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A metric study of 71 Japanese and 106 Australian aboriginal precontemporary crania was undertaken using direct measurements and cephalograms. Compared with Australian aboriginals, the Japanese are characterized by smaller cranial length, cranial base length, nasal floor length, palatal length, mandibular dimensions (except symphysis height), facial depth, posterior face height, and facial profile angle and larger cranial breadth and height, maxillary breadth, palatal breadth, anterior face height, and occlusal and mandibular plane angles. These differences confirm the previously described brachycephalic tendency in aboriginals and the dolichocephalic form in the Japanese. The differences are also consistent with the expected functional differences between the Australian aboriginal hunter-gatherer group masticating more resistant food with larger, more anteriorly located, more powerful masseter muscles and the Japanese group masticating less resistant food with correspondingly less robust masticatory musculature. The results highlight the differences in craniofacial morphology between groups with different genetic backgrounds subjected to significantly different environmental influences.  相似文献   

Between June 1991 and November 1992, 36 patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease were treated by CT-guided percutaneous lumbar sympathicolysis. Three months after the procedure, 39% claimed subjective improvement, 53% were unchanged and 8% were worse. Walking distance increased significantly from 86 to 167 m (p = 0.02). There was a comparable increase in walking distance between diabetics and non-diabetics. Comparison of one and two level procedures (each 50%) also showed similar increase in walking distance. There were no serious complications. The results justify the use of CT-guided percutaneous lumbar sympathicolysis in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease who are unsuitable for treatment by revascularisation. The procedure can be carried out on an outpatient basis and on otherwise inoperable patients and therefore has significant advantages compared with surgical sympathectomy.  相似文献   

THIS article attempts to provide answers from a psychiatric viewpoint to the question posed by Tindale (1974) in the opening paragraph of his Aboriginal Tribes of Australia: "What happens when a few small groups of people of family size are wresting a living from a given area of land by searching for food, over whose presence or growth they have no direct control?" Such very small-scale societies were a necessity in the Australian environment, where the Aboriginals were obliged to live by hunting and gathering. Indeed, the life-style of all manking was similar to this through most of the time span of human existence. The survey on which this article is based examined a community not long removed from that life-style, and found the defense mechanisms of projection and identification, which apparently persist because of their ancient function in assisting the adjustment of the individual and the group in these very small-scale societies. Some clans in this area have been in continuous contact with whites for only 25 years, and the others for about 60 years, so it is unlikely that the modal defenses of the people have changed. The child-rearing patterns that contributed to the defenses, appropriate to a society organized into clans, probably also have not changed significantly. Intensified by stresses of modern origin, these defenses shape the psychiatric illnesses of today.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of spores B. subtilis and B. stearothermophilus to steam under pressure depended on the growth medium and duration of cultivation. B. subtilis and B. stearothermophilus produced the largest number of spores on medium with Mn and yeast extract. However the spores grown on the medium were not the most resistant. The resistant spores was growing up with the age of cultures. The highest level of resistance was obtained in the case of the medium with Ca, after 7-10 days of cultivation. The sporicidal effect of steam under pressure depended on the number of spores on the test.  相似文献   

Differences in the costs of health care systems among industrialized countries has been the focus of several studies. Labor costs, specifically the amount of resources used for administration, are considered to contribute to differences in overall health care costs. To determine differences in the use of labor resources, especially administrative and managerial, among American, Austrian and German hospitals, we use a convenience sample of one Austrian, one German and two United States (US) tertiary care centers. In our analysis we used payroll data of the four hospitals. First, we categorized job titles and created job categories. Subsequently, we calculated full time equivalents (FTEs) per job category and compared them across countries. Adjustments were made for differences in health systems. The main outcome measures were FTEs per patient day and per discharge in each job category. In the US hospitals > 19% of FTEs were in administrative categories as compared with < 8% in the European hospitals. For administrative managers, US hospitals used > 11 times the labor per patient day of the European institutions. Among administrative areas, the largest absolute FTE difference was in financial operations. US hospitals used > 5 FTEs of personnel per 10,000 patient days versus < 1.0 FTE in the European hospitals. Given the kinds of administrative work done in US hospitals compared to Austria and Germany, differences in the organization and financing of these countries' health care systems may account for an important part of the higher number of US personnel.  相似文献   

