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21世纪经济信息化时代,经济在向全球化、知识化、信息化发展的同时,经济形态正从工业经济向知识经济变革。知识经济中,隐性知识起着重要的、决定性的作用,成为持续竞争力的重要源泉。隐性知识的重要性已受到国内外学术界和企业界的广泛关注及应用。本文通过有关隐性知识的作用和来源等研究成果,提出了一些可供质检技术机构进行隐性知识管理的措施。指出隐性知识管理必将成为质检技术机构不可或缺的变量。 相似文献
隐性知识作为组织重要资产,其成功转移与吸收对项目成败具有重要作用。隐性知识转移绩效受到转移主体比例、知识模糊性、接触率、学习意愿、遗忘率等因素的影响。通过类比分析传染病传播机制与项目隐性知识转移过程,引入SIR模型(susceptible infected recovered model),基于项目成员类型与知识传递过程,建立项目隐性知识转移改进SIR模型,围绕各因素变化对知识转移绩效影响进行仿真分析,进而发现隐性知识转移规律。结果表明,知识模糊性、遗忘率对知识转移绩效具有负向作用;组织成员接触率、学习意愿对转移绩效具有正向作用,可以有效降低其他因素的负向作用。因此,为促进隐性知识转移,应增加知识传播途径、知识学习者人数,提高成员间接触率,降低知识遗忘率,构建项目学习型组织共同体。 相似文献
隐性知识显性化是知识管理的关键,然而由于隐性知识高度个人化的、较难规范化表达的特点,使其传播、利用受到了限制.在对隐性知识研究的基础上,将web2.0相关的技术与知识转化理论联系起来,对在web2.0环境下隐形知识转化的可行性进行探讨,提出一些解决影响隐性知识转化障碍的方法,以促进其向显性知识的转化. 相似文献
企业隐性知识由于不易被对手复制和模仿,成为了企业最为持久的核心竞争能力所在.企业隐性知识的开发实质上就是发掘员工头脑中潜在的想法、直觉和灵感等隐性知识,使其转化为企业持续的竞争优势.由于存在隐性知识的难以表达性、知识垄断、知识不对称、缺乏信用体系以及组织体制的制约等障碍性因素,企业隐性知识的开发成为了一项难题.企业隐性知识可以通过诸如员工同有经验的专家一道工作,发挥非正式团体的作用,重视社会性软件在企业隐性知识分享中的作用,建立学习型历史文献以及建立有效的激励机制等方式来得到有效的开发. 相似文献
李馨 《中国新技术新产品》2011,(14):246-247
在知识成为社会经济发展的重要资本和动力的当今社会,高校作为知识传播和创造的场所,高校图书馆在知识创造和运用中的作用非常重要。在图书馆的知识管理过程中,往往更强调显性知识管理,却忽略了图书馆中隐性知识管理的作用,这样就导致了图书馆的资源浪费。隐性知识是以一种不被人们关注和重视的方式存在的,它在图书馆的日常工作中一直暗含着,如何对图书馆隐性知识进行进一步的加强管理,合理的挖掘和利用图书馆隐性知识,已成为图书馆实施知识管理必须探究的一个重大课题。 相似文献
对于技术创新型企业,人力资本的影响要素在企业成本中占据着越来越大的比例,竞争领域愈是高精尖、竞争愈是激烈复杂,这种比例就越大。情绪资本在技术创新的全过程中都发挥着巨大影响,始终是推动或阻碍创新事业进步的重要因素。掌控得当,情绪资本能成为智力资本的倍增器;若认识不当或控制不力,情绪资本可能会成为整个技术创新工作中的障碍。立起对情绪资本的认知,清晰概念和定义,明确构成要素,更好地掌控情绪资本,采取有效的调整措施进行引导,将技术创新人才队伍的情绪资本始终保持在良好的正态趋势,是本文所探讨的主要内容。 相似文献
文章根据知识资本所有者的特点提出了相应的激励模式:以人为本的内在激励模式,还进一步阐释了内在激励模式的措施:必要的薪酬激励、提供知识的培训、个人提升的机会、压力与放松并行和促进工作意义感。 相似文献
Om Prakash Yadav Md Mahabubur Rahaman Vinod Lal 《Engineering Management Journal; EMJ》2017,29(1):2-16
Manufacturing organizations are constantly striving to develop more effective and flexible means for managing challenges due to globalization and increasing customer expectations. This has led to increased efforts by the business community to research and implement the Toyota Production System, or lean manufacturing, to address these challenges. These efforts have resulted in numerous publications on lean manufacturing, including research reports, scholarly articles, and trade magazine articles. However, the existing body of knowledge on lean manufacturing is disperse and diverse in nature with respect to the application and implementation of lean tools and practices, making it difficult for researchers and practitioners to gain a real grasp of this topic. In this article, we have comprehensively organized the existing work on implementation of lean manufacturing in a more structured way, enabling engineering management practitioners to more easily identify knowledge and best practices and enabling researchers to identify gaps in the extant literature. Lastly, drawing from the organizational science literature, this article also provides important insights on lean manufacturing from the perspective of organizational learning, innovation, and \culture. 相似文献
AbstractThis study examines how R&D intensity and open innovation affect the technological capabilities of firms in newly-developed countries, such as South Korea. East Asian latecomers are transitioning from a catch-up phase toward becoming leaders, and they are engaging in open innovation activities to drive this transition. This research quantitatively analyzes three kinds of open innovation activities—outside-in, inside-out, and coupled—to investigate their influence upon technological capabilities, while also considering the effect of R&D intensity. Data from 75 South Korean medium-sized firms were analyzed, and two major findings are reported. First, technological capabilities are enhanced by some open innovation activities and by R&D intensity. Second, R&D intensity negatively moderates the impact of open innovation activities on technological capabilities. Therefore, it may be concluded that firms with relatively low R&D intensity will gain the most benefit from increasing their open innovation activities. 相似文献
Jeffrey Funk 《Industry and innovation》2008,15(4):411-433
