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艾维贝自豪地向客户介绍ELIANE^TM——一种为食品创新带来革命性改变的全新蜡质马铃薯淀粉系列。ELIANE^TM是世界上第一个通过传统的品种改良性培育技术得到非转基因的支链马铃薯淀粉。  相似文献   

近年来,中国烟草产业既面临着国外烟草产品进入的冲击以及控烟履约的双重压力,又担当着为国家财政增税的重任,其发展已不能单纯依靠国内需求拉动,更应该积极面向全球需求,开发国际市场。为了精确地测度我国烟草产品的国际竞争力,构建了国际市场占有率(IMS)、贸易竞争力指数(TC)和显性比较优势指数(RCA)三个指标,以计量经济学手段分析了我国烟草产品在全球市场中的主要特征及问题。研究发现,我国烟草及烟草产品的整体竞争力较弱,但烟叶产品在国际市场上有一定的竞争力。   相似文献   

The paper deals with a detailed analysis into the methods of study and of the validity of terminology adopted in denoting the usefulness of food products, proceeding from their chemical composition. The author proposes to distinctly subdivide the notions of the alimentary, biological and energy producing values, but unite them under a general term reflecting the totality of the useful qualities of the products that covers the estimation therein of a broad range of nutrients, which should be referred to as "nutritional value". The terms of biological and energy producing values are special designations. The first of them reflects the quality of proteinic components in the product which have to do both with the digestability of the protein and with the degree to which its amino acids compositions is balanced. Then it should be borne in mind that the indices of biological value may undergo substantial changes, both under the effect of rigid methods of technological treatment, that brings about a change in the structure of the protein molecules proper, and consequent upon their interaction with other nutrients, as well as during their long-term storage. An important advantage that offers the determination of the biological value indices is an analytical segregation from among numerous biological properties the ones which are related to the features specific for the structure precisely of the proteinic constituents of the food. The determination of this index allows it to differentiate the useful qualities of the protein from a great number of other factors that can significantly change the assimilation of the products by the organism, including the presence therein of extraneous substances. The term energy-producing value of the products characterizes the part of the energy that can be liberated from the nutrients in the course of biological oxidation and used in securing physiological functions of the organism. As a basis for expressing the alimentary (nutritional) value of the products a method of the integral score, reflecting the degree to which the chemical composition of the study product corresponds to the formula of balanced nutrition worked outhe author is suggested. The energy variant of the integral score presents definate advantages, for with it the author estimates the percentage of satisfied requirements of an adult person in nutrients with the consumption of products in an amount that corresponds to a definate portion of energy, 300 kcal, for example (which comprises roughly 10 per cent of an average diurnal requirement in energy). The energy variant of the score makes it possible to determine the "degree of completness" of the product's calories with essentian nutritional factors.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are an important group of chemical contaminants and food is the major vehicle for entry into the system. Fish constitute a major source of heavy metals in food. Concentration of heavy metals in commercially important species of fish, shellfish and fish products from fish markets in and around the Cochin area was evaluated using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The concentration ranges of Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, As, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Ni, and Se in the samples were <0.07–1, <0.07–1.32, <0.05–2.31, <0.05 to 3.65, <0.1–4.14, 0.6 to 165, 0.15 to 24, <0.02 to 0.85, <0.08 to 9.2, <0.032–1.38 and; <0.03–1.35 mg/kg, respectively. The present study showed that different metals were present in the samples at different levels but within the maximum residual levels prescribed by the EU and USFDA and the fish and shellfish from these areas, in general, are safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine how perceptions of food quality are explained by demographic and socio-economic features at the individual level. We analyze data from the 2010 Eurobarometer Special Survey on Risk Perception. By estimating ordered logit models, we find that women, older and more educated individuals are more interested about calories, safety and taste. Moreover, parents are more conscious about price, hunger satisfaction and safety, while managers care more about conviviality. Manual workers, house-persons and unemployed individuals are especially careful regarding prices. We also perform a Principal Component Analysis to investigate the unobserved drivers of individual responses.  相似文献   

