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This study conducted a stratified and cluster sampling on Chinese college students (N = 654) to investigate how SNS usages and social capital elicit impact on civic engagement. The results of path regression model shows that using SNS to meet new people is positively correlated with bonding and bridging social capital in the virtual world, using SNS to contact existing friends contributes to both bonding and bridging social capital in the real world. Online bonding and bridging social capital are positively related to online civic involvement, but not significantly related to offline civic behaviors. Offline bonding and bridging social capital are positively associated with offline civic participation, but not significantly related to online civic participation. The direct effect of using SNS to meet new social ties on civic engagement is partially mediated by social capital, whilst the effect of using SNS to connect friends on civic participation is completely mediated by social capital.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of collective MMORPG play on gamers’ social capital in both the virtual world and the real world. Collective MMORPG play is conceptualized as the frequency of joint gaming actions and gamers’ assessment of the experience in MMORPG guilds and groups. Social capital at the individual level refers to the resources and support provided by bonding and bridging social networks; collective-level social capital refers to people’s civic engagement. A two-wave online survey was conducted to collect data from 232 Chinese MMORPG players.Two structural equation models were developed to test whether collective play influences offline social capital via the mediation of online social capital; the results did not demonstrate the existence of mediation effects. Specifically, collective play positively influences gamers’ online bonding social capital, online bridging social capital and online civic engagement. The effect of collective play on offline bonding and bridging social capital is not significant; the effect of online bonding/bridging social capital on offline bonding/bridging social capital is not significant either. The study finds a significantly positive impact of collective play on offline civic engagement. The effect of online civic engagement on offline civic engagement is not significant. In contrast with collective play, the time of gaming is found to negatively influence online and offline social capital.This study contributes to the knowledge of social capital because it tests the effects of new media on online and offline social capital in the Chinese culture. In addition, this study provides empirical evidence for the positive effects of online games and highlights the social experience in MMORPG play and how it influences gamers’ social networks and collective participation.  相似文献   

Research examining the issue of video game violence influences on aggression continues to be debated within the scientific community. Thus far, no consensus has been reached regarding the influence of such games. This study adds to the prior literature by examining how violent video games may promote prosocial or aggressive behavior when played either cooperatively or alone. Results indicated that violent content in video games had no influence on prosocial behavior, aggressive behavior, or self-perceptions of empathy. Playing cooperatively was associated with less aggressive behavior, whether games were violent or not.  相似文献   

Games-based learning has captured the interest of educationalists and industrialists who seek to exploit the characteristics of computer games as they are perceived by some to be a potentially effective approach for teaching and learning. Despite this interest in using games-based learning there is a dearth of empirical evidence supporting the validity of the approach covering the wider context of gaming and education. This study presents a large scale gaming survey, involving 887 students from 13 different Higher Education (HE) institutes in Scotland and the Netherlands, which examines students' characteristics related to their gaming preferences, game playing habits, and their perceptions and thoughts on the use of games in education. It presents a comparison of three separate groups of students: a group in regular education in a Scottish university, a group in regular education in universities in the Netherlands and a distance learning group from a university in the Netherlands. This study addresses an overall research question of: Can computer games be used for educational purposes at HE level in regular and distance education in different countries? The study then addresses four sub-research questions related to the overall research question:
  • •What are the different game playing habits of the three groups?
  • •What are the different motivations for playing games across the three groups?
  • •What are the different reasons for using games in HE across the three groups?
  • •What are the different attitudes towards games across the three groups?
To our knowledge this is the first in-depth cross-national survey on gaming and education. We found that a large number of participants believed that computer games could be used at HE level for educational purposes and that further research in the area of game playing habits, motivations for playing computer games and motivations for playing computer games in education are worthy of extensive further investigation. We also found a clear distinction between the views of students in regular education and those in distance education. Regular education students in both countries rated all motivations for playing computer games as significantly more important than distance education students. Also the results suggest that Scottish students aim to enhance their social experience with regards to competition and cooperation, while Dutch students aim to enhance their leisurely experience with regards to leisure, feeling good, preventing boredom and excitement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the process of identity formation in adolescent and emerging adult regular players of massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Moreover, considering the association between involvement in these games and addiction, we took into account also the role of internet addiction. A total of 176 regular players and 239 controls, not playing massively multiplayer online role-playing games, aged between 15 and 30 years completed: the Utrecht-management of identity commitments scale, evaluating three identity processes, i.e. commitment, in-depth exploration and reconsideration of commitment; and the dependence subscale from the use abuse and dependence on internet questionnaire, in order to evaluate internet addiction. A multivariate analysis of variance evidenced that controls were higher on commitment and in-depth exploration, whereas players were higher on reconsideration of commitment and internet addiction. A structural equation model in which the three identity processes affected simultaneously internet addiction and regular involvement in massively multiplayer online role-playing games showed that reconsideration of commitment was positively associated with internet addiction and the probability to be a player, whereas in-depth exploration was negatively associated only with the probability to be a player. Being a regular player of massively multiplayer online role-playing games seems to be associated with a troubled path in the process of identity formation.  相似文献   

