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Commissioned by Germany's Working Group of the Federal States on Water Problems (LAWA) the authors developed a procedure to define natural groundwater conditions from groundwater monitoring data. The distribution pattern of a specific groundwater parameter observed by a number of groundwater monitoring stations within a petrographically comparable groundwater typology is reproduced by two statistical distribution functions, representing the "natural" and "influenced" component. The range of natural groundwater concentrations is characterized by confidence intervals of the distribution function of the natural component. The applicability of the approach was established for 17 hydrochemical different groundwater typologies occurring throughout Germany. Based on groundwater monitoring data from ca. 26,000 groundwater-monitoring stations, 40 different hydrochemical parameters were evaluated for each groundwater typology. For all investigated parameters the range of natural groundwater concentrations has been identified. According to the requirements of the EC Water Framework Directive (article 17) (WFD) this study is a basis for the German position to propose criteria for assessing a reference state for a "good groundwater chemical status".  相似文献   

The Scottish Executive considers 'Diffuse Pollution from Agricultural Enterprises' as a priority issue over the next 5-10 years and recognises the need to improve knowledge transfer, advice and training amongst farmers, crofters, contractors and advisers. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency commissioned SAC to survey advisory staff on diffuse pollution issues, mitigation measures and delivery of environmental advice to the farming industry. This showed that the impact of agricultural diffuse pollution on the environment is considered a serious problem as is the future impact of legislation on farm business. There is an urgent requirement to raise advisers' awareness of environmental legislation and of mitigation measures. Advisers consider that farmers have limited awareness of diffuse pollution problems but those that do would consider the impact on the environment to be serious. There is a lack of knowledge on the effectiveness of pollution mitigation measures. Better technical information, supported by research, is required. This information is best conveyed to advisers via the internet, technical notes and directly by environmental specialists and delivered on to farmers by farm visits. Lack of funds prevents most farmers adopting best management practices and more than 80% of advisers consider that environmental advice should be free.  相似文献   

The exchange processes between the Rhine river and the alluvial aquifer were analysed in the upper part of the rift valley (upstream of Strasbourg). Hydraulic works, and the consequent suppression of flooding, along the Alsace Rhine floodplain greatly modified these processes. The transfer of persistent toxic micropollutants (organochlorine compounds, mercury), and non-persistent pollutants (organophosphorous compounds: Sandoz spill) from the Rhine to the groundwater-fed streams was exhibited by pollutant bioaccumulation in fish (particularly in the eel) and eutrophication of these streams near the canalized river. Comparison of the hydrological functioning of the two main river floodplains (the Rhine and its tributary, the Ill in the Alsace Rhine plain) shows two completely different exchange processes: in the case of the canalized Rhine, the groundwater is affected by direct transfer of pollutants through the channel bed. In the other case, that of the river Ill, where the floodplain is still widely flooded each year, the self-purification of the floodwaters transferred to the groundwater is very effective: the soil-root system of alluvial forest and meadow apparently having a high purification capacity.  相似文献   

以内布拉斯加普拉特河谷为例,详细分析了地下水开采对河流流量衰减的影响。计算了从1981年10月1日-1986年9月30日5年期间,普拉特河南、北两侧在抽水期间和抽水后期河流基流的减少和河流入渗的增加。其结果表明:无论是南侧还是北侧,抽水后期对河流流量影响的程度要明显大于抽水期间的;在河流南、北侧,抽水对河流基流的减少和河流入渗的增加影响恰恰相反,抽水在河流南侧对河流基流量减少的影响要明显大于河流的北侧,对河流渗漏量增加的影响却明显小于河流的北侧。这是因为在河流南侧,地下水水位高出河水们的值要大于河流的北侧,地下水位高出河水位的值越大,水对河流基流量减少的影响越明显,对河流渗漏增加的影响却微弱。这些信息对该地区,或类似地区水资源的合理开发利用是极其重要的。  相似文献   

Actions are being developed to address the adverse consequences of engineering works on large European rivers by developing and implementing restoration activities in order to enhance the functionality and biodiversity of fluvial hydrosystems. However, as has frequently been mentioned in the scientific literature, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the project benefits, if any, and their sustainability are hindered by the difficulty in assessing the responses of aquatic and riparian communities to the methods employed. A case study was conducted on a by‐passed section of the Upper Rhine River (France and Germany) to investigate the effects of instream flow increase and gravel augmentation on selected aquatic and riparian communities (macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, and riparian plants). This paper presents the results of a 6‐year interdisciplinary, before‐after control‐impact design monitoring study. The complexity of the study lies in carrying out a separate assessment of the cumulative effects on a site‐based, project‐specific basis. The results showed that (a) the instream flow increase resulted in greater richness of macrophyte species in the newly created backwaters, (b) the artificial gravel bar favoured the recruitment of pioneer species, including invasive species, although gravel redistribution by floods prevented their development, and (c) gravel augmentation tended to promote the taxonomic richness of macroinvertebrate communities with the appearance of species adapted to the new substrate areas. These findings should help to fill the knowledge gaps in large‐scale restoration and contribute key responses to the most frequently arising issues in this area, especially those concerning the efficiency and sustainability of river restoration projects.  相似文献   

