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A partial substitution of Ni by Mn was implemented in order to improve the hydriding and dehydriding kinetics of the Mg2Ni-type alloys.The nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg2Ni-type Mg2Ni1-xMnx(x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4) alloys were synthesized by the melt-spinning technique.The structures of the as-cast and spun alloys were studied by X-ray diffractometry(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM).The hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics of the alloys ...  相似文献   

In order to improve the hydriding and dehydriding kinetics of the Mg2Ni-type alloys, Ni in the alloy is substituted by element Co. The nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg2Ni-type Mg2Ni1−x Co x (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) alloys were synthesized by melt-spinning technique. The structures of the as-cast and spun alloys were studied with an X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and a high resolution transmission electronic microscope (HRTEM). An investigation on the thermal stability of the as-spun alloys was carried out with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics of the alloys were measured with an automatically controlled Sieverts apparatus. The results demonstrate that the substitution of Co for Ni does not alter the major phase of Mg2Ni but results in the formation of secondary phase MgCo2. No amorphous phase is detected in the as-spun Co-free alloy, but a certain amount of amorphous phase is clearly found in the as-spun Co-containing alloys. The substitution of Co for Ni exerts a slight influence on the hydriding kinetics of the as-spun alloy. However, it dramatically enhances the dehydriding kinetics of the as-cast and spun alloys. As Co content (x) increases from 0 to 0.4, the hydrogen desorption capacity increases from 0.19% to 1.39% (mass fraction) in 20 min for the as-cast alloy, and from 0.89% to 2.18% (mass fraction) for the as-spun alloy (30 m/s).  相似文献   

为了改善La-Mg-Ni-Co系贮氢电极合金的综合电化学性能,研究了退火处理对La0.7Mg0.3(Ni0.85Co0.15)3.4相结构和电化学性能的影响.在1 073 ~1 223 K下退火9 h制得样品,并进行了XRD分析以及恒电流充放电、线性极化和恒电位阶跃3种电化学测试.结果表明,铸态和退火态合金均由具有PuNi3结构的主相及少量杂相组成.退火态合金相的成分和结构均匀性得到明显改善,并具有较低的吸氢体积膨胀率.退火处理使合金的最大放电容量有所提高,循环稳定性得到明显改善.退火态合金放电容量的提高与合金中主相丰度的增大密切相关.合金循环稳定性的改善主要归结于退火态合金具有较低的吸氢体积膨胀率和较好的合金成分均匀性.  相似文献   

非化学计量比对贮氢合金Mm(NiCoMnAl)5Bx电化学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了稀土系非化学计量比贮氢合金Mm(NiCoMrLAl5)5Bx(x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)微观结构及电化学性能,分析了非化学计量比x对贮氢合金电化学性能的影响.研究结果表明,铸态非化学计量比合金Mn(NiCoMnAl)5Bx具有双相组织,主相为CaCu5结构相,还有少量CeCO4B第二相,第二相的相丰度随x的增加而增大.经22m/s淬速快淬处理后,合金中的第二相消失.随非化学计量比x的增加,合金的电化学容量下降,但活化性能、倍率放电能力循环寿命明显提高,放电电压特性得到一定改善.  相似文献   