Computer games have traditionally implemented empirical solutions to many Al problems and are now turning to more traditional Al algorithms. After introducing the role of Al in gameplay, we review the main techniques used in current computer games such as Finite-State Transition Networks, rule-based systems and search algorithms. We describe the implementation of Al in several commercial computer games, as well as academic research in Al targeting computer games applications. We conclude this review by discussing future trends and proposing research directions.  相似文献   

Researchers and developers constantly seek novel ways to create engaging applications that are able to retain their users over the long term, make them desire to spend time using the application or go back to using it after a break. With this aim, video games can be an insightful source of inspiration, as they are specifically designed to maximise playing time, increase players' intentions of playing during the day or enhance their willingness to replay. In a gaming context, ‘time’ is an important factor for engagement because game designers can design the game time to retain players in the game environment. Drawing on social practice theory, which is increasingly used in Information Systems (IS) research, I conducted an ethnographic study in World of Warcraft (WoW) to understand how various temporalities are produced within a video game and the effects that they have on players' engagement. The findings show that game temporalities stem from the complex interaction between the design features of the game and the norms, routines and expectations that are part of the game practices. Moreover, these temporalities can engender temporal experiences that may stimulate engagement in various ways. The study contributes to IS literature by proposing a novel understanding of how time can be intentionally designed to sustain user engagement. Finally, it suggests that ‘time design’ in video games could inspire designs in broader IS contexts, such as in the gamification of online communities, crowdsourcing platforms and crowd working systems.  相似文献   

严肃游戏是计算机游戏一个新的发展方向,可以提供形象互动的模拟教学环境,已经广泛应用于科学教育、康复医疗、应急管理、军事训练等领域。虚拟角色是严肃游戏中模拟具有生命特征的图形实体,行为可信的虚拟角色能够提升用户使用严肃游戏的体验感。严肃游戏中的图形渲染技术已经逐步成熟,而虚拟角色行为建模的研究尚在初级阶段。可信的虚拟角色必须能够具有感知、情绪和行为能力。本文分别从游戏剧情与行为、行为建模方法、行为学习和行为建模评价等4个方面来分析虚拟角色行为建模研究。分析了有限状态机和行为树的特点,讨论了虚拟角色的行为学习方法。指出了强化学习的关键要素,探讨了深度强化学习的应用途径。综合已有研究,归纳了虚拟角色行为框架,该框架主要包括感觉输入、知觉分析、行为决策和动作4大模块。从情感计算的融入、游戏剧情和场景设计、智能手机平台和多通道交互4个角度讨论需要进一步研究的问题。虚拟角色的行为建模需要综合地考虑游戏剧情、机器学习和人机交互技术,构建具有自主感知、情绪、行为、学习能力、多通道交互的虚拟角色能够极大地提升严肃游戏的感染力,更好地体现寓教于乐。  相似文献   

