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陈静 《砖瓦》2021,(4):24-26
在黏土等原料中掺入来自钨矿矿山的尾矿副产物,经配料、制坯、成坯、焙烧,可制成高强度的烧结黏土砖,而且可着色,使砖的色相多样化,另添加氧化锌或锌化合物,还使其具有自洁性.  相似文献   

周忠华 《砖瓦》2021,(2):15-18
在制砖用黏土中按所定范围内的粒径和用量掺入废耐火砖粒料来制砖,砖不仅可获得不同等级的抗压强度,特别是高抗压强度,而且达到所需的吸水率.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾大量排放已成为一个新的污染源。经分析,城市生活垃圾组成中的相当部分极适合制砖,且具有一定的热值,用其制砖是无害化综合处理垃圾的一条有效途径。介绍了垃圾的构成,制砖工艺。  相似文献   

Bricks made of 50% wt. harbour sediments from Bremen, Germany, harbour sediment and nine commercial bricks made of common raw materials were leached in various experiments. The harbour sediment is polluted with heavy metals, e.g. Zn, Cd, Pb and organic compounds, e.g. tributyltin. To assess the environmental impact in the potential use of sediment bricks we consider the influence of pH (4-11) and grain size (50-30 000 microm), the two prime variables in the life-cycle of the bricks. Leachability of trace contaminants increased at acidic pH values and remained low at neutral and alkaline pH values. Leachability increased for smaller grain sizes in relation to the increasing specific surface areas. Grain sizes below 63 microm showed reverse effects for V, Cr, Ni, As, Sr, Mo and Pb due to sorption on the sample material or freshly precipitated phases such as barite, anhydrite or cuprous ferrite. A grain-size fraction of 125-1000 microm was selected in the leaching tests in order to compare different brick types. In general, the leachability of heavy metals from the sediment brick was in the upper range of the commercial bricks. At a temperature of 1050 degrees C thermal treatment of harbour sediments led to an immobilization of most trace contaminants. Chromium, V, As and Mo became even more mobile after thermal treatment, but the enhanced mobilization of V, As and Mo differed strongly among the bricks compared.  相似文献   

杨斌 《门窗》2005,(1):2-5
1 引言 经国家发改委批准,由浙江省新型墙体材料行业协会与建筑材料工业技术监督研究中心负责组织有关单位参加起草的JC 943-2004<混凝土多孔砖>强制性行业标准已于2004年11月1日起实施.  相似文献   

盛利 《门窗》2004,(4):13-15
电子表格因其强大的数据分析、处理功能和方便的表格设计能力而被广泛运用.在GB 5101-2003&lt;烧结普通砖&gt;检测中,大量的原始检测数据需要处理.运用Excel处理和判断就非常方便,大大地节省了数据处理时间,提高了工作效率和准确性.现将GB 5101-2003&lt;烧结普通砖&gt;检测项目中的“尺寸偏差“、“强度“和“抗风化性能“数据处理和判断程序编制过程介绍如下.……  相似文献   

The problem of lime bursting in brick manufacture is acute in some parts of India and elsewhere — fired bricks turn into powder when exposed to the atmosphere, due to the presence of lime particles. Work at the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, has concentrated on the mechanism by which chlorides can prevent this.  相似文献   

充分利用我国煤矸石资源,发展煤矸石烧结多孔砖,可节煤、节地,降低建筑能耗,减少SO2气体和CO2排放,产生的巨大经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

近两年来,我市共筹集资金6000多万元,按区域发展重点建成了4条年产3000万块标准砖以上的现代化节能型煤矸石模数多孔砖生产线,基本实现规模化、系列化、标准化的生产要求。对原有的墙材企业,也根据发展规划要求,采取改造、完善、提高等步骤,使其产品质量达标。通过两年多的实践,我市在利用煤矸石制砖方面有了一些粗浅体会,探索到一些带规律性的认识。1用煤矸石制砖机理复杂,技术难度大1.1工艺流程落后,设备不过关20世纪70年代以来,我市试图用生产实心黏土砖的工艺设备生产煤矸石砖。由于粉碎设备不过关,原料处…  相似文献   

A number of brick-clay specimens sintered by traditional and fast cycles, was studied by acoustic emission during three-point bending. Acoustic behaviour was connected with structure development. Acoustic emission activity was generally increased with an increase of sintering temperature as a result of the development of a stronger structure. Specimens sintered by the fast sintering programs, remaining for short period of time at 850, 950 and 1050°C maximum temperatures and then furnace cooled to room temperature, were much more acoustically active compared with specimens sintered traditionally at similar temperatures. Examination in repeated loading showed an absence of the Kaiser effect. During the second loading, major acoustic activity was shown from the beginning of the second loading, indicating a low Felicity ratio. The behaviour of brick-clay specimens during acoustic examination under loading could give useful information about the strength, structure and the sintering techniques used during manufacturing of bricks, tiles and similar products.  相似文献   

