荐算法生态,加速安全推荐系统的建立和推广,同时为智能算法可信研究提供参考,为智能算法的监管和治理提供思路。  相似文献   

A semantic-expansion approach to personalized knowledge recommendation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The rapid propagation of the Internet and information technologies has changed the nature of many industries. Fast response and personalized recommendations have become natural trends for all businesses. This is particularly important for content-related products and services, such as consulting, news, and knowledge management in an organization. The digital nature of their products allows for more customized delivery over the Internet. To provide personalized services, however, a complete understanding of user profile and accurate recommendation are essential.In this paper, an Internet recommendation system that allows customized content to be suggested based on the user's browsing profile is developed. The method adopts a semantic-expansion approach to build the user profile by analyzing documents previously read by the person. Once the customer profile is constructed, personalized contents can be provided by the system. An empirical study using master theses in the National Central library in Taiwan shows that the semantic-expansion approach outperforms the traditional keyword approach in catching user interests. The proper usage of this technology can increase customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

将个性化推荐技术运用于新闻阅读应用,以其快速、精准的特点帮助用户快捷获取兴趣新闻,是值得挖掘的研究方向。设计并实现了一种新闻推荐系统,该系统基于用户协同过滤推荐技术,通过收集用户数据,计算阅读耗时因子对用户偏好值进行修正,纳入新闻热度影响并通过热度惩罚用户相似度值;然后基于相似邻居集对用户未阅读的新闻进行Top-N排序得到推荐列表,从而向用户推送其感兴趣的新闻。经测试,原型系统能够实时更新用户兴趣模型,达到推新、推准的效果,各项功能均已达到设计预期目标。  相似文献   

This paper describes Hyper Media News (HMNews), a system for the automated aggregation and consumption of information streams from digital television and the Internet. TV newscasts are automatically segmented, annotated and indexed. Such information is then integrated with those available from Internet blogs, newspapers and press agencies. The end result is a set of innovative information services that supplies retrieval, recommendation and browsing of multi-modal news items across different production paradigms, ranging from traditional professional media, e.g. television and press, to new user-centric media platforms such as social networking sites, internet forums and blogs.  相似文献   

进入大数据时代,信息超载是互联网用户面临的一个严重的问题,个性化推荐是解决此问题的一个非常有潜力的办法。在学术领域,学术资源个性化推荐是解决信息超载的有效途径,其为用户推荐符合其兴趣的个性化学术信息。从个性化推荐过程的用户建模、推荐对象建模和推荐策略等三个模块角度对现有学术资源个性化推荐研究进行了探讨。针对目前广泛应用的学术资源个性化推荐方法,包括基于内容的推荐、协同过滤推荐和基于网络结构的推荐等,总结其研究的关键点和存在问题,并对学术资源个性化推荐的研究趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

新闻推荐是互联网推荐系统的研究热点之一,传统的新闻推荐方法是在新闻网站内,通过记录用户浏览的新闻来实现推荐应用。然而,许多新闻网站并不强制要求用户必须注册才能浏览新闻。微博作为目前最主流的自媒体形式,它由用户自己发起或传递,进而实现草根媒体的职能。对新闻进行高效组织并使用微博进行新闻推荐,这是之前研究欠缺的。该文通过提出基于微博分析的新闻推荐,提出了基于新闻和微博本身特点的解决方法,从而实现微博和新闻的关联。实验表明,该文设计的各模块具备较高的效率和实用效果。  相似文献   

Many commercial systems and much R&D work are aimed at easing the information explosion problem resulting from the advent of the Information Superhighway. One solution is to personalize the information to the specific interests of a user. A personalized news system named DeNews has been developed to track multilingual news sources, filter the relevant news articles, learn about the users's interests, sort news articles into defined classes, deliver them in full or summarized form, and translate them to a specific language. Many advanced text and natural language processing techniques are required to implement these functions and to facilitate the multilingual aspect of DeNews and the overall management of the huge amount of news articles. It is envisaged that the technology developed with DeNews will be especially suitable in a domain-specific corporate business environment, where accurate and timely information is critical.  相似文献   

随着互联网的飞速发展和目前传统搜索引擎存在的各种弊端,个性化搜索引擎的出现成为了一个必然;同时随着信息过载问题的出现,个性化推荐系统也已成为了不少领域关注的热点。本文将个性化推荐系统与个性化搜索引擎相结合,将推荐模式引入个性化搜索引擎中,研究并设计一个基于模式推荐的个性化搜索引擎。  相似文献   

