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当前城市与区域规划问题的几点思考   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46  
崔功豪 《城市规划》2002,26(2):40-42
提出全球化背景下 ,需要深入研究和思考全球市场与中国区域经济实际相结合的城镇体系结构 ;对目前开展的各类城市区域规划和城市总体规划之间存在的矛盾进行了分析 ,提出目前城市区域规划需要研究和思考的问题 ;提出城市规划应注意吸取经济社会发展规划的成果 ,以满足城市社会经济发展的需要。  相似文献   

The multiple benefits of water reuse have yet to be fully realized in our urban water management systems. One pathway to optimal implementation is to plan for their integration with wider assets in water resource or drainage and wastewater management plans. This paper explores the perspectives of water resource and wastewater management planners. Qualitative data was gathered from a workshop organized by the Chartered Institution for Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) with 25 participants from England's Water Service Providers (WSPs), regulators (Ofwat and the Environment Agency) and consultants working within the UK water sector. The participants acknowledged that water reuse is relevant to both water resource and drainage and wastewater management planning, but that current regulatory and funding frameworks are constraining effective engagement between water resource and drainage and wastewater management planners by encouraging the development of separate plans. A general consensus of the participants was that it would be beneficial to include water reuse technology within current and future Water Resource Management Plans (WRMPs) and Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs). Participants suggested this could be developed through collaborative working partnerships and support from regulatory and funding frameworks that allow for the growth and development of innovative technologies and nature-based solutions. Participants also highlighted a stronger economic case could be made for water reuse technologies if the approach seeks to capture the wider benefits and not only the ‘best value’ solution. Societal acceptance and the availability of good quality data will be key to the successful adoption of any incentivized water reuse schemes.  相似文献   

城市给排水规划编制小议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴军 《山西建筑》2003,29(4):122-123
阐述了制订城市给排水规划时必须正确把握和处理好的三大问题 ,指出应通过科学规划、合理布局、综合治理等手段 ,系统而全面的统筹、协调各项水问题 ,达到合理调控水资源 ,改善水环境 ,防治水灾害的目的  相似文献   

景建彬 《山西建筑》2010,36(15):24-25
根据国民经济计划和当地的自然资源条件,指出区域规划要有计划地、均衡地配置,合理地分布城镇,密切城乡关系,从而保证城市的长远发展有一个正确的方向和遵循的途径。  相似文献   

iGPI, the National Initiative for Infrastructure Asset Management is a Portuguese collaborative project led by LNEC (National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Portugal) through which 19 water utilities develop their own infrastructure asset management (IAM) systems and plans in a joint training and capacitation programme. Technical assistance to the participating utilities is ensured by LNEC, IST (Technical University of Lisbon) and Addition, a software development company. The water utilities get collective as well as one-on-one support and specific training. They benefit from networking with the other utilities in a common and simultaneous process, with similar difficulties and challenges, leading to an effective sharing of solutions. The developed products, including training materials, templates and guidelines for developing strategic and tactical IAM plans, are available to the general public. This project has greatly contributed to the establishment of reference methodologies and standards for IAM planning, in a range of utilities of widely diverse size and context, effectively defining an accepted best practice. This paper discusses the project's format and its advantages, and goes on to describe the main outcomes, including selected cases and final products.  相似文献   

The history of cities around the world tells us that many environmental problems could have been avoided through better thought at the planning phases. The present paper considers the issues of overpopulation, construction expansion, urbanization, and industrial boom and expansion. Examples of developments in Kuwait are cited, focusing more on the repercussion of the industrial development. The paper will focus on the need for maintaining the sustainability of the environment and reflecting the significance of environmental considerations, precautions and measures that could be taken at the planning stage.  相似文献   

韩阳 《山西建筑》2012,38(20):116-118
列出了目前城市水系统规划存在的问题并对其根本原因进行了分析;提出了从城市健康水循环和水资源持续利用的角度来构建新的城市水系统,可有效地协调城市流域的用水问题;同时针对新城市水系统规划需要研究的内容和急需解决的问题进行了初步探讨,为城市水安全提供一个可靠的保障。  相似文献   

张士珍 《山西建筑》2008,34(13):200-201
针对沿海城市缺水的特征,以广东湛江市东海岛分区规划为例,分析了水资源存在的问题,对城市的用水量进行了预测,提出了沿海城市水资源的战略规划,以满足沿海城市发展的用水要求。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):174-194
The implementation of a smart water metering system in Hervey Bay in 2006–2007 allowed the local water utility to record the hourly water consumption of all its customers. This data availability has enabled a large scale research project to proceed with the aim to disaggregate peak hour, peak day and peak month demand in the water distribution network into primary indoor usage (e.g. shower, washing machine, etc.) and irrigation components. Such information can guide the development of alternative tariff structures and other demand management initiatives aimed at reducing peak demand. This paper details results of the analyis of average hour, peak hour, peak day and peak month consumption data of 2884 residential customers selected from four District Metered Areas (DMAs) located in the city of Hervey Bay in Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   

结合《镇规划标准》与规划工作实践,针对现阶段镇区供水规划中存在的问题,对小城镇给水工程规划进行系统分析,重点探析镇给水工程规划需水量预测中用水指标的确定,以供参考。  相似文献   

