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The effects of Ce (Ⅳ) on callus growth, anthocyanin content, and expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in callus suspension cultures of Solanum tuberosum cv. Chieftain were studied by the measurement of fresh weight, spectrophotometric assays, and semiquantitative RT-PCR. The results indicate that 0.1 mmol·L-1 Ce (Ⅳ) can promote callus growth, increase the accumulation of anthocyanins, and enhance the expression of five anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (CHS, F3H, F3′5′H, DFR, and 3GT) most efficiently. At high concentrations of 1 mmol·L-1, Ce (Ⅳ) partially inhibits callus growth and at 2 mmol·L-1 eventually lends to cell death. The results show that Ce(Ⅳ) can induce the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes to produce and accumulate anthocyanins and increase the yield of anthocyanins.  相似文献   

longwiththewidespreadapplicationoftheREEinagriculture ,animalhusbandaryandmedicineofourcountry ,theincreasingconcernwiththeREEcallsforthextensivestudiesontheirmetabolicaccumulationandbi ologicaleffects .ThatsomecellscantakeinREEbymeansofphagocytosisorpi…  相似文献   

To evaluate the security of using thulium, comparision between effects of La and those of Ce on acidic phosphatase activities in red soil and yellow soil in Zhejiang district was studied under conditions of ambient temperature and humidity. Results show that the acid phosphatase from different soil respondes to La and Ce differently. The activity of acid phosphatase in soil 1 declines with the increase of the concentration of La and Ce. The maximum inhibitory ratio of La and Ce reaches 69.8% and 71.0% respectively. But La and Ce have stimulative effect on the activity of acid phosphatase in soil 2.Under the effect of same concentration of the thulium, the acid phosphatase in two soils increases with the extending of culture time.  相似文献   

The CCT curves of supercooled austenite were investigated by using THERMECMASTOR-Z simulation machine, test samples refined from 50 kg vacuum induction furnace and two-stage controlled roiling in laboratorial condition. Test results show that influence of cerium (Ce) addition in low sulfur Nb-Ti-Bearing steel is as follows: Ce can increase the transformation point tara and tAr1, enlarge the interval of transformation (tAr3-tAr1) . Ce moves CCT and rightwards , and reduces hardenability. Ce increases bainitic transformation temperature and enlarges curves upwards interval of bainite formation. With higher cooling rates, Ce changes the martensite from coarse strip to fine strip. It decreases Ms, enhances the trend of lath martensitic structure and limits the formation of lamellar crystal.  相似文献   

Currentlytheincidenceandlethalityofthrombusillnessareveryhigh ,anditseriouslythreatenspublichealth .Thrombolysisisoneoftherelativelyeffectivemethodstotreatthedis ease .Single chainurokinase typeplasminogenactivator (scu PA 3 2k )oflowmolecularweight(3 2kD)wasdi…  相似文献   

Effects of Cerium on Microalloying in Low Sulfur Nb-Ti-Bearing Steel   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The overcooling austenite CCT curves were investigated by using THERMECMASTOR-Z simula-tion machine, the test samples refining from 50kg vacuum induction furnace and two-stage controlled rolling in laboratorial condition. Test results show that addition cerium (Ce) in low sulfur Nb-Ti-bearing steel affects as follows: Ce can. increase the transformation point t Ar3 and t Ar1, enlarge the intervals of temperature (tAr1-tAr3).Ce can make the CCT curves to move upper and right, reduce the hardenability. Ce can increase the transformation temperature of bainite and enlarge intervals of bainite. The martensites become from coarse strip to fine strip by Ce in higher cooling rates. Ce can decrease MS and enhance the trend of lath martensitic structure and limit the formation of lamellar crystal.  相似文献   

A series of Ce-doped Ni-B amorphous alloy catalysts were prepared by a KBH4 reduction method, characterized by ICP, BET, XRD, H2-chemisorption, H2-TPD, etc., and tested in the hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone. The results of characterization show that with the addition of Ce the amount of H2-chemisorption and H2-TPD areas first increases markedly and then decreases with the maximum appears at the atomic ratio of Ce to Ni of 0.036. The hydrogenation activity also shows the same trend. The effects of Ce are attributed to its dispersion of Ni particles, resulting in the formation of more surface Ni centers. However, much higher Ce contents may result in the decrease of the surface Ni contents. After heat treatment at higher temperatures, the amorphous structure of Ni-B is destroyed.  相似文献   

The effects of yttrium and cerium on the compression properties of Ni_3Al-base alloys have beeninvestigated.The results reveal that the addition of about 0.1 wt% Y to Ni_3Al-B alloy is effective for improvingthe ductility at 1100℃.A ductility increase of about 100% is observed for this Y doped alloy.The yttrium re-fines grains of the alloy.An YNi_5 phase is found to be precipitated on the grain boundaries in the alloy con-taining 0.3 wt% Yor more.Adding about 0.1 wt% Ce to Ni_3Al-B-Cr-Zr alloy obviously improves the ductilityof the alloy at 1100℃.A ductility increase of about 50% is obtained for this alloy.The added cerium also pre-vents the formation of γ+γ' eutectic and refines it.The bulk phase of CeNi_4 appeares at the front of the eutecticin the alloys containing 0.1 wt% Ce or more.  相似文献   

iththerapiddevelopmentofrareearthindustryandextensiveapplicationofrareearthinagriculture ,agreatmanyofrareearthelements (REEs)werere leasedintoenvironment ,especiallywaterenviron ment ,andtheconsequentseriousenvironmentpollu tionhasattractedpeople′satten…  相似文献   