The integration of smallholders into agricultural value chains is considered an important pathway for raising the welfare of farmers, including their food security. Distinct from literature that has mainly dwelt on smallholder integration in high-value and export-orientated agricultural value chains (AVCs), we focus on domestic, traditional AVCs, which are relevant to the majority of smallholders. Using primary household data from Kilosa and Chamwino districts in rural Tanzania, we examined the nature and extent of smallholder participation in traditional AVC activities and their associated welfare effects, focusing primarily on household food security. Cluster analysis was used to explore different smallholder livelihood activities and the extent of participation in traditional AVCs while propensity score matching and inverse probability weighted regression adjustment approaches were employed to analyze food security effects of various AVC activities. Results revealed that smallholders participate at varying levels in different AVC activities and their integration in traditional AVCs plays an important role in improving food security. Whereas other studies analyze only the impacts of participation in single AVC activities, we show the relevance of assessing the effects of multiple AVC activities on food security. Findings highlight the importance of promoting policies that enable effective vertical and horizontal integration of smallholder farmers into traditional AVC activities for enhanced food security and improved livelihoods.  相似文献   

The results of the investigation of 98124 samples of food products for pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria are presented. Among them there were 39711 meat, 4441 fish, 51240 milk and 2732 vegetable and fruit samples. Pathogenic bacteria were isolated in 2.93% samples, opportunistic bacteria in 5.6%. The opportunistic bacteria isolated from food products possessed multiple drug resistance which was determined by R-plasmids in 65.6%. The authors claim that the criteria should be elaborated for the estimation of epidemic hazard values of the opportunistic bacteria content in food products.  相似文献   

Jamison DT  Leslie J  Musgrove P 《Food and nutrition bulletin》2003,24(2):145-54; discussion 156-66
Malnutrition, as measured by anthropometric status, is a powerful risk factor for illness and elevated death rates throughout life. Understanding the relative importance of disease, dietary quantity, and dietary quality in causing malnutrition is therefore of major importance in the design of public policy. This paper contributes to the understanding of the relative importance of quantity and quality of diet by utilizing aggregate data to complement previously reported individual-level studies. Three compilations of anthropometric data--one involving subjects from 13 provinces in China, another involving subjects from 64 counties in China, and a third involving 41 populations in 40 countries--are used to examine the relative importance for human growth of inadequacies of dietary energy and protein. The analysis involves regressing average adult heights and weights against estimates of average energy and protein availability (by province, county, or country) and per capita incomes. We use protein availability in part as a marker for overall quality of the diet, while recognizing that protein is far from perfectly correlated with dietary fat or micronutrient availability. The paper discusses issues of both data quality and statistical methodology, and points to relevant resulting caveats to our conclusions. Subject to these limitations, all three analyses suggest that, at the levels of dietary intake in these populations, lower protein intake is related to growth failure whereas lower levels of energy availability are not. The protein effect appears stronger for males than for females.  相似文献   

以当前“乡村振兴战略”的提出与实施为契机,从哲学基础、文化内涵和时代表达3个维度分析了乡土食品的文化价值,在此基础上提出了当前乡土食品包装过程中应充分挖掘其文化内涵、坚持绿色、健康的生态设计理念,并从尊重个性化的设计伦理入手,积极探索乡土食品包装创新发展路径。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a large number of polyvinylchloride (PVC) lid gaskets exceed the existing migration limits for epoxidised soybean oil (ESBO) and correct prediction of ESBO release into food therefore appears to be a difficult issue. ESBO migration from PVC gaskets of metal closures into food simulants and food products from the Czech market is evaluated during a survey in 2009 and subsequently one in 2012 to assess progress in lid manufacturing and official testing conditions. ESBO migration from lids into various food simulants was studied at various temperatures (25, 40 and 60°C) during storage times up to 12 months. ESBO released into food simulants or food products was transmethylated, derivatised and analysed by GC-MS. The levels of ESBO migration in foodstuffs in 2012 exceeded the specific migration limit (SML) in fewer products in comparison with the previous survey. However, most of the products were analysed at a time far from the expiry date and exceedance of the SML at the end of the product shelf life is not therefore excluded. More severe test conditions (60°C for 10 days) for specific migration given by the current European Union legislation (Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011) still seem to be insufficient for the simulation of ESBO migration during long-term storage.  相似文献   