Human computation games (HCGs) utilise human intelligence for the purpose of problem solving through games. Recently, HCGs have increased in popularity within various application areas. A proper system of describing such games is necessary in order to obtain a better understanding of the current body of work and identify new opportunities for future research directions. To date, however, there is little research conducted in understanding how such games could be classified in a systematic manner. Past classification schemes rely either on quality or entertainment aspects of these games. In order to have a deeper understanding of such games, this study argues that they should be classified via different dimensions. As a starting point, this paper reviews existing literature on HCGs and then develops a typology consisting of 12 dimensions and related strategies. This typology provides a holistic view of HCGs, and provides a common understanding of the domain among researchers and designers. The typology will help researchers to better understand the nature and consequences of HCGs, and designers better identify strengths and weaknesses of different strategies for each dimension, thus facilitating the creation of entertaining and effective HCGs.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study was to address the association between computer games and students’ academic achievement. The exceptional growth in numbers of children playing computer games, the uneasiness and incomplete understanding foundation when starting the discussion on computer games have stimulated this study to be conducted. From a survey conducted on 236 form one students in one of the Malaysian secondary school, 75.8 percent were gamers. Playing computer games seemed to be more stereotypically boy’s activity with 91.3 percent of the boys engaged in computer games compared to 54.1 percent among the girls. They spent an average of 8.47 hours per week playing computer games. Parents and teachers’ concern about computer games was not something that went unwarranted as an overall result was predicting computer games as having negative associations with students’ academic achievement. However, in-depth analyses by combinations of classes done step by step indicated that the initial results could be overruled by students from the last class, whom need extra attentions. As a conclusion, the findings in this study suggest some interesting yet ultimately weak associations between playing computer games and students’ academic achievement. Nevertheless, caution is warranted in making any generalization as looking at the population as a whole will be different from its components. The generalizability of this study’s findings is limited by the nature of the sample. Even so, blaming computer games for the students’ bad academic performance in school is unjustified as there are many more other factors to look into before finding computer games as the scapegoat.  相似文献   

This study integrates research on problematic Internet use to explore the cognitive and psychological predictors of negative consequences associated with playing massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs). Participants recruited from online discussion boards completed self-report measures on their online game-related cognitions and psychological condition, social skills, psychological well-being, and negative life outcomes associated with game playing. The results demonstrated the important roles that psychological dependency and deficient self-regulation play in negative consequences associated with online gaming. The results also indicated that psychological dependency on MMOGs was predicted by cognitive preference for a virtual life—a construct that is negatively related to social control skills.  相似文献   

Understanding player behavior has an interest to computer games researchers and developers since it allows them to improve the design and implementation of computer games and also to ensure that players have the expected experiences. Currently this knowledge is not usually reported to players as feedback, although sometimes it is already used as an analysis tool. This paper presents a novel technology for automatically generating linguistic reports and immediate feedback from actions performed by players during play sessions. These reports allow developers to provide players with a more complete and personalized feedback about their behaviors, abilities, attitudes, skills or movements. In order to show and explore the possibilities of this new technology, we have incorporated it in the core of a computer game. We have evaluated positively that the incorporation of this kind of feedback into the core of YADY computer game allows us to improve the overall player experience.  相似文献   

The current study identified and examined perceived self-traits and behavioral traits as antecedents of online empathic experiences and prosocial behavior. Our findings suggest that perceived self-traits (i.e., self-efficacy in online relationship and self-disclosure) are strongly associated with both empathic experiences and prosocial behavior. Findings for the behavioral trait, interaction pattern of an individual, indicate that patterns of an individual's networking produce mixed results in regard to association with prosocial behavior. Bonding networking was found to positively predict prosocial behavior, while bridging networking showed a negative association with the same dependent measure. Identity discrepancy and writing activities were also found to positively affect prosocial behavior. Overall, the finding of this study indicates that perceived self-traits tend to display stronger explanatory power over both empathy and prosocial behavior than do behavioral traits.  相似文献   

The issue of potential media effects on psychological health of youth and young adults has been debated for decades. Research on media effects has not always been consistent. One issue that has been raised regards whether the relatively modest media effects found in some research might be explained through mediating personality variables. This hypothesis was examined in three samples of young adults: Mexican-Americans (n = 232), Croatians (n = 455) and English (n = 150). Results indicated that trait aggression was a consistent predictor of both violent crimes and depression across samples. General personality variables were less consistent predictors of violence, although neuroticism consistently predicted depression across samples. Media violence exposure did not predict negative outcomes except among Croatians for whom exposure to violent video games predicted fewer violent crimes, and exposure to television violence predicted increased violent crimes.  相似文献   

A challenge for serious games designers is to integrate learning with entertainment. For this purpose, the generation of curiosity using the foreshadowing/back story technique is promising. To implement this technique we propose the Game Discourse Analysis (GDA) which discerns between information flow (i.e. the sequence of information elements in a chronological order) and game discourse (i.e. the manipulation of the information flow to make the game more engaging and effective). We elaborate on the GDA and describe how two of the authors applied it in order to implement foreshadowing/back story in the game ReMission. The GDA was found to have potential as a communication tool for multidisciplinary design teams. Also, two problems were signaled: (1) creating an information flow is laborious and designers may benefit from automating parts of the GDA; (2) substantial deviations from the optimal information flow by players’ actions may interfere with the intention of the game discourse. Additionally, in an experiment we tested the impact of this GDA supported manipulation on engagement (curiosity) and learning. We found that the GDA-supported foreshadowing/back story yielded more curiosity, but that it did not yield learning.  相似文献   