Adulthood-the lengthy phase following attainment of biologic maturity-often is perceived as a period of "no change" or one of slow deterioration. Recent skeletodental studies discount this stereotype. Changes in arch size and shape were studied here in a longitudinal series of 60 adults with intact dentitions. Full-mouth study models were taken at about 20 years of age and again at about 55 years. Some variables-particularly those between arches (incisor overbite and overjet, molar relationship) and mandibular intercanine width-remained age-invariant. In contrast, all other measures of arch width and length changed significantly (P < 0.01): Arch widths increased over time, especially in the distal segments, whereas arch lengths decreased. These changes significantly altered arch shape toward shorter-broader arches. The data suggest that changes during adulthood occur most rapidly during the second and third decades of life, but do not stop thereafter. Possible mechanisms driving these changes in tooth position are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of measurements from the tali of 21 individual fossil primates from Africa shows that the specimens fall into five clearly defined groups. Accordingly, these specimens have been included as groups along with extant species in a subsequent canonical analysis thus allowing the fossils to play their part in the determination of the canonical separations. The results of this procedure show that the five fossil groups lie in a part of the canonical space not occupied by any extant African primate. Their positions are between the envelope of Asiatic apes (Hylobates and Pongo) and the envelope of African forms near the edge which contains Pan and Papio. One fossil group is so similar to Hylobates that its talus may have functioned in locomotion in a parallel manner. Others lie near to Pongo in directions proceeding towards Pan and Papio and it is possible that this similarity may indicate remnants of morphological adaptation for climbing in these fossils. At the same time, however, individual specimens are closer to one or another of the extant groups and this considerable spread suggests that the locomotor adaptations as evidenced by talar morphology, of the primate fauna in Africa, may have been very different from those of the present day. This would not the inconsistent with the different habitats, floras and non-primate faunas that may have characterized the East African scene at these earlier times. Particular fossils from Olduvai and Kromdraai that are supposed to be australopithecine and therefore bipeds, are confirmed (Oxnard, '72; Lisowski et al., '74) as being totally different from man in their talar morphology and essentially rather similar to the majority of the other fossil tali examined.  相似文献   

