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连秀峰 《山西建筑》2008,34(9):242-243
介绍了ISO 9000族标准及其作用,结合IS0 9000族标准在建筑施工企业中的应用,研究了建筑施工企业的产品特性,针对ISO 9000族标准应用中的形式主义或两张皮现象进行了分析,根据施工实践介绍了一些好的做法,以推广ISO 9000在建筑施工企业中的应用.  相似文献   

结合施工图预算的现状,介绍了施工图概预算的工作流程,并从BIM的信息交流、造价控制、进度安排等方面,阐述了基于BIM技术的施工图概预算方法,有助于避免项目完工后发生实际成本超预算的情况。  相似文献   

面对政府投资项目代建制管理办法的实施,我国工程监理企业面临着新的机遇与挑战。本文探讨了工程监理企业在代建制项目管理的外部环境下如何通过自身的管理变革发展代建制项目管理业务,并提出实现这一转变的应时策略。  相似文献   

吕素荣  赵涛 《门窗》2003,(1):11-14
ISO 9000系列标准自1987年首次颁布以来,就充分显示出其重要的作用,现已成为全球应用最广泛的标准,它对推动质量管理工作和促进国际贸易的发展发挥了积极的作用.我国从1992年开始对ISO 9000系列标准进行等同采用,真正将我国的质量体系认证的依据与国际上完全接轨.本文简要介绍了ISO 9000族标准的发展及2000版标准的特点,以加深对2000版标准的理解,从而为94版标准向2000版标准的顺利过渡提供一些参考.  相似文献   

企业执行工程建设标准的成熟度模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了衡量企业执行工程建设标准的行为能力,基于过程管理的基本理论,借鉴软件能力成熟度模型,建立企业执行工程建设标准的成熟度模型,并在全国范围内展开问卷调查,针对监理咨询企业、设计单位、施工单位以及其他企业四类,分别就执行工程建设标准的成熟度进行评价。该成熟度模型既可以用于整个行业中企业总体成熟度评价,也可以用于单个企业的成熟度评价。同时,可以根据评价结果,发现影响企业提高成熟度的主要问题,提高企业执行工程建设标准的成熟度,进而提高企业的竞争力,具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

The building construction industry has adapted well to the need to overcome traditional problems of safety, productivity, and quality on construction sites. Advanced technologies and systems developed outside the building industry are also being introduced to meet the new demands of today's challenges. In particular, the high-tech robots used in the erection of structural steel frames in high-rise buildings in order not to expose human workers to unsafe conditions. In addition, an automated construction system based on improved bolting robots has been developed in Korea. However, the harsh environment of construction sites adversely affects the various sensitive machines, sensors, and devices that comprise the robot construction systems. To minimize the effects of the adverse environment on robot performance, it is believed that a Construction Factory (CF) is required. This is a special workspace providing a stable and favourable work environment for the construction robot. In this study, we developed several CF alternatives for the realization of more desirable automated construction environment, and evaluated them from the aspects of wind speed and air temperature using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. The results showed that a CF with a closed roof and bottom was the best CF option for robot construction, and it can be helpful to reduce the potential cost overruns and time delays for CF construction.  相似文献   

Construction material suppliers are usually exposed to financial risks as a consequence of a high debt capital structure and the nature of the material import business. There is demand for a tool that is able to predict whether such a material supplier, based on its financial status, should use derivatives to hedge financial risks. The research objective is to develop a prediction model using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine whether employing risk hedging based on derivatives usage would be beneficial. The scope of this research limits the database to 640 financial statements published over the last 5 years from 32 listed construction material suppliers. A total of 10 input determinants were identified and verified from the literature review, t-test results, and collinearity diagnosis. Using data trimming and normalization, these 640 sets were downsized to 520 sets which contained 248 effective and 272 ineffective risk-hedging sets. The SVM prediction model, based on the kernel radial basis function and normalized data, yields a prediction accuracy rate of 80.65%. The evaluation, using logistics and small sets of data, shows the validation and practicality of this model. This research concludes that 10 financial determinates are proven candidates for financial risk hedging. From the viewpoint of derivatives usage and the proposed SVM prediction model it appears feasible for construction material suppliers to apply this model.  相似文献   

The environment of an intelligent building includes systems and sensors with significant heterogeneity. With the growth of heterogeneous devices and sensor technologies in intelligent buildings, designers are often faced with more interoperation complexities among heterogeneous systems that are data-intensive in nature. Conversely, performing decision making on these systems with a variety of building data is not efficient in terms of adapting to a changing environment. Current interoperation solutions for intelligent buildings focus on dry-contact and static rule-based systems to solve interoperability in intelligent buildings. Although static rule-based systems are efficient, the bottleneck can be in the area of the scalability of heterogeneous systems that will affect the efficient performance of interoperations. Therefore, to ensure a timely decision-making mechanism among heterogeneous systems, the performance delay and interpretation capability of systems should be improved. This paper offers a framework that improves the communication responses and the ability of automated decision support among the heterogeneous systems with a rule-based repository for the management of intelligent buildings. The implementation of the framework was performed with several systems to show their adaptation to joint interoperation. It is also interwoven with Web services to offer unified integration among heterogeneous systems. Testing of the framework was performed in a local area network (LAN) setting and proved to be reliable in solving interoperation problems for intelligent buildings.  相似文献   