The data were summarized for the first time concerning the losses of the basic food substances (protein, fats, carbohydrates, Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C) and caloric value as a result of the different methods of culinary treatment: cooking, frying, stewing, baking, and so forth. It was shown that the greatest losses of vegetable foods are observed during frying, those of animal foods during cooking. It was also shown that the least losses of nutritive substances of vegetable foods are observed during cooking without water pouring off. The losses of nutritive substances of animal foods were minimal during stewing, baking and cooking in the form of cutlets. For rough estimation of the daily diet the losses during thermal culinary treatment may be assumed on the average as 6% (proteins), 12% (fats), 9% (carbohydrates), and 10% (the caloric value).  相似文献   

This paper concerns the patterns of food crop choice in a multicropping setting, in which production risk considerations and rainfall uncertainty are likely to be critical factors. The analysis employed plot level panel data from Ethiopia, combined with 30?year meteorological data corresponding to the survey villages used to construct seasonal and yearly rainfall variability. Using the single index approach, the riskiness of crop portfolio was constructed at a household level, taking into account the multicropping nature of the farming system. The combined riskiness of crops grown at a household level responded negatively to annual rainfall variability, with seasonal rainfall variability having a less consistent impact. Farmers are, therefore, more likely to select less risky crop portfolios even when intercrop interactions are taken into account.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(11):8718-8733
This study aimed to assess consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward dairy products from sheep and goats. A web-based survey was conducted in Latin America (Mexico and Chile), Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Denmark), and Asia (Bangladesh). From March to June 2021, adult participants answered an online survey available in 5 languages. In total, 1,879 surveys were completed. Categorical and ordinal data were analyzed as frequencies and percentages. To determine the relationship between the variables for purchasing and consumption behaviors of respondents who declared that they consume dairy products, a multiple correspondence analysis was carried out. Most completed surveys were from Mexico and Italy (30% and 33.7%, respectively). Most respondents were between 18 and 29 yr old, female, highly educated, and employed. The majority of respondents (70.8%) declared that they consume dairy products from small ruminants. Consumers preferred products from both sheep and goats (49.4%); however, it was observed that in Mexico, Denmark, and Bangladesh, more than 50% preferred goat dairy products. The most-consumed products were mature and fresh cheeses. Mature cheese was the most-preferred product in Chile; in Mexico, Italy, Greece, and Denmark, it was fresh cheese. Unlike the rest of the countries, in Bangladesh, dairy product consumption from small ruminants was observed by more than 30% of respondents. In Mexico, a higher percentage of people do not consume sheep or goat dairy products because they are unfamiliar with them. In Mexico, Chile, and Bangladesh, limited market availability was also a variable responsible for nonconsumption. In European and Asian countries, sheep and goat dairy products are not consumed because consumers dislike them, in addition to a greater awareness of sustainability and climate change issues. The multiple correspondence analysis defined 5 dimensions. Dimension 1 was associated with the geographic location of the respondent (country and continent), the type of milk (sheep or goat), and the consideration of well-being and health as characteristics associated with the consumption of dairy products from small ruminants. Dimension 2 was associated with the respondent's country of origin and the frequency of consumption. Dimension 3 was associated with gender, education, and employment status. Dimension 4 was associated with the respondent's age, the association of the “healthy” concept of sheep and goat dairy products, and the consideration of the nutritional benefits of dairy as responsible for considering them healthy. Dimension 5 was associated with a “strong smell and taste” of sheep and goat dairy products. This study showed that consumer attitudes toward dairy products from sheep and goats vary between continents. In conclusion, results showed consumer interest in animal welfare and environmental impact issues related to small ruminant farming as well as a general attraction to local products. It seems that these factors contribute to consumers' perception of the quality of dairy products, so the industry and select farmers should carefully consider incorporating them into their supply chain.  相似文献   

目的通过对2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量进行分析,进而了解昆明市市售乳制品中总砷污染情况。方法按照GB/T 5009.11-2014《食品安全国家标准食品中总砷及无机砷含量测定》中所述的湿法消解-原子荧光光谱法进行检测分析,根据GB 2762-2012《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》对乳制品中总砷含量标准进行评价。结果 2013年共抽检样品120份,其中巴氏消毒乳20份,灭菌乳36份,发酵乳64份。共有8份样品检出总砷,检出率6.7%;1份样品含量超标,超标率0.8%。其中巴氏消毒乳、灭菌乳、发酵乳的检出率分别为:0%、2.8%、10.9%,超标率分别为0%、0%、1.6%。结论 2013年昆明市市售乳制品中总砷含量检出率较低,砷的污染程度不严重,处于安全水平。  相似文献   