Diffuse pollution problems involve numerous different organizations and this requires decision makers to involve different actors if they want to develop policies that have a chance of being implemented effectively. A first step in such interactive policy development would be to gain an overview of the different actors involved in diffuse pollution problems, as well as their views on the problem, their interests and their means to influence policy development and implementation. Dynamic Actor Network Analysis (DANA) offers a method that helps analysts in providing such an overview, and the use of this method is explored through its application to a case in the Dutch province of North Holland. The described case specifically focuses on the use of herbicides in public space and involves actors from regional water management authorities, municipalities and private sector users. An important finding is that there is an imbalance in the perceptions of actors that needs to be addressed by water management authorities. The paper concludes that DANA is a promising tool for offering new and useful insights to decision makers, although more practical experience is needed to better assess the utility of this analysis tool.  相似文献   

对我国平原区浅层地下水水质现状进行了评价。初步评价结果表明,我国地下水水质形势严峻,劣质水分布面积占平原区面积近60%。高矿化度地下水分布比较广泛,总硬度和矿化度成为地下水主要的超标因子。铁、锰、氟等水文地球化学组分对地下水水质也有明显的影响,除天然因素外,地下水受人为污染的程度十分严重,全国有近25%平原区地下水受到不同程度的污染。在人口和社会经济活动密集的流域,地下水污染已经呈现大范围扩散的态势。地下水保护形势十分迫切,指出要客观认识到地下水水质的先天因素和人为污染的区别,有针对性地进行地下水的保护。  相似文献   

Water quality in China shows an overall trend of deterioration in recent years. Nonpoint source pollution from agricultural and rural regions is the leading source of water pollution. The agricultural nonpoint source pollutants are mainly from fertilization of cropland, excessive livestock and poultry breeding and undefined disposal of daily living wastes in rural areas. Agricultural nonpoint sources contribute the main source of pollution to most watersheds in China, but they are ignored in management strategy and policy. Due to the lack of full understanding of water pollution control and management and the lack of perfect water quality standard systems and practical legislative regulations, agricultural nonpoint source pollution will become one of the biggest challenges to the sustainable development of rural areas and to society as a whole. The system for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in China should include an appropriate legislation and policy framework, financing mechanisms, monitoring system, and technical guidelines and standards. The management of agricultural nonpoint source pollution requires multidisciplinary approaches that will involve a range of government departments, institutions and the public.  相似文献   

Diffuse pollution is hard to analyze, control and manage by its nature. Watershed models and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are recently developed tools that aid analysis of diffuse sources of pollution. However, their applications are not always easy and straightforward. Turkey is a typical example of a mountainous country rich in rivers and streams. Due to the complex geomorphology, land-use and agricultural practices in most of the watersheds in Turkey, modelling, analyzing and managing diffuse pollution has been a challenge. The complex watershed structure forces the modellers to work with spatially high resolution data. Apart from the data, the models themselves may also cause operational problems. These issues and their probable solutions form the basis of the discussions in this paper. It acts as a guideline for modelling and analyzing diffuse pollution by emphasizing the referred problems and difficulties. Design of an Information Technology-based system tool for watershed and/or water quality modelling, which would be suitable for countries having watersheds with similar structure and problems to those of Turkey, is also outlined.  相似文献   

淮河流域水污染治理与措施创新   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了根治淮河流域水污染,确保南水北调工程东线水质安全,提出淮河流域水污染治理创新措施:将南水北调工程建设与淮河流域新农村建设结合起来,建立水质控制与经济发展联动的长效机制;改革水资源税的管理使用办法,让经济发达的调水输入城市替代调水沿线落后农村地区分担国家级工程的前期投入成本;将排污收费划分为排污管理费与排污处理费,适当提高排污处理费征收标准,以排污处理费为基础,实现排污处理的市场化运营;加大对污染控制区农村地区的财政转移支付力度,解决县乡政府机构运转困难问题;实行财政转移支付力度与新农村地区水质保护绩效挂钩的制度;以县为单位实行产业倾斜政策,鼓励污染严控区大力发展绿色循环经济;对农村税费与土地管理进行深化改革,培育有利于清洁生产与循环经济大发展的良好市场环境,加快社会主义新农村的建设。  相似文献   

重庆金佛山地下水的氮污染源研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究重庆金佛山地区地下水的氮污染情况,于2007年7月采集21个水样,利用阴离子色谱仪和ICP-OES分析主要阴、阳离子,再利用EA-Conflo-IRMS联机测试δ15N-NO3-,分析得知:金佛山地区地下水已经受到NO3--N的威胁,尤其是Group1,污染严重;判断地下水的主要氮污染源有粪肥、化肥、天然土壤、工业废弃物和生活污水等,初步得出该区δ15N的变化范围,为以后深入研究金佛山地区地下水质提供基础。这一研究对金佛山部分村镇居民寻找和饮用地下水具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

