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In this paper, we investigate the impact of flow (operationalized as heightened challenge and skill), engagement, and immersion on learning in game-based learning environments. The data was gathered through a survey from players (N = 173) of two learning games (Quantum Spectre: N = 134 and Spumone: N = 40). The results show that engagement in the game has a clear positive effect on learning, however, we did not find a significant effect between immersion in the game and learning. Challenge of the game had a positive effect on learning both directly and via the increased engagement. Being skilled in the game did not affect learning directly but by increasing engagement in the game. Both the challenge of the game and being skilled in the game had a positive effect on both being engaged and immersed in the game. The challenge in the game was an especially strong predictor of learning outcomes. For the design of educational games, the results suggest that the challenge of the game should be able to keep up with the learners growing abilities and learning in order to endorse continued learning in game-based learning environments.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study is to find out whether use of different self-debriefing modes affects learning from a game. In self-debriefing participants are led to reflect upon their game experiences by a set of debriefing questions. Two conditions were compared: Individual and Collaborative self-debriefing. The 45 participants first played the game of Lemonade Tycoon Deluxe, were tested for knowledge and self-debriefed in pairs or alone. Then they played the game once more and were tested again. Game scores increased significantly from the first to the second round of gameplay to an equal degree in both conditions. Knowledge scores of participants in individual self-debriefing increased significantly more than those of participants in the Collaborative condition. The study shows that game-based learning can be effectively scaffolded with self-debriefing. Future studies might investigate whether the type of self-debriefing differentially affects game motivation. In addition, attention to the role of feedback is called for.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the effectiveness of an educational mathematics game for improving proportional reasoning in students from prevocational education. Though in theory game-based learning is promising, research shows that results are ambiguous and that we should look into ways to support game-based learning. The current study explored two factors (i.e., collaboration and competition) that have been associated with motivational and cognitive effects, and have potential to optimize game-based learning. In a fully crossed design, four conditions were examined: collaboration and competition, collaboration control, competition control, and control. It was found that, over all, gameplay did improve students' proportional reasoning skills but that learning effects did not differ between conditions. However, when students’ ability levels were taken into account, an interaction between collaboration and competition was found. For below-average students, the effect of collaboration was modified by competition, showing a negative effect of competition on domain knowledge gains in a collaborative learning situation. In contrast, for above-average students, the data demonstrated a trend that suggests a positive effect of competition on domain knowledge gain in a collaborative learning situation.  相似文献   

We combined Massively Multiplayer Online Game and technology-based collaborative learning methods to examine peer motivational factors influencing intention to learn; these have seldom been jointly examined. We proposed two new constructs, peer intrinsic motivation and peer extrinsic motivation, and investigated their effect on a player's intention to learn individually and collaboratively. Our survey and interview findings showed that an individual player's peer intrinsic and extrinsic motivations had significantly positive influence on his or her intention to learn collaboratively and individually. Implications for academics, educators, game developers, and players are discussed.  相似文献   

This study proposed an online learning system for energy education, modifying the typical rules of tic-tac-toe and incorporating multiple choice tests into the game in order to develop a game-based formative assessment tool for an online learning course. In order to explore how different gaming modes and feedback types in this game-based formative assessment affect knowledge acquisition effectiveness and participation perceptions, a tic-tac-toe quiz game (TRIS-Q) with two gaming modes: single-player online game (SOG) and multi-player online game (MOG), and two feedback types: immediate elaborated feedback (IEF) and no immediate elaborated feedback (no IEF), were developed. A 2(SOG vs. MOG) × 2(IEF vs. no IEF) between-subject experiment was also conducted to investigate the effects on 109 ninth-grade students from four junior high school classes. The research findings indicated that different gaming modes of TRIS-Q did not affect the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition; providing IEF for each question answered in the game facilitated the enhancement of both energy knowledge acquisition and student tic-tac-toe ability when comparing it with the no IEF type. Additionally, the different gaming modes and feedback types did not affect participation perceptions.  相似文献   