通过对烧结砖中化学成分的分析,应用一元一次方程和二元一次方程组的解法,分别对烧结砖中单掺、双掺的废渣计算进行探讨。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(3):232-237
Vertically perforated bricks were developed with a view to building environmentally friendly houses since they make insulating materials unnecessary. By an experimental approach, this study proposes to analyze the propagation of a temperature signal in this kind of brick, in order to characterize the thermal inertia of the brick. The steady-state knowledge is completed by the determination of properties like influence functions or characteristic depth concerned by a surface temperature variation. This allows to validate a simple unsteady surface model to be validated for this heterogeneous material which is classified as an insulating structural material. Furthermore, this study supplements the steady-state knowledge in local heat transfer through the air layers of the brick. Indeed, it is verified that convection heat transfer can be ignored in an unsteady heat transfer in this kind of brick, even in extreme conditions such as a sudden temperature fall.  相似文献   

在全国170个限时禁用实心黏土砖的城市中,广东省有34个,比例达20%。可以说,广东能否按时完成“禁实”目标,影响着国家“禁实”工作的全局。“九五”期间,广东没有达到国家“九五”规划提出的新型墙材使用率28%的要求,墙材革新工作发展缓慢,地区发展不平衡,在全国处于比较落后的位置。因此,要实现限时“禁实”的目标,任务十分艰巨。为了加快全省“禁实”工作的步伐,3月27日,广东召开了全省禁止使用实心黏土砖工作座谈会,研究加快开展“禁实”工作的措施和办法。国家经贸委和建设部的有关负责同志参加了座谈会。广州、深圳这两个“禁实”工作走在前头的城市介绍了他们的经验。我们欣喜地看到广东正在行动。我们真诚地期望广东这个全国的经济大省打一场漂亮的“禁实”攻坚战。  相似文献   

截至2001年底,浙江省列入国家170个限时“禁实”城市名单的10个大中城市已提前实现目标。从2002年7月1日起,全省县政府所在地的城镇实施“禁实”。从2003年7月1日起,全省建制镇以上的城镇实施“禁实”。从以上几个时间数字可知,浙江省的“禁实”工作走在全国前列。在提前完成国家规定目标任务后,浙江已在全省范围纵深推进“禁实”工作。由省经贸委、省建设厅于4月16日联合召开的全省禁用实心黏土砖工作会议奏响了全面启动全省中小城镇“禁实”战役的号角。那么,他们是如何提前达到国家要求的,新的战役他们将如何获胜,我们试图通过以下的文章告诉读者。  相似文献   

<正>在与世界各地的救援人员进行交谈时,我时常会问他们这样的问题:"在有人被困在车内的车辆事故中你们首先要做什么?"。他们中大部分人常常(像看傻瓜一样看着我)回答说"拿工具进行破拆,然后将被困人员救出"。当然了,他们的回答是错误的。的确,解救是救援工作中的重要步骤之一。然而,没有经验的救援人员所不理解、而有经验的救援人员  相似文献   

本文通过试验确定了生产石膏尾矿砖的配合比及CaO和外加剂的最佳掺量,研究了养护方式对砖强度的影响及石膏尾矿砖的生产工艺,并对其物理力学性能作了测定与分析。  相似文献   

详细分析了空心砖在生产中常出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

The technical quality of two compositionally different groups of solid bricks fired between 800 and 1000 °C was evaluated. Five weight percentage of fly ash was added to both groups and they were compared with similar bricks with no added fly ash.The textures of the bricks with fly ash were very similar to the textures of those without it, except that the samples with the additive contained spherical fly ash particles with diameters ranging from 0.1 to 10 μm. These particles led to a reduction in the density of the bricks and a substantial improvement in their durability, with less decay being caused by salt crystallization in the pores. This is because fly ash causes a reduction in the number of micropores, the pores that make porous materials most vulnerable to salt-induced decay. Use of this additive could have practical implications as a means of recycling and for achieving cost savings in brick production.  相似文献   

内燃砖内燃料发热量的确定及其应用中有关问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李庆繁  王凤年 《砖瓦》2005,(3):34-37
文章简要介绍了燃料发热量的基本知识及新国标<煤质分析方法的一般规定>(GB/T483--1998)中与其有关的问题,在此基础上阐明了内燃砖内燃料的发热量,应以内燃料燃烧放出的实际热量用于砖烧成的热量为科学依据,进行科学合理的确定.  相似文献   

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