To determine the most successful mode of treatment, 33 consecutive cases of duodenal atresia treated by duodenoduodenostomy and not associated with other gastro-intestinal anomalies were analysed retrospectively. These patients have been placed in a nonrandomised fashion into one of three groups: Group A: Duodenostomy (side to side) with gastrostomy and transanastomotic feeding tube (n = 12); Group B: Duodenoduodenostomy (diamond shape) with jejunostomy feeding tube (n = 12); Group C: Duodenoduodenostomy (diamond shape) only (n = 9). A nasogastric tube was used in all cases. There was no difference between the groups for gestational age, birthweight, and age at operation. The outcome measures used to compare these groups were the time taken to achieve full preanastomotic feeds and the duration of hospital stay. There was no difference in time taken to achieve full pre-anastomotic feeds between Group A and Group B. Patients in Group C took significantly less time to achieve full pre-anastomotic feeds than either of the other two groups (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U). The duration of hospital stay was also significantly shorter for patients in Group C (median = 12 days) than for patients in either Group A or B (median = 24, 20 days respectively) (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Aqueous melanin granules are essential in the pathogenesis of pigment dispersion syndrome and pigmentary glaucoma. We quantified aqueous melanin granules with the laser flare-cell meter in patients with pigment dispersion syndrome, assessed the measurement reproducibility, and correlated the numbers with clinical findings. METHODS: Aqueous melanin granules were counted by means of the cell count mode of the laser flare-cell meter (KOWA FC-1000; Kowa, Tokyo, Japan) in 42 eyes of 21 patients with primary pigment dispersion syndrome under three conditions (undilated pupils, dilated pupils, after exercise). The reproducibility of the measurements was determined with the intraclass correlation coefficient. A control group of 40 age- and sex-matched eyes was also examined after pupillary dilation. The results were correlated with biomicroscopic findings in eyes with pigment dispersion syndrome (retrocorneal Krukenberg spindle, iris transillumination, pigmentation of trabecular meshwork). RESULTS: Numerous aqueous melanin granules were detected in eyes with pigment dispersion syndrome (mean, 2.9 +/- 3.7 granules/0.075 mm3) but only small numbers were counted in normal eyes (0.2 +/- 0.3, P < .001). Medical pupil dilation caused an additional increase of aqueous melanin granules in pigment dispersion syndrome (6.3 +/- 5.3, P < .001), but not undilated exercise (climbing stairs) (2.9 +/- 3.7, P > .5). The reproducibility of the measurements was very high (intraclass coefficient >0.92). The number of melanin granules correlated with the degree of Krukenberg spindle (r = .61, P = .004) and with iris transillumination (r = .69, P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: Quantification of aqueous melanin granules yields reproducible results and shows increased numbers in pigment dispersion syndrome, especially after pupillary dilation. Aqueous melanin granule quantification may be useful for evaluating eyes with pigment dispersion syndrome and for assessing treatment effects.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated familial aggregation as well as familial covariation of diseases by means of a questionnaire survey dealing with family histories of stomach cancer, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis as well as life style among 2,769 inhabitants of a rural community (84% of census population). METHODS: The strength of familial aggregation was shown by an odds ratio (OR) that compared the number of families in which siblings suffered from one of the above diseases among families in which at least one parent suffered from it, and among families in which neither did. Probands were divided into two groups for analysis: an under-55 "young group," and a 55-and-older "old group." RESULTS: The OR for stomach cancer was lowest and insignificant in the young group, and significant (2.2, p < 0.05) only in the old group. The OR for stroke, hypertension, and tuberculosis was 4.5-5.1 (p < 0.05) in the young group but decreased to 2.3-3.2 in the old group. Diabetes increased from 3.9 to 5.7 (p < 0.05) with advancing age. Age-related OR trends were not affected by exposure to cigarette smoke in the past. Stomach cancer showed a borderline familial covariation with diabetes and a borderline inverse covariation with hypertension. Hypertension showed a familial covariation with stroke and diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Among the investigated diseases, familial aggregation was weakest for stomach cancer. The results suggest that stomach cancer may share a common familial etiologic factor with diabetes and hypotension.  相似文献   

Complement component I (IF) and C1R subcomponent of C1 (C1R) types were determined by isoelectric focusing and subsequent immunoblotting techniques for 658 individuals from nine aboriginal Taiwanese populations. The frequency of the IF*A allele ranges from 0.075 (Bunun) to 0.430 (Saisiat), and a new variant allele IF*B2 was found to have polymorphic frequency in the Atayal. The frequency of the C1R*1 allele ranges from 0.410 (Yami) to 0.650 (Atayal), and the frequency of the C1R*2 allele ranges from 0.265 (Atayal) to 0.586 (Saisiat). The C1R*5 allele was found in five populations (Atayal, Bunun, Ami, Puyuma, Yami), and the C1R*9 allele was found in two populations (Tsou, Puyuma). The results indicate a remarkable degree of genetic variability among these populations. The variability may reflect long-term genetic and geographic isolation of each population.  相似文献   

At 488 nm argon-ion laser excitation human mononuclear cells emit flavoprotein-related autofluorescence signals. Approximately 60% of these are caused by the mitochondrial flavoproteins alpha-lipoamide dehydrogenase and electron transfer flavoprotein, having differences in their fluorescence emission spectra. At the emission wavelength of 530 nm the redox changes of alpha-lipoamide dehydrogenase fluorescence in human mononuclear cells can be monitored by flow cytometry. This allows the estimation of the steady-state reduction level of this flavoprotein being in redox equilibrium with the mitochondrial NAD-system. We applied this method to elucidate the possible impairment of mitochondrial function in subpopulations of mononuclear cells of patients harboring deletions of the mitochondrial DNA in skeletal muscle. In the monocyte fraction of three patients and in the lymphocyte fraction of one patient we observed in the presence of the mitochondrial substrate octanoate elevated steady-state reduction levels of alpha-lipoamide dehydrogenase. This is an indication for the presence of respiratory chain-inhibited mitochondria in mononuclear cell subpopulations of the described patients. These data were confirmed by conventional determinations of maximal oxygen consumption rates of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Therefore, the flow cytometric determination of flavoprotein-caused autofluorescence changes is a useful and sensitive method for the detection of an impairment of mitochondrial respiratory chain in subpopulations of heterogeneous cell suspensions.  相似文献   

