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Closures of linear context-free languages under Boolean operations are investigated. The intersection closure and the complementation closure are incomparable. By closing these closures under further Boolean operations we obtain several new language families. The hierarchy obtained by such closures of closures is proper up to a certain level, where it collapses to the Boolean closure which, in turn, is incomparable with several closures of the family of context-free languages. The Boolean closure of the linear context-free languages is properly contained in the Boolean closure of the context-free languages. A characterization of a class of non-unary languages that cannot be expressed as a Boolean formula over the linear context-free languages is presented.  相似文献   

Context-free tree grammars, originally introduced by Rounds [Math. Systems Theory 4(3) (1970) 257–287], are powerful grammar devices for the definition of tree languages. The properties of the class of context-free tree languages have been studied for more than three decades now. Particularly important here is the work by Engelfriet and Schmidt [J. Comput. System Sci. 15(3) (1977) 328–353, 16(1) (1978) 67–99]. In the present paper, we consider a subclass of the class of context-free tree languages, namely the class of linear context-free tree languages. A context-free tree grammar is linear, if no rule permits the copying of subtrees. For this class of linear context-free tree languages we show that the grammar derivation mode, which is very important for the general class of context-free tree languages, is immaterial. The main result we present is the closure of the class of linear context-free tree languages under linear frontier-to-root tree transduction mappings. Two further results are the closure of this class under linear root-to-frontier tree transduction mappings and under intersection with regular tree languages.  相似文献   

We consider two complementary operations: Hairpin completion introduced in [D. Cheptea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, A new operation on words suggested by DNA biochemistry: Hairpin completion, in: Proc. Transgressive Computing, 2006, pp. 216–228] with motivations coming from DNA biochemistry and hairpin reduction as the inverse operation of the hairpin completion. Both operations are viewed here as formal operations on words and languages. We settle the closure properties of the classes of regular and linear context-free languages under hairpin completion in comparison with hairpin reduction. While the class of linear context-free languages is exactly the weak-code image of the class of the hairpin completion of regular languages, rather surprisingly, the weak-code image of the class of the hairpin completion of linear context-free languages is a class of mildly context-sensitive languages. The closure properties with respect to the hairpin reduction of some time and space complexity classes are also studied. We show that the factors found in the general cases are not necessary for regular and context-free languages. This part of the paper completes the results given in the earlier paper, where a similar investigation was made for hairpin completion. Finally, we briefly discuss the iterated variants of these operations.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》1987,43(3):185-203
The languages generated by connected and disconnected array grammars are studied. We define substitutions of array languages, and we study closure properties of classes of array languages under substitutions. A characterization by means of substitutions for connected context-free array languages and a Kleene-like theorem for regular array languages are given.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is devoted to the study of context-free languages over infinite alphabets. This work can be viewed as a new attempt to study families of grammars, replacing the usual grammar forms and giving a new point of view on these questions. A language over an infinite alphabet or I-language appears as being a model for a family of usual languages; an interpretation is an homomorphism from the infinite alphabet to any finite alphabet. Using this notion of interpretation we can associate to each family of I-languages an image, called its shadow, which is a family of usual languages.The closure properties of families, generalizing to infinite alphabets the family of context-free languages, lead to define rational transductions between infinite alphabets or I-transductions, and then, families of I-languages closed under I-transductions, or I-cones. We study here relations between the closure properties of a family of I-languages and these of its shadow. As a result, we obtain that any union closed rational cone of context-free languages, principal or not, is the shadow of a principal I-cone.This work leads to new results about the classical theory of context-free languages. For instance, we prove that any principal rational cone of context-free languages can be generated by a context-free language, whose grammar has only 6 variables. This work also leads to more general considerations about the adequacy of some generating devices to the generated languages. It appears that the context-free grammars are fair, in a sense that we define, for generating context-free languages but that non-expansive context-free grammars are not for generating non-expansive context-free languages. This point of view raises a number of questions.  相似文献   

We define context-free grammars with Büchi acceptance condition generating languages of countable words. We establish several closure properties and decidability results for the class of Büchi context-free languages generated by these grammars. We also define context-free grammars with Müller acceptance condition and show that there is a language generated by a grammar with Müller acceptance condition which is not a Büchi context-free language.  相似文献   

Visibly pushdown languages form a subclass of the context-free languages which is appealing because of its nice algorithmic and closure properties. Here we show that the emptiness problem for this class is not any easier than the emptiness problem for context-free languages, namely hard for deterministic polynomial time. The proof consists of a reduction from the alternating graph reachability problem.  相似文献   

We consider a pseudo-inversion operation inspired by biological events, such as DNA sequence transformations, where only parts of a string are reversed. We define the pseudo-inversion of a string \(w = uxv\) to be the set of all strings \(v^Rxu^R\), where \(uv \ne \lambda \) and consider the operation from a formal language theoretic viewpoint. We show that regular languages are closed under the pseudo-inversion operation whereas context-free languages are not. Furthermore, we study the iterated pseudo-inversion operation and show that the iterated pseudo-inversion of a context-free language is recognized by a nondeterministic reversal-bounded multicounter machine. Finally, we introduce the notion of pseudo-inversion-freeness and examine closure properties and decidability problems for regular and context-free languages. We demonstrate that pseudo-inversion-freeness is decidable in polynomial time for regular languages and undecidable for context-free languages.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce context-free grammars and pushdown automata over infinite alphabets. It is shown that a language is generated by a context-free grammar over an infinite alphabet if and only if it is accepted by a pushdown automaton over an infinite alphabet. Also the generated (accepted) languages possess many of the properties of the ordinary context-free languages: decidability, closure properties, etc.. This provides a substantial evidence for considering context-free grammars and pushdown automata over infinite alphabets as a natural extension of the classical ones. Received November 27, 1995 / March 4, 1997  相似文献   

