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王晓升 《计算机应用》2010,30(11):2967-2969
为了更好地解决现代多媒体嵌入式系统动态数据结构优化问题,结合NSGA-II和SPEA2两个多目标进化算法,引入岛屿模型和多线程机制,提出了一种并行多目标进化算法--PMOEA-NS。基于多核计算机系统,使用PMOEA-NS具体的3个不同并行算法和串行NSGA-II、SPEA2,对一个实际动态嵌入式应用程序进行优化实验和计算,结果表明:与串行算法NSGA-II和SPEA2相比,并行算法不但提高了优化过程的速度,而且改善了解的质量和多样性。  相似文献   

工程优化问题中神经网络与进化算法的比较   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目前工程优化问题不仅种类繁多,而且各自采用的模型与方法迥异。从方法论的高度,将现有工程优化问题分为黑箱优化与白箱优化,然后推出各自的优化模型。对于黑箱优化问题,阐述了前向神经网络在系统逼近上的优势,以及进化算法与BP算法在求解神经网络权值上的优劣;对于白箱优化问题,阐述了进化算法与反馈神经网络的优缺点和目前流行的进化算法及其通用改进策略。通过分析,可以对目前的优化问题,以及神经网络与进化算法在其中的作用,有更加全面的认识。  相似文献   

As humanoid robots are expected to operate in human environments they are expected to perform a wide range of tasks. Therefore, the robot arm motion must be generated based on the specific task. In this paper we propose an optimal arm motion generation satisfying multiple criteria. In our method, we evolved neural controllers that generate the humanoid robot arm motion satisfying three different criteria; minimum time, minimum distance and minimum acceleration. The robot hand is required to move from the initial to the final goal position. In order to compare the performance, single objective GA is also considered as an optimization tool. Selected neural controllers from the Pareto solution are implemented and their performance is evaluated. Experimental investigation shows that the evolved neural controllers performed well in the real hardware of the mobile humanoid robot platform.  相似文献   

多目标遗传算法求解认知无线电性能优化问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
认知无线电的性能优化是一个动态多目标优化问题。现有的Bio-CR模型基于遗传算法优化认知无线电的性能,它使用线性加权方法将此多目标优化问题简化为了一个单目标优化问题。针对Bio-CR很难确定每个适应度函数的权值和容易漏掉一些最优解的问题,提出了基于多目标遗传算法的认知无线电性能优化算法CREA。CREA能够根据信道条件和用户服务需求的变化动态地调整传输参数以优化性能,不仅克服了Bio-CR的两个缺点,而且通过保存计算结果进一步减少了遗传算法的运行次数。CREA首先根据信道条件的变化动态确定一组适应度函数,然后运行多目标遗传算法获得一个Pareto-optimal set,最后根据用户服务需求从中选出一个最满意解,并通知认知无线电更新自己的传输参数。Matlab仿真实验证明了CREA的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于嵌入式马尔可夫链的解析排队模型来分析和研究基于一定准则的防火墙在面对正常流量和DoS攻击时的性能。基于这种排队模型,得到了一组关于防火墙特征和性能的指标计算方法,这对防火墙的设计来说具有重要意义。同时还提出了一种易于实现的算法来得到这种马尔可夫链模型的状态概率,对防火墙的状态和性能也作了深入的分析。最后通过实验分析验证了提出的解析模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The paper presents an optimization algorithm that falls in the category of genetic, or evolutionary algorithms. While the bit exchange is the basis of most of the Genetic Algorithms (GA) in research and applications in America, some alternatives, also in the category of evolutionary algorithms, but using a direct, geometrical approach have gained popularity in Europe and Asia. The Bell-Curve Based Evolutionary Algorithm (BCB) is in this alternative category and is distinguished by the use of a combination ofn-dimensional geometry and the normal distribution, the bell-curve, in the generation of the offspring. The tool for creating a child is a geometrical construct comprising a line connecting two parents and a weighted point on that line. The point that defines the child deviates from the weighted point in two directions: parallel and orthogonal to the connecting line, the deviation in each direction obeying a probabilistic distribution. Tests showed satisfactory performance of BCB. The principal advantage of BCB is its controllability via the normal distribution parameters and the geometrical construct variables.College of William and Mary  相似文献   