采用真空电弧熔炼和热处理方法制备了La1-xCexNi3.54Co0.78Mn0.35Al0.32(x=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)贮氢合金.X射线衍射(XRD)分析表明,合金含有单一CaCu5型六方结构相.电化学性能测试表明,随着x的增加,合金的最大放电容量从348.1mAh/g(x=0.1)单调地减小到310.1 mAh/g(x=0.6);HRD1200先从28.6%(x=0.1)增加到65.4%(x=0.5)然后降低到60.1%(x=0.6),归因于合金表面的电催化活性和合金体内氢原子扩散速率均随x的增大先增大后减小.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionRare earth-based hydrogenstorage alloys ofAB5typehave beenthe most major electrode material for small-sizeNi/MHbatteries because of their high discharge capacity,superior highrate capability andfavorable ratio of pricetoperformance. But their electrochemical performances be-come worse when the alloys are applied to large-size Ni/MHbatteries of electric vehicles .Thisfact may be due tothe rising of temperature inside the large batteries causedbythe high electric current of char…  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg-Nd-Ni-Cu quaternary alloys with a composition of(Mg_(24)Ni_(10)Cu_2)_(100-x)Nd_x(x=0, 5, 10, 15, 20) were prepared by melt spinning technology and their structures as well as gaseous hydrogen storage characteristics were investigated. The XRD, TEM and SEM linked with EDS detections reveal that the as-spun Nd-free alloy holds an entire nanocrystalline structure but a nanocrystalline and amorphous structure for the as-spun Nd-added alloy, implying that the addition of Nd facilitates the glass forming in the Mg_2Ni-type alloy. Furthermore, the degree of amorphization of the as-spun Nd-added alloy and thermal stability of the amorphous structure clearly increase with the spinning rate rising. The melt spinning ameliorates the hydriding and dehydriding kinetics of the alloys dramatically. Specially, the rising of the spinning rate from 0(the as-cast was defined as the spinning rate of 0 m/s) to 40 m/s brings on the hydrogen absorption saturation ratio(R_5~a)(a ratio of the hydrogen absorption quantity in 5 min to the saturated hydrogen absorption capacity) increasing from 36.9% to 91.5% and the hydrogen desorption ratio(R_(1 0)~d)(a ratio of the hydrogen desorption quantity in 10 min to the saturated hydrogen absorption capacity) rising from 16.4% to 47.7% for the(x=10) alloy, respectively.  相似文献   

为了研发高效低成本的析氢反应(HER)电催化剂和高性能的电化学储锂电极材料,通过一步水热法制备MoS2/硼掺杂石墨烯(MoS2/BG)复合材料. 结果表明,少堆积MoS2纳米片均匀地分散在硼掺杂石墨烯上,并具有较多的无序结构和扩大的层间距. 作为析氢反应电催化剂,MoS2/BG复合材料表现出较高的电催化活性和较低的Tafel斜率(46.3 mV/dec);作为电化学储锂电极材料,MoS2/BG复合材料表现出优异的电化学储锂性能,可逆比容量为1 205 mA·h/g,并具有稳定的循环性能和显著增强的高倍率特性. MoS2/BG复合材料电化学性能优异是由于硼掺杂改变石墨烯的电子性质和表面特性,以及无序结构较多的弱堆积MoS2层均匀地分散在硼掺杂石墨烯表面,增加电催化析氢反应的活性位点和电化学储锂能力,降低电极反应的电子转移阻抗,增强电极反应的动力学性能.  相似文献   

采用真空电弧熔炼和热处理方法制备了La1-x Cex Ni3.54 CO0.78 Mn0.35 A10.32(x=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)贮氢合金.x射线衍射(XRD)分析表明,合金含有单-CaCu5型六方结构相.电化学性能测试表明,随着x的增加,合金的最大放电容量从348.1mAh/g(x=0.1)单调地减小到310.1mAh/g(x=0.6);HRD1200先从28.6%(x=0.1)增加到65.4%(x=0.5)然后降低到60.1%(x=0.6),归因于合金表面的电催化活性和合金体内氢原子扩散速率均随z的增大先增大后减小.  相似文献   

系统研究了La(Ni,Sn)5+x(x=0~0.35) 无Co贮氢合金的化学计量比对其晶体结构及电化学性能的影响.X射线衍射分析仪(XRD)分析表明,上述合金均为单相CaCu5结构.但在过计量比(x>0)合金的结构中,有部分1a位置元素(La)的原子被沿c轴定向排列的Ni-Ni“哑铃”对所替代,且其替代La原子的分数随x的增大而增多,从而导致合金晶胞的c轴及c/a比值明显增大,晶胞体积有所减小,并显著降低了合金的吸氢体积膨胀率.电化学测试表明,增大x值可使合金的循环稳定性得到显著提高,但也使合金的最大放电容量和高倍率放电性能有所降低.研究发现,由于合金的化学计量比增大会使其结构中含有较多的Ni-Ni“哑铃”对,合金的抗吸氢粉化能力得到了明显的改善,从而使合金在充放电过程中的反应比表面积有所减小、腐蚀速率得到抑制、循环稳定性得到显著提高.但合金反应比表面积的减小也导致了电极反应的速率的减小,从而使其高倍率放电性能有所降低.  相似文献   

