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秸秆拼贴艺术在现代家具装饰设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵雁  王春申  姜圳  郭洪武 《包装工程》2018,39(20):224-230
目的 将传统非遗文化中的秸秆拼贴艺术与绿色环保利用理念相结合,探究秸秆拼贴艺术在现代家具装饰设计中的应用理论和设计方法。方法 以民俗学、现代设计美学、工业设计、家具装饰设计等相关知识为理论基础,总结归纳传统秸秆拼贴艺术的制作工艺、应用现状及不足,对秸秆拼贴肌理表情的创新设计思路进行详细分析,使其作为新型装饰元素应用于现代家具设计。结论 对传统秸秆拼贴艺术的设计理念及制备工艺进行创新,使其与现代家具装饰相结合,既传承了非物质文化遗产,又拓展了现代家具的装饰材料和设计方法,从而满足现代社会审美,对指导现代家具装饰的创新设计有着重要意义。  相似文献   

王珊珊 《包装工程》2017,38(12):197-199
目的分析现代美式家具的装饰元素。方法从美式家具的基本特点出发,分析美式家具的新古典、仿古和乡村式风格,并以此为基础从构件、涂饰与雕刻3方面论述现代美式家具的装饰元素,对现代美式椅类家具的具体设计实践进行分析。结论美式家具追求人文简约,摒弃复杂装饰,在不断发展中形成了独具特色的装饰元素和装饰特征。学习与借鉴美式家具的设计理念和装饰形式,必定能够为我国当前的家具设计提供更多的可能性。  相似文献   

贺庆文 《包装工程》2016,37(14):174-177
目的对现代家具设计中极繁主义的应用技法进行分析。方法以艺术设计学、美学、后现代主义学、建筑装饰基本理论知识为基础,结合中西方家具设计案例,从特种涂饰、立体装饰、平面装饰三方面介绍极繁主义装饰风格在现代家具设计中的设计手法。结论极繁主义装饰风格注重满足消费者的心理需耍,强调以纷繁的装饰手法达到视觉上的审美愉悦,其作为装饰艺术一个新兴的重要组成部分能够带给中国现代家具设计新的发展契机。  相似文献   

家具装饰种类繁多、形态各异,且成散点状,一种家具装饰与另一种家具装饰似乎只是两种不同纹样或不同手法的装饰,其间并没有太多的联系性。这就引发了一个思考:怎样对纷繁复杂的家具装饰有一个整体系统的认识呢?本文从维度空间的角度对家具装饰进行了一种尝试性的分类,希望能通过此分类法,对纷繁复杂的家具装饰有一个较整体而清晰的认识,对当今家具设计师从方法论的角度更好的理解和再运用已有的家具装饰技法提供一个可能的启示。  相似文献   

云卫星 《包装工程》2019,40(8):311-313
目的探究中国传统装饰元素的功能特点和应用价值,总结其在现代家具设计中的应用策略。方法立足于现代家具与居室环境的依存关系,分析其在功能、色彩、造型、材质上的不同追求,提出现代家具设计与传统装饰元素的融合设想,从民族化、简洁化、多样化等角度探索传统装饰元素在现代家具中的表现特征,并从形的借鉴、意的延伸入手,探索龙纹装饰图案、莲花纹装饰图案以及水墨装饰元素的应用策略及实例。结论将传统文化与现代设计相融合,在家具设计中注入传统装饰元素,是体现我国设计风格的不二之选,既能继承我国传统文化,又能以全新的设计方法提升我国家具业的地位,从而在更大的层面上发扬我国的传统文化。  相似文献   

黄雄  陈易 《包装工程》2019,40(8):208-211
目的探究徽派家具的艺术特征以及对现代家具设计的启示。方法从徽派家具的风格特点、题材、材质、装饰手法、文化内涵等方面入手,探寻徽派家具的艺术特征应用于现代家具设计的可行性,分析其中蕴含的传统儒家思想、徽商的尚儒情结以及新安画派与徽雕匠人等文人志士的推动作用。结合徽派家具的制作材料、制作工艺、题材内容以及装饰技法,总结其对现代家具设计思路的启发。结论徽派家具包含了深刻的中国传统文化内涵和独具地域特色的艺术价值,其中所体现的人文情怀以及文化底蕴对现代家具设计有积极的借鉴意义。现代家具设计应当在继承与创新的基础上,吸取徽派家具中的精髓成分并合理运用。  相似文献   