混沌思维进化算法将混沌搜索和思维进化算法相结合,有效地解决了思维进化算法中初始种群产生的盲目随机性和冗余性以及现有搜索方式易陷入局部最优的问题。该算法与标准思维进化算法相比,能有效地避免局部收敛,具有更快的收敛速度。把混沌思维进化算法应用到八木天线的优化设计中。通过在HFSS和MATLAB中的建模和优化设计,得出具有优良性能的天线结构,也验证了混沌思维进化算法在天线工程领域具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Many applications in engineering and science rely on the optimization of computationally expensive functions. A successful approach in such scenarios is to couple an evolutionary algorithm with a mathematical model which replaces the expensive function. However, models introduce several difficulties, such as their inherent inaccuracy, and the difficulty of matching a model to a particular problem. To address these issues, this paper proposes a model-based evolutionary algorithm with two main implementations: (a) it combats model inaccuracy with a tailored trust-region approach to manage the model during the search, and to ensure convergence to an optimum of the true expensive function, and (b) during the search it continuously selects an optimal model type out of a set of candidate models, resulting in a model-adaptive optimization search. Extensive performance analysis shows the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

提出一种基于高斯柯西变异算子的多父体杂交自适应演化算法,并用于求解约束函数优化问题。算法的特点:在随机搜索过程中引入三种新的多父体杂交算子加速收敛;基于高斯柯西变异算子提出一种新的产生新个体的方法;提出一种根据演化的进度能自动调整搜索范围的自适应机制。分析与实验表明,与其他算法相比,算法更具有通用性、高效性、鲁棒性,算法收敛速度和算法稳定性有明显改进。  相似文献   

进化过程中种群多样性降低导致的收敛极大限制了进化算法的求解质量与搜索效率。调整种群元素策略利用进化算法收敛本性,在进化过程中向进化种群加入优势元素和随机元素,调整种群元素构成。经共生进化算法求解复杂柔性作业调度测试,定期大规模加入优势元素和随机元素能有效调整种群结构,既利用了前期种群进化收敛的结果又维持了种群进化全程的多样性。使进化算法可通过扩大搜索规模有效提高求解质量,将促进进化算法在各领域的应用深度和广度。  相似文献   

Herein we demonstrate how to use model optimization to determine a set of best-fit parameters for a landform model simulating gully incision and headcut retreat. To achieve this result we employed the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), an iterative process in which samples are created based on a distribution of parameter values that evolve over time to better fit an objective function. CMA-ES efficiently finds optimal parameters, even with high-dimensional objective functions that are non-convex, multimodal, and non-separable. We ran model instances in parallel on a high-performance cluster, and from hundreds of model runs we obtained the best parameter choices. This method is far superior to brute-force search algorithms, and has great potential for many applications in earth science modeling. We found that parameters representing boundary conditions tended to converge toward an optimal single value, whereas parameters controlling geomorphic processes are defined by a range of optimal values.  相似文献   

基于进化算法的优化平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线性规划非线性规划等优化软件在社会、经济、工程等领域应用潜力巨大。现有优化软件大都采用的是经典的局部优化技术或者简单的全局优化技术。论文将进化算法引入称为优化平台的优化软件设计。对平台的关键技术进行了分析,提出了相应的平台方案,并予以了实现。该平台方案的特点是:界面动态调整增广目标函数中的惩罚因子,使用两个特别的进化算子,采用了特别的并行计算机制和退回机制。经测试,按所提方案实现的平台,操作方便,求解精度高而稳定,有显著的优越性。所提的优化平台方案是令人满意的。  相似文献   

Engineering with Computers - The advent of new data-mining techniques and, more recently, swarm-based optimization algorithms have antiquated traditional models in the field of energy performance...  相似文献   

