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A discrete-time domain two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) design method is proposed for integrating and unstable processes with time delay. Based on a 2DOF control structure recently developed, a controller is analytically designed in terms of the H2 optimal control performance specification for the set-point tracking, and another controller is derived by proposing the desired closed-loop transfer function for load disturbance rejection. Both controllers can be tuned relatively independent to realize control optimization. Analytical expression of the set-point response is given for quantitatively tuning the single adjustable parameter in the set-point tracking controller. At the meantime, sufficient and necessary conditions for holding robust stability of the closed-loop control system are established for tuning another adjustable parameter in the disturbance rejection controller, along with numerical tuning guidelines. Illustrative examples from the literature are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

光电跟踪系统鲁棒自调整内模控制设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姬伟  李奇  许波  赵德安 《光学精密工程》2009,17(9):2247-2254
光电跟踪系统广泛应用于制导武器、航空航天观测设备以及靶场光电测量仪器等领域。针对光电成像测量时滞和模型不确定性,设计了一种鲁棒自调整内模控制算法。给出基于相位裕度和幅值裕度指标的系统控制器整定方程,分析得到了模型失配情况下的系统鲁棒稳定条件以及参数的设计准则,引入基于二次型性能指标的优化方法在线自适应调整控制滤波器参数来提高系统的控制性能和鲁棒性。在光电跟踪转台上的实验结果表明,所设计算法可有效地克服光电图像跟踪器测量时滞所造成的跟踪偏差,跟踪精度小于1密位,保证了成像传感器对目标的快速准确跟踪。  相似文献   

Zhang B  Yang W  Zong H  Wu Z  Zhang W 《ISA transactions》2011,50(3):454-460
This paper introduces a novel predictive controller for single-input/single-output (SISO) integrating systems, which can be directly applied without pre-stabilizing the process. The control algorithm is designed on the basis of the tested step response model. To produce a bounded system response along the finite predictive horizon, the effect of the integrating mode must be zeroed while unmeasured disturbances exist. Here, a novel predictive feedback error compensation method is proposed to eliminate the permanent offset between the setpoint and the process output while the integrating system is affected by load disturbance. Also, a rotator factor is introduced in the performance index, which is contributed to the improvement robustness of the closed-loop system. Then on the basis of Jury’s dominant coefficient criterion, a robust stability condition of the resulted closed loop system is given. There are only two parameters which need to be tuned for the controller, and each has a clear physical meaning, which is convenient for implementation of the control algorithm. Lastly, simulations are given to illustrate that the proposed algorithm can provide excellent closed loop performance compared with some reported methods.  相似文献   

Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) treats the external disturbance and internal uncertainties as a general disturbance, and uses an extended state observer (ESO) to estimate it in real-time and feeds it back in the control loop, thus can achieve good disturbance rejection performance. However, ADRC is not quite suitable for unstable delayed processes due to its inherent structure. In this paper, a two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) control structure is proposed for unstable time- delayed systems. Set-point tracking and disturbance rejection are separated in this structure and ADRC is solely responsible for disturbance rejection. A method to tune the ADRC parameters using all the information of the system is proposed, and robustness and performance of the proposed method are analyzed. Simulation examples show that 2DOF-ADRC can achieve good tracking and disturbance rejection performance.  相似文献   

The linear active disturbance approach is employed to deal with the load frequency control issue of a single area wind power system based on doubly fed induction generator, and the performance of the control law is optimized by using the bat-inspired algorithm. The load frequency control issue has become more challenging in a complex power system based on wind energy conversion system due to the varying feature of the wind penetration, and sustaining the balance between the power generation and demand by rejecting the internal uncertainties in the process model and the external disturbances simultaneously. In the framework of the presented linear active disturbance rejection control approach, by constructing an extended state observer, the total disturbance, including all the unmodelled dynamics in the process model and the external disturbances, can be estimated in real time and then compensated by a simple linear PD control law. The controller parameters tuning is then simplified into the optimization of the two bandwidths: observer bandwidth, and the controller bandwidth. Then, this issue can be achieved by employing the heuristic modified bat inspired algorithm based on the optimization of the proposed performance index. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by the extensive simulation examples of the load frequency control issue involved in the single area power system, taking into account different wind penetration, as well as the external disturbances. The performance robustness of the proposed approach against the parameters perturbation in the process model is also demonstrated via the Monte-Carlo method. The performance superiority of the proposed approach over the conventional Proportional Integral and Fuzzy-Proportional Integral based controller even in the presence of external disturbances and uncertainty in power system parameters under different cases of high wind penetration is also validated from the simulation results.  相似文献   

