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利用双轴挤压蒸煮处理技术对大豆蛋白进行处理,从质构特性、功能特性及营养特性等三方面对挤出物的组织化效果进行研究。以三个挤压操作参数供水率、螺杆转速和腔体温度为输入参数,挤出物的最大剪切力、复水率、持水率和蛋白质体外消化率为响应参数,探索挤压蒸煮系统操作参数对大豆蛋白质基本特性的影响规律,统计分析表明,三个挤压操作参数与响应参数之间存在显著的相关关系,所得拟合回归模型具有较高的可信度。挤压蒸煮处理操作参数对大豆蛋白的组织化效果有明显影响。  相似文献   

概述了大豆蛋白与其他植物蛋白、动物蛋白、淀粉等复合挤压相互作用的研究进展及相关产品开发现状,为大豆蛋白复合挤压机理与相关产品工业化生产提供理论支持。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白的挤压组织化及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛋白源紧缺一直是人类发展面临的问题,我国大豆资源丰富,如何利用好大豆,开发附加值高的大豆蛋白产品具有重要意义。综述了挤压组织化大豆蛋白的生产原理、工艺流程、特点以及挤压过程中蛋白质的作用及性质变化,并介绍了组织化大豆蛋白的应用。  相似文献   

挤压蒸煮对营养物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今各种形式的挤压工艺被广泛地用于传统产品和现代产品的生产。挤压技术以其用途广泛和经济性这两个突出优点,使其在食品工业上的应用范围不断扩大。因此,人们对挤压蒸煮对产品营养的影响进行了大量的研究。总的来说,研究结果可以消除人们因食用挤压产品而对健康方面的担心。挤压蒸  相似文献   

挤压蒸煮在乳制品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了挤压蒸煮在乳制品中的应用;论述了挤压蒸煮的优越性及其在干酪,酪蛋白酸盐,脂肪类似物的制备等方面的广阔应用前景及其重要意义。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白的挤压组织化及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了挤压组织化大豆蛋白的生产原理、工艺流程、特点以及挤压过程中蛋白质的作用及性质变化,并介绍了组织化大豆蛋白的应用。  相似文献   

蛋白质在挤压蒸煮过程中的变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
蛋白质在挤压蒸煮过程中的变化前言蛋白物料的挤压蒸煮是现代比较先进的加工工艺,第一篇关于植物蛋白组织化的专利登记于1966年。挤压蒸煮的优点很多,但作为它的一项专门用途,即用在植物蛋白肉的制造上并没达到人们预期的结果。尽管需考虑的因素很多,包括经济因素...  相似文献   

双螺杆食品挤压蒸煮研究的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了双螺杆食品挤压蒸煮研究的进展,包括大豆蛋白的挤压组织化机理、流变性能、挤出理论、挤出机头和食品挤出试验的系统分析模型,主要是针对大豆蛋白质物料。  相似文献   

以食用脱脂低温豆粕为原料,用响应面分析法,研究了DSE-25型双螺杆挤压机在大豆蛋白高水分挤压组织化过程中操作参数对单位机械能的影响。结果表明,机筒温度、物料水分含量、喂料速度和螺杆转速等操作参数对挤压机单位机械能均具有显著的影响。单位机械能耗(SME)随着机筒温度、物料水分含量和喂料速度的升高而降低,随螺杆转速的增加而增加;依据回归分析法建立的双螺杆挤压机系统参数的统计模型,具有较高的预测精度,可用于挤压过程的控制和挤压结果的预测。  相似文献   

By using a systems analytical model (SAM) and a fuzzy logic control software (fuzzy CIM) extrusion experiments were designed, that enabled a differentiation of the influence of the thermal energy input, expressed by the product temperature (PT), and the influence of the specific mechanical energy input (SME) on the molecular structure of extruded starch. The chromatographic examination of the molecular changes in the starch clearly revealed the influence of the extrusion cooking conditions on molecular degradation. The molecular size of extruded starch, expressed as the weight average of the molecular weight ( w), decreased exponentially when SME increased. In the range of 110—180 °C, PT had no significant influence on w so that the observed reduction of w was primarily dependent on the increase in SME. By contrast, the polydispersity depended both on PT and SME. The influence of PT on the polydispersity was of minor significance up to 160 °C, increasing more steeply at higher temperatures. PT increase above 180 °C resulted in increasing reducing power of the extruded starch, whereas SME had almost no effect on reducing power. Only at a PT of more than 180 °C small amounts of short chain molecules with a degree of polymerisation (DP) smaller than 6 could be determined.  相似文献   

Effect of Extrusion Cooking on in Vitro Protein Digestibility of Sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extrusion variables including moisture (15 and 2.5%), temperature (50°, 125° and 200°C) and screw speed (50, 125 and 200 rpm) of two low tannin sorghum varieties extruded with 0, 2 and 4% calcium hydroxide were studied. Protein digestibility was determined by in vitro pepsin assay. Extrusion improved digestibility from 45.9 to 74.6% and 43.9 to 68.2% for the two varieties, respectively. Temperature was the key extrusion variable that influenced digestibility. Screw speed and moisture did not have significant effects. Alteration of pH before extrusion further improved digestibility.  相似文献   