张文龙 《山西建筑》2011,37(6):206-207
结合相关规范标准,通过对小城镇基础设施建设项目集中供热、给水工程及排水工程施工图审查中发现的一些问题的阐述,提出了城镇基础设施建设应注意的问题,以期提升城镇基础设施建设项目施工图设计水平。  相似文献   

工程建设技术标准是建设项目的重要依据,技术标准的管理越来越受到关注,以往单纯的人工管理已不能满足社会的需求。本文通过阐述标准管理信息化建设的必要性,以标准管理系统为桥梁,对工程建设技术标准管理信息化建设进行探讨。  相似文献   

张冉  张立宁李伟 《山西建筑》2006,32(17):354-355
利用人工神经网络强大的非线性函数逼近能力,实现对建筑工程质量水平的评价,针对其不足,将遗传算法引入神经网络,实现两种算法的优势互补。最后,通过实例验证该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络强大的非线性函数逼近能力,实现了对建筑工程质量水平的评价。针对人工神经网络的不足,将遗传算法引入神经网络,实现两种算法的优势互补,最后,通过实例验证该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

张强 《山西建筑》2009,35(17):212-213
结合几年来的监理工作实践,论述了图纸审核的着手点、审查的重点、监理在图纸审核工作中应负的责任等,指出施工图纸是监理单位、设计单位和施工单位进行质量控制的重要依据,做好图纸审核是搞好监理工作的基础。  相似文献   

随着时空大数据在各行各业运用越来越来广泛,通过对在校大学生位置信息的采集,针对校园道路等公共设施建设不合理的问题,对学生群体日常位置轨迹进行分析,从聚类角度出发,运用一种基于高斯混合模型(GMM)和DBSCAN算法的混合模型对位置数据进行处理分析,通过混合模型对位置数据进行分层处理再聚类处理,确定学生群体日常活动核心区域以及路径,对校园道路等公共设施建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Loess tunnels are prone to collapse during construction. The risk assessment of loess tunnel collapse is therefore of great significance to...  相似文献   

工程量清单软件中建立建筑物模型的逆向构模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照建筑施工图描述信息的特点,提出了依照图纸顺序和表达方式为向导的逆向构模方法,给出了实现该思想的软件体系结构及流程,建立了实现逆向构模的数据结构,给出了施工图数字化过程中建筑属性的自动生成算法.运用此方法开发的算量软件,可以显著降低图纸交互输入时操作人员的脑力负荷,提高图纸数字化的效率和质量.  相似文献   

陈杰  申瑞霞  袁玉宝 《门窗》2010,(1):44-49
目前国际上门窗传热系数的计算存在着北美ASHRAE和欧洲ISO10077—2两种不同的计算方法,而广泛应用的 Therm/Window软件和新近颁布实施的中国行业标准JGJ/T151—2008分别隶属于上述两种不同的算法,为了探讨ASHRAE和JGJ/T151-2008两种不同算法条件下,采用 Therm/Window计算整窗传热系数之间的差别,分析计算了铝固定窗、平开窗和推拉窗三种窗型在十种不同尺寸条件下整窗的传热系数。结果显示,对于所有窗型和尺寸来说,采用ASHRAE算法计算的整窗传热系数都比采用JCJ/T151—2008的要大,且两者之间的差值随整窗尺寸的增大而减小,固定窗为1.88%~0.04%,平开窗为3.71%-0.03%,推拉窗为4.91%-0.27%,大尺寸条件下两者计算结果近似相等,差值可忽略不计。采用理论分析的方法揭示了造成整窗传热系数存在差异的原因,认为不同的玻璃间隔条处理方法造成的窗框边角面积和玻璃边缘面积引起了计算结果的差异。  相似文献   

对有关办公综合体的概念进行叙述,论述当前办公综合体节能施工图纸设计中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的改进和完善措施,有利于提高办公综合体建筑质量。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review and assessment of conformance and interoperability testing methods for product data models used in the construction industry. Conformance testing methodologies, with varying degrees of rigor, have been developed and applied to ensure interoperability across product modeling software applications in other engineering and industry domains, such as, engineering and manufacturing of automotive and aerospace products. Current conformance testing and evaluation of interoperability for construction industry product modeling software do not necessarily apply those same principles and are usually done on an ad-hoc basis. Key principles are identified for improved methods and metrics for developing conformance and interoperability testing capabilities for the construction industry.  相似文献   

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