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潘雪玲  李国和  郑艺峰 《计算机应用研究》2023,40(10):2881-2888+2895
深度学习以数据为驱动,被广泛应用于各个领域,但由于数据隐私、标记昂贵等导致样本少、数据不完备性等问题,同时小样本难于准确地表示数据分布,使得分类模型误差较大,且泛化能力差。为此,小样本学习被提出,旨在利用较少目标数据训练模型快速学习的能力。系统梳理了近几年来小样本学习领域的相关工作,主要整理和总结了基于数据增强、基于元学习和基于转导图小样本学习方法的研究进展。首先,从基于监督增强和基于无监督增强阐述数据增强的主要特点。其次,从基于度量学习和基于参数优化两方面对基于元学习的方法进行分析。接着,详细总结转导图小样本学习方法,介绍常用的小样本数据集,并通过实验阐述分析具有代表性的小样本学习模型。最后总结现有方法的局限性,并对小样本学习的未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

李大秋  付章杰  程旭  宋晨  孙星明 《软件学报》2022,33(10):3874-3890
近年来,深度学习在图像隐写分析任务中表现出了优越的性能.目前,大多数基于深度学习的图像隐写分析模型为专用型隐写分析模型,只适用于特定的某种隐写术.使用专用隐写分析模型对其他隐写算法的隐写图像进行检测,则需要该隐写算法的大量载密图像作为数据集对模型进行重新训练.但在实际的通用隐写分析任务中,隐写算法的大量载密图像数据集是难以得到的.如何在极少隐写图像样本的情况下训练通用隐写分析模型是一个极大的挑战.对此,受少样本学习领域研究成果的启发,提出了基于转导传播网络的通用隐写分析方法.首先,在已有的少样本学习分类框架上改进了特征提取部分,设计了多尺度特征融合网络,使少样本分类模型能够提取到更多的隐写分析特征,使其可用于基于秘密噪声残差等弱信息的分类任务;其次,针对少样本隐写分析模型难收敛的问题,提出了预训练初始化的方式得到具有先验知识的初始模型;然后,分别训练了频域和空域的少样本通用隐写分析模型,通过自测和交叉测试,结果表明,检测平均准确率在80%以上;接着,在此基础上,采用数据集增强的方式重新训练了频域、空域少样本通用隐写分析模型,使少样本通用隐写分析模型检测准确率与之前相比提高到87%以上;...  相似文献   

Recently, addressing the few-shot learning issue with meta-learning framework achieves great success. As we know, regularization is a powerful technique and widely used to improve machine learning algorithms. However, rare research focuses on designing appropriate meta-regularizations to further improve the generalization of meta-learning models in few-shot learning. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-contrastive loss that can be regarded as a regularization to fill this gap. The motivation of our method depends on the thought that the limited data in few-shot learning is just a small part of data sampled from the whole data distribution, and could lead to various bias representations of the whole data because of the different sampling parts. Thus, the models trained by a few training data (support set) and test data (query set) might misalign in the model space, making the model learned on the support set can not generalize well on the query data. The proposed meta-contrastive loss is designed to align the models of support and query sets to overcome this problem. The performance of the meta-learning model in few-shot learning can be improved. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can improve the performance of different gradient-based meta-learning models in various learning problems, e.g., few-shot regression and classification.  相似文献   

小样本学习研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小样本学习旨在通过少量样本学习到解决问题的模型.近年来,在大数据训练模型的趋势下,机器学习和深度学习在许多领域中取得了成功.但是在现实世界中的很多应用场景中,样本量很少或者标注样本很少,而对大量无标签样本进行标注工作将会耗费很大的人力.所以,如何用少量样本进行学习就成为目前人们需要关注的问题.系统地梳理了当前小样本学习...  相似文献   

