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张龙  王东焱 《山西建筑》2014,(13):234-235
简单介绍了第四维存在的特点,分析了景观设计中第四维的客观存在性,在此基础上分别探讨了第四维在景观装饰空间、植物配置以及两者结合方面的具体表现,以期设计师注重景观设计中的第四维性,营造具有前瞻性的景观氛围。  相似文献   

Factual databanks can make an important contribution to environmental management. They help considerably with the difficult processes of integrating the various scientific languages used, and also with the development of valid methods for interdisciplinary research. In the planning the Aeolian project (a multidisciplinary study of an Archipelago north of Sicily), it was considered useful to include a group of workers on methodology and computer science. The hope is that they will help to facilitate the exchange of data and thus contribute to a better understanding of the various phenomena occurring on the islands. This paper discusses the conceptual working aspects of environmental information, together with those characteristics that render it suitable for inclusion in a modern computer‐based system.  相似文献   

Management of ecologically significant urban green space is likely to be increasingly governed by biodiversity policy frameworks. These frameworks tend to reproduce bounded thinking and strategies that separate green space from its context and characterise people as a disturbance. Like many green spaces these ecologically significant areas are highly valued by visitors and nearby residents. Green space is important for engagement with nature, social interaction, and for respite from daily life: it is strongly connected to surrounding areas and to the lives of people who live there. The dissonance between bounded management thinking and the role of green space in resident's lives may compromise conservation goals if boundedness remains a central concept in management. For an ecologically significant and heavily used area of bushland in suburban Australia we examine management frameworks and the relationships of visitors to the bushland. We find that visitors value the bushland for its social role and as a valuable remnant of native vegetation where they can experience a variety of associations with flora, fauna, and what they perceive as a relatively intact ‘natural’ landscape. Concepts central to management frameworks such as ‘biodiversity’ were not well understood but were incidental to visitors’ understanding of the bushland as environmentally valuable and as an asset to the area. Current management frameworks fail to acknowledge these contemporary associations and isolate the bushland in time and space. We identify where official management frameworks and visitor associations with the bushland diverge and potentially converge and suggest alternative directions for management.  相似文献   

针对地下管廊工程基坑施工及管线设计过程中可能出现的问题,通过BIM技术建立的管廊族文件数据库,构建管廊基坑三维Revit模型,将土方模型进行细致划分,并将模型文件导入Autodesk公司中的Navisworks软件中进行基坑开挖虚拟施工过程仿真,得出一些有价值的结论。  相似文献   

克拉玛依自1958年建市以来.已有40多年历史.到2000年底.全市总人口为28万多人。  相似文献   

沈艳丽  王晓楠 《山西建筑》2014,(28):250-251
以某项目前期投资管理为例,详细分析了该项目前期投资控制所存在的问题,并剖析了存在问题的原因,最后从该项目前期投资过程中的决策程序、财务经济评价、筹资策略、筹资风险分析、设计招标和限额设计等方面提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

论以P6数据库为核心建设项目管理信息平台   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在分析项目管理软件P6在国内应用情况的基础上,论证了以P6数据库为核心建设项目管理信息平台的必要性,阐述了其在实施过程中需注意的六大要点,这一套项目管理信息化的思路和方法对国内建设行业具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

以卡特彼勒无锡项目为例,介绍了国际知名项目管理公司CH2M对项目的控制过程和手段,包括进度控制、质量控制和投资控制等,以对国内项目管理公司提供借鉴。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国建设市场全面对外开放并与国际市场接轨,同时国内建筑施工企业加速“走出去”的步伐,开拓国际工程总承包市场,而我国目前工程建设的管理水平和管理模式还与国际先进水平相差较大,对国际惯例的适应性和符合性还有待加强,这就需要学习先进的管理经验,提高自己的管理水平。现结合我国公司在泰国的项目案例,总结国际工程项目管理的经验教训,希望能为我国建筑施工企业发展境外业务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Despite calls for a more collaborative approach to rural planning and policy making involving land use agencies in the British Isles, there remain few instances of formal inter-agency data exchange and integration to address applied management tasks. The well-rehearsed argument that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) present a technology whereby spatially consistent data from a variety of different sources can be integrated to address environmental problems is challenged by the lack of truly collaborative exercises of this nature. Potential reasons for this are outlined with reference to an early study – the Rural Wales Terrestrial Database (WALTER) project – in which we developed a GIS for a pilot area of Wales within a multi-agency framework. The technical and organisational problems encountered during the course of this project are addressed in relation to attempts at improving accessibility to digital data in the 10 years following the publication of the Chorley Report and in the light of recent technological developments such as the use of Internet-based GIS in collaborative planning. The WALTER project is seen as an important reminder of how a collaborative approach to data handling within a GIS environment can have proven and demonstrable benefits to the agencies concerned given appropriate organisational structures.  相似文献   