This paper examines social behavior in the online video game World of Warcraft. Specifically focusing on one element of social design: the behavior of players in the first release of Looking-for-Raid (LFR) loot system of World of Warcraft. It uses lens of economic game theory, combined with Williams (2010) mapping principle and a modern theoretical account of human decision-making, to explore how theory about individual interactions in well-defined contexts (games) can explain collective behavior. It provides some support for this theoretical approach with an examination of data collected as part of an ethnographic study, through focus groups, and a survey distributed to 333 World of Warcraft players. It concludes with a discussion of the results and some guidelines for predicting collective outcomes in certain types of online games using the introduced framework.  相似文献   

Many scholars have written about the Internet’s potential for engaging youth in public issues, but there has been little empirical research on the political engagement outcomes from students’ classroom-based use of web 2.0 tools, such as blogs, or the pedagogies involved in designing such experiences. This paper begins to address this gap by analyzing the development of political engagement among several dozen high school students who were required to complete political blogs for their required U.S. government course and by exploring their teacher’s pedagogical strategies and challenges. We analyzed data from 22 classroom observations, 15 student interviews, three teacher interviews, and surveys from over 300 students (including a large comparison group) given at the beginning and end of the fall 2012−13 semester. Quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate that students in the blog-focused classes developed greater political interest, internal political efficacy, and self-efficacy for political writing than other students. We also found that the teacher did not actively encourage interactive posting in order to avoid heated exchanges – but that many students expressed an interest in seeing more responses to their online writing. We discuss implications for practice and research.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the potential of serious games for the acquisition of complex cognitive skills by assessing learners’ mental model development, operationalized as an increase in Mental Model Accuracy (MMA). Furthermore, we assessed behavioral engagement and self-monitoring as two specific engagement types within the gameplay process and analyzed their impact on mental model development. German undergraduate students (N = 97) played a serious game developed to foster practical money skills. We obtained pre- and post-gaming measures of MMA to analyze the development of mental models by applying a structural assessment method. Unobtrusive measures of behavioral engagement and self-monitoring were obtained by computerized collection of participants’ in-game activities. Although we did not find a significant increase in overall MMA through playing, the degree of self-monitoring had a significant and positive effect on post-gaming MMA, even beyond the effect of initial MMA. Behavioral engagement had no impact on mental model development; however, it was positively related to self-monitoring behavior. The results are discussed in light of findings from research on self-regulated learning and controversial notions regarding the effect of behavioral engagement in serious games. In addition to insights into gameplay processes that affect mental model development through serious games, the present study also has practical implications in stressing the importance for game designers to provide learners with the opportunity to engage in self-monitoring behavior while playing a serious game.  相似文献   

A link between maladaptive personality traits and an excessive use of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) has been documented. However, the role of schizotypal personality traits in MMORPG use is understudied. The aim of this study was to explore the potential links between schizotypal traits, motivations for playing MMORPGs, and symptoms of problematic MMORPG use. Eighty-three MMORPG gamers were enrolled in the study. They filled out questionnaires measuring schizotypal personality traits and an adapted version of the same scale designed to measure in-game schizotypal traits. All participants also filled out questionnaires assessing motivations for gaming and disordered use of MMORPGs. Results of the study showed that the disorganized and interpersonal traits of schizotypy decreased when participants were thinking about themselves in the virtual world. Schizotypal traits, together with achievement and immersion motives, predicted problematic use of MMORPGs. The findings of this study may suggest that schizotypal traits and motivations for playing can interact and play a pivotal role in the onset and maintenance of problematic gaming.  相似文献   

The purpose of this single‐case study was to explore the lived experiences of a grade 6 teacher and students who used tablets as part of their classroom instruction. Malone and Lepper's taxonomy of intrinsic motivations for learning is used as a framework for examining whether and how this particular theory of motivation applies equally well for mobile learning. This study reports on the grade 6 teacher's and students' perceptions regarding the motivational affordances of using these mobile devices for learning. The findings are consistent with those of Malone and Lepper that motivation can be enhanced through challenge, curiosity, control, recognition, competition and cooperation. This model is helpful in informing our understanding of the motivating features of using mobile devices for learning and how mobile technologies can be used to enhance learners' motivation.  相似文献   

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