We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages.  相似文献   

The u-v theorem for context-free languages is extended to prove an intercalation theorem for the family of context-free matrix languages. A row-wise iteration factor theorem is proved for the families of regular and context-free matrix languages. Characterizations of regular and context-free matrix languages are given in terms of vertical regular sequences and simple operations on vertical regular sequences. Closure of regular and context-free matrix languages under array nondeterministic finite state transducer mappings is established and an image theorem proved. This is used to give another characterization of regular matrix languages. Further it is shown that the family of regular matrix languages is a principal abstract family of matrices (AFM). The effect of string control and array control on these families are examined.  相似文献   

Summary A derivation language associated with a context-free grammar is the set of all terminating derivations. Hierarchy and closure properties of these languages are considered. In addition to the formerly known solvability of the emptiness and finiteness problems the equivalence problem is shown to be solvable for derivation languages.  相似文献   

Control sets on grammars are extended to depth-first derivations. It is proved that a context-free language is generated by the depth-first derivations of an arbitrary context-free grammar controlled by an arbitrary regular set. This result is sharpened to obtain a new characterization of the family of derivation-bounded languages: a languageL is derivation bounded if and only if it is generated by the depth-first derivations of a context-free grammarG controlled by a regular subsetR of the Szilard language ofG. The left-derivation-bounded languages are characterized analogously using leftmost derivations. It is proved that a grammarG is nonterminal bounded if and only if the Szilard language defined using only the depth-first derivations ofG is regular. Finally, it is proved that if a family of languagesC is a trio, a semi-AFL, an AFL, or an AFL closed under -free substitution, then the family of languages generated using arbitrary context-free grammars controlled by members ofC is full, is closed under reversal, and has the closure properties assumed ofC.  相似文献   

We describe the mechanisation of some foundational results in the theory of context-free languages (CFLs), using the HOL4 system. We focus on pushdown automata (PDAs). We show that two standard acceptance criteria for PDAs (“accept-by-empty-stack” and “accept-by-final-state”) are equivalent in power. We are then able to show that the pushdown automata (PDAs) and context-free grammars (CFGs) accept the same languages by showing that each can emulate the other. With both of these models to hand, we can then show a number of basic, but important results. For example, we prove the basic closure properties of the context-free languages such as union and concatenation. Along the way, we also discuss the varying extent to which textbook proofs (we follow Hopcroft and Ullman) and our mechanisations diverge: sometimes elegant textbook proofs remain elegant in HOL; sometimes the required mechanisation effort blows up unconscionably.  相似文献   

Languages are studied which can be generated by context-free grammars under a single simple restriction which must be satisfied by its derivation trees. Using tree controlled grammars (TC grammars for short) all unambigous and some inherently ambigous context-free languages, and also some non context-free languages can be parsed in timeO(n 2). The classes of regular, linear, context-free, EOL, ETOL and type 0 languages can be characterized in a natural manner using TC grammars. A context-free generator for all type 0 languages is exhibited. Some normal forms for TC grammars are established but it is shown that many common normal forms (e. g. Greibach normal form) cannot be obtained for TC grammars in general.  相似文献   

We show that all quasi-realtime one-way multi-counter languages can be generated by a context-free -free programmed grammar (even under the free interpretation). The result can be used to obtain a new and almost trivial proof of the fundamental theorem that arbitrary context-free programmed grammars can generate all recursively enumerable languages. The proof of our result also yields the following, interesting characterization: the quasi-realtime one-way multi-counter languages are precisely the -limited homomorphic images of (free) context-free programmed production languages. It follows that the (free) derivation languages of context-free or even context-free programmed grammars, which were known to be context-sensitive, are in fact contained in the family of context-free -free programmed languages.  相似文献   

Recurrence systems have been devised to describe formally certain types of biological developments. A recurrence system specifies a formal language associated with the development of an organism. The family of languages defined by recurrence systems is an extension of some interesting families of languages, including the family of context-free languages. Some normal-form theorems are proved and the equivalence of the family of recurrence languages to a previously studied family of developmental languages (EOL-languages) is shown. Various families of developmental and other formal languages are characterized using recurrence systems. Some closure properties are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recently the one-counter trace languages and the context-free trace languages have been characterized through restricted types of cooperating distributed systems (CD-systems) of stateless deterministic restarting automata with window size one (so-called stl-det-R(1)-automata) that work in mode ‘=1’ and that use an external counter or pushdown store to determine the successor components within computations. Here we study the deterministic variants of these CD-systems, comparing the resulting language classes to the classes of languages defined by CD-systems of stl-det-R(1)-automata without such an external device and to some classical language families, among them in particular the classes of rational, one-counter, and context-free trace languages. In addition, we present a large number of (non-)closure properties for our language classes.  相似文献   

An operation of concatenation is defined for graphs. This allows strings to be viewed as expressions denoting graphs, and string languages to be interpreted as graph languages. For a class of string languages, is the class of all graph languages that are interpretations of languages from . For the classes REG and LIN of regular and linear context-free languages, respectively, . is the smallest class of graph languages containing all singletons and closed under union, concatenation and star (of graph languages). equals the class of graph languages generated by linear HR (= Hyperedge Replacement) grammars, and is generated by the corresponding -controlled grammars. Two characterizations are given of the largest class such that . For the class CF of context-free languages, lies properly inbetween and the class of graph languages generated by HR grammars. The concatenation operation on graphs combines nicely with the sum operation on graphs. The class of context-free (or equational) graph languages, with respect to these two operations, is the class of graph languages generated by HR grammars. Received 16 October 1995 / 18 September 1996  相似文献   

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