In research about digital game-based learning, the likely negative perceptions of parents are often enlisted as a barrier toward the adoption of games in classroom settings. Teachers, students and policy makers appear to be influenced by what parents think about games in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to study these parental beliefs about games. The present research develops and validates a path model to explain and predict parental acceptation of video games in the classrooms of their children. The hypothetical model was found reliable and valid, based on a survey of 858 parents with at least one child in secondary education. Overall, the results show that 59% of the variance in parents’ preference for video games can be explained by the model comprising hypotheses about learning opportunities, subjective norm, perceived negative effects of gaming, experience with video games, personal innovativeness, and gender.  相似文献   

Educators today are increasingly interested in using game-based assessment to assess and support students' learning. In the present study, we investigated how changing a game design element, linearity in gameplay sequences, influenced the effectiveness of game-based assessment in terms of validity, reliability, fairness, learning, and enjoyment. Two versions of a computer game, Physics Playground (formerly Newton's Playground), with different degrees of linearity in gameplay sequences were compared. Investigation of the assessment qualities—validity, reliability, and fairness—suggested that changing one game element (e.g., linearity) could significantly influence how players interacted with the game, thus changing the evidentiary structure of in-game measures. Although there was no significant group difference in terms of learning between the two conditions, participants who played the nonlinear version of the game showed significant improvement on qualitative physics understanding measured by the pre- and posttests while the participants in the linear condition did not. There was also no significant group difference in terms of enjoyment. Implications of the findings for future researchers and game-based assessment designers are discussed.  相似文献   

In team-based project courses, collaborative learning is the dominant learning mode. Collaborative learning has been shown to increase individual learning through co-construction and personal reflection. Rapid adoption of web-based communication and mobile computing by students provide opportunities to take advantage of computer-supported collaboration for engineering education. We present preliminary findings on a computer environment, the Kiva Web, that supports the activities of group collaboration for interdisciplinary engineering design teams. We have employed methods from human–computer interaction (HCI) to iterate on the design in the context of use. In this paper, we discuss the evolution of the Kiva Web and the implications for both student design teams and professional design teams.  相似文献   

In recent years, customization and personalization were widely applied to accommodate the needs of different cognitive style groups. Such two approaches have different advantages and disadvantages but there is a lack of studies to compare these two approaches from the perspective of game-based learning, which is currently popular in educational settings. To this end, we developed a customized game-based learning system and a personalized game-based learning system and conducted two empirical studies to examine how cognitive styles affected learner's reactions to these two game-based learning systems. The results from the customized game-based learning system showed that Holists might not always favor to listen to music because they frequently switched on/off music. On the other hand, Serialists did not prefer to use hints. In addition, learners with the customized game-based learning system had more positive perceptions while learners with the personalized game-based learning system had more negative perceptions though both systems were useful to enhance learners' learning performance, regardless of their cognitive styles.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process and results of an evaluation on an online game-based learning environment (GBLE) by focusing on learners’ motivational processing and cognitive processing. The goal is to explore how online GBLE might initiate and support learners’ goal-setting activities and impact learners’ cognitive loads. The study surveyed 144 undergraduate students after their autonomous participation in the online game available at the Nobel Prize Foundation website teaching the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory on international trade. Grounded in the integrative theory of motivation, volition, and performance (MVP), the evaluation indicated that participants felt significantly confident in learning the subject. The perceived satisfaction, however, was lower than the rest of motivational components possibly due to heavy cognitive processing. The finding of cognitive load reported that learners perceived a significantly higher level of intrinsic load than the germane load due to the novelty of the subject matter. Data analysis further indicated a significant canonical correlation between learners’ motivational and cognitive processing. This particular finding could inform future research to investigate specific motivational processing components’ effects on learners’ cognitive load levels in online GBLEs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of the students’ perceived levels of collaborative learning, social presence and overall satisfaction in a blended learning environment. This research studied the relationship of these three variables and identified critical factors related to them. The participants were 48 graduate students who took a blended-format course in health education and worked on a collaborative group project related to the development of a comprehensive HIV-AIDS prevention plan. Data was collected from the Student Perception Questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The analysis of quantitative data indicated that student perceptions of collaborative learning have statistically positive relationships with perceptions of social presence and satisfaction. This means that students who perceived high levels of collaborative learning tended to be more satisfied with their distance course than those who perceived low levels of collaborative learning. Similarly, students with high perceptions of collaborative learning perceived high levels of social presence as well. Surprisingly, the relationship between social presence and overall satisfaction was positive but not statistically significant. Interview data revealed that (a) course structure, (b) emotional support, and (c) communication medium were critical factors associated with student perceptions of collaborative learning, social presence, and satisfaction. Explanations about findings and implications for instructional design are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract  A Nurse Collaborative Learning (Nurse Co-Learn) tool was designed and developed to help the Department of Nursing to introduce Information Technology to undergraduate nursing students. The MUCH (Many Using and Creating Hypermedia) system was used as the basis for this tool. The Nurse Co-Learn tool supported coordination between clinic personnel. Students were required to take on a role in the clinic, and to perform the relevant tasks for that role. Through participating in this role-playing game students learned word processing, database and spreadsheet skills, whilst performing authentic tasks. Three prototypes were developed and trialled; this paper highlights the features of the prototypes and the responses of the users.  相似文献   