Control of the non-minimum phase (NMP) system is challenging, especially in the presence of modelling uncertainties and external disturbances. To this end, this paper presents a combined feedforward and model-assisted Active Disturbance Rejection Control (MADRC) strategy. Based on the nominal model, the feedforward controller is used to produce a tracking performance that has minimum settling time subject to a prescribed undershoot constraint. On the other hand, the unknown disturbances and uncertain dynamics beyond the nominal model are compensated by MADRC. Since the conventional Extended State Observer (ESO) is not suitable for the NMP system, a model-assisted ESO (MESO) is proposed based on the nominal observable canonical form. The convergence of MESO is proved in time domain. The stability, steady-state characteristics and robustness of the closed-loop system are analyzed in frequency domain. The proposed strategy has only one tuning parameter, i.e., the bandwidth of MESO, which can be readily determined with a prescribed robustness level. Some comparative examples are given to show the efficacy of the proposed method. This paper depicts a promising prospect of the model-assisted ADRC in dealing with complex systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a novel compound control scheme combined with the advantages of trajectory linearization control (TLC) and alternative active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) for hypersonic reentry vehicle (HRV) attitude tracking system with bounded uncertainties. Firstly, in order to overcome actuator saturation problem, nonlinear tracking differentiator (TD) is applied in the attitude loop to achieve fewer control consumption. Then, linear extended state observers (LESO) are constructed to estimate the uncertainties acting on the LTV system in the attitude and angular rate loop. In addition, feedback linearization (FL) based controllers are designed using estimates of uncertainties generated by LESO in each loop, which enable the tracking error for closed-loop system in the presence of large uncertainties to converge to the residual set of the origin asymptotically. Finally, the compound controllers are derived by integrating with the nominal controller for open-loop nonlinear system and FL based controller. Also, comparisons and simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the control strategy.  相似文献   

Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) treats all the model uncertainties and all the external disturbances as a generalized disturbance. It uses an extended state observer (ESO) to estimate the generalized disturbance in real time, and compensate it using a state-feedback control law, thus can achieve good disturbance rejection performance. For linear ADRC (LADRC), the parameters can be tuned via the bandwidths of the ESO and the feedback control, thus an LADRC can be regarded as a fixed-structured controller with several parameters to tune, just like a PID controller. To help tuning the parameters of LADRC, a tuning rule is proposed in this paper, with the aim to minimize the load disturbance attenuation performance in the integral of time square error sense, under the constraint of a specified robustness measure for the first-order processes with deadtime. The tuning rule is tested for a variety of benchmark systems and the gravity drained tanks case, and the performances are compared with the well-known PID tuning methods.  相似文献   

The paper considers the tracking problem for a class of uncertain linear time invariant (LTI) systems with both uncertain parameters and external disturbances. The active disturbance rejection tracking controller is designed and the resulting closed-loop system׳s characteristics are comprehensively studied. In the time-domain, it is proven that the output of closed-loop system can approach its ideal trajectory in the transient process against different kinds of uncertainties by tuning the bandwidth of extended state observer (ESO). In the frequency-domain, different kinds of parameters׳ influences on the phase margin and the crossover frequency of the resulting control system are illuminated. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the controller are verified through the actuator position control system with uncertain parameters and load disturbances in the simulations.  相似文献   

Hydraulic servomechanism is the typical mechanical/hydraulic double-dynamics coupling system with the high stiffness control and mismatched uncertainties input problems, which hinder direct applications of many advanced control approaches in the hydraulic servo fields. In this paper, by introducing the singular value perturbation theory, the original double-dynamics coupling model of the hydraulic servomechanism was reduced to a integral chain system. So that, the popular ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) technology could be directly applied to the reduced system. In addition, the high stiffness control and mismatched uncertainties input problems are avoided. The validity of the simplified model is analyzed and proven theoretically. The standard linear ADRC algorithm is then developed based on the obtained reduced-order model. Extensive comparative co-simulations and experiments are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对液压机械传动装置(Hydraulic Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission, HMCVT)在阶跃负载扰动、变速器输入转速扰动的影响下所引起的输出转速波动问题,以分矩汇速式液压机械传动装置中的泵-马达系统为研究对象,以系统稳速输出为控制目标,提出一种基于扰动补偿的模糊自抗扰控制(Active Disturbance Rejection Control, ADRC)方法。该方法采用模糊控制理论对自抗扰控制中的非线性误差反馈系数进行在线整定,利用扩张状态观测器(Extended State Observer, ESO)对系统总扰动进行实时观测,并通过前馈控制调节电-液比例阀阀芯位移来补偿变量泵斜盘摆角,最终实现HMCVT稳速控制。仿真结果表明,相比于传统PID控制,采用模糊自抗扰控制的液压机械传动装置在外负载和输入转速突变时,变量泵斜盘抖振幅度更小,系统稳速输出响应时间更短,抗扰动能力更强。  相似文献   

为了对轮式移动机器人(WMR)进行光滑、鲁棒、稳定的轨迹跟踪控制,分析了生物激励神经动力学原理,研究了非线性模型预测控制策略,提出了一种基于神经动力学思想的模型预测终端控制方法。首先,针对传统控制方法存在的初始速度跳变问题,利用神经动力学在信息处理方面的优良特性,设计了神经动力学控制模块;然后,根据模型预测控制原理给出了一个优化控制模块;最后,设计了终端域和线性反馈终端控制器来保证系统的全局渐近稳定性。仿真结果表明:利用所设计的控制方法进行曲线跟踪时,被控WMR系统收敛到参考轨迹的时间可从12s降到5s,初始线速度/角速度分别从[-3,4]m/s和[-5,6]rad/s缩小到[0,2]m/s和[-3,3]rad/s,且系统输出有界光滑,使WMR在完成轨迹跟踪的同时实现了全局渐进稳定。由于文中核心算法的推导过程不受WMR运动学模型限制,故该研究结论亦可应用于其他结构的移动机器人。  相似文献   

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