News recommendation and user interaction are important features in many Web-based news services. The former helps users identify the most relevant news for further information. The latter enables collaborated information sharing among users with their comments following news postings. This research is intended to marry these two features together for an adaptive recommender system that utilizes reader comments to refine the recommendation of news in accordance with the evolving topic. This then turns the traditional “push-data” type of news recommendation to “discussion” moderator that can intelligently assist online forums. In addition, to alleviate the problem of recommending essentially identical articles, the relationship (duplicate, generalization, or specialization) between recommended news articles and the original posting is investigated. Our experiments indicate that our proposed solutions provide an improved news recommendation service in forum-based social media.  相似文献   

On the Web, where information is vast and users are numerous, personalization that aims to offer suitable information to suitable users is essential. To sustain their competitive advantage, portal sites attract many users' attention by supplying personalized content. Most Web content providers offer all users the same content, failing to satisfy individual users' needs. Providers should be able to offer suitable users suitable content with suitable speed. To do so, they must be able to identify customers, predict their interests, determine appropriate content, and deliver it in a personalized format during customers' online sessions. In this paper, the author presents a digital-content recommender system that suggests Web content, in this case news articles, based on a user's preference when he or she visits an Internet news site and reads the published articles. This recommender system creates a one-to-one relationship between the content provider and the user, raises the user's satisfaction, and increases loyalty toward the content provider.  相似文献   

In a language curriculum, the training of reading ability is one of the most important aspects. Previous studies have shown the importance of assigning proper articles to individual students for training their reading ability; nevertheless, previous experience has also shown the challenges of this issue owing to the complexity of personal factors as well as the diverse properties of the candidate articles to be taken into consideration. This study proposes a knowledge engineering approach for developing reading material recommendation systems by eliciting domain knowledge from multiple experts. Experimental results on 29 senior high school students show that the developed system is able to provide expert-like recommendations to the students by taking preferences and knowledge levels of individual students as well as categories and traits of articles into consideration.  相似文献   


The Internet of Things (IoT) holds the promise to blend real-world and online behaviors in principled ways, yet we are only beginning to understand how to effectively exploit insights from the online realm into effective applications in smart environments. Such smart environments aim to provide an improved, personalized experience based on the trail of user interactions with smart devices, but how does recommendation in smart environments differ from the usual online recommender systems? And can we exploit similarities to truly blend behavior in both realms to address the fundamental cold-start problem? In this article, we experiment with behavioral user models based on interactions with smart devices in a museum, and investigate the personalized recommendation of what to see after visiting an initial set of Point of Interests (POIs), a key problem in personalizing museum visits or tour guides, and focus on a critical one-shot POI recommendation task—where to go next? We have logged users' onsite physical information interactions during visits in an IoT-augmented museum exhibition at scale. Furthermore, we have collected an even larger set of search logs of the online museum collection. Users in both sets are unconnected, for privacy reasons we do not have shared IDs. We study the similarities between users' online digital and onsite physical information interaction behaviors, and build new behavioral user models based on the information interaction behaviors in (i) the physical exhibition space, (ii) the online collection, or (iii) both. Specifically, we propose a deep neural multilayer perceptron (MLP) based on explicitly given users' contextual information, and set-based extracted features using users' physical information interaction behaviors and similar users' digital information interaction behaviors. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed behavioral user modeling approach, using both physical and online user information interaction behaviors, improves the onsite POI recommendation baselines' performances on all evaluation metrics. Our proposed MLP approach achieves 83% precision at rank 1 on the critical one-shot POI recommendation problem, realizing the high accuracy needed for fruitful deployment in practical situations. Furthermore, the MLP model is less sensitive to amount of real-world interactions in terms of the seen POIs set-size, by backing of to the online data, hence helps address the cold start problem in recommendation. Our general conclusion is that it is possible to fruitfully combine information interactions in the online and physical world for effective recommendation in smart environments.  相似文献   

陶天一  王清钦  付聿炜  熊贇  俞枫  苑博 《计算机工程》2021,47(6):98-103,114
个性化新闻资讯推荐能够有效地捕捉用户兴趣,提供高质量推荐服务的能力,因而吸引了大量高黏性用户,而知识图谱则以“实体-关系-实体”的形式表示事物间的关系,通过知识图谱中实体间的关系学习到更丰富的特征及语义信息。为更好地实现金融领域新闻的个性化推荐,提出一种基于知识图谱的个性化推荐算法KHA-CNN。结合金融业知识图谱,采用基于知识的卷积神经网络和层次注意力机制得到新闻文本的特征表示,并学习用户复杂行为数据特征。在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,与Random Forest、DKN、ATRank-like算法相比,KHA-CNN算法的F1和AUC指标分别提高了2.6个和1.5个百分点。  相似文献   

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