用气体雾化方法可以制备具有CaCu5型六方晶体结构MmNi5-x(CoMnAl)x的球形贮氢合金粉.其贮氢合金表面存在氧化层.气体雾化合金需要较长周期才能充分活化,然而气体雾化合金的循环寿命明显优于机械球磨合金.  相似文献   

为了研发比容量高和循环性能稳定的电化学储锂电极材料,用二甲基咪唑钴(ZIF-67)作为Co源前驱体,通过一步水热法制备Z-CoS2-MoS2/rGO(还原氧化石墨烯)复合材料,研究微观结构和电化学储锂性能. 结果表明,与采用CoCl2作为钴源制得的CoS2-MoS2/rGO相比,Z-CoS2-MoS2/rGO复合材料中CoS2粒子有着更加细小和较均匀的粒径,很好地分散在MoS2和rGO表面,形成了相应的异质结构. 作为电化学储锂电极材料,Z-CoS2-MoS2/rGO的可逆比容量可以达到1 092 mA·h/g,经900次循环后在500 mA/g电流密度下保持了941 mA·h/g的储锂可逆比容量,显示了稳定的充放电循环性能. Z-CoS2-MoS2/rGO优异的电化学储锂性能主要归因于该双金属硫化物复合材料具有较多的电化学储锂电极反应电对以及复合材料中CoS2纳米颗粒、MoS2纳米片和rGO之间均匀的复合及所形成的异质结构.  相似文献   

Ti-based AB2-type hydrogen storage alloys are a group of promising materials, which will probably replace the prevalent rare earth-based AB5-type alloys and be adopted as the main cathode materials of nickelmetal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries in the near future. Alloying in side B is a major way to improve the performance of Ti-based AB2-type alloys. Based on recent studies, the effects of alloying elements in side B upon the performance of Ti-based AB2-type hydrogen storage alloys are systematically reviewed here. These performance sare divided into two categories, namely PCI characteristics, including hydrogen storage capacity (HSC), plateau pressure (PP), pressure hysteresis (PH) and pressure plateau sloping (PPS), and electrochemical properties, including discharge capacity (DC), activation property ( AP), cycling stability (CS) and high-rate dischargeability (HRD). Furthermore, the existing problems in these investigations and some suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

利用熔体淬冷法制备出不同速度下的4种合金薄带,研究了快凝对贮氢合金电化学性能的影响.合金的晶体结构采用XRD和SEM进行表征.结果显示,铸态和快凝合金都是单一的CaCu5相结构,快凝后的合金组织变得更加细密,晶粒变小而且更加均匀.电化学实验结果表明,快凝显著提高了合金的稳定性,但是降低了合金的放电容量和高倍率性能,铸态...  相似文献   

The nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg2Ni-type Mg2Ni1?x Co x (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) alloys were synthesized by melt quenching technology. The structures of the as-cast and quenched alloys were characterized by XRD, SEM and HRTEM. The gaseous hydrogen storage kinetics of the alloys was measured using an automatically controlled Sieverts apparatus. The alloy electrodes were charged and discharged with a constant current density in order to investigate the electrochemical hydrogen storage kinetics of the alloys. The results demonstrate that the substitution of Co for Ni results in the formation of secondary phases MgCo2 and Mg instead of altering the major phase Mg2Ni. No amorphous phase is detected in the as-quenched Cofree alloy, however, a certain amount of amorphous phase is clearly found in the as-quenched alloys substituted by Co. Furthermore, both the rapid quenching and the Co substitution significantly improve the gaseous and electrochemical hydrogen storage kinetics of the alloys, for which the notable increase of the hydrogen diffusion coefficient (D) along with the limiting current density (I L ) and the obvious decline of the electrochemical impedance generated by both the Co substitution and the rapid quenching are basically responsible.  相似文献   