海河流域平原区浅层地下水超采量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集整理了海河流域平原区浅层各省市几种来源的地下水位数据,利用ARCGIS技术,矢量化《华北平原地下水可持续利用图集》作出1959年、1984年、2005年6月地下水等水位图,利用《中国地质环境监测地下水位年鉴》2005年-2013年末及2005年6月数据,计算了时段变化率,推算出2005年-2013年地下水等水位图,并利用"华北平原地下水演变机制与调控项目"地下水位数据对估算水位进行检验,说明推算的地下水位分布是可靠的,进一步结合地下水开采漏斗和含水层给水度对超采量进行了估算。计算结果表明,1959年-2013年,海河流域平原区浅层地下水累计超采979.45×10~8 m~3,水位平均下降9.62m。其中1959年-1984年年均超采16.34×10~8 m~3,水位平均累计下降3.93m、年均下降0.141m;1984年-2005年年均超采21.21×10~8 m~3,水位平均累计下降6.28m、年均下降0.299m;2005年-2013年年均超采15.67×10~8 m~3,水位平均累计下降1.05m、年均下降0.131m,2010年以后已呈平稳状态。超采漏斗主要存在于山前地区且用水量较大的城市,尤以子牙河平原西部石家庄、邢台一带最为严重。  相似文献   

Simulations with regional climate models (RCMs), carried out for the Rhine basin, have been analyzed in the context of implications of the possible future discharge of the Rhine river. In a first analysis, the runoff generated by the RCMs is compared to observations, in order to detect the way the RCMs treat anomalies in precipitation in their land surface component. A second analysis is devoted to the frequency distribution of area averaged precipitation, and the impact of selection of various driving global climate models.  相似文献   

为研究岳阳市地下水污染对人体健康产生的危害风险,根据2008年岳阳市地下水污染现状调查数据,采用美国环境保护署(U.S.EPA)推荐的水环境健康风险评价模型,对岳阳市地下水通过饮用水途径引起的健康风险进行了评价。结果表明:总健康风险在1.34×10^-11~2.21×10^-4a^-1之间,平均为2.02×10^-5a^-1,低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受风险水平5×10^-5a^-1,表现为潜水=承压水;岳阳市地下水较低健康风险、中等健康风险和较高健康风险比例分别占为38.5%、2.6%和5.1%,总体为较低健康风险;非致癌物质健康风险表现为氟化物〉Mn〉Fe〉NH3-N〉NO3-N〉Se〉NO2-N〉Hg〉Zn、承压水〉潜水;总健康风险主要来自化学致癌物质As,因此As应作为风险决策管理的重点对象。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
国外农业非点源污染研究起步于20世纪60年代,非点源污染研究的历史已有40多年,各国科学家系统地探索了非点源污染物污染特征、类型、单场暴雨、长期平均污染负荷输出和模型模拟等方面的研究,并付诸管理实践等方面的研究。我国的非点源污染相关研究起步较晚,往往局限于狭义的非点源污染的研究。在简单介绍我国农业非点源污染研究的基础上,指出不足,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

地下水硝酸盐污染的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了地下水硝酸盐的迁移转化机理、地下水硝酸盐来源、地下水硝酸去除和地下水中硝酸盐污染的风险评估几个方面的研究进展,并提出了存在的问题和将来值得重视的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文根据海城河的地质特征和水文地质特征,详细分析了海城河河谷平原地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件,以鞍山市自来水公司水源地、海城市自来水公司水源地实际开采漏斗法推算河谷平原开采储量,再以均衡法说明其保证条件,提出海城河河谷平原地下水开采储量。  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔市地下水环境的现状评价和影响预测表明:潜水含水层已受到较严重污染,承压水也正受到污水氧化塘的污染。建议尽快开展地下水环境管理研究,以保证地下水资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

Loss of pesticides is likely from watersheds where pesticides are used. The herbicides propachlor, linuron and metamitron, and the fungicides propiconazole, fenpropimorph and metribuzin and metalaxyl, were applied on an arable soil plot. A mass balance study showed that approximately 96% of the applied pesticides disappeared within the watershed. Three pesticides remained as residuals in the soil profile one year after the application. The 4% of the pesticides that were lost from the watershed gave peak concentrations, appearing immediately after spraying, reaching levels that can be hazardous to aquatic life. The constructed wetland situated in the first-order stream generally managed to lower the peak concentrations significantly. For the summer season, retention varied from 12 to 67% the first year. The second year, we observed both loss and retention. Increasing the wetland surface from 0.2% to 0.4% of the watershed area increased the average retention with 21% units the first year and 9% units the second year. Chemical properties of the pesticides could explain some of the behaviour in the watershed and in the wetland.  相似文献   

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