Resilience—the capacity that ensures adverse stressors and shocks do not have long-lasting adverse consequences—has become a key topic in both scholarly and policy debates. More recently some international organizations have proposed the use of resilience to analyze food and nutrition security. The objective of the paper is twofold: (i) analyze what the determinants of household resilience to food insecurity are and (ii) assess the role played by household resilience capacity on food security outcomes. The dataset employed in the analysis is a panel of three waves of household surveys recently collected in Tanzania and Uganda. First, we estimated the FAO’s Resilience Capacity Index (RCI), combining factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Then probit models were estimated to test whether the resilience is positively related to future food security outcomes and recovery capacity after a shock occurs. In both countries, the most important dimension contributing to household resilience was adaptive capacity, which in turn depended on the level of education and on the proportion of income earners to total household members. Furthermore, household resilience was significantly and positively related to future household food security status. Finally, households featuring a higher resilience capacity index were better equipped to absorb and adapt to shocks.  相似文献   

The method of determination of indicative flavonoids of propolis has been developed. The method is applicable for the standardization and estimation of quality and origin of raw propolis and propolis-containing food products, food dietary supplements (FDS) and drugs. The method allows to determine the concentration and composition of individual flavonoids on the background of complicated matrix of food products and FDS. The detection limit amounted 0, 1% (for chrysin). 20 samples of propolis from different regions and 12 samples of propolis-enriched food products and FDS were investigated by proposed method.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for biomass for energy use is further escalating existing food security risks. Managing these risks is a task for global institutions. These should ensure timely investment in the world’s capacity for producing biomass and balance the use of this biomass for foods and for non-foods. To achieve this, institutional arrangements for global food markets must fulfil two important goals: reduce the short-term price instability of food markets and prevent a structural scarcity of food in the long term. This paper analyses how agro-food markets, energy markets and biofuel markets are currently regulated. As this regulation is ill-suited to manage food price instabilities and balance food and non-food use of biomass, new institutions need to be put in place. A coordinated system of global commodity management — not unlike the Commodity Control Organization proposed by Keynes for the post-WWII era — is proposed to deal with these coming challenges.  相似文献   

Cell wall materials (CWM) are natural constituents of fruits and vegetables. They are added in a growing extent to foods as health ingredients to create innovative products (functional food). CWM or dietary fibres, respectively, have both physiological and technological functional properties, which are considerably modified during the dietary fibre preparation, during the incorporation of the dietary fibre ingredients into foods and generally during processing. Process-dependent external stress and the influence of internal conditions induce changes of the physico-chemical properties of the food constituents (such as particle size and shape, porosity, water binding and structure-forming as well as texturization properties). These changes affect or determine the technological functional, the material and the physiological properties. To evaluate the alterations of structure and properties of plant cell walls during processing without disturbing influences CWM-water-model suspensions and cell wall preparations, carefully dried after a water-ethanol-exchange, can be used. Such model studies and investigations for the improved manufacture of dietary fibre preparations as well as dried fruit and vegetable products show that both the pre-drying treatments (addition of salt, sugar, polysaccharides and surfactants) and the drying step itself considerably influence the extent of shrinkage, cell wall stiffening as well as cell collapse and glass transition. In pre-drying treatments variations of the degree of methoxylation of the pectin component and/or cation charging can be made which cause a pre-formation of structures and/or states of matter that determine essentially the drying process. The ability of rehydration plays an important role for the application and utilization of dried CWM and dietary fibre preparations as well as of dried fruit and vegetable products. The rehydration process is achieved by the plasticizing effect of water, the temperature influence and the external stress, e.g. by stirring, and is supposed to reverse the state transitions, resulting from drying. By application in foods the rehydration of the CWM and dietary fibre preparations can contribute to the formation of texture (texturization). The texturization caused by CWM depends not only on processing and internal conditions but also essentially on the concentration, size, shape, stiffness and deformability of the particles as well as their water binding properties (amount and strength). The investigations show that improved technologies for the production of cell wall and dietary fibre preparations as well as innovative foods with selectively adjusted functional properties require a fundamental understanding of the changes in structure and properties, caused by processing. Furthermore, a well coordinated cooperation of different scientific disciplines using information technology is necessary for a successful development of innovative dietary fibre enriched products.  相似文献   

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