The diversities of hydrogen sorption properties of Mg2FeH6-based complexes with and without TiO2 were investigated. Mg2FeH6-based complexes with and without TiO2 were synthesized respectively by reactive mechanical alloying, and hydrogen sorption properties of the complexes were examined by Sieverts-type apparatus. The results show that the sample without TiO2 releases 4.43 % (mass fraction) hydrogen in 1.5 ks at 653 K under 0.1 MPa H2 pressure and absorbs 90% of the total 4.43 % (mass fraction) hydrogen absorbed in 85 s at 623 K under 4.0 MPa H2 pressure. But for the sample with TiO2 addition under the same condition, it only needs 400 s to release all of the stored hydrogen and 60 s to absorb 90% of the total hydrogen absorbed. The activation energies for desorption process of the samples with and without TiO2 are determined to be 71.2 and 80.3 kJ/(mol·K), respectively. The improvement in hydrogen sorption rate and and reduction in activation energy can be attributed to the addition of TiO2.  相似文献   

Cu对高淬速AB5型贮氢合金电化学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Cu替代Mn(NiMnAl)4.9C00.4合金中50%的Co元素,对两种合金分别进行快淬处理,测试了它们的活化性能,放电容量,放电电压性能和高倍率放电能力,试验结果表明,Cu替代Co元素不影响合金的活化次数,且使放电容量,低倍率放电电压平台得到明显改善,但高倍率放电电压特性格略有降低,合金的高倍率放电能力下降。  相似文献   

为了研究Mn替代Ni对AB3.5型储氢合金结构及电化学性能的影响,采用电弧炉熔炼制备LaNi3.15-xMnxCo0.25Al0.1合金。采用XRD、SEM等材料分析方法以及恒电流充放电等电化学测试技术,研究LaNi3.15-xMnxCo0.25Al0.1(0≤x≤0.3)合金的结构和电化学储氢性能。结果表明:LaNi3.15-xMnxCo0.25Al0.1(0≤x≤0.3)合金由多相组合形成,合金的主相为LaNi5和La2Ni7;随着Mn替代Ni含量的增加,LaNi5相中a轴和c轴以及晶胞体积增加;合金电极的最大放电容量有所升高,由x=0的238mA·h/g逐渐增加到x=0.3的277.1mA·h/g;高倍率性能随着Mn含量的增加先升高后降低,在x=0.2时合金的高倍率性能最佳。  相似文献   

用铸造及快淬工艺制备了La-Mg-Ni系(PuNi3型)贮氢合金La2Mg(Ni0.85Co0.15)9Bx(x=0,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2),分析测试了铸态及快淬态合金的微观结构与电化学容量,研究了硼及快淬工艺对合金微观结构及电化学容量的影响.结果表明,铸态合金具有多相结构,包括(La,Mg)Ni3相(PuNi3型)、LaNi5相,一定量的LaNi2相和微量的Ni2B相,经快淬处理后Ni2B相消失.硼的加入对铸态及快淬态合金的容量产生不同的影响,铸态合金的容量随硼含量的增加而单调下降,而快淬态合金的容量随硼含量的增加有一极大值.快淬处理对含硼及不含硼合金的容量也有不同的影响,随淬速的增加,不含硼合金的容量单调下降,而含硼合金的容量可以获得一个极大值.  相似文献   

综述了近几年稀土-镁-镍基贮氢合金电极材料相结构与电化学性能等方面的研究进展。介绍了改善合金电化学性能的方法,包括合金组成的改进、热处理、表面处理、制备复合合金等方法。讨论了稀土-镁-镍基贮氢合金研究中的几个重要问题以及发展方向。  相似文献   

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