This paper uses the semiconductor industry to describe a model of technological change that sheds light on the mechanism by which many technological discontinuities occur. The model combines two arguments: (1) incremental improvements in a system's components impact on the performance and design of systems; and (2) these incremental improvements in components can lead to discontinuities in system design through their impact on the design tradeoffs that are inherent in all systems. Components are defined loosely as any subsystem in a nested hierarchy of subsystems where the most important component in the semiconductor industry is semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Improvements in this equipment and the processes they are used in have changed (and continue to change) the tradeoffs that firms make in their choices of semiconductor materials, transistor designs and system designs, and thus led to a number of technological discontinuities. The model is described using the discontinuities that are the most widely emphasized in histories of the semiconductor industry. 相似文献
This study explores the impact of social capital on innovation by constructing a more general measure of social capital, which consists of generalized and institutional trust, associational activities and civic norms. We test the hypothesis that social capital has a positive impact on innovation at the national level. After controlling for research and development expenditure and human capital, we find that there is a positive relationship between social capital and innovation. Social capital interacts with entrepreneurship; the strongest relationship is between associated activities and entrepreneurship. This study supports the need to build strong social relationships in today's networked economy. 相似文献
Abstract and Key Results
• | This paper introduces innovation, competition and regulatory change as dominant themes in international business. |
• | These themes represent focussed trajectories for future research despite diversity in their causes, processes and consequences and the interactions between them which reflect the increasingly complex environment in which managers operate. |
• | This diversity and the significant interactions between the three areas pose a challenge to scholars, with current research both shedding light on particular aspects and on the interactions between the elements in applied settings as demonstrated by the contributions to this focused issue. |
Matias Ramirez 《Industry and innovation》2007,14(3):325-347
The search amongst large high-technology firms to generate flexible competencies has been paralleled by growing interest in establishing flexible employment relationships with “knowledge workers” and greater labour mobility as a means of meeting the organization's growing diverse strategic requirements. This paper argues that while greater labour mobility may well aid greater flexibility, the consequent break down of internal labour markets as attractive career options for knowledge workers may also lead to the weakening of essential firm competencies. The discussion suggests, that rather than relying exclusively on labour mobility, large firms involved in innovation activity are developing novel employment practices to broaden their scope of knowledge while enhancing internal capability. 相似文献
Abstract and Key Results
• | This paper focuses on the overall themes of the issue to examine the interrelationships between innovation, competition and regulatory change in international business. |
• | It provides a synthesis by highlighting recent interlinked developments in two contrasting industries dominated by large multinationals — pharmaceuticals and automotives, with specific reference to cars. |
• | This industry based assessment highlights the technical, economic and regulatory forces that have together changed the business environment, innovation processes and nature of competition in the pharmaceutical and automotive industries. |
New opportunities appear every day in India. Which are real and will lead to equitable and sustainable development when taken, and which are a mirage? Today, many do not see India's obvious and enormous problems and drawbacks as obstacles to change. These optimists exude confidence in mechanisms whose implementation will make India a knowledge superpower in 20 years. The pessimists, seeing barely half a dozen experts in each major area of science, see a system without content or form, where the ballast of the past keeps the ship of change in port, and chaotic spinning is mistaken for progress. Both optimists and pessimists talk constantly about China as an example to follow—or not—depending on the day of the week. Is India's knowledge economy actually headed somewhere? Or is it impossible to meaningfully use the words policies, systems, institutions, and India in the same sentence? 相似文献
目的探索基于团队外部知识网络视角来考察年龄异质性和专业异质性对初创型异质性团队创新的作用。方法采用问卷调查的方法。对102个初创型团队进行调查。结果在初创型团队中,年龄异质性和专业异质性均能提升团队创新,外部知识网络利用强度和广度在年龄异质性促进团队创新的过程中承担中介作用,外部知识网络利用强度在专业异质性促进团队创新的过程中承担中介作用。结论在初创型团队中,年龄异质性通过提升外部知识网络利用促进团队创新,专业异质性通过提升外部知识网络利用强度促进团队创新。 相似文献