以中国某丘陵城市为例,提出了基于MIKE URBAN构建的供水管网水力模型,并将其应用于该城市的供水规划分析,对不同规划方案进行评估,为该城市的供水规划设计提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The numbers of English public houses or “pubs” have reduced significantly in the last two decades. Politicians have called on the planning system to resist their closure but, at the same time, demand further controls over high-street bars. This paper explores the reasons for the decline and the rationale for supporting the continuation of the “traditional” English pub. Using evidence drawn from a wider study of the relationships between places and youth drinking cultures, the paper discusses young adults' use of pubs. While recognising the adverse effects of heavy drinking, arguments are put forward in support of the traditional pub as a site for restrained and responsible social interaction for young adults. The paper discusses the issues this raises for the UK planning system in the context of responsibilities for social sustainability and public health.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the execution of a risk-based analysis on a simple, small-scale water resources planning problem. We aim to understand whether a risk-based approach could underpin the regulated water resources planning process in England and Wales. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of the approach and identify clear benefits over the conventional planning methods. We also identify several nontrivial challenges for scaling up and caution against the view that better quality decisions would emerge naturally from risk-based analyses. Useful future research might focus on: (1) the development of practical methodologies for applying these approaches to larger, more complex resource zones; (2) identifying and overcoming problems associated with regulating a risk-based water resources planning process; and (3) developing methods of economic options appraisal that can deploy the outputs of a risk-based analysis to inform planning decisions.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(2):92-102

Urban water systems provide critical services to meet the supply, sanitation, and drainage needs of urban societies. Evolving needs have resulted in increasingly expansive infrastructure, raising questions about the sustainability of such large infrastructure investments. In this study, we demonstrate the historical interplay between growing urban water needs, the services developed to meet them, and their total resource cost. We hypothesize that needs evolve hierarchically, with predictable outcomes in the form of service progression. To test this hypothesis, we use a suite of metrics at the US national scale indicative of our proposed hierarchy levels. At the city scale, we assess the cost implications of this progression of services. We use the emergy framework to quantitatively reconstruct the historical resource requirements of supply, sanitation, and drainage services and show how evolving needs lead to mounting resource costs. Lastly, we discuss implications of continually increasing complexity for meeting future water needs.  相似文献   

Ashford, in East Kent, is a government‐designated growth area. Between 2001 and 2031, the town is set to grow by 31 000 homes and 28 000 jobs, almost doubling in size. This raises numerous concerns about the ability of the local water infrastructure and Kentish Stour catchment to accept this pressure in the short and long term. The Ashford integrated water management study (AIWMS) set out to address all the issues around water quality, water resources, biodiversity and flood risk to allow Ashford's growth to occur without unacceptable environmental damage. The study reviewed current problems with the water environment, established the key constraints to growth that might arise from the proposed development and identified water management strategies to accommodate Ashford's expansion. The paper reviews the integration methodology that was developed and discusses the lessons learned from the experience.  相似文献   

邯郸市城市生态水网工程的规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市水环境质量在城市生态环境中的重要性,论述了城市水资源循环模式,以邯郸市城市生态水网工程为例,分析了目前生态水环境存在的问题,并探讨了北方城市水环境的规划、修复和生态利用.  相似文献   

The current ‘Deployable Output’ approach for assessing water resources system performance in England and Wales is a practical, communicable means for assessing the adequacy of a water supply system and determining the relative benefits of proposed system enhancements. A recognised flaw with this approach is that it fails to characterise the severity of potential supply shortfalls, leading to mischaracterisation of risks and benefits associated with alternative candidate investments. Here, we propose a Monte Carlo procedure that could supplement the existing process by exposing the magnitude (% water demand unserved) and duration (number of days) of supply curtailments under a range of drought scenarios. The method is demonstrated using a realistic, stylised water resources system and a discrete number of infrastructure investments. Results demonstrate that vulnerability assessments can expose previously unidentified risks that might radically alter a planner’s estimate of the cost‐effectiveness of a particular investment.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(7):654-661

Water utilities often rely on industrial water supply (e.g. desalination) to complement natural resources. These climate-independent sources of supply allow operators to respond quickly to varying operating conditions, but require them to choose operating strategies, or rules. How does such operational flexibility impact the performance of water supply systems? How might it affect long-term plans for capacity expansion? Possibly significantly, as demonstrated by the analysis of a water supply system based on Singapore. First, we simulate the dynamics of the system under multiple rainfall and operating scenarios to understand the extent to which the operators’ behavior affect system performance. Results show that different operating rules can have comparable impact on the variability in system performance as hydrological conditions. Then, we show that small changes in the operating rules can lead to substantial changes in the capacity expansions, such as the size of a new desalination plant.  相似文献   

结合大庆市生态系统供水规划,对大庆市水资源状况及农、林、渔、牧业发展用水情况进行了介绍,并详细论述了生态发展与水资源的关系。对大庆市生态建设中各行业用水量进行了预测,并根据水资源情况对大庆市供水水源进行了科学的规划和合理调配。强调大庆市由资源型城市向多元化生态型城市转变时,水资源的综合利用十分重要。  相似文献   


Each of our three contributors feels that the 1990s Kennett government massively changed the way that planning is performed within Victoria. Michael Buxton argues that the planning system we have had since this era is worse than the system it replaced. Trevor Budge then shows how the Kennett initiatives damaged the rural electorate's trust of conservative parties, driving regional Victoria closer towards alternative parties and independent members. Finally, Ray Boyle explains how the sacking of so many local government planners caused a huge loss of corporate memory within the sector. These are important lessons that all readers should at least consider.  相似文献   

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