小样本学习是面向小样本数据的机器学习,旨在利用较少的有监督样本数据去构建能够解决实际问题的机器学习模型。小样本学习能够解决传统机器学习方法在样本数据不充分时性能严重下降的问题,可以为新型小样本任务实现低成本和快速的模型部署,缩小人类智能与人工智能之间的距离,对推动发展通用型人工智能具有重要意义。从小样本学习的概念、基础模型和实际应用入手,系统梳理当前小样本学习的相关工作,将小样本学习方法分类为基于模型微调、基于数据增强、基于度量学习和基于元学习,并具体阐述这4大类方法的核心思想、基本模型、细分领域和最新研究进展,以及每一类方法在科学研究或实际应用中存在的问题,总结目前小样本学习研究的常用数据集和评价指标,整理基于部分典型小样本学习方法在Omniglot和Mini-ImageNet数据集上的实验结果。最后对各种小样本学习方法及其优缺点进行总结,分别从数据层面、理论研究和应用研究3个方面对小样本学习的未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

关系分类作为构建结构化知识的重要一环,在自然语言处理领域备受关注.但在很多应用领域中(如医疗、金融等领域)收集充足的用于训练关系分类模型的数据十分困难.近年来,仅需要少量训练样本的小样本学习逐渐应用于关系分类研究中.该文对近期小样本关系分类模型与方法进行了系统的综述.根据度量方法的不同,将现有方法分为原型式和分布式两大...  相似文献   

陈嘉言  任东东  李文斌  霍静  高阳 《软件学报》2024,35(5):2414-2429
小样本学习旨在模拟人类基于少数样例快速学习新事物的能力, 对解决样本匮乏情境下的深度学习任务具有重要意义. 但是, 在诸多计算资源有限的现实任务中, 模型规模仍可能限制小样本学习的广泛应用. 这对面向小样本学习的轻量化任务提出了现实的需求. 知识蒸馏作为深度学习领域广泛使用的辅助策略, 通过额外的监督信息实现模型间知识迁移, 在提升模型精度和压缩模型规模方面都有实际应用. 首先验证知识蒸馏策略在小样本学习模型轻量化中的有效性. 并结合小样本学习任务的特点, 针对性地设计两种新的小样本蒸馏方法: (1)基于图像局部特征的蒸馏方法; (2)基于辅助分类器的蒸馏方法. 在miniImageNet和TieredImageNet数据集上的相关实验证明所设计的新的蒸馏方法相较于传统知识蒸馏在小样本学习任务上具有显著优越性.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2007,85(3-4):179-192
The application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to solve wind engineering problems has received increasing interests in recent years. This paper is concerned with developing two ANN approaches (a backpropagation neural network [BPNN] and a fuzzy neural network [FNN]) for the prediction of mean, root-mean-square (rms) pressure coefficients and time series of wind-induced pressures on a large gymnasium roof. In this study, simultaneous pressure measurements are made on a large gymnasium roof model in a boundary layer wind tunnel and parts of the model test data are used as the training sets for developing two ANN models to recognize the input–output patterns. Comparisons of the prediction results by the two ANN approaches and those from the wind tunnel test are made to examine the performance of the two ANN models, which demonstrates that the two ANN approaches can successfully predict the pressures on the entire surfaces of the large roof on the basis of wind tunnel pressure measurements from a certain number of pressure taps. Moreover, the FNN approach is found to be superior to the BPNN approach. It is shown through this study that the developed ANN approaches can be served as an effective tool for the design and analysis of wind effects on large roof structures.  相似文献   

目的 现有基于元学习的主流少样本学习方法假设训练任务和测试任务服从相同或相似的分布,然而在分布差异较大的跨域任务上,这些方法面临泛化能力弱、分类精度差等挑战。同时,基于迁移学习的少样本学习方法没有考虑到训练和测试阶段样本类别不一致的情况,在训练阶段未能留下足够的特征嵌入空间。为了提升模型在有限标注样本困境下的跨域图像分类能力,提出简洁的元迁移学习(compressed meta transfer learning,CMTL)方法。方法 基于元学习,对目标域中的支持集使用数据增强策略,构建新的辅助任务微调元训练参数,促使分类模型更加适用于域差异较大的目标任务。基于迁移学习,使用自压缩损失函数训练分类模型,以压缩源域中基类数据所占据的特征嵌入空间,微调阶段引导与源域分布差异较大的新类数据有更合适的特征表示。最后,将以上两种策略的分类预测融合视为最终的分类结果。结果 使用mini-ImageNet作为源域数据集进行训练,分别在EuroSAT(EuropeanSatellite)、ISIC(InternationalSkinImagingCollaboration)、CropDiseas(Cr...  相似文献   