目的拓宽纳西族东巴文字在设计领域的应用范围,丰富现代家具装饰和造型设计的创新形式。方法从艺术审美角度分析东巴文字的造字特点,归纳其造字中较典型的构字方法。以此为基础,提出在现代家具设计中东巴文字的应用方法和设计理念,在坚持现代家具功能性与实用性统一的原则上,以设计思路框架图为设计引导形式,结合纳西族东巴文字、服饰色彩及民间工艺等元素,融入家具造型和装饰设计;从设计的构思与定位、民族元素的选取与解读、元素的艺术处理与转化、家具形态的设计、整体调整与评价5个方面,完成设计创新实践。结论东巴文字元素在现代家具设计中的具体应用方式,例如纳西族东巴文字与现代家具设计理念融合的设计过程,对民族文化融入现代设计提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

后现代主义对现代家具设计的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李艳  王娟芬 《包装工程》2016,37(4):100-103
目的研究不同后现代主义思潮对现代家具设计的影响。方法以设计历史为线索,以设计大师经典作品为参照,分析了高技派、波普派、孟菲斯主义和解构主义等后现代主义思想对现代家具设计的影响。结论后现代主义思想对现代家具设计的影响是巨大的,它进一步丰富了现代家具设计的审美观、造型观、装饰观以及选材观,启迪了当代设计师的设计思维。  相似文献   

韩丽蓉 《包装学报》2017,9(2):89-93
螺钿工艺作为我国一种特有的器物装饰工艺,很早就被应用于家具装饰领域。在现代家具设计制作过程中,无论是中式家具还是欧式家具,采用古老的螺钿工艺技术都能产生一种独特、别致的韵味。通过机械化代替手工艺生产、借鉴国外的装饰手法和拓展新型材料的应用等创新手段,能让历史悠久的螺钿传统技术与现代技术融会贯通,从而使这项"穷极精巧"的传统工艺发扬光大。  相似文献   

广式家具的木雕装饰特征及其成因分析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
对广式家具概念进行界定,分别从木雕的装饰手法特征、题材、装饰形式分析了广式家具的木雕装饰特征,得出广式家具多使用浮雕和圆雕手法,传统和西洋图案题材并用,传统和西方雕刻形式混用的特点,并从地理位置、社会背景、文化交流等方面对广式家具的成因进行分析,总结了广式木雕这一传统装饰艺术给现代家具设计以一定的启示。  相似文献   

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is fairly well-established in Spain, informing decision-makers on the likely environmental consequences of their plans and policies. However, limited attention has been paid to the study of SEA effectiveness in Spain, particularly with regards to practitioner and stakeholder views. This paper aims to bridge this knowledge gap by gathering and examining views on SEA’s participatory aspects, the performance of the procedural elements and the overall role of SEA in decision-making. The paper describes the legal implementation of SEA in Spain, and discusses current views on its effectiveness, grounded on the authors’ own experiences.  相似文献   

The applicability of Hirsch’s h index (Hirsch, 2005) for evaluating scientific research in Spain has been investigated. A series of derivative indexes that take into account: i) the overall low scientific production in Spain before the’ 80s; ii) differences among areas due to size (overall number of citations for publications in a given area); and iii) the number of authors, are suggested. Their applicability has been tested for two different areas in the Biological Sciences. The proposed set of indexes accurately summarizes both the success and evolution of scientists’ careers in Spain, and it may be useful in the evaluation of other not well established national scientific research systems.  相似文献   

This paper takes Franco's Spain to be a powerful case study for analyzing the ways in which power shapes science and technology and is shaped by them in return. Spain was the last country in Western Europe to establish closer links with any of the international cooperative institutions emerging after WWII. As such, developments internal to Spanish society were quite autonomous and relatively free from foreign influences. The paper focuses first on the brand new, powerful institution that the Francoist regime created to promote scientific research under tight political control, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Next it turns to applied science and technology, top priorities for the regime's state‐supported programs of industrialization. They were implemented through the politically and financially powerful Instituto Nacional de Industria. Using diplomatic sources, the paper next argues that, until the late 1950s, Spain maintained substantial political and economic isolation essentially because the regime bet on autarkic policies and a model of largely isolated development. In this model, it was crucial for the regime to develop its own technological and scientific resources. Finally, the paper examines how the regime fostered a new Spanish identity in which science had a new role.  相似文献   