Recent research has questioned the ability of Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) to secure better coordination and management of regeneration across different branches of the state. In a period of economic recession and a curtailing of regeneration finance, reconsideration is therefore required of how to secure greater horizontal and vertical integration by LSPs in regeneration policy, budgeting and service delivery. To this end, it is suggested that there needs to be i) a deeper analysis of the quality of local relationships between partners; and ii) a greater emphasis on the politics of ‘joining up’. This paper critiques the relative influence of each of these factors. It is illustrated that the ongoing ‘meta-governance’ of LSPs, coupled with a number of horizontal barriers to ‘collaborative governance’, are impinging upon the level of integration being achieved. Further efforts will be required to address such issues, especially tackling a number of barriers identified to the politics of ‘joining up’ at a variety of spatial scales.  相似文献   

通过ANSYS软件利用实体单元建立整体顶升工程中的钢管桩模型,并使用弹簧单元模拟周边土层对桩的影响,同时使用接触单元模拟桩与垫块及垫块与垫块之间的接触,从而进行特征值屈曲分析,得到底部嵌固桩和非嵌固桩桩顶临界屈曲荷载随桩埋深变化的曲线以及桩顶临界屈曲荷载在整个顶升过程中随桩自由端长度变化的规律。分析结果对同类工程具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文结合作者工作期间实践项目中BIM全过程的设计工作,针对BIM技术在成本管控方面进行了专项研究。其研究内容包括:与广联达算量软件的模块链接,根据设定的工程量内容使用BIM快速准确的列出工程量主材清单,以及利用BIM技术辅助开发商对工程进行精细化管理。  相似文献   

介绍了特殊单立管排水系统的几种形式,并对特殊单立管系统选用的几个主要因素进行了简单分析,特别对苏维托特殊单立管同层排水系统在设计和施工过程中的难点和重点进行了归纳总结,为该排水系统的推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在工程项目施工中,材料费占工程造价70%左右,如何加强工程项目物资管理,成为工程项目中控制成本,降耗增效的重要内容。本文就如何加强项目物资管理工作,提高项目整体管理效益提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

针对出现陡降段的单桩竖向抗压静荷载试验Q—s曲线因加载分级原因导致该试验所得到的单桩竖向极限承载力值比实际值小的问题,提出了以二分法求解完整指数函数模型拟合单桩静荷载试验Q—s曲线的方法,根据现场试验所得数据,对完整指数函数模型的拟合结果进行了比较,提出了根据完整指数函数的最大曲率点,计算出了单桩极限承载力的理论值。  相似文献   

As businesses become more dependent on technology, effective project management has been recognised as a necessity, in order to lead and deliver quality software applications on time and within budget. One possible option in software projects is the use of a project management methodology. This exploratory research examines why organisations with an existing project management methodology are transitioning to an internationally-recognised methodology, and why organisations that do not have a project management methodology are implementing an internationally-recognised methodology. Results of five case studies suggest that while an in-house project management methodology can work well within an organisation, the benefits of using an internationally-recognised methodology should be considered. These include: the assurance that the organisation is using what is considered to be best-practice; demand from external customers that a recognised methodology is used; assistance with external recruitment; and the availability of suppliers of the methodology for training and support.  相似文献   

黄慧 《福建建筑》2009,(10):102-104,78
本文介绍了钻孔灌注桩加圆环形内支撑支护结构在厦门某基坑工程中的应用,并对这种支护型式的设计计算方法进行了探索,以利同行借签。  相似文献   

浅谈工程项目施工机械成本管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了工程项目施工机械成本的归集范围,指出了施工机械成本统计与分析的方法,对施工机械成本控制方法进行了分析,达到了系统管理工程项目施工机械成本的目的,从而提高工程项目的经济效益.  相似文献   

企业如何把项目风险管理落到实处   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IT项目管理专栏经过充分酝酿.从本期开始与大家见面了。本专栏将由国内项目管理专家甄进明博士主持。甄博士有十几年IT公司的项目管理和运营管理经验,井为国内数家大型IT服务企业提供过项目管理和企业运营管理方面的咨询服务,同时也活跃在项目经理培训和高校项目管理教学等诸多领域,对有关项目管理知识体系,成熟度模型有着深入的研究。通过本栏目,甄博士将与读者共同分享优秀企业的项目管理实践经验.讨论企业如何应项目管理知识体系或模型,以此帮助中国企业有效实施项目管理,帮助项目经理快速成长。我们希望把这个拦目办成一个互动的专栏,欢迎大家对本栏目的文章进行反馈,提出大家关注的问题.甄博士将有针对性地进行解答或组织大家共同讨论。  相似文献   

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