为了解决机器学习在样本量较少的情况下所面临的巨大挑战,研究人员提出了小样本学习的概念.在现有的小样本学习研究工作中,嵌入学习方法取得了不错的效果,引发了大量关注.根据训练特征嵌入函数时结合任务特征信息的方式,将嵌入学习方法划分为单一嵌入模型和混合嵌入模型两大类.依据划分的类别,对现有的嵌入学习方法的研究工作展开进行研究...  相似文献   

Node classification has a wide range of application scenarios such as citation analysis and social network analysis. In many real-world attributed networks, a large portion of classes only contain limited labeled nodes. Most of the existing node classification methods cannot be used for few-shot node classification. To train the model effectively and improve the robustness and reliability of the model with scarce labeled samples, in this paper, we propose a local adaptive discriminant structure learning (LADSL) method for few-shot node classification. LADSL aims to properly represent the nodes in the attributed graphs and learn a metric space with a strong discriminating power by reducing the intra-class variations and enlarging inter-class differences. Extensive experiments conducted on various attributed networks datasets demonstrate that LADSL is superior to the other methods on few-shot node classification task.  相似文献   

Representing causality in machine learning to predict control parameters is state-of-the-art research in intelligent control. This study presents a physics-based machine learning method providing a prediction model that guarantees enhanced interpretability conforming to physical laws. The proposed approach encodes physical knowledge as mapping relationships between variables in engineering dataset into the learning procedure through dimensional analysis. This derives causal relationships between the control parameter and its influencing factors. The proposed machine learning method's objective function is further improved by the penalty term in the regularization strategy. Verifications on the energy consumption prediction of tunnel boring machine prove that, the established model accords with basic principles in this field. Moreover, the proposed approach traces the impact of three major factors (structure, operation, and geology) along the construction section, offering each component's contribution rates to energy consumption. Compared with several commonly used machine learning algorithms, the proposed method reduces the need for large amounts of training data and demonstrates higher accuracy. The results indicate that the revealed causality and enhanced prediction performance of the proposed method advance the applicability of machine learning methods to intelligent control during construction.  相似文献   

吕天根  洪日昌  何军  胡社教 《软件学报》2023,34(5):2068-2082
深度学习模型取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但其训练依赖于大量的标注样本,在标注样本匮乏的场景下模型表现不尽人意.针对这一问题,近年来以研究如何从少量样本快速学习的小样本学习被提了出来,方法主要采用元学习方式对模型进行训练,取得了不错的学习效果.但现有方法:1)通常仅基于样本的视觉特征来识别新类别,信息源较为单一; 2)元学习的使用使得模型从大量相似的小样本任务中学习通用的、可迁移的知识,不可避免地导致模型特征空间趋于一般化,存在样本特征表达不充分、不准确的问题.为解决上述问题,将预训练技术和多模态学习技术引入小样本学习过程,提出基于多模态引导的局部特征选择小样本学习方法.所提方法首先在包含大量样本的已知类别上进行模型预训练,旨在提升模型的特征表达能力;而后在元学习阶段,方法利用元学习对模型进行进一步优化,旨在提升模型的迁移能力或对小样本环境的适应能力,所提方法同时基于样本的视觉特征和文本特征进行局部特征选择来提升样本特征的表达能力,以避免元学习过程中模型特征表达能力的大幅下降;最后所提方法利用选择后的样本特征进行小样本学习.在MiniImageNet、CIFAR-FS和FC-100这3个基准数...  相似文献   