为开发糖尿病肾病患者专用主食,以低蛋白主食常用的小麦淀粉为原料,以咀嚼度和膨胀度作为品质评价指标,通过单因素及响应面优化探讨螺杆转速、加水量、挤压温度对淀粉面条品质的影响,建立低蛋白面条挤压熟化加工工艺的回归模型。各因素对面条品质的影响主次顺序为:加水量﹥螺杆转速﹥挤压温度;最佳加工工艺:螺杆转速为93 r/min,加水量为31%,挤压温度为70℃。此工艺条件下,小麦淀粉挤压面条的咀嚼度(3 908±40)g、感官评分(73.65分)略低于市售意大利面[(4 661±61)g,81.91分],面条直径[(2.80±0.05)mm]略粗于意大利面[(1.94±0.02)mm],基本不影响糖尿病、肾病患者膳食习惯。  相似文献   

采用胃蛋白酶-胰酶复合处理法对几种热加工处理的鱼肉制品进行蛋白质体外消化率的测定,从蛋白质消化率角度,将热塑挤压蒸煮处理与3种传统热加工处理进行比较,了解几种热加工处理对鱼肉蛋白质营养价值的影响。研究结果发现,热塑挤压蒸煮处理方法比3种传统热加工处理方法更能提高鱼肉蛋白质的消化率,进而表明热塑挤压蒸煮处理方法比3种传统热加工处理方法有利于提高鱼肉蛋白质的营养价值。  相似文献   

Microcoagulation of a Whey Protein Isolate by Extrusion Cooking at Acid pH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A whey protein isolate (WPI) was coagulated by thermomechanical processing in a twin screw extruder. Nonaggregated semi-solid spreads were obtained only in the pH range 3.5–3.9, at ca 20% protein (77% water), a barrel temperature of 90–100°C and a screw speed of 100–200 rpm. WPI extrusion-coagulated at pH 3.9 displayed a high nitrogen solubility (NSI) (43–47%). Electrophoresis indicated that the β-lactoglobulin constituent was entirely soluble in 1% SDS, while scanning calorimetry revealed about 82% protein unfolding. WPI extrusion-coagulated at pH 4.5–6.8 displayed lower NSI (25%), were less soluble in 1% SDS, were 88% unfolded and had grainy texture. Light microscopy, centrifugation in glycerol solutions, and laser diffractometry indicated the acid spread (pH 3.9) was composed of small coagulated particles, mean diameter 11.5 μm (volume basis).  相似文献   

研究了挤压过程中,挤压温度、螺杆转速、进料速度、原料水分含量对淀粉的糊化、降解及对挤出物的溶解指数和膨化度的影响。  相似文献   

W. Wiedmann 《Starch - St?rke》1987,39(10):352-357
Extrusion cooking is introduced as a modern high-temperature-short-time process. The cooking time at high temperatures is a matter of seconds, which has a favourable effect in maintaining the properties of the ingredients and active substances, while giving high rates for the destruction of micro-organisms. The end-products have a long shelf-life on account of their low process moisture content. The quality of extruder-cooked products depends on the extrusion system. The self-cleaning co-rotating twin-screw extruder with its narrow residence time spectrum is the optimum system. However, the counter-rotating intermeshing machine has certain advantages for products of low viscosity. Continuous extrusion cooking has economic advantages mainly because it replaces many batch processes and because extrusion is carried out entirely or almost entirely with the final moisture content, thus avoiding the necessity to evaporate huge quantities of water.  相似文献   

本文研究了利用挤压法生产玉米方便面的工艺,分别考察了玉米粉添加比例、物料水分、螺杆转速和机筒温度对产品糊化度的影响规律。初步确定在玉米粉添加比例为15%时,最佳挤压参数为:物料水分30%,螺杆转速60r/min,机筒温度120℃。  相似文献   

A large variety of cooked corn products can be prepared on rolls, in extruders or by steamcooking. Slight changes in operating conditions of the cooking equipment can bring about significant changes in absorption, solubility and viscosity properties of the cooked products. Production of processed materials with high water absorption and retaining high cooked paste viscosity appears more difficult by direct steaming than by use of the other methods. Roll-cooking should be better than extrusion-cooking for preparing materials of maximum water absorption and minimum water solubility. Such materials are well suited either for thick gruels or for industrial thickening or gelling agents. Extrusion-cooking should be better for preparing materials of minimum water absorption and maximum water solubility. Such materials are well suited either for beverages or for industrial uses where adhesive properties are desired. Steamcooking should be suitable for preconditioning before roll- or extrusion-cooking, but it appears that heating time must be held to a minimum.  相似文献   

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