Many argue that games can positively impact learning by providing an intrinsically motivating and engaging learning environment for students in ways that traditional school cannot. Recent research demonstrates that games have the potential to impact student learning in STEM content areas and that collaborative gameplay may be of particular importance for learning gains. This study investigated the effects of collaborative and single game player conditions on science content learning and science self-efficacy. Results indicated that there were no differences between the two playing conditions; however, when conditions were collapsed, science content learning and self-efficacy significantly increased. Future research should focus on the composition of collaboration interaction among game players to assess what types of collaborative tasks may yield positive learning gains.  相似文献   

New developments to computer-aided design (CAD) software transform a once solitary modelling task into a collaborative one. The emerging multi-user CAD (MUCAD) systems allow virtual, real-time collaboration, with the potential to expand the learning outcomes and teaching methods of CAD. This paper proposes a MUCAD collaborative learning framework (MUCAD-CLF) to interpret backend analytic data from commercially available MUCAD software. The framework builds on several existing metrics from the literature and introduces newly developed methods to classify CAD actions collected from users’ analytic data. The framework contains two different classification approaches of user actions, categorizing actions by action type (e.g., creating, revising, viewing) and by design space (e.g., constructive, organizing), for comparative analysis. Next, the analytical framework is applied via a collaborative design challenge, corresponding to over 20,000 actions collected from 31 participants. Illustrative analyses utilizing the MUCAD-CLF are presented to demonstrate the resulting insight. Differences in CAD behaviour, indicating differences in learning, are observed between teams made up entirely of novices, entirely of experienced users, or a mix. In pairs of experts and novices, we see both a perceived high-satisfaction apprenticeship experience for the novices and preliminary evidence of an increase in expert design behaviours for the novices. The proposed framework is critical for MUCAD systems to make the most of the educational possibility of combining technical skill-building with team collaboration. Preliminary evidence collected in a fully-virtual design learning activity, and analyzed using the proposed MUCAD-CLF, shows that novice students gain advanced CAD design knowledge when collaborating with experienced teammates. With the user data captured by modern MUCAD software and the MUCAD-CLF presented herein, instructors and researchers can more efficiently assess and visualize students’ performance over the design learning process.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of a proposed computer-based instructional method in Primary Education for self-regulated problem solving. The proposed instructional method is based on Sternberg’s model of problem solving within an authentic context. It consists of three main phases: observation, collaboration and semi-structured guidance. The ultimate learning objective is to augment the autonomous problem-solving skills of primary school children. In our study the Synergo tool was used, which is a synchronous computer supported collaborative learning tool, as well as the Moodle learning management system. The context which frames the method is authentic, very close to a students’ realistic learning situation. The findings of this study advocate that students can increase their problem-solving skills in a relatively short period of time. At the same time, they can improve their approach to the solution of a given mathematical problem, performing significant signs of autonomy.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the emerging area of text classification research focused on the problem of collaborative learning process analysis both from a broad perspective and more specifically in terms of a publicly available tool set called TagHelper tools. Analyzing the variety of pedagogically valuable facets of learners’ interactions is a time consuming and effortful process. Improving automated analyses of such highly valued processes of collaborative learning by adapting and applying recent text classification technologies would make it a less arduous task to obtain insights from corpus data. This endeavor also holds the potential for enabling substantially improved on-line instruction both by providing teachers and facilitators with reports about the groups they are moderating and by triggering context sensitive collaborative learning support on an as-needed basis. In this article, we report on an interdisciplinary research project, which has been investigating the effectiveness of applying text classification technology to a large CSCL corpus that has been analyzed by human coders using a theory-based multi-dimensional coding scheme. We report promising results and include an in-depth discussion of important issues such as reliability, validity, and efficiency that should be considered when deciding on the appropriateness of adopting a new technology such as TagHelper tools. One major technical contribution of this work is a demonstration that an important piece of the work towards making text classification technology effective for this purpose is designing and building linguistic pattern detectors, otherwise known as features, that can be extracted reliably from texts and that have high predictive power for the categories of discourse actions that the CSCL community is interested in.
Carolyn RoséEmail:

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a dynamic and varied area of research. Ideally, tools for CSCL support and encourage solo and group learning processes and products. However, most CSCL research does not focus on supporting and sustaining the co-construction of knowledge. We identify four reasons for this situation and identify three critical resources every collaborator brings to collaborations that are underutilized in CSCL research: (a) prior knowledge, (b) information not yet transformed into knowledge that is judged relevant to the task(s) addressed in collaboration, and (c) cognitive processes used to construct these informational resources. Finally, we introduce gStudy, a software tool designed to advance research in the learning sciences. gStudy helps learners manage cognitive load so they can re-assign cognitive resources to self-, co-, and shared regulation; and it automatically and unobtrusively traces each user′s engagement with content and the means chosen for cognitively processing content, thus generating real-time performance data about processes of collaborative learning.  相似文献   

Case-based learning is ascribed high potential with respect to the education of pre-service teachers as well as the further education of experienced in-service teachers, as it can provide opportunities for the application of professional knowledge to authentic classroom situations. In addition to the application and acquisition of knowledge, the aspect of knowledge convergence (i.e., increasing similarity of collaborative learners with respect to their knowledge) should be taken into account when homogeneous benefits are desired for all participants of a case-based training. A field study with 29 pre-service teachers and 24 in-service teachers from adult education was conducted to examine effects of different levels of teaching experience on knowledge application, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge convergence in a computer-supported collaborative case-based learning environment. An innovative approach to measuring knowledge convergence was introduced, using the positions of annotations (i.e., flags placed on the timeline of the case video) made by learners during their case analyses as an indicator of their shared focus of attention. This measure was found to positively correlate with the application and acquisition of professional knowledge. Teaching experience affected both processes and outcomes of case-based learning, suggesting different means of instructional support for pre-service and in-service teachers.  相似文献   

This paper describes an explorative study carried out to gain response from distance students on their experiences with collaborative learning in asynchronous computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments. In addition, this study also attempts to have a good grip of crucial aspects concerning collaborative learning. The study was undertaken among distance learners from the Open University of the Netherlands who were working in groups of 4–11 persons. During and after the course students’ experiences with collaborative learning were measured and after the course also students’ satisfaction with collaborative learning was assessed. The finding revealed that distance learners appreciate the opportunities to work collaboratively. They show positive experiences and are quite satisfied with collaborative learning. This study also sought to explore individuals as well as course characteristics that influenced aspects of collaborative learning, and to search aspects of collaborative learning that influenced students’ satisfaction. The findings suggested that a group product influences group process regulation and group cohesion influences students’ satisfaction with collaborative learning.  相似文献   

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