Transfer learning (TL) in deep neural networks is gaining importance because, in most of the applications, the labeling of data is costly and time consuming. Additionally, TL also provides an effective weight initialization strategy for deep neural networks. This paper introduces the idea of adaptive TL in deep neural networks (ATL‐DNN) for wind power prediction. Specifically, we show in case of wind power prediction that adaptive TL of the deep neural networks system can be adaptively modified as regards training on a different wind farm is concerned. The proposed ATL‐DNN technique is tested for short‐term wind power prediction, where continuously arriving information has to be exploited. Adaptive TL not only helps in providing good weight initialization, but also in utilizing the incoming data for effective learning. Additionally, the proposed ATL‐DNN technique is shown to transfer knowledge between different task domains (wind power to wind speed prediction) and from one region to another region. The simulation results show that the proposed ATL‐DNN technique achieves average values of 0.0637, 0.0986, and 0.0984 for the mean absolute error, root mean squared error, and standard deviation error, respectively.  相似文献   

目的 现有的深度学习模型往往需要大规模的训练数据,而小样本分类旨在识别只有少量带标签样本的目标类别。作为目前小样本学习的主流方法,基于度量的元学习方法在训练阶段大多没有使用小样本目标类的样本,导致这些模型的特征表示不能很好地泛化到目标类。为了提高基于元学习的小样本图像识别方法的泛化能力,本文提出了基于类别语义相似性监督的小样本图像识别方法。方法 采用经典的词嵌入模型GloVe(global vectors for word representation)学习得到图像数据集每个类别英文名称的词嵌入向量,利用类别词嵌入向量之间的余弦距离表示类别语义相似度。通过把类别之间的语义相关性作为先验知识进行整合,在模型训练阶段引入类别之间的语义相似性度量作为额外的监督信息,训练一个更具类别样本特征约束能力和泛化能力的特征表示。结果 在miniImageNet和tieredImageNet两个小样本学习基准数据集上进行了大量实验,验证提出方法的有效性。结果显示在miniImageNet数据集5-way 1-shot和5-way 5-shot设置上,提出的方法相比原型网络(prototypical networks)分类准确率分别提高1.9%和0.32%;在tieredImageNet数据集5-way 1-shot设置上,分类准确率相比原型网络提高0.33%。结论 提出基于类别语义相似性监督的小样本图像识别模型,提高小样本学习方法的泛化能力,提高小样本图像识别的准确率。  相似文献   

杜炎  吕良福  焦一辰 《计算机应用》2021,41(7):1885-1890
针对真实数据具有的模糊性和不确定性会严重影响小样本学习分类结果这一问题,改进并优化了传统的小样本学习原型网络,提出了基于模糊推理的模糊原型网络(FPN)。首先,从卷积神经网络(CNN)和模糊神经网络两个方向分别获取图像特征信息;然后,对获得的两部分信息进行线性知识融合,得到最终的图像特征;最后,度量各个类别原型到查询集的欧氏距离,得到最终的分类效果。在小样本学习分类的主流数据集Omniglot和miniImageNet上进行一系列实验。实验结果显示:在miniImageNet数据集上,所提模型在5类1样本的实验设置下精度达到49.38%,在5类5样本的实验设置下精度达到67.84%,在30类1样本的实验设置下精度达到51.40%;在Omniglot数据集上该模型的精度相较于传统的原型网络同样有较大提升。  相似文献   

目的 卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)在遥感场景图像分类中广泛应用,但缺乏训练数据依然是不容忽视的问题。小样本遥感场景分类是指模型只需利用少量样本训练即可完成遥感场景图像分类任务。虽然现有基于元学习的小样本遥感场景图像分类方法可以摆脱大数据训练的依赖,但模型的泛化能力依然较弱。为了解决这一问题,本文提出一种基于自监督学习的小样本遥感场景图像分类方法来增加模型的泛化能力。方法 本文方法分为两个阶段。首先,使用元学习训练老师网络直到收敛;然后,双学生网络和老师网络对同一个输入进行预测。老师网络的预测结果会通过蒸馏损失指导双学生网络的训练。另外,在图像特征进入分类器之前,自监督对比学习通过度量同类样本的类中心距离,使模型学习到更明确的类间边界。两种自监督机制能够使模型学习到更丰富的类间关系,从而提高模型的泛化能力。结果 本文在NWPU-RESISC45(North Western Polytechnical University-remote sensing image scene classification)、AID(aerial ima...  相似文献   