Investigated Japanese affective structure and its relation to English-language mood in an idiographic/nomothetic analysis. 57 Japanese mood terms were derived from an initial pool through factor analysis of content sortings. 18 Japanese undergraduates provided daily self-ratings on these terms for 3 mo. Each Ss' data were subjected to an individual factor analysis. Two large factors—Positive and Negative Affect, the major dimensions of mood found in previous research among English-speaking US Ss—emerged in most of the solutions. Japanese/English bilinguals made content sortings of the Japanese terms and 60 English mood words. The resulting 15 bilingual content categories were used in a comparison of Japanese and US mood structures, and a remarkable convergence was revealed. Factor score distributions were also similar in the 2 languages. The major difference between the structures involved the content factor Sleepy, which did not have a significant negative loading on the Japanese Positive Affect factor. This appears to be consistent with known cultural differences in values and behavior. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Satz-Mogel abbreviation of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised (WAIS—R) was compared with a 7-subtest short form (L. C. Ward, see record 1991-00137-001) in samples of normal and neurologically impaired elderly persons 75 yrs and older. The normals were 130 Ss from the old-age WAIS—R standardization sample, and the brain-damaged group consisted of 40 men with medically diagnosed brain dysfunction (average age 79.5 yrs). The short forms were highly similar in administration times, correlations with the WAIS—R IQs, estimation of the average IQ scores, and in classification of intelligence for both the normal and neurologically impaired Ss. Finally, both short forms correctly estimated significant Verbal IQ–Performance IQ discrepancies about 75% of the time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis is the vector of Leishmania donovani chagasi in Latin America. An analysis of genetic variability at 27 enzyme coding loci among three laboratory populations of Lu. longipalpis revealed substantial genetic polymorphism. Levels of genetic distance between all pairwise comparisons of colonies were very high, and consistent with those previously reported among separate species in the genus Lutzomyia. Between 7% and 22% of the loci studied were diagnostic for any two of the colony populations. Experimental hybridization between colonies resulted in the production of sexually sterile male progeny. Our results provide strong evidence that Lu. longipalpis exists in nature as a complex of at least three distinct species. The possible effects of colonization on the genetic makeup of laboratory populations is considered in extending our results to natural populations.  相似文献   

This article compares cancer rate differentials for 1989-1993 and 1979-1981 between black and whites in Los Angeles, Nashville, and Atlanta, In Los Angeles and Atlanta, the black/white relative risk of lung cancer incidence has increased. While the relative risk for prostate cancer has decreased, blacks still show an excess incidence. White women still show a higher incidence of breast cancer, but the risk is closer to one. In all three cities, the excesses of black male lung cancer and female breast cancer mortalities have increased. The excess of black prostate cancer mortality increased in Atlanta and Nashville but decreased in Los Angeles. The excess of black cervical cancer mortality fell in Los Angeles and Atlanta but rose in Nashville. These results indicate a continuing need to develop and implement culturally sensitive interventions targeted at the black population.  相似文献   

In an attempt to examine differential effects of personality on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) without regard to disease type, we used the HRQoL-20, a general questionnaire (Japanese original scale) we developed (comprising 20 questions related to physiological, psychological or social HRQoL) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), which measures personality traits of extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P). The subjects (399 males and 429 females), stomach cancer patients, non-cancer patients (who had received acupuncture or moxibustion treatment) and healthy controls, were classified into three personality types. The results indicated that the HRQoL score of the tolerable/tolerant type (high E, low N and high P scorers) was greater than the intolerable/intolerant type (low E, high N and low P scorers) and also the unclassified type (neither of above scorers). The HRQoL correlated positively with the E and P scales and negatively with the N scale, in the case of all subjects, with the exception of N in male cancer patients and E in male non-cancer patients. The results supported the hypothesis that the HRQoL varies with personality variables, in that each patient, in different treatment settings, strives for the situation that is congruent with his/her personality to attain a better HRQoL.  相似文献   

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