The effect of cerium dioxide(CeO_2)as an additive on the structure and properties of a melting type coatinghas been studied by means of microhardness measurement,scanning electron microscopy and thermal analysis.The results show that cerium dioxide can modify the microstructure and tribological properties of the coating.Model LIC-23 composite coating which contains CeO_2 performs well as a self-lubricating coating inhydrochloric acid solution.  相似文献   

Effects of Cerium on Rooting and Physiological-Biochemical Metabolism of Tissue Culture Plantlet from Dioscorea Zingberensis  相似文献   

Rareearthshaveledtowidespreadinterestsinlifescience ,whilethescientistsdoresearchesdeeplyinmedicalandbiochemicalfields .Rareearthsplaypotentialrolesininhibitingcancer ,andalargenum berofscientistsdedicatethemselvestoit[1] .Thema trixmetalloproteinases (MMPs)areafamilyofatleast1 7humanzinc dependentendopeptidasesthatareca pableofdegradingalmostallextracellularmatrix(ECM)components .Theyareessentialinmanyphys iologicalprocessesandseveralpathologicalconditions ,suchastumorprogression .MMPsare…  相似文献   

EffectsofLowConcentrationSamariumChlorideontheUltrastructureandFunctionofRatThyroidGlandZhouLi(周莉),HuangKexin(黄可欣),WangXiaohu...  相似文献   

La_(1.5)Sr_(7.0)Na_(1.5)(PO_4)_6X′X″(X′and X″stand for two identical or different halide ions F~-,Cl~-,and Br~-)is anew kind matrix of phosphors.X-ray analysis shows that these crystals belong to the apatite structure ofhexagonal system with a space group of p6_(3/m).Their lattice parameters have been obtained.Subsolidus phaserelationship in the double halophosphate systems were determined by lattice parameter method.It has beenproved that in the Br-Cl and F-Cl systems there exist complete and continuous solid solutions.In the F-Br sys-tem there appears a two phase region with the bromide composition 0.75  相似文献   

Characteristics of carbon deposition of CH4 and C2H4 decomposition over supported Ni and Ni-Ce catalysts were studied by using a pulse reaction as well as BET, TPR, XPS and hydrogen chemisorption techniques. It is found that there is a metal-semiconductor interaction (MScI) in the Ni-Ce catalyst, and the effect of MScI on the carbon deposition of CH4 decomposition is opposite to that of C2H4. A novel model of carbon deposition of CH4 or C2H4 decomposition was proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of cerium on inclusions and solidification structure of a low-nickel Si–Mn-killed stainless steel is studied using laboratory experiments. When the cerium content in steel increased from 0 to 250 ppm, modification sequence of inclusions is Si–Mn(–Al)–O and MnS → Ce–Si–Mn–O–S → Ce(–Si)–O–S → CeS and CeC2. The number density and area fraction of inclusion first decrease with the increase in the cerium content and then increase due to the formation of CeC2 inclusions when the cerium content is bigger than 150 ppm, which is precipitated in solid steel during solidification. When the cerium content increases from 0 to 250 ppm, the fraction of equiaxed grain zones of steel ingot first increases and reaches a maximum value when the cerium content is 54 ppm; then the fraction of equiaxed grain zones decreases with the increase of the cerium content. 2D lattice misfit calculations are performed and it is found that there are no heterogeneous nucleation cores in the steel without cerium during solidification. For the steel with cerium, Ce4.67Si3O13, Ce2O2S, and CeS inclusions act as heterogeneous nucleation cores, increasing the fraction of the equiaxed grain zone. Bigger effective heterogeneous nucleation cores number density leads to a larger fraction of the equiaxed grain zone.  相似文献   

EffectsofCeriumontheMechanicalPropertiesoftheZA22/Al_2O_3CompositesYuSirong;HeZhenming;MengChangsheng;ChenKai(JilinUniversityo...  相似文献   

The behaviors of La and Ce on gram boundaries in carbon manganese clean steel were investigated by high-reso- lution transmission elecetron microscope (HRTEM), scanning elecetron microscopy(SEM ), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis. The existing forms of rare earths (RE) in clean steel were as follows: dissolved in sohd solution, forming inclusion or second phase containing RE (RE-Fe-P, La-P, Fe-La eutectic and Fe-Ce phase). The dissolved La or Ce segregated at grain boundaries. The segregation of both S and P at gram boundaries was reduced with suitable RE content. The impact toughness of the steel was improved obviously. La and Ce had effecets on purifying molten steel and modifying inclusions in clean steel, whereas with excessive La or Ce, La-Fe-P, La-P and Fe-La eutecetic phase or Ce-Fe-P and Fe-Ce intermetallic compound would form along grain boundaries, causing the impact energy to decrease significantly.  相似文献   

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