目的 度量学习是少样本学习中一种简单且有效的方法,学习一个丰富、具有判别性和泛化性强的嵌入空间是度量学习方法实现优秀分类效果的关键。本文从样本自身的特征以及特征在嵌入空间中的分布出发,结合全局与局部数据增强实现了一种元余弦损失的少样本图像分类方法(a meta-cosine loss for few-shot image classification,AMCL-FSIC)。方法 首先,从数据自身特征出发,将全局与局部的数据增广方法结合起来,利于局部信息提供更具区别性和迁移性的信息,使训练模型更多关注图像的前景信息。同时,利用注意力机制结合全局与局部特征,以得到更丰富更具判别性的特征。其次,从样本特征在嵌入空间中的分布出发,提出一种元余弦损失(meta-cosine loss,MCL)函数,优化少样本图像分类模型。使用样本与类原型间相似性的差调整不同类的原型,扩大类间距,使模型测试新任务时类间距更加明显,提升模型的泛化能力。结果 分别在5个少样本经典数据集上进行了实验对比,在FC100(Few-shot Cifar100)和CUB(Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011)数据集上,本文方法均达到了目前最优分类效果;在MiniImageNet、TieredImageNet和Cifar100数据集上与对比模型的结果相当。同时,在MiniImageNet,CUB和Cifar100数据集上进行对比实验以验证MCL的有效性,结果证明提出的MCL提升了余弦分类器的分类效果。结论 本文方法能充分提取少样本图像分类任务中的图像特征,有效提升度量学习在少样本图像分类中的准确率。  相似文献   

Rational parameters of TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) are the key to ensuring efficient and safe tunnel construction. Machine learning (ML) has become the main method for predicting operating parameters. Grid Search and optimization algorithms, such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), are often used to find the hyper parameters of ML models but suffer from excessive time and low accuracy. In order to efficiently construct ML models and enhance the accuracy of predicting models, a BPSO (Beetle antennae search Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm is proposed. Based on the PSO algorithm, the concept of BAS (Beetle Antennae Search) is integrated into the updating process of an individual particle, which improves the random search capability. The convergence of the BPSO algorithm is discussed in terms of inhomogeneous recursive equations and characteristic roots. Then, based on the proposed BPSO prototype, a hybrid ML model BPSO-XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is proposed. We applied the model to the Hangzhou Central Park tunnel project for the prediction of screw conveyer rotational speed. Finally, our model is compared with existing methods. The experimental results show that the BPSO-based model outperforms other traditional ML methods. The BPSO-XGBoost is more accurate than PSO-XGBoost and BPSO-RandomForest for predicting the speed. Also, it is verified that the hyper parameters optimized by the BPSO are better than those optimized by the original PSO. The comprehensive prediction performance ranking of models is as follows: BPSO-XGBoost > PSO-XGBoost > BPSO-RF > PSO-RF. Our models have preferable engineering application value.  相似文献   

如何从少数训练样本中学习并识别新的类别对于深度神经网络来说是一个具有挑战性的问题。针对如何解决少样本学习的问题,全面总结了现有的基于深度神经网络的少样本学习方法,涵盖了方法所用模型、数据集及评估结果等各个方面。具体地,针对基于深度神经网络的少样本学习方法,提出将其分为数据增强方法、迁移学习方法、度量学习方法和元学习方法四种类别;对于每个类别,进一步将其分为几个子类别,并且在每个类别与方法之间进行一系列比较,以显示各种方法的优劣和各自的特点。最后强调了现有方法的局限性,并指出了少样本学习研究领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

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