根据R32在空气源热泵中的研究和应用现状,介绍系统排气温度控制的3种途径,即中间压力补气(EVI)、中间压力喷液(ELI)和吸气干度控制(SX);提出根据压缩机效率和制冷剂物性预测排气温度的模型,得到R32在EVI,ELI和SX热泵系统的排气温度预测矩阵表,以压缩机吸、排气饱和温度分别为-20℃和40℃为例,为使得排气温度控制在100℃左右,EVI系统补气干度应约为0.90,ELI系统喷液量比率应约为9%,SX系统吸气干度应约为0.96。  相似文献   

以自我、父亲、名人和陌生人面孔的原始照片与合成照片为实验材料,来研究中国人在自我面孔与他人面孔认知中的特点。结果发现,左手反应条件下,名人面孔与陌生人面孔的反应时没有显著差异,自我面孔与父亲面孔的反应时没有差异,并显著快于右手反应时及名人、陌生人面孔的反应时;右手反应条件下,自我、父亲、名人面孔三者的反应时没有差异,并都显著快于陌生人面孔的反应时。结果说明,中国人的父亲面孔认知存在左手优势效应,父亲概念处在自我意识范畴之内。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of the myth of España Negra on Spanish identity and culture from the country’s crushing defeat in the Spanish-American War to the present. Spain’s loss of Cuba and the Philippines (the last remnants of its once-global empire) to the United States in 1898 gave rise to a profound national crisis and provided a catalyst for a new wave of writers, artists and intellectuals known collectively as the Generation of ’98, a movement that focused on the motives for the debacle and sought the “essence” of Spain in the sobriety of the Castilian landscape and regional customs. Conservative authors of that period such as Azorin and painters such as Ignacio Zuloaga and José Gutiérrez Solana propagated a troubling, dark vision of Spain that remained unquestioned during the Franco dictatorship and has been repeatedly revived by new generations of Spanish writers, visual artists and movie directors. The España Negra myth has had a particularly strong impact on Spanish photographers, many of who have focused on archetypes and endeavoured to create a visual record of a vanishing national heritage. José Ortiz Echagüe, whose work is examined in depth in this text, served as a reference for most Spanish photographers until the end of the 1970s in terms of both style (an outdated form of pictorialism) and subjects (landscape, country and heritage viewed from an urban perspective). The notion of España Negra has evolved and waned over time. Photographers lost interest in the topic following Franco’s death and the end of his decades-long dictatorship and looked increasingly to Europe for inspiration. This paper analyses how new generations of image-makers working in radically different circumstances have ideologically and aesthetically distanced themselves from outmoded perceptions of Spain as an irredeemably backward and underdeveloped society.  相似文献   

家用空调器室外机管路用消声装置多采用扩张室消声器。本文探讨这种消声器的消声原理和设计过程:噪声源及峰值频率确定,制冷剂声速求取,消声器长度计算,消声器安装位置和管径的确定,上、下限截止频率的验算;并用工程实例对设计过程各个环节进行说明,重点阐述单节扩张室消声器长度计算方法和在管路系统中安装位置的设计原则。  相似文献   

空气源热泵专用压缩机运行范围广,工况恶劣情况下压缩机泵体易出现磨损,尤其是曲轴偏心圆部位常因磨损而使压缩机泄漏量增加甚至出现卡死等现象。本文分析空气源热泵专用压缩机泵体零件易磨损的原因,针对曲轴偏心圆部位的磨损进行初步分析并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

This study aimed to quantify the association between pedestrian- and driver-related factors and the risk of causing road crashes involving pedestrians in urban areas in Spain between 1993 and 2011. From the nationwide police-based registry of road crashes with victims in Spain, we analyzed all 63,205 pairs of pedestrians and drivers involved in crashes in urban areas in which only the pedestrian or only the driver was at fault. Logistic regression models were used to obtain adjusted odds ratios to assess the strength of association between each individual-related variable and the pedestrian’s odds of being at fault for the crash (and conversely, the driver’s odds of not being at fault).The subgroups of road users at high risk of causing a road crash with a pedestrian in urban areas were young and male pedestrians, pedestrians with psychophysical conditions or health problems, the youngest and the oldest drivers, and drivers with markers of high-risk behaviors (alcohol use, nonuse of safety devices, and driving without a valid license). These subgroups should be targeted by preventive strategies intended to decrease the rate of urban road crashes involving pedestrians in Spain.  相似文献   

IPLV和COP对冷水机组全年能耗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析ASHRAE90.1-2010对冷水机组的COP和IPLV限定值的要求,提出用IPLV值评估冷水机组全年能耗的局限性,建议在常规项目中冷水机组选型宜注重机组COP的比较,并兼顾机组的IPLV。  相似文献   

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