This work is focused on improving the computational efficiency of evolutionary algorithms implemented in large-scale structural optimization problems. Locating optimal structural designs using evolutionary algorithms is a task associated with high computational cost, since a complete finite element (FE) analysis needs to be carried out for each parent and offspring design vector of the populations considered. Each of these FE solutions facilitates decision making regarding the feasibility or infeasibility of the corresponding structural design by evaluating the displacement and stress constraints specified for the structural problem at hand. This paper presents a neural network (NN) strategy to reliably predict, in the framework of an evolution strategies (ES) procedure for structural optimization, the feasibility or infeasibility of structural designs avoiding computationally expensive FE analyses. The proposed NN implementation is adaptive in the sense that the utilized NN configuration is appropriately updated as the ES process evolves by performing NN retrainings using information gradually accumulated during the ES execution. The prediction capabilities and the computational advantages offered by this adaptive NN scheme coupled with domain decomposition solution techniques are investigated in the context of design optimization of skeletal structures on both sequential and parallel computing environments.  相似文献   

在信息时代的推动下,各个行业对计算机的依赖性不断提升,随之而来的安全问题也成为人们关注的焦点。为进一步做好计算机网络安全工作,需要积极建立稳定的网络环境,进一步提升信息的安全性。基于此,文章重点阐述了计算机网络安全技术及防火墙技术的应用。  相似文献   

进化算法在求解全局优化问题时易陷入局部最优且收敛速度慢. 为了解决这一问题, 设计了一个基于下降尺度函数的杂交算子, 利用下降尺度函数与种群的关系来寻找实值函数的下降方向. 为了提高非均匀变异算子在进化后期的搜索能力, 通过均衡算子的局部搜索和全局搜索能力使其在算法后期仍能跳出局部最优. 在此基础上给出了一种新的进化算法. 最后将其与9个现有的算法进行了比较, 数值实验表明新算法快速有效.  相似文献   

自适应进化多目标粒子群优化算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出一种自适应进化粒子群优化算法以求解多目标优化问题.采用非支配排序策略和动态加权法选择最优粒子,引导种群飞行,提高Pareto解的多样性.采用动态惯性权重,提高其全局寻优能力.当种群的寻优能力减弱时,采用变异操作以引导粒子群跳出局部最优.通过ZDT1~ZDT4 基准函数验证,该算法能够在保持优化解多样性的同时实现较好的收敛性.与其他多目标进化算法和多目标粒子群优化算法相比,该算法具有较好的性能.  相似文献   

为在环境发生变化后跟踪最优解的变化,提出一种自组织单变量边缘分布算法(SOUMDA)来求解动态优化问题.自组织策略包含扩散和惯性速度模型,扩散模型利用当前环境的局部信息使群体向外扩散,惯性速度模型利用最优解的历史信息进行预测.将自组织策略与单变量边缘分布算法(UMDA)结合,使得算法在环境变化后自适应地增加种群多样性,提高算法适应能力,快速跟踪最优解.利用动态sphere函数对所提出的算法进行测试,并与UMDA和MUMDA算法进行比较,结果表明所设计的算法能快速适应环境的变化,跟踪最优解.  相似文献   

We introduce a filter-based evolutionary algorithm (FEA) for constrained optimization. The filter used by an FEA explicitly imposes the concept of dominance on a partially ordered solution set. We show that the algorithm is provably robust for both linear and nonlinear problems and constraints. FEAs use a finite pattern of mutation offsets, and our analysis is closely related to recent convergence results for pattern search methods. We discuss how properties of this pattern impact the ability of an FEA to converge to a constrained local optimum.  相似文献   

邹木春 《计算机应用研究》2011,28(11):4150-4152
提出一种动态分级的并行进化算法用于求解约束优化问题。该算法首先利用佳点集方法初始化种群。在进化过程中,将种群个体分为两个子种群,分别用于全局和局部搜索,并根据不同的搜索阶段动态调整各种级别中并行变量